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A Maid for the Titan (TITANS, #2)

Page 8

by Lazu, Sotia

  Hyperion blinked to the door and caught her as her knees buckled. He willed himself to his human size again and helped her to one of the armchairs in the room. He knelt beside her and took her hand. “I’ve been trying to figure out how to tell you since last night.”

  “Twenty-something hours, and this was what you came up with?” She huffed and propped her head on one hand, her elbow on the arm of her seat.

  Biting back his laugh, he brought the other armchair over and sat, facing her. “I know. I’m sorry. That’s why I wanted to wait till tomorrow.”

  “Yeah, blame me because you’re... you’re...”

  “A Titan.”

  She gave him a half-smile. “I was gonna say a freak, but okay.”

  She was joking. This was a good sign, right? “You’re taking this better than I expected.”

  “Well, either you’re a Titan, or I’m nuts. I’m opting for the scenario that doesn’t land me in the loony bin.” She gasped. “Or maybe I’m asleep. Yes. I’m asleep, and this is my subconscious, telling me to run.”


  She went on like he hadn’t spoken. “I mean, you’re amazing in bed—”

  “And in the shower,” Hyperion supplied.

  Olivia nodded. “And in the shower. Whatever. But you come with baggage, and this is my sign not to get tangled with you. More tangled.”

  It was so very late for that, and Hyperion had heard enough. He leaned forward and took her free hand in both of his. “This is not a dream, Olivia. You are not asleep. I am a Titan. The diamonds I used as money, I forged with my own hands. My hands that have shaped mountains. And people do what I say because I can manipulate human minds.”

  She snatched away her hand. “So you did mess with my mind. That’s why I gave in to your advances so easily.”

  He could get mad, or he could laugh at her. The second was safer for everyone involved. Hyperion laughed, and the room shook. “You gave in because you couldn’t resist me. Because you wanted me and still do. Yesterday morning, when you ran out on me, I tried to compel you to come back.”

  Her eyes widened. “I heard it. I wanted to come to you. Considered having sex with you in the corridor.”

  “But then you left. My compulsion doesn’t work on you. I can’t probe or make you do what I want. All I can do is project suggestions to you or pick up your most intense thoughts, and that only seems to work if you are already aroused. By me.” He focused on sending her a scene from when they were in the shower, with him savoring her juices, and was surprised to see her squirm. Even now, she was drawn to him. “See? You want me, so you saw what I sent you.”

  Olivia stood so fast, her knees hit his. “I need to get out of here.” She looked at him pointedly.

  He was between her and the door. He stood and moved his chair out of the way. “Please don’t leave,” he said. “This changes nothing. I still want you, and I still need you.” He hurried to add, “To help me acclimate. I haven’t lived in a society since the Olympians were in power.”

  She looked at the ceiling. The floor. The bed. When her gaze returned to him, her posture was no longer subdued. She crossed her arms, the sheet still magically in place. “I can’t trust myself around you. I need to not be here tonight.”

  Hyperion’s heart constricted at the wide berth she gave him as she scurried out the door. Why couldn’t she see she was safe with him? That he—

  “Olivia,” he bellowed, and the windows rattled until one of the glass panes erupted inward.

  Was she safe, when he could barely contain his powers? A second window shattered. He couldn’t run after her until he put a lid on his inner turmoil.

  Squeezing his eyes shut, he focused on calming himself down. He could do this. He had to, if he ever wanted his woman back in his arms.

  He no longer scoffed at the notion. Olivia was his.

  The painting that hung over the bed fell. The shaking continued. Was it only this room, or was it spreading? Hyperion didn’t dare leave, to check. Destruction would follow him until he had himself under control. If only Atlas were here. He could command the earth as well as Hyperion did, but had none of his quick temper and could balance him out.

  Atlas was probably still in the dark depths of the Ocean. Along with the rest of their kind.

  And Hyperion was chasing after a mortal, instead of trying to find them.

  Not any mortal. His soulmate.

  He knew in his gut that this woman was meant for him, and once he’d convinced her too, he could help his brothers rise. Besides, being near them wouldn’t be safe until he had bonded with his soulmate, according to Eros.

  Eros. He’d offered help.

  Hyperion covered the distance to his nightstand in two strides and pressed 2 on the cell phone the god of love had given him. He brought it to his ear, and sighed when he heard Eros’ voice.

  “You’ve reached the God of Love. If I’m not picking up, I’m somewhere saving the known universe. Or getting laid. For emergencies, press 1.”

  Oh for Chaos’ sake! Hyperion pressed 1 and got a busy tone. Nice. Circe was supposed to be 3 on his phone. He kept the number pressed and waited.

  “This is Circe. Please describe the exact nature of your issue after the beep.”

  “I can’t stop,” Hyperion yelled. “I need your help, before this gets out of control.” He ended the call and stared at the phone, willing it to ring.

  The tremors subsided. Was that Circe? How powerful a witch was she?

  No time to think of that. He should find Olivia. If the damage spread, she could be hurt.

  He pushed the door of his room, and when it didn’t open, kicked it down. So what if it was made to swing inward? It was one more thing between him and Olivia. A glance around the suite living room showed no damage. The earthquake must have been localized. Good. She was safe.

  “Olivia?” He blinked to her room, but she wasn’t there.

  Where had she gone, practically naked?

  Christina. Where did Christina live?

  Hyperion skimmed through Vangelis’ memories, but he’d never been to the girl’s room. He growled and tossed the phone on the couch, lest he throw it out the nearest window, and then blinked to the lobby. He stomped his bare feet to Reception, impervious to the looks he got from hotel guests and staff alike. “Olivia Johnson. Did you see her?” he asked the man behind the counter.

  “I did, but I can’t tell you where she went, sir. She seemed upset. And if I may say so, you’re naked and scaring the guests.” His loyalty would be admirable if it weren’t annoying.

  Hyperion glanced at the man’s nametag. “Show me, Kostas,” he ordered and entered the man’s thoughts. Olivia had asked him for a key to her old room, where Christina now stayed alone. Thanks to Kostas, Hyperion knew where that was.

  He took the stairs down one floor and hurried to Christina’s door. He should rip it off its hinges and get his soulmate, but he’d done enough damage for one day, especially to his relationship with her.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Olivia’s chest heaved. She couldn’t get her breathing under control, and it wasn’t because she’d run the forty feet from the elevator to the room while trying not to step on the sheet she wore as a chiton.

  Hyperion was a Titan. The real, actual kind that was the root for the adjective.

  He had been a statue. He could move the earth. He made diamonds with his bare palms.

  He made her come, repeatedly.

  He was scary. Unstoppable.

  She wanted him.

  “Fuck,” she said, not for the first time.

  Christina sat on her heels, watching her. “Honey, please tell me what happened. Did Hyperion attack you? Should I call the police?”

  Olivia shook her head. “No. No police.”

  “But he did attack you?” Christina’s usually playful gaze turned murderous. “I can’t believe I liked him. Where is he? I’m going to give him a piece of my mind.” She dug into her purse and fished out a ve
ry illegal can of pepper spray. “Mr. Titanas is going down. I’ll call Manolis, to keep you company, and then Hyperion’s ass is mine.”

  This new, fierce side of Christina was thrilling, but also more than a little funny, considering her petite, curvy frame and large, innocent, blue eyes. Olivia was amazed to hear herself laugh. “Sit down, Rambo. You don’t have to kick anyone’s ass tonight. Anything I did with Hyperion was consensual. It was the talking, afterward, that screwed things up.”

  As she said the words, she knew them to be true. She hadn’t been coerced into giving Hyperion her body. She’d wanted him since she’d met him. But had that all been her?

  It must have. If he could control her, he’d have made her his that first morning. Hell, she’d still be in the suite with him now, unable to run away.

  But just because he couldn’t didn’t mean he hadn’t tried. And he’d had no compunction telling her so. Ugh. Was that good or bad? It made him honest, but not ethical.

  Christina snapped her fingers in front of Olivia’s face. “You still with me? Did he drug you?”

  His lovemaking could be considered a drug. It was certainly addictive. “I’m fine. Honest,” Olivia said. “He told me some things about his past, and I freaked out.”

  “Ooh, so he was in jail?” Christina hopped to her feet and planted her hands on her hips.

  Olivia chewed on her bottom lip. “Sorta.”

  “You can’t talk about it?” Christina clapped her hands. “Is he CIA? FBI?”

  “Yeah, because he’s so obviously American.”

  “Right. What’s the name of the Greek secret service?”

  Olivia rolled her eyes. “He isn’t in any secret service, and I can’t tell you more about it.” Was that so Christina wouldn’t think Olivia was crazy, or to protect Hyperion? And should she be hiding the true nature of a man who could destroy a city at a whim? Shouldn’t she be turning him in to the authorities? But what authorities could contain him?

  Heavy steps sounded outside the door, and after a moment, knuckles rapped against the wood. “Olivia? I know you’re in there. Please open the door.”

  “Should I tell him to leave?” Christina asked in a hushed tone.

  Olivia doubted that would stop him. “He’ll probably huff and puff and tear the door down.”

  Christina arched an eyebrow. “If he’s the big bad wolf, we could do with reinforcements. Are you sure I shouldn’t call the cops?”

  “Olivia, let me in. I need to talk to you,” Hyperion called out. He sounded patient, but Olivia sensed his urgency.

  “Come in,” she said. He would anyway, if he decided to. No door could keep out this man. This Titan.

  The door swung open hard enough to hit the wall, and Hyperion stepped inside the room, naked like a newborn and hung like a horse.

  So not looking at that thing.

  “You didn’t have to run. I told you I would never hurt you,” he said.

  “Don’t get any closer, mister.” Christina stepped to Olivia’s side and rested a hand on her shoulder.

  “Is everyone hard of hearing today?” Hyperion asked the ceiling. “I do not wish to hurt Olivia. I love her.”

  Olivia felt her jaw go slack. “You what?”

  “I love you. I was created to love you. You and I are supposed to be together, for my existence to make sense. If I’m not with you, I might as well be a slab of rock again.”

  His existence might make sense, but his words sure didn’t.

  Christina squeaked, “Again?”

  Olivia narrowed her eyes at Hyperion. “You’ve only known me for a day.”

  He scowled. “You can’t tell me you’re not feeling this... this connection between us. I’m ancient, Olivia. Eternal. And yet I’ve never felt for a female, mortal or divine, the way I feel about you.”

  Christina’s eyes were open impossibly wide. She looked as shocked as Olivia felt.

  Olivia swallowed around the lump in her throat. "I... I can’t..." Return his feelings? Say the words? Sleep with him again, when she knew he could be as big as a house and possibly crush her in one fist? “I just can’t.”

  “Look into my eyes and tell me you don’t want me.” His voice brooked no argument.

  She met his gaze, trying for defiant. His warm, amber-gold eyes melted her resistance, though. “I do, God help me.”

  “Then stop fighting it.” Hyperion glowed with an ethereal light so bright, she had to shield her eyes.

  When the light dimmed, she saw him look at Christina, his brow furrowed. “You will forget what you witnessed tonight,” he said.

  Christina snorted. “Yeah... That’s not happening, dude. What are you?”

  Olivia ran her tongue along her dry lips. “He’s a Titan. Original version.” Christina had heard enough; there was no hiding from her at this point.

  “Huh.” Christina crossed her arms over her chest. “And where can I get me one of those?”

  Hyperion roared with laughter. “At the bottom of the sea, most likely, but I’ll save you one if I find them.”

  This was too surreal. Olivia needed time and space, to process. She stood and held out an arm toward the door. “Hyperion—”

  She didn’t get to ask him to leave. He wrapped an arm around her legs, threw her over his shoulder, and turned to Christina. “I promise she’ll be safe with me.”

  “You’d better keep that promise, if you don’t want me going to the media with this.”

  He nodded and carried Olivia out of there.

  Why wasn’t she fighting him? Why wasn’t she demanding to be let go?

  Because deep down, she wanted nothing more than to have him inside her once more— filling her, stretching her to this side of pain, and driving her to ecstasy. And maybe his declaration of love spoke to something primal inside her. It wasn’t hormones, drawing her to him. Oxytocin wasn’t affecting her thoughts.

  She was in love with him too.

  Chapter Fourteen

  She didn’t say she loved him, but she didn’t deny it, either. She only said it was too soon—and wasn’t it? They’d only been together a few hours.

  But he’d waited for her five thousand years.

  “Can you put me down? I’m getting lightheaded,” she said.

  “Hold on.” Hyperion waited for the elevator doors to open and helped her to her feet inside the car. Now she wasn’t going anywhere.

  “I’m not going to run again,” she said as if she read his mind. “Not like I can get far in this.” She held up one end of the sheet covering her body. One of her breasts was exposed, and Hyperion reached for it without thinking about it.

  Olivia followed his hand with her gaze but didn’t move to cover herself or shy from his touch.

  He rolled her nipple between his fingers and looked into her eyes. “I can’t stop touching you.” Cupping her breast with his palm, he leaned in to swipe his tongue over the hardened nipple.

  She shivered visibly. “Tell me more.”

  Hyperion squared his shoulders. “What do you want to know?” If she asked about his imprisonment or what freed him, he’d tell her the truth.


  He groaned and hit his head back against the wall. He didn’t feel like talking about the loneliness and hopelessness that had been his existence for centuries, so he’d talk about his feelings for her. “You’ve taken over my thoughts. I should be roaming the seas, searching for my brothers, but instead I want to spend a lifetime between your legs. I want to hear you moan and know I pulled that sound out of you. I want to make you happy, and I want to possess you absolutely. I love you.”

  She sucked in her bottom lip. “We’re almost at our floor.” She slammed her open palm on the elevator controls, and the car came to an abrupt stop. “I don’t know what you’re doing to me,” she said, “but I’m done trying to figure it out.”

  What was she saying? Was she giving in to him? Did she accept this undeniable attraction between them went beyond physical desire?

>   She dropped to her knees and wrapped her fingers around his shaft. Bewildered, Hyperion watched as she moistened her lips with her tongue and laid a wet kiss on the tip of his cock.

  Uranus. Seeing Olivia on her knees like this, the submissiveness in her position, made the blood hammer in his temples.

  She timidly pressed another kiss to his length. Did she know what to do, or was this a first for her?

  “Have you done this before?” Hyperion fought to keep the jealousy from his voice.

  Olivia shook her head and traced a circle with her tongue around the bell end.

  He growled at the wet heat teasing him, and fisted both hands in her hair. “Open your mouth, sweet Olivia.”

  Her lips formed an O, and he pulled her so she pressed them to the head of his cock.

  “Wider,” he said.

  She did as he ordered, lips stretched over her teeth, and Hyperion held her in place while he wedged his cock through them. Ananke, this was a tight fit.

  Olivia tapped her tongue against the underside of his shaft. Rubbed it at the ridges the veins formed. Sucked so hard her cheeks hollowed.

  He wanted to thrust all the way in, but he might choke her. “Suck,” he barked.

  She dug her nails in the backs of his thighs. The sheet had fallen off her body, allowing him a perfect view of her creamy breasts as she took more of his length in her mouth.

  He pulled back and drove forward again, hitting the back of her throat. Her eyes watered, but she pressed at his ass, keeping him from withdrawing.

  Hyperion let her dictate how deep he went this time.

  Olivia swallowed around him. Gaia, she was taking him down her throat.

  His loins were on fire. He ached to pump inside her mouth hard and fast, until he sated his need.

  And then she stopped.

  Hyperion looked at her, incredulous, as she stood, gave him a cheeky grin, and said, “The rest of that comes after we talk.” She pressed the button to their floor.

  The elevator started with a jerk, and Olivia leaned on the wall across from him, looking very satisfied with herself.


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