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Rise of the Whiteface Order

Page 29

by M. A. Torres

  Then the garage door rose. The Whiteface Knights exchanged a panicked glance.

  “I can’t use my power!” screamed Dahlia.

  Standing on the driveway was a woman dressed in black—her long dark hair wrapped around her head and face, just as Sylvia had described. She approached them, slowly raising her arms, her hands slowly brightening.

  The Whiteface Knights turned their attention towards the unexpected foe.

  She fired a light beam towards Shade, who raised his dark blade to meet it head-on. His blade’s darkness devoured her light, but she continued, and shot another beam with her opposite hand. It connected, but his mask was protection, and the proposed effect did not occur.

  “You stand no match, whoever you are!” shouted Shade.

  Dahlia, Spade, and Squall rushed forward, their dark weapons in hand. They surrounded their mysterious new foe. Squall swung his scythe and Spade slashed with his curved blade. The woman stepped back and deflected their strikes with her flashes of light.

  The Whiteface Knights’ attack was purposeful and effortless, wielding their weapons with as much skill as Jey had wielded Flameclaw. No doubt, these warriors were trained in their use, or their black blades amplified their ability as Flameclaw and Tombstone amplified Kevin and Jake’s. But the mysterious dark lady was just as proficient, her bright hands deflecting every strike of their dark blades.

  Shade dashed forward and joined the fight.

  “Come...” Kevin whispered to Gabby and Tara. The intruders seemed distracted, and a path had opened into his house. He took them by the hand.

  Dahlia turned and spotted them. She pulled a dagger from her belt—its blade as dark as her companions—and lunged forward, catching Gabby by her hair. Gabby flailed her elbow and connected with Dahlia’s masked face. She fell back but pulled Gabby down with her, by her hair.

  The two struggled on the floor, fighting for the dagger as the others battled behind them—flares of light clashing with blades of black.

  “TARA, KEVIN, RUN!” Gabby hollered as she wrestled with Dahlia.

  Tara was in tears. She tried to pull away from Kevin and back towards Gabby, but Kevin held on. He dragged her into the house and back to his room. He opened his window, then knelt beside her.

  “Tara, I need you to run to the neighbors. Tell them to call the police!” He gave her his phone.

  Tara nodded; her eyes wet with tears.

  Kevin grabbed Flameclaw and rushed to the door.

  “Where are you going?” his sister asked, but he had left the room.

  Dahlia was on her feet, standing over Gabby as the others battled behind her.

  Kevin dashed in, a burning Flameclaw in hand. He swung hard and caught the edge of Dahlia’s white mask, shattering it in half. Then he spun and swung again, catching Dahlia’s robes. They caught fire, the flames spreading up her cloak a moment later. She ran out of the garage, her burning arms flailing about.

  Shade caught sight and rushed towards her. He patted her body—trying desperately to put out the flames.

  Spade and Squall were still engaged with the tiring dark lady. Her posture was slouched, and her light was dimming. She deflected the scythe and curved blade just as they came, but the masked warriors had driven her onto one knee.

  Kevin sprinted forward, helm on his head, a burning Flameclaw in his hand, and a hideous Rudolph sweater upon his chest, its huge red nose bouncing up and down with each step. He engaged Spade, meeting his curved blade with his in a flurry of strikes which lit up the driveway in yellow and orange. Spade was skilled with his blade, though, and the clash was an even one, neither gaining the upper hand.

  Kevin swung left, then right, then he struck diagonally and spun and parried. Spade deflected but backed away and stumbled.

  The howl of incoming police sirens filled the air. Squall towered over the dark lady, who was still on her knees. He swung his scythe before her, catching her across her chest. She collapsed to the ground.

  The lights from the neighbors’ yards went on, and commotion could be heard from the surrounding homes. Squall looked at Shade, who had just put out Dahlia’s flames, her cloak smoking and withered.

  “I’m hurt... my arms are burnt...” she cried, her mask broken, exposing her mouth and left cheek.

  Shade looked for the others. “Spade, Squall!” He flicked his finger, then he and Dahlia ran off into the darkness. Spade disengaged from Kevin and he and Squall sprinted into the darkness of the neighboring backyards. Kevin stood ready to give chase but noticed the dark lady limping towards his garage, hunched over and holding her chest. He hurried towards her and found Gabby sprawled on the floor, shaking.

  Kevin rushed to her side.

  “She g... g... got me...” Gabby murmured. Her neck was withering and changing color.

  “What? Where?” he hollered.

  “On my side... with her knife...”

  Kevin lifted her sweater. Her thorax was wrinkled wood.

  “NO! NO! NO! NO!” he shouted.

  “What’s happening to me?” she cried, her eyes glossed with tears.

  “Gabby?” It was Tara standing at the doorway. Her bottom lip quivered with shock.

  “Tara! I told you to go to the neighbors!” scolded Kevin.

  “I called the police just like you said. But I had to stay just in case you needed my help! What’s happening to her?”

  Kevin shook his head. He knew what this meant. He had witnessed it back in Derathiel—the horrid affliction that turned the living into twisted wood. Now it was here, in his hometown, killing his friends. He gazed at Tara. His sister should not bear witness to what awaited Gabby in her imminent moments.

  “Tara, go back inside!”

  But Tara did not listen. She gasped—her eyes wide and glued on someone else. Kevin spun to find the dark lady standing behind him. She knelt beside Gabby and placed her right hand upon her wound. Then, she lowered her head.

  Her hair was straight, black, and tightly wound around her head and neck. Her eyes were shut, but the skin around them was light and young. She wore a black bodysuit, made of a material resembling black leather. The gash was wide and deep across her chest, but she did not bleed—instead, the gash glimmered like wet jelly filled with golden glitter.

  Her hand brightened, and the wood-like appearance of Gabby’s skin began to fade. Gabby gasped and trembled. Her stare was blank and still. Then, she gave a painful moan. The dark lady placed her other hand upon her neck. The soft light spread through Gabby’s skin, resolving the twisted wood infection. A moment later, the life and purpose returned to her eyes. The dark lady released her touch, and she collapsed onto her back.

  Gabby looked around. She sat up, holding her head, and sobbing softly. Kevin hugged her—an embrace which spoke of fear, panic, and relief. Tara joined them, and they lingered in embrace as the sirens grew louder.

  “What just happened?” she asked, but Kevin had no inkling on how to answer.

  “How do you feel?”

  “Better... like myself.”

  Kevin turned, prepared to thank the dark lady, but she was gone.

  “Where did she go? The lady in black?”

  Gabby opened her eyes and looked around. “I don’t know. She was just here, wasn’t she?”

  “I didn’t see her leave, I had my eyes closed,” said Tara.

  Kevin hurried to his driveway and scanned his surroundings. The mysterious lady was nowhere to be seen. Only the Robinson’s were out, their neighbors to the right, investigating the sudden commotion. The older couple stood by their driveway in their evening robes, looking concerned.

  “Everything all right out there?” asked Mr. Robinson.

  “Yes, sir. Everything’s fine, thank you.”

  Just then, the police cars turned onto their street.

  Thank God for the sirens. They saved us.

  Kevin knelt before his sister. “Tara, Gabby, we can’t tell the police about what happened. Tell them about the intruders, but not
about the magic you just saw. They won’t believe us.”

  Gabby nodded.

  Tara was still sobbing. She looked up with teary eyes. “Don’t worry, Kevin. I won’t tell them how you fought them off with your fire sword...”

  Chapter Twenty-Seven:


  “I saw everything,” Tara informed.

  Gabby placed a reassuring arm around her.

  Kevin was speechless. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. “Tara, please, you can’t tell Mom about my fire sword either,” he whispered.

  “Why not? Don’t you think she’ll be proud?”

  “No. She’ll get scared and take the sword away.”

  Tara looked at him with uncertainty.

  “Please, Tara. She cannot know. I’m a knight who fights bad guys, and if Mom finds out she will stop me from doing it, then the bad guys will win.”

  Gabby’s eyes widened.

  Tara was still unsure. “So, you wanna keep a secret from Mom?”

  “Yes. I know it’s a naughty thing to do, but it’s very important.”

  “Or else she won’t let you fight the bad guys.”


  “Well, I don’t want you to fight the bad guys either. I don’t want you to get hurt.”

  “Tara, I won’t get hurt! What would have happened if I didn’t have my sword tonight? Those bad people would have hurt us just like they hurt Gabby. But luckily I had Flameclaw and was able to...”


  “Yeah, that’s my sword’s name.”


  Gabby was still rubbing her side. “Kevin... please tell me what happened. Who was that woman who came and saved me?”

  The police officers were there before he could answer.

  “You kids okay?” asked one of the police officers. He was young and thin, with curly brown hair and bushy eyebrows.

  “Yes, sir. We are now,” answered Kevin.

  He looked at Kevin’s wardrobe. “Nice sweater, by the way.”

  Kevin sighed and shook his head.

  “What happened?” asked the second policeman. He was thick, bald, and mustached.

  “Four people wearing masks and dressed in black broke into our house,” answered Kevin.

  The thin policeman frowned. “Describe their masks, please.”

  “They were white with black eyes. One had a smile, another had two angry eyes...”

  “One had a tear running down its eye, and the other had a slit down the left eye?” finished the thin policeman.

  “Yes, how did you know?”

  “This is the third time those four have been implicated in a house invasion.”

  The third time?!

  The policeman pulled out his phone and dialed as Kevin stared at the huge red fluff protruding from his stomach.

  “Agent Law... this is Deputy Fred. We’ve got another one.”

  Agent Law? The same guy from the crystalline field?

  “Sorry about that,” he said as he put his phone away. “Agent Law will be here shortly. He’s with the FBI and has been investigating these cases. Was anybody hurt?”

  Kevin looked at Gabby. She looked down and shook her head.

  “Is your mom or dad home?” he asked.

  “No. My mom should be home soon, though,” said Kevin.

  “Yeah, and our dad left us when I was born,” added Tara.

  “Um, huh, sorry to hear that,” he mumbled awkwardly before clearing his throat. “Give your mom a call. She needs to be here when Agent Law questions you.”

  MS. MARTINEZ RUSHED into their house and went straight for her kids. Mark followed in behind her.

  “Oh my god, what happened? Are you okay?”

  “Yes, Mom,” they both answered.

  “I’m so sorry I left you guys!”

  “Don’t worry about it, Mom, we’re fine,” said Kevin.

  Ms. Martinez turned to Gabby. “Are you okay, Gabby?”

  “Yes, Ms. Martinez, I’m okay.”

  “I’m going to install the best camera and alarm system money can buy!” she said.

  Just then, Agent Law entered their home. He wore a long, gray trench-coat. His brown hair was parted to the side, and his slender nose was looking more prominent.

  “Hi, y’all,” he said. His gaze lingered on Kevin. “Weren’t you one of them kids I talked to in the forest the other day?”

  Kevin gave a quick nod.

  “The forest? What were you doing in the forest, Kevin?” asked Ms. Martinez.

  Investigating the crystal field. Going to burn it down, but this buffoon stopped us.

  “The forest by Robbie’s house. It’s only a block or two away. We went to shoot Robbie’s BB guns.”

  So sorry I’m lying to you again.

  Agent Law narrowed his eyes. “You know that spot went up in flames earlier. Wonder if you know anything about that?”

  Kevin feigned ignorance. “No, sir. I’ve been here all night.”

  Agent Law nodded. “Very well. Switching back to these intruders... I take it you were not the Kevin these masked folks were looking for?”

  “No, sir. They left when they heard the police sirens.”

  I was the one they were looking for.

  Agent Law smirked. “Love the sweater.”

  Kevin sighed.

  The agent continued. “So, what happened? Did they do anything... out of the ordinary?”

  He knows about them. He knows what they do.

  “Out of the ordinary? Like what?”

  “Oh, I don’t know... roots growing out from the earth. Vines appearing out of nowhere.”

  Ms. Martinez frowned and narrowed her eyes.

  Kevin nodded. “Yes.”

  The agent remained quiet, waiting for Kevin to elaborate. “Anything else?”

  Kevin shook his head. “No.”

  Agent Law turned his gaze onto Tara and Gabby. “Anything y’all like to add?”

  They both shook their heads.

  Agent Law sighed. “Listen, I’m tryin’ to catch these folks. They’ve been causing trouble and been implicated in the recent disappearances. It looks to me you youngsters are holding back some. Now I’ll ask you three again. What exactly happened? And might I remind you, I can take you in for questioning.” He turned to Gabby. “You. What happened?”

  Gabby looked at Kevin. Kevin gave her a quick nod.

  “The lights in the house went black. It was so weird. Then the TV came on, but it showed a sparkly tree, and the roots grew out from it.”

  “Grew out inside the TV?” asked Agent Law.

  “No. Grew out from it. Tried to grab our feet.”

  Agent Law nodded. Ms. Martinez was still frowning with confusion.


  Gabby cleared her throat. “The front door came open, and the one with the tear down its eye was standing there.”

  “Yeah, and I slammed the door in her face!” added Tara.

  The agent smiled.

  Gabby continued. “We ran to the garage but the angry eyes was there. He was looking for Kevin. But Kevin had his sword, and they started fighting.”

  “Fighting?!” repeated Ms. Martinez.

  “Fighting,” confirmed Gabby.

  “Fighting? Who was there? And who fought who?” asked Agent Law.

  “Kevin fought angry eyes. I fought the one with the tear down its eye.”

  Agent Law looked at Kevin. “You fought him with a sword?”

  “Yes, sir. I’ve been taking lessons.”

  Ms. Martinez sighed and turned away, her eyes closed and her hand upon her forehead.

  “What about the other two? The one with a smile and the one with the slit down its eye?”

  “They were there too, but then they heard the sirens, and suddenly, they were gone.”

  “Wait, wait, wait, wait! Guys, are you making things up?” asked Ms. Martinez.

  “Pardon, Ms. Martinez. Please, let us continue,” ordered Agent Law. “Di
d they mention what Kevin they were looking for?”

  Gabby shook her head.

  Agent Law stood. “Very well. If you folks don’t mind, I’ll be searching the premises for evidence.” He gave Mark a nod as he stepped out to the front yard.

  “That’s it! I’m going to install bars on our windows and cameras around the house. I can’t believe this happened! I’m never going to leave you guys alone again!” Ms. Martinez held Tara’s face. “They didn’t hurt you, did they?”

  “No, Mom.”

  She turned to Kevin. “And you! You fought them with your sword? They could have stabbed you, Kevin! You think this is one of your video games?”

  “What was I supposed to do, Mom? They were wrestling with Gabby, and one of them came at me with his sword!”

  Ms. Martinez shook her head and stared up at the ceiling. “What is happening in this town?”

  ‘Ahem.’ Mark cleared his throat. “I’d rather someone come at me with a sword than with a gun. I think they were lucky.”

  Ms. Martinez nodded. “You’re not helping Mark... but yeah, I guess you’re right. It could have been worse.”

  Mark winked at Kevin.

  Agent Law returned an hour later. “All clear, folks. You have full use of your home.”

  “Did you find anything?” asked Mark.

  “Fresh blood in the garage and driveway... are you sure nobody got hurt?”

  Gabby and Kevin shook their heads.

  “I think you might have gotten one with your sword, Kevin. Either way, I’ll be swabbing y’alls cheeks for exclusionary purposes. If you managed to hurt one, we will have their DNA profile in our database.”

  After the technician had swabbed their cheeks, Agent Law handed each his card. “Call me if you remember any other detail.” He gave Ms. Martinez a nod and stepped out.

  Mark watched him leave. He approached Ms. Martinez and embraced her. “Call me if you need anything.” Then he turned to Kevin and Tara. “You guys hold on to my games. And Kevin, good job protecting your sister and your home! That was a brave thing to do.”

  Ms. Martinez sighed. “Mark, please. You’re not helping!”

  “Okay, okay, I’ll leave.”

  Ms. Martinez sighed and turned to Gabby. “I’m sorry you had to go through this. I’ll call your mom and tell her what happened.”


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