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Possessed by the Alpha

Page 18

by Nancy Corrigan

  “Your eyes.”

  Dozens of shades of silver and purple stand out in the mussed tresses around her face. Faint freckles I’d never noticed with only my human eyes dot her cheeks. And the stars in her eyes draw me in, guiding me home.

  Without breaking our locked gaze, I drag her underwear off, letting the satin pool at her knees. “You’re my true mate, Zoe. Only you can bring this side of me out.”


  There’s defeat in her voice. Sorrow. I feel it along my skin and hovering in the air between us. Still, I wait. And I watch. And I learn. This woman is unlike any I’ve known. But she’s mine. And I’m hers. The softening in her expression, the slow swipe of her tongue along her lower lip, the lowering of her eyelids, and the way her entire existence focuses on where precum is welling at the tip of my dick tells me she feels the same.

  “I can’t be what you need.” Dipping her head, she turns away, the fall of her hair hiding whatever shows on her face. “I can’t.”

  “You are.” I move behind Zoe, slipping my dick between her thighs, and the soft caress of her skin along my length draws forth a rumbling grunt from my throat. There’s no dimming this side of me, not around my true mate. “My perfect queen.”

  “Oh…Kade.” A hiccupping sob twists my name. “I can’t—”

  “You are.” I bend over her, my dick sliding along her inner thigh to the wetness between her legs, and wrap a hand around her throat. A gentle squeeze urges her to turn her head to me. My lips touch hers. “My queen.”

  The tip of her tongue slips between my lips, and then she’s kissing me. I tilt my hips, pushing the head of my dick into her body. A slow, firm thrust stretches my female, ensuring she’ll feel nothing but pleasure. I reach the end of her, filling Zoe completely until every inch of my dick is held as tightly as her throat had squeezed me moments ago.

  And then I let go.

  As I ease back, my dick slips free, only the head held within my true mate’s body. On another steady push, I fill her, tearing an oomph from her I swallow on a deeper kiss. Harder, faster, I fuck Zoe until I’m eating at her mouth and pounding into her pussy with a roughness that shakes her body and steals her breath each time our bodies meld into one.

  On a whimpering laugh, Zoe rips her mouth from mine and dips her head. “And you’re my pretty…kitty.”

  Her mocking tone slaps me. My humanity slips, then snaps. My fangs punch out and claws emerge. A growl rumbles my chest. I grab Zoe’s hips, the tips of my pointed nails pressing into her creamy skin but not breaking it, and jerk her body against mine. She holds my arm wrapped tight around to her chest and grunts with every full thrust.

  The squeeze of her muscles turns into a strangling hold. Her breaths quicken. Her nails dig into my arm. Finally, she turns her head, her mouth parted slightly and a dazed expression giving her an erotic look of rapture. Tiny waves dance over my pounding dick. She’s going to come. All I have to do is slow my driving thrusts.

  With my free hand, I grab her chin and tilt her head back. “Call me whatever you fucking want, but it won’t change what you are to me…what I am to you.”

  Zoe bites the corner of her lip, and more welcoming wetness greets my pounding drives until the sounds of sex surround us and arousal coats my groin and thighs. She covers my hand wrapped around her throat, then reaches behind her back to where the metal tag is pressed between our bodies. “Mine.”


  She opens her mouth. I cover hers with mine, stopping whatever she might’ve said back to me. Her denial won’t make a difference. This woman is mine. Forever. And if I fuck it up with her in this lifetime, I’ll find her in another and…

  I break our kiss, still the rough pounding of my dick, and stare into Zoe’s eyes. In her next lifetime, my true mate won’t be Zoe. She’ll be another woman holding the soul of my true mate. She’ll still be my queen, still be my heaven, still be the one meant to share my soul, but she won’t be the woman in my arms right now.

  She’ll be a stranger who might never call me her pretty kitty or look at me with unrestrained carnal hunger. I won’t know that version of my true mate. But I’ll know I failed her once before.

  The tiny waves skipping over my shaft morph into a strangling dance as Zoe careens into her pleasure, her orgasm ripping through her and pulling my name from her lips on a wondering cry of ecstasy. I watch desire paint itself over her features and shift my jaw from side to side as full feline fangs fill my mouth.

  With a rolling thrust, I coax Zoe’s orgasm into a full, whole-body release that leaves her shaking in my arms, while I lower my mouth to the spot where shoulder meets neck. A slow drag of my tongue numbs the area, and the moment my female’s orgasm slows, I thrust forward once more and let go of my seed. The pressure in my balls eases with the jerking of my cock, and I close my mouth over Zoe’s shoulder while the greedy undulations of her body drag every drop of my release free.

  Zoe’s groan envelopes me, slips into me, and echoes in my head. The beat of her heart guides me, quickening mine to match hers, and the darkness hanging over her soul welcomes me with a cool sweep of air that calms me, dampening the fire within me and allowing the pleasure seizing my body to roll through me, easing the tightness in my muscles and wiping away the thoughts weighing in my mind so only this remains—this thing Zoe has stirred within me, leaving me stronger than I ever was before.

  I can’t put a name to it, but I know what it is. It’s power. And I want more.

  “Kade.” My name slips through our shared soul on an exhaled sigh.

  “My queen.” I tighten my arms around Zoe—body and soul—and give her a piece of myself.

  Pain blinds us both for a breathless moment as Zoe’s scream builds a storm within her soul. I draw her agony away, calming the clouds, easing the fear, and restoring the quiet solitude that welcomed me home. Brightness shines in the shadows. It’s the piece of my soul in hers. The thought skips through me. A firm mental shove thrusts me out before the wonder of what we are together can take hold.

  My fangs slip free of Zoe’s shoulder. She slaps a hand over the bloody spot and twists her body, separating us and dropping her bottom onto the couch.

  Her widened eyes latch onto mine. “What did you do?”

  I lick my lips, swallowing the last of my true mate’s blood, and crouch next to where she’s sitting with her legs tucked under her, but I don’t answer, at least not in words. I slide my hands up her thighs, over the shirt hiding her upper body from me, and finally, I rest my hand over hers. Then with a firm push, I move her hand and uncover the bite she’ll carry for eternity.

  Saliva fills my mouth, but I don’t lick the wound closed. This thing between us isn’t done. It doesn’t mean Zoe needs to feel any pain while healing my mate mark.

  Taking her face in my hands and staining her cheeks with her own blood, I bring her lips to mine. Our kiss leaves the woman in my arms pliant and open. I nick my tongue, my healing blood flavoring our kiss. All the while, I revel in this connection we share, from this perfectly choreographed dance to the hint of power I glimpsed within Zoe. We were made for each other.

  Finally, I ease back and lock my gaze with my equal. “I granted your wish.”

  “What wish?”

  I lay my hand over her chest, right above her heart. “Now you’ll never lose me.”

  Panic drains the color from her face. “What did you do?”

  I move away from my true mate and gather my clothes, dressing without looking at her. With my shoes on and my shirt tucked, I glance over my shoulder. “I gave you a piece of my soul. Don’t lose it, my little queen. It’s the only one I have to give.”

  With that, I walk out, closing the office door behind me. This moment is all I can afford to give to personal matters. Others need attention, including righting a past wrong done to my other half. And punishing a male whom I can’t kill without starting a war with the Yuran pride poses a dilemma I haven’t quite decided how to meet. But I will. A
nd when I do, Vince Catania Yuran will regret hurting my true mate.



  Hours of staring at the bite mark on my shoulder haven’t given me the answers I need. It’s only left me with an overwhelming desire to seek out the man who bit me.

  With trembling fingers, I trace the scabbed entry points. While not healed completely, the open wounds closed practically before my eyes in the minutes after Kade left me. Alone.

  Needing him.

  Hard rapping on the door forces me to move. Slipping my shirt over my head, I leave the attached bathroom behind and walk across the office. With my hand on the doorknob, I cut a quick peek at the blanket covering the mangled couch cushions. Even with the physical barrier blocking the damage Kade’s claws caused, I won’t be able to hide what went on here tonight, especially from shifters who will be able to scent the sex in the air.

  And what does it matter? Kade and I are both adults. If we want to fuck like bunnies, we can. And if Kade wants to toss away a piece of his soul, who am I to stop him?

  The tension over what happened here tonight slips away. I can’t change the past. I’ve learned that the hard way. What Kade did and what I unknowingly asked for is over. There’s no going back. Doesn’t mean I have to deal with the consequences. My car is parked behind the bar with a full tank of gas. Kade never took the ’Cuda back. As far as I’m concerned, him not taking his car back means he gave it to me.

  And now I have a piece of his soul cutting through the darkness I carry. I saw the effect he had on my soul after he left a piece of his behind, and I can’t help but wonder what my crazy side thinks of the solid flame acting as a candle among shadows shrouding our shared world.

  Another hard thump shakes the door. “Zoe, open up. There’s a human waiting out here for you. A clerk from a hunting goods shop near here. He says he won’t leave until he talks to you. I could throw him out, but he’s a regular and—”

  I open the door and come face-to-face with the bouncer I’ve met but have given a wide berth. His don’t-cross-me vibe isn’t one I ever wanted to tempt. Even now, I don’t want to mess with this man. He’s given me no choice, however. I rub at the hairs standing up on my arms and take a step back, leaving plenty of space between us. “The guy who was talking to Vince earlier?”

  “Stan.” Ilan leans against the opposite side of the hallway and crosses his arms. Light reflects off the shiny band on Ilan’s ring finger. “Do you know him?”

  “Not really.” I tip my chin to the thick wedding band on his finger. “You got married?”

  A small dip of Ilan’s head answers me.

  “Anyone I know?”


  “The Sara who works here?” I can’t help the amusement in my voice or whatever shows on my face. Even I remember how Sara used to watch Ilan on the nights they both worked together.

  “Used to work here.” Ilan uses his thumb to rub at the wedding band on his finger. “She’s taking some time off to care for our sons.”


  Warmth slides into Ilan’s normally impassive features. He raises one corner of his mouth in a half smile. “My nephews, technically, but we’re raising them as our sons. That’s what they are to us.”

  “Congratulations. That’s wonderful.”

  Ilan stares at me a moment while the joy of talking about his family fades from his expression. Obviously, either my tone or whatever’s written on my face doesn’t welcome his happiness. Darn. I’m usually much better at faking my empathy. Between seeing Mira pregnant and facing Vince again, this visit home has upset my balance, however.

  Then there’s this thing with Kade. Damn if I know what to do about it or him.

  Ilan looks past me at the blanketed couch. He doesn’t visibly inhale. Doesn’t so much as change his expression. But the moment he turns to me, the weight of his displeasure presses down on me.

  In a move I barely see, Ilan yanks the neckline of my shirt, revealing the bite mark on my shoulder. “Did he take a piece of your soul or give you his?”

  My first instinct is to deny what happened or plead ignorance. The desire to understand the ramifications of what Kade did stop me. “Gave me his. He told me not to lose it. That it was the only piece he had to give.”

  “If you die, he loses the piece of his soul you now carry. If you die, you’ve sentenced him to an eternity of incompleteness. If you die”—Ilan uncurls his fingers, releasing the neckline of my shirt, then lowers himself slightly so we’re face-to-face—“you will never be able to mate him in another life. You might know each other again. You might love each other again. But you’ll never walk through eternity with him. He won’t be able to mate you. You’ll die again and again while he mourns you forever.”

  Ice slithers through me and blends into an anger I can’t explain. “Why the hell would he do this? I told him I can’t be what he needs. I told him I could never love him. He’s crazy thinking I’m his true mate or something.”

  Ilan stares at me for so long, I can’t help but wonder if he can look into my soul the way Kade had. And if Ilan can, what would he think of me? What’s inside me is not a happy place. Except for my own personal candle, however. Even with the gift Kade left behind, my soul’s cold and dark and not a happy place. Given the chance, my crazy side would likely decorate it with the rotting corpses of our enemies.

  Finally, Ilan rises to his full height. He adjusts my shirt, covering the scabbed bite on my shoulder, then walks past me and snatches a heavy sweatshirt from the back of the desk chair. He returns to me and tugs the thick gray material over my head, the soft inside a brush of coziness from someone’s favorite well-worn piece of clothing. I slip my arms through without being told, and Ilan lifts my hair out.

  Then he lowers himself so we’re eye level again. “Sara makes it so I can be a man worthy of her. That doesn’t mean I understand love. It simply means I give her what she needs. Just as I give my nephews what they need. It’s instinctual. Perhaps that’s what drove Kade to make this sacrifice for you. I can’t say, but I do have one bit of advice for you.”

  “And that is?”

  “Don’t let anyone else see that bite on your shoulder.”

  Ilan’s suggestion isn’t necessary. I remember how Josh was targeted in an attempt to hurt Mira before they mated. Kill me, hurt Kade.

  The anger builds, leaving me seething. How dare Kade put me in this position. “I can’t be what he needs.”

  Ilan shrugs. “I don’t know Kade well. Or what he needs. He keeps most of those in his inner circle at a distance, and those on the outside far enough away, they only see a powerful alpha.”

  “And where do you fall? Friend or stranger?” Josh considers Ilan a friend, but I don’t know about Kade. Honestly, I don’t know much about Kade other than he fucks like a freak and looks adorable when he smiles.

  And thinks I’m his queen.

  “I don’t have friends. I have those I consider mine.” Ilan motions to the hall. “Now either talk to the human, or I throw him out. We close in twenty minutes.”

  “I’ll talk to him.” I roll the sleeves of the sweatshirt, then turn to the open door.


  I glance over my shoulder at where Ilan’s standing next to the covered couch with the edge of the blanket in his fisted grip. “What?”

  “I lied. I have one more bit of advice.” Ilan lifts the blanket, revealing the cushions Kade destroyed. “Don’t die.”

  “Wasn’t planning on it.” I turn my back on Ilan and head toward the main barroom.

  Lumberjack man, aka Stan, turns at my approach. He sets his beer down and moves to get up. I shake my head, silently telling him to stay where he’s at, and make my way to him, ignoring the curious glances of the few shifters from neighboring packs I’ve met but can’t claim to know. I never stuck around long enough to learn more than their names, and I have no desire to find out anything now. The way lumberjack man keeps glancing at the door sets me on edge. I
want to know why he appears ready to bolt at the sight of the wrong person walking through that door.

  “You wanted to talk to me?” And Stan better make it quick too. I need to get out of here. Maybe jump in the ’Cuda and just drive for a bit. Too much has happened.

  “I wanted to give you a warning.”


  Stan sweeps the crowd, then leans closer. “Not here. There’s too many people around for this conversation.”

  Rolling my eyes, I shake my head. “I don’t know you, Stan. I’m not going anywhere with you.”

  “Okay, okay, you’re right. I’m not some whack job or creep, but you don’t know that.” Stan points to the very back corner of the bar, where a section of tables appears to have been deliberately left vacant. “How about we go sit over there?”

  I flick my gaze from the tables to where Ilan’s standing at the other end of the bar. He doesn’t look at me, but I don’t doubt he’s listening. My guess is confirmed when he grabs a basket of utensils and a sleeve of heavyweight napkins and heads to one of the far tables, close to where Stan indicated we sit, but not close enough he’d suspect anyone would be able to hear. I face Stan. “Sure, but make it quick. The bar’s closing soon.”

  “Yeah.” Stan rubs the side of his hand over his mouth, swiping a string of saliva over his cheek. His rancid breath wafts over me, churning my stomach with a stench of something rotten he must’ve eaten. “Yeah. I’ll make it quick. I want out of here in case Josh comes back to close up.”

  “Why? Doesn’t he want you here?”

  “No, no, nothing like that. I’m not a troublemaker or anything.” Stan offers a tight, apologetic smile, then walks with me across the bar. “And I know Josh is your brother. That’s why I wanted to talk to you about him. Me and my buddies… We used to be tight with Josh. Hung out all the time. I was a couple grades above him in school. You might not remember me, but I got held back a few times, so who knows. Last year before I dropped out, Josh was in my class. He’s a buddy. Well, we used to be real good buds, but he’s got a family now. Kinda cuts into drinking and horsing around time, you know?”


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