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Rivaled Warrior

Page 2

by Brenda Trim

  “I’ll buy you a fucking truckload after I’ve had my way with you,” Cael whispered in her ear.

  Her breathing was erratic, and he forced her head to the side, dragging his teeth over the pulse in her neck. He nipped and laved her neck as he palmed her breasts again, pinching the turgid peaks.

  “Ay Dios,” she cried out. Her wings fluttered against their bodies, tickling his sides as they beat his sensitive flesh. It should’ve distracted from the moment, but it sent his desire even higher.

  The feathers along the bottom of her wing teased his cock, eliciting a groan from him. His moan matched hers as he pressed against her rounded ass.

  “Put your hands on the wall, Bri,” he ordered, his mouth pressed to her ear.

  His tone left no option. Cael wasn’t into BDSM, but he enjoyed taking control in the bedroom.

  Brianne’s palms shot to the wall as a gasp escaped her throat. Cael squeezed her breast and plucked at her nipple, once again building the pleasure. He heard her heart rate increase and her blood called to him, making his fangs throb. Increasing the pressure on both nipples, he pressed his shaft between the plush globes of her ass.

  He slid his hand down her abdomen until he reached her core. Sliding through her wet slit, it was his groan that filled the room when her juices coated his fingers.

  “So fucking wet for me,” he murmured.

  Her body was a raging inferno as his hand moved back and forth, engulfing Cael with her sexual heat. He was insane with the need for her and increased the pressure to her mons.

  “Your voice…” she panted, “I might come from that alone,” she muttered then turned her head and nibbled the side of his mouth.

  “Flattery will get you everywhere,” he grunted as she moved her hips, seeking relief. She pressed forward, grinding her clit against his hand then swirled her ass over his cock in just the right way.

  He grabbed his shaft and slid it between her legs, enjoying her mewls as he rocked to and fro. A devious glint entered her dark eyes before she reached up and cupped her breasts. His eyes began to glow with desire as he watched Brianne pleasuring herself. Cael placed a kiss on her cheek and traveled to her mouth as he angled his cock at her entrance. When she widened her stance, he thrust into her body with one hard move. Her gasp followed by a scream was music to his ears.

  Brianne’s tight, hot sheath gripped him perfectly and nearly stole all reason. A flicker of sanity penetrated for one second, and Cael paused, wondering about the passion with which they’d come together.

  Unless he was at Confetti Too, he didn’t just jump into bed with random females. When he went to the popular nightclub, the females were there for the same reason. Sex for supernaturals was a necessary release. And, they needed it frequently. It was acceptable to have intercourse with various partners, so his pause wasn’t about the random hook-up, but the speed and circumstances under which they found each other.

  “You feel so good, mi león,” Brianne crooned.

  He withdrew then shoved deeper. The force lifted her off her feet. “Brace yourself for a wild ride,” he husked, his voice rough as sandpaper. She met him thrust for thrust as he set a punishing pace.

  He growled low in his throat as he pumped in and out of her body. Her hands were flat against the wall while he held her with one arm around her waist. Her breasts bounced with his movement, and her legs dangled and swung until she braced her knees against the wall, too. The position pushed her ass into his groin, allowing his penetration to go deeper.

  He was insane with need. The desire to claim every part of Brianne consumed his mind. The more he took, the more he wanted. It made no sense, but he was determined to ruin her for any male after him.

  Turning her head, she brought her lips to his mouth, crushing against his with unexpected force. She was wild with need, and he loved it. Her kiss was all-consuming until his hunger for her blood became as urgent as his impending orgasm. Breaking the kiss, he traveled a path across her cheek to the crook of her neck. His fangs scraped the area over her pounding pulse then he teased the flesh with a slide of his tongue.

  “Keep fucking me like this, and you can have all the blood you want,” she panted.

  “Deal,” he groaned then sunk his fangs into her flesh.

  She spasmed around his shaft and cried out his name. It was the most erotic sound he’d ever heard, and Cael wanted to listen to his name leave her lips again. He angled his hips and adjusted his arms, using his entire body to extend her orgasm.

  The sound of flesh hitting flesh filled the room as he pounded her body and took from her vein. Blood filled his mouth as he drank deeply. He’d never tasted anything like Brianne and wondered if his plan to ruin her for others had backfired. This was undoubtedly the most erotic encounter of his life.

  She gasped for breath as he took her to another peak before the first one waned. With his free hand, he rubbed and pinched her clit. Within seconds she was climaxing again. He increased his pace to a frenetic speed before he thrust one last time and froze in place, throwing his head back in pleasure. He roared his release, spilling his seed inside her womb.

  Instantaneous pain exploded through Cael’s upper left thigh, and he clenched his jaw, causing his fangs to rip through her flesh as his body jerked involuntarily. Despite his raging orgasm, Brianne pushed away from his body then dropped to the floor.

  She spun around and blurted, “What happened, Diablo? That looks painful. What’s wrong?” Her eyes bulged as she placed a hand over her bleeding flesh.

  Looking down, Cael saw a raised brand on his leg. It was in the shape of a circle and had three lines pointing toward three small dots inside the circle.

  “Fuck,” he cursed as realization dawned.

  Brianne was his Fated Mate. The Goddess Morrigan had blessed him with the one made solely for him.

  Cael was dumbfounded. This was the last thing he expected. He always assumed Cade would find his mate first. They had many discussions about it, and his brother was going to flip the fuck out when he told him the news.

  This beautiful, captivating harpy belonged to him. Correction. Brianne would if he played his cards right. He’d learned enough from Breslin, Rhys, and Ramiel to know when your mate wasn’t Fated to you, it took extra effort to win them over. They didn’t share the same compulsions and urges, which meant Brianne could reject him if she chose to.

  It was vital that Cael win Brianne’s affections and undying devotion. Now that he’d found her, he couldn’t survive without her blood. He recalled Breslin’s brush with death when Rhett left her, and Cael didn’t want to suffer the same outcome. The last thing he needed was to scare Brianne away.

  “Come here. Let me take care of that,” Cael instructed and pulled Brianne against his rock-hard erection.

  Cael nuzzled her neck and licked the torn skin, healing the injury. He groaned as his seed continued to spill from his body. One of the symptoms for Fated vampires was extended orgasms, and Cael’s body shuddered with pleasure, while at the same time, his mate mark pulsed painfully. It was torture and bliss mixed together, creating an addictive cocktail he knew he would crave from this day forward.

  “Mmmm. I misunderstood it seems. I’m sorry I hopped off so soon,” Brianne cooed as she reached between their bodies to stroke his length.

  He picked her up and carried her to his bed and settled next to her. “We’re just getting started, baby.”

  Cael knew he needed to come up with a plan to win her heart, but right now he wanted more of her delectable body.


  Cael kicked a rock across the street and tried to wipe the smile from his face. Thank fuck patrols were almost over so he could return to his mate’s side. When Rhys texted, asking if he could fill in for Gerrick, Cael almost said no, but knew it would lead to questions he wasn’t prepared to answer.

  The mere thought of having a Fated Mate was overwhelming. A million ideas had left his brain a fried mess, but his smile grew as he thought about the temptress in
his bed. He prayed she didn’t leave before he returned. They had a lot to discuss.

  Cael turned his head so Rhys couldn’t see his unbridled happiness. The cambion was an exceptional warrior and someone he trusted at his back, but the male would tease him mercilessly if he discovered Cael found his mate. Especially given what Brianne had spent the past few hours doing to his body. He forced the images of his sexy harpy to the back of his mind, and focused on the sights and sounds of the night.

  The cool, crisp air was colder than usual for Fall in Seattle, but he relished the feel against his heated skin. And the fact it wasn’t raining made the night tolerable. He zipped his leather jacket and glanced at his watch again. Not much longer, Brianne, he thought as his boots kicked into gear and quickened his pace.

  “You alright, bro? You seem off tonight,” Rhys blurted as he walked beside Cael down a quiet, suburban street. Houses lined both sides of the street. They were in Fairmont, patrolling a neighborhood inhabited mainly by supernaturals.

  Ever since Crocell kidnapped Isobel and took her to Hell, things had been quiet on the demon front. The Dark Warriors assumed the evil archdemon gathered her followers and returned to the Underworld. Cael acknowledged he missed the thrill of battle before meeting Brianne. Now, he was grateful for the reprieve. He didn’t want to worry about his mate’s safety or demand she stay cooped up at the compound. She was a harpy, and they didn’t do well in captivity.

  “I’m good. Just wondering what that vile, blue bitch is up to. Since Ramiel rescued Izzy, we haven’t heard a peep. I expected her and every other demon to be on the warpath,” Cael replied, hoping to distract Rhys from his line of questioning.

  “Ramiel and Kara said Lucifer was freed from his prison, so maybe they’re having a big-ass demon party in Hell,” Rhys joked and shook his head.

  Cael knew the warrior was masking his contempt for his demonic father with humor. He couldn’t imagine the guilt Rhys must feel, knowing his blood flowed with the same blood of their enemies. Not that he was anything like the demons of the Underworld, but it still had to cut deep.

  “My Illianna thinks Lucifer is planning something big, but word is Crocell is no longer working with Lucifer. She’s too consumed with getting her sister back,” Rhys muttered then added, “sick, twisted bitches,” under his breath.

  “I forget your angel spent time in the Underworld. If Illianna’s right, stripling are still at risk. At least Anthru is complete, and there’s a place they can be protected,” Caell explained.

  “No doubt,” Rhys answered. “Anthru was a brilliant idea.”

  “I don’t imagine Zander or Elsie will ever allow Izzy out of their sight again. I’m not even her parent, and I have a hard time watching her play outside for fear something will happen. I’m surprised Zander didn’t go on a killing spree while she was gone.”

  “Tell me about it,” Rhys added. “Illianna met with him and Elsie every day Izzy was gone, infusing them with as much of her angelic energy as she could. So fucking glad Ramiel came through. I can’t tell you how many hours I spent searching for a way into the Underworld, and came up against a wall every fucking time.”

  “The house was so empty when Izzy was gone. It was like my arms had been severed, and my heart carved out,” Cael said and glanced at the full moon. Even the night sky seemed to rejoice over Isobel’s return.

  “I’d like to kick some demon ass for what they put her through. She came back a different child,” Rhys admitted.

  Cael knew precisely what the cambion warrior meant. There was a maturity in Izzy’s eyes that hadn’t been there before her kidnapping. While she still ran through the house and played with the gnomes and kippies, there wasn’t as much laughter and squealing. And, not once, had she pulled one of her infamous disappearing acts.

  Without warning, the sensation of a million bees stinging his skin had Cael on alert. It was followed by the stench of putrid flesh filling his nostrils. In the next breath, his titanium sgian dubh was in hand. Beside him, Rhys went rigid, and his blade was at the ready. On silent feet, they made their way to a group of trees and hid in the shadows.

  “Where are they?” Rhys whispered as his eyes scanned the area.

  Cael shrugged and evaluated their location. He realized they were close to several supernatural homes, and detected witches, cambions, and shifters living on the street.

  “All I know is there are stripling nearby,” Cael added.

  Rhys’s eyes widened for a split second before they narrowed. “Yep. Three families have kids. Let’s see if the motherfuckers are inside.”

  The first house they approached seemed peaceful. The curtains were closed, and the only sounds inside were soft snores. Before they reached the second house, Cael heard muffled screams. Rhys took off running with Cael two steps behind him.

  Reaching a two-story Victorian, Rhys didn’t pause before he busted through the front door. Chaos erupted the moment they entered the living room. Cael slipped to the right, and Rhys went left. He noticed two children huddled against the far wall while skirm and several demons fought three adult cambions.

  Cael charged behind a rage demon, plunging his knife into its skull. With an ear-splitting howl, the beast fell to the floor. Claws swiped at Cael. He ducked then quickly ran his blade through the back of the creature’s ankles. It crumpled to the floor, and Cael jumped onto the back of the sofa then jumped into the air. As he soared toward the children, Cael stabbed outward, and his titanium blade landed in the chest of a skirm. The creature flashed on fire then turned to ash.

  Sharp cuts to his side interrupted Cael’s plan to dust another skirm. He fell to the ground and landed on his back. The impact forced air from his lungs, and Cael rolled to his side as a hellhound snapped its jaws where his head had been.

  Cael jumped into the air, and the hound followed. His blade found purpose in the beast’s ribs, and its agonizing roar rattled the windows. He glanced to his left and saw Rhys in the throws of battle. By the feral look in his kaleidoscopic eyes, Cael knew the warrior had the situation under control. Rhys was a psycho when it came to fighting, and loved every gruesome minute. Cael’s distraction with Rhys cost him, and another blow from the hellhound caused Cael to stumble and fall. He quickly recovered and pounced on the creature’s back, plunging his blade into its ear canal, but not before sharp canines embedded in his forearm.

  Teeth ripped through his skin as the hound crumpled to the floor. Cael didn’t have time to nurse his wounds, and the acidic saliva burned his flesh while he fought the remaining skirm and Sheti demon. Those bastards stunk worse than rancid ass, he surmised as he kicked out and sent a Sheti flying into the wall. The plaster caved, leaving a body-sized indentation behind.

  Quick as lightning, Cael twisted his torso, and his hand was in motion before the skirm knew what hit him. There was a brief fire then a cloud of ash filled the room. A piercing scream caught Cael’s attention and he turned to see the Sheti demon grab the young girl and boy then bolt toward the window.

  Rhys tossed one of his blades at the Sheti as he wrapped his arm around the throat of a skirm. Within seconds, another burst of fire and a puff of ash surrounded Rhys.

  A female shouted as she ran toward the demon. It was clear to Cael the stripling belonged to her, and he managed to reach the Sheti before she did. He quickly plunged his knife into the demon’s back.

  Panting, he turned to see the female scoop the children in her arms, protecting them. A male jumped into the battle and hacked off the head of the last rage demon, and Rhys fist-pumped the air in triumph.

  “That’s how you fucking do it, bro. Sign him up for our next patrol,” Rhys hollered with a wide grin.

  Cael was cut and bleeding, but it was minimal damage considering they were outnumbered. Rhys appeared unscathed, of course, and they needed to call in a cleanup crew to take out the demon trash. Oddly, all Cael could think about was returning to Zeum, and his mate.

  This was the first time in his long existence that he ha
d someone other than his brother and fellow warriors to consider. He had an incredible female waiting in his bed. With luck, Brianne would be awake and ready for another round of lovemaking when he arrived home.

  “Don’t worry. You’re safe now. The demons won’t be able to hurt you again. We will have patrols in the area, day and night. And, Anthru is open if you want to send the stripling there for safety. At least until we can locate Crocell and eliminate the threat she poses,” Rhys assured the family.

  “Thank you for everything,” the male stated and shook Rhys’s hand then Cael’s.

  The female threw her arms around Cael’s neck, thanking him for saving her children. He returned the embrace and caught a subtle whiff of her sweet perfume. It reminded him of mangoes, and he smiled as the image of a dark-eyed beauty filled his vision.


  Brianne stretched her arms and rolled over. She reached out her hand, feeling for Cael. She cracked her eyes when her hand slid to the edge of the mattress. His bedroom was dark, the only light coming from a small alarm clock on the nightstand. It was four a.m. She wondered where the vampire snuck off to, but then smiled when her gaze landed on a chocolate-glazed donut.

  Cael was nowhere to be found, but at least he left a snack. Her stomach rumbled as her supernatural senses kicked in, and the smell of sugary sweetness filled her nostrils. She grabbed the donut and settled her body against the headboard, taking a large bite of the pastry.

  When she extended her legs, a pang shot through her thigh muscles. Her body ached in ways she’d never imagined, and it didn’t have a damn thing to do with the weeks she’d spent with Tristan. As much as she enjoyed the young male’s enthusiasm, there was no substitute for experience. And that sinfully sexy vampire oozed with it.

  Brianne’s cell phone chimed, interrupting her thoughts about Cael. She’d bet a hundred bucks it was a text from her sister. She should’ve returned home yesterday, and at one point during her sexathon with Cael, she managed to send Raquel a brief message saying she wasn’t coming home but gave no explanation. She imagined that didn’t go over well with her sister.


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