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Blood's Oath (Legacies)

Page 3

by Erin Osborne

  Pulling into the driveway of our home, I see Tonya’s car parked. She must not be working at the salon today. While I work for the club, she’s been working at a salon doing hair and nails. Just something extra to get her out of the house a few hours a day and bring in her own money. Tonya refuses to sit home, having me take care of her like a kept woman. That’s how her mom was when she was growing up. Tonya will only work outside of our home as long as she can be there for our children when they need her. The salon gives her the freedom she needs to leave if Colt needs her.

  Parking my bike next to her car, I don’t linger on my third love. It used to be my bike was my first love, my only love. Now, Tonya and Colt have taken its place. They’ll always mean more to me than some bike. I’d probably sell the fucker if my woman asked me to. Yeah, I’d miss it, but to make her happy there’s not much I wouldn’t do. She’s the love of my life and it’s time I start showing her how I feel about her. I’ve got a ring sitting in my dresser that’s been waiting for me to propose to her. Now, I feel like it’s the right time for us to get married. If she’ll have me like that. If she says no, well I guess I will have to wait for her to see that I am willing to show her every day how much I love her and Colt. From now on, they are all that matters to me.

  Walking inside the house, Colt runs up to me and wraps his little body around my legs. His gray eyes shine up at me while he looks on as if I hung the damn moon and stars just for him. Colt makes me feel like his hero, a role I haven’t been fulfilling until today. Pulling him up in my arms, I tickle him, until his sweet little boy laughs fill the air. Tonya comes from the back of the house to watch us interact. She’s got a confused look on her face as I play with our son just inside the door. I don’t blame her for the look on her face either. I’ve fucked up so much with these two.

  “Hey, baby,” I greet her, keeping Colt in my arms while I make my way over to her. “How’s your day goin’?”

  “Good. We need to talk,” she informs me.

  “What’s goin’ on?” I question her, my eyes raking over her so I can figure out if something is wrong with her.

  “I can’t be here with you if you’re still in the club. I’ve been thinking about this for a long time, I just can’t live this way anymore,” she begins, holding up her hand to stop me from talking. “I’m so close to giving birth to our second child and you’re hardly ever around. You’re an ass when things get to you at the club, yet you won’t talk to me about it. Axel, I love you more than you’ll ever know. You’ve been putting this club first for so long, you don’t even realize you’re doing it now. Colt and I need more. We deserve more than you’re willing to give us.”

  “Well, then I guess it’s time I give you my news,” I murmur against her lips with a smile firmly in place with one hand on her rounded stomach where our child rests soundly.

  “What is that?” she questions me, her eyes narrowing in confusion.

  “Well, I quit the club for the most part today. Told my dad I wasn’t goin’ to put up with all the shit around there anymore. Since I’m the only one who talks with the club’s contacts, I’m not fully out. Once a month I’ll go on the runs for the contacts. It will be no more than a week there and back,” I inform her, hoping she’s okay with this arrangement.

  “Are you sure that’s all you’ll be doing?” Tonya questions, wondering when the other shoe will drop.

  “Yeah. Told Dad he’s got one year to get his shit straight. If not, we’ll come back and take over the club. It will be someplace you can be proud of. A place our children will be welcome, and they’ll feel safe. I’m done with all the bullshit these guys pull. If they want to lose their businesses, well fuck, that’s on them,” I state, knowing they probably won’t do shit about it.

  “No more calls in the middle of the night? Or busting your ass going from one place to another because no one else can?” she questions me with doubt filling her voice.

  “None of it. Took the cut off and held it out for the fucker to take. My dad isn’t as dumb as he makes others believe he is. He understands I’ve been runnin’ everythin’. I’m the one with the contacts and without that, he’s fuckin’ finished. So, other than the runs, not a damn person can say a word to me. The runs are all on me,” I state, tipping her face up to mine so she sees the truth from my eyes.

  “Can we get the fuck out of here then?”

  “Anywhere you want to go. I have to stay somewhat close because of the runs, but we can leave here,” I promise her. “Start lookin’ and we’ll go as soon as you find a place.”

  “I love you so much, Axel,” she says, pulling me in for a deep kiss.

  We break apart laughing when Colt puts a hand on each one of our cheeks. Little cockblocker. I love him to death and don’t care if he wants to share in our moment. I’ll have plenty of time later on when he’s asleep to make sure his mama knows exactly how I feel about her.

  “Stay here. Got one more thing for you,” I tell her, setting Colt down on his feet, keeping him steady before I walk away.

  Heading for our room, I grab the ring out of my drawer, tossing the box back inside. I walk back out of the bedroom so I can propose to my woman. It may not be the most romantic or what she deserves, but it’s something that will complete this day as one of the best in my life. There’s only two that top this; the day I met Tonya and when our son was born. Nothing can top those. Well, not until our next child is born. This is exactly where I’m meant to be. With Tonya by my side for the rest of our lives and our children knowing the love we feel for one another.

  Tonya is standing exactly where I left her in the hallway. Bending down, I get on one knee and look up at her. Tears are already filling her eyes as she covers her mouth with her hand.

  “Baby, I love you more than I ever thought possible. The day you walked into the bar is one of the best days of my life; that’s the day you saved me. You’ve been by my side through everything, the drugs and bullshit with the club, you’ve given me yourself and an amazin’ little boy.” Colt is grinning beside me. I reach over to tousle his hair and he laughs that little boy laugh right from his belly, making both Tonya and I laugh. I look back up at her, my smile wide, as I continue, “Now, you’re givin’ me a new little one to love and cherish the way I should’ve been cherishin’ you and Colt for so long. I’ve been an asshole to you and put the club before you more than I ever should have. Still, you stayed with my ass. Tonya, baby, will you make an honest man out of me and become my wife?” I ask, tears filling my own eyes because I know I don’t deserve this woman and I’m not sure at all what her response will be.

  “Yes!” Tonya screams out, tears streaming down her face as I slide the ring on her finger.

  The second it’s on her hand, Tonya drops to her knees and holds my face between her hands. She places a tender, soft kiss on my lips. I don’t deepen the kiss or try to take control from her. This is her moment; she’s going to control this.

  “I love you, babe. More than you’ll ever know. I’ll be by your side for the rest of our lives. When it’s time for you to take the club over, I’ll be there because I know you won’t let the shit going on now happen all over again. We’ll clean it up and make it better than ever. Together,” she vows to me.

  We stand up and I usher her to the living room. Tonight, I’m going to cook dinner. Well, I’ll grill and make anything she wants to go with it. We’re going to have a family night because it’s been way too long since we’ve had one with just the three of us. I’m not going to rush off anywhere or bother keeping my phone on me. Tomorrow is a new day and we’ll navigate it from there.

  Chapter Two


  LAST NIGHT WAS the best night we’ve had in so long. Blood stayed home with us, we had dinner as a family, and he was extremely attentive to us all night. Hell, he even put Colt to bed after bathing him, running me a bubble bath, and finally reading Colt his nightly story. It’s been so long since he’s done anything like that. Colt sure enjoyed it.
/>   When Colt was sleeping, Blood took his time exploring my body letting me know exactly how he feels about me. It was all about me too. He wouldn’t let me suck his cock or anything. When I walked out of the bathroom in nothing more than a towel before I stepped more than a few feet in our room, he pulled the towel from my still wet body. When I went to step into his embrace, he picked me up so he could carry me the rest of the way to our bed. While I was as naked as the day I was born, Blood was wearing nothing more than a pair of shorts. They did absolutely nothing to hide his hard-on lurking beneath the fabric.

  After placing me on our bed, Blood kissed me. He took his time exploring my mouth, tangling our tongues together before moving his mouth from my lips to my neck. I arched into his kisses, so he had better access. My man didn’t waste much time on my neck either as he moved lower sucking a hard nipple into his mouth, before biting down, Blood knows how to play my body like a finely tuned instrument. After making the sting of his bite leave, he moved on to the other side before moving his head down my body, kissing, licking, and nipping, until he got to my wet, warm pussy. I arched into his touch as I always do. My man definitely knows exactly what to do with his mouth. I can never get enough of it.

  Looking down my body at Blood’s, I take in the tattoos on his arms, his thick dark hair, and the way his eyes seem to melt as he looks at my body. I feel as if I’m the sexiest woman in the world when he looks at me this way. My eyes leave his so I can trail over the ink adorning his body. His left arm is mainly covered in black with the smallest amount of color. On his right arm, it’s just the upper portion of his arm that’s in black. Blood also has a small amount of ink on his chest. I love looking at it, wondering what else he’s going to get. The one tattoo he doesn’t have yet is the tattoo for the club. Most of the guys have it on their back and some represent it on other areas of their body. My man has yet to tattoo it permanently anywhere on himself. Eventually, he’ll get it, but no one’s said anything about it to him because they don’t even realize he hasn’t gotten it yet.

  Using his mouth and fingers, he quickly brings me to my first orgasm of the night. When I went to push him on his back to return the favor, Blood shook his head, giving me one of his side smirks that I love and continued to move up my body. I was trapped beneath his muscled arms and large chest. I’m not complaining one bit about the fact his body is pressing mine into our mattress. It’s the best feeling in the world when we’re skin to skin, nothing between us. His body heat seeps into me as I raise my head up to his, taking his mouth in a heated kiss. Our tongues duel for control as we explore one another’s mouth. I’m pouring all of the love and happiness I feel into it.

  While we’re kissing, Blood slides his hard cock inside me. I moan into his mouth while capturing the growl he emits. He slowly slides in and out of my body, reaching between us to tweak my nipples between his long, callused fingers. I arch into him, pressing my chest further into his large hand. Moving my hips, I begin to meet his body thrust for thrust. Blood’s movements pick up speed as he thrusts harder into me. It’s not nearly enough to get me close to my release, Blood knows this. He also knows when to make sure I’m close, so we fly over the edge together.

  My body begins tightening up as he gives my nipple a final twist of his fingers. He slides his hand between our bodies until he’s pressing his thumb against my clit. Rubbing circles around it, Blood presses down harder and harder until I arch my back off the bed closing my eyes. I’m so damn close. Blood pinches my clit as he slams into me again.

  “Axel!” I scream out, not bothering to hold in my scream.

  “Tonya!” Blood growls out his own release after three more thrusts into my willing body.

  Blood slides from my body, then flops down beside me before pulling me onto his chest. As he wraps his hard, warm arms around me, I begin to run my hand up and down his stomach and chest. The muscles contract and flinch as my fingers skim his overheated skin. While I’m running my hands up and down him, he does the same to my back. We slowly catch our breath while holding one another. It’s been so long since we’ve been able to just hold one another. Usually, we have sex, clean up, and he’s out the door. This is something I’ve been wanting, needing, so bad from him. The intimacy we’ve shared in the past, more than simply having sex and getting off.

  “What are you thinkin’ so hard about?” he asks me, continuing to rub his hand up and down my back.

  “How much I’ve missed this. There have been so many nights I feel as if I’m nothing more than a sweet butt,” I answer him honestly, resting my chin on his chest so I can look at him. “Not because you treated me like a slut, but because it’s been so long since we’ve been able to just relax and hold one another after we’ve had sex. It’s been like a hit it and leave it situation because of the club and you having to run out to do something for them. There’s just so much I never told you about, what’s gone on while you’ve been out working your ass off for those assholes.”

  “What do you mean?” he questions, sitting up slightly so he can look at me better. “Who did what to you?”

  “It’s nothing major. If I saw any of the members or sweet butts while I went shopping or to work, they’d harass me. I’d be followed, called a bitch, a goody two shoes, a skank, shit like that. If any one of the ol’ ladies came into the salon, they’d refuse to let me work on them because they told Amanda I did shit work. They’ve tried to get me fired more than once. Like I said, nothing major, it’s just annoyances I don’t want to deal with anymore. I’ve only dealt with it because of you, because of the love that I have for you,” I answer, being honest with him, but not wanting to go into detail more than that.

  “Are you fuckin’ kiddin’ me right now?” he growls out, pulling me further into his body. “Why wouldn’t you tell me this shit?”

  “You’ve had enough going on without me adding to your plate. Colt was left alone and I’m a big girl. If I told you what was going on, it would have only made the situation worse. You know that as well as I do,” is my only response as I wipe a few stray tears away.

  “I’m so fuckin’ sorry, baby. I’ve done you wrong so many times, yet you’ve stood by me. You’ll never know how much I regret the shit I’ve done with you,” he promises me, the regret and shame filling his voice.

  “Don’t. That part of our life is over with now. I was just thinking about how much I’ve missed this part of us. The family part, of us just laying with one another after enjoying one another’s bodies like this. I love you; I’ll always support your decisions. You should know this by now,” I declare to him.

  Blood nods his head before placing a kiss on the top of my head. We lay in silence until I feel his chest even out. He’s fallen asleep, I’m okay with that. He has been running himself ragged for longer than he should have because of that fucking club. Well, what he wants to call a club. It’s nothing more than a bunch of idiots not wanting to make their way in the world in a productive manner. I haven’t been okay with them since one of the guys tried to rape me. I’ll never be okay with them as they are now. Once it’s cleaned up, running the way it should be, I’ll be more than happy to go there to support my man.

  Getting out of bed, I grab Blood’s shirt from the floor, I put it on as I go check on Colt before cleaning myself up quickly. Once I’m done, I make my way back to bed after removing Blood’s shirt. I’ll be up before our son, so I’m not worried about sleeping naked. I pull the covers up over us, Blood doesn’t stir one time. He’s dead to the world unless I have to wake him up for some emergency. I’d try to take care of it myself before I’d wake him up. Blood never sleeps this hard, so I know this is something he desperately needs.

  This morning is more of the same, Blood made us a wonderful breakfast of pancakes, eggs, and bacon. Colt wolfed his breakfast down with an enthusiasm I haven’t seen from him in a long time. Blood let me sleep in today since I don’t have to work, so I’m still eating as they head outside as they ate before I got up. Blood is going to help
Colt ride his new bike. It’s got training wheels on it and everything, but our son is intimidated by his “big boy” bike. I’ve been helping him while we’ve been home without my man here with us. Now, this is something Blood wants to do with our son. He always said he’d never be the same way his father was with him and Vicky, but until now, I’ve wondered about the truth in that statement. Hopefully, this is our turning point.

  Blood did most of the dishes already, so it’s only our plates and glasses from coffee or milk in Colt’s case that need to be finished. After washing them up, I pull out the laptop so I can start looking for a house for us to move into. Putting in the filters I want, including being more than fifty miles from here, a ton of cute homes all pop up. I’m on the second page of listings when I find our perfect home. It’s a three-bedroom ranch style home in a newer developed area of a town called Cullfield. The house is tan with black shutters. It has a large kitchen, family room, and master suite. I look through all the pictures listed, wanting to reach out to the realtor before it’s gone. However, I won’t make this decision without Blood’s input. This will be our home so it’s not a decision to make without him. I’ll wait until they come in, I don’t want to disturb them.

  While they’re outside, I clean the house quickly, then I start a load of laundry. It’s not as if the house is a mess to begin with so it doesn’t take me that long. Once that’s done, I make my way outside to be with my guys. Colt is as proud as a peacock riding his bike up and down the street. His head is held high as he rides to the neighbor’s house, turns around in their driveway before making his way back to his father standing in our driveway. Blood is yelling encouragement while clapping his hands so loud there’s almost a reverberation of sound bouncing off the houses surrounding us. Matching smiles light up their faces. I pull out my phone to capture the moment as Colt gets right in front of his dad. Blood is looking down at him while Colt looks up, his helmet sliding back slightly on his head.


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