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Blood's Oath (Legacies)

Page 9

by Erin Osborne

  “Honey, Mad is on his way. Blood should be in the parking lot. I’m not going to leave your side, once we get to the hospital. We’ll be right on your ass the whole way there,” I inform her, holding Logan as Colt’s hand is in mine.

  We’re all moving as quick as we can. Martha has another contraction. I try to get her to breathe along with me. Blood rushes up and swoops Colt up into his arms as I rush next to her stretcher, laying my hand on her arm. When the contraction subsides, the paramedics are loading her in the back of the ambulance.

  “Love you, Martha. We’ll be right on your ass,” I remind her.

  Blood and I get the boys loaded up in the car as quickly as possible. As soon as they’re in, we’re in the front seat. We wait for the ambulance to pull out so we can follow them to the hospital. My husband and I don’t say a word to one another. I know he’s trying to concentrate on making sure nothing happens to us on the way there.

  “Baby, I’m gonna let you jump out. I’m gonna take the boys home because they don’t need to be here. Let me know when Maddox gets here. Then when she has the baby. Give her my love and let her know I’m there in spirit with you guys,” Blood says as we pull into the hospital right behind the ambulance.

  “Daddee, I wants to help to makes sures Auntie Ma’tha is okay,” Colt demands in his little authoritative voice, a frown on his face.

  “We will, Buddy, I promise. But first your Mama’s gonna check on her with Uncle Maddox. We’ll see them later on, okay, Bud?” Blood replies back to him.

  I love how calm Blood is with Colt right now because I know that’s what he needs after seeing Martha like that. It must have scared him a little. He really didn’t see me when I was having contractions during my labor with Logan. Plus, my little guy is just as fiercely protective as his father is of those he loves, and he loves his Auntie Martha.

  “Okay, Daddee. Lat’r,” Colt whispers back to his Dad but you can tell he’s unhappy about it.

  Giving them room to back into the emergency entrance, Blood pulls up directly in front of the ambulance in order to let me out. I jump out after giving him a quick kiss and looking back to say goodbye to my boys. Once I’m out, I run to the back of the ambulance as they pull my friend out. She’s looking rough, like someone in labor usually does as I smile down at her.

  “Hey, love. Told you I’d be glued to your side as soon as we got here,” I say, trying to make her smile though I know it’s the last thing she wants to do right now.

  “Ma’am, you can’t go in here with us,” one of the paramedics tries to inform me.

  “Not leaving her side. Shut up and worry about her, not me.”

  Ignoring the fucker, I hold her hand as another contraction takes hold. We breathe together as she screams out. At the same time, I look down and see her lower half is soaked. Either her water has already broken, or she’s still wet from the beach. I hope it’s not her water, but I fear it is.

  We’re rushed through the emergency room and straight up to the maternity ward. When we get there, they put her in a different bed as I begin to help her out of the clothes she’s in. There’s no embarrassment or anything as I strip her down helping her into the hospital gown one of the nurses left for us. Once she’s covered again, I open the door to her room. A nurse and doctor immediately walk into the room to check her situation. They strap the monitors on her as the doctor exams her.

  “Okay. You’re already almost nine centimeters dilated. There’s no stopping your labor now. Has your water broken?” she asks.

  Martha nods her head as a commotion sounds from outside her room. I race to the door when I realize it’s Mad looking for us. He sees me as I skid out of the doorway to Martha’s room. Racing to my side, we head back in the room. The doctor is explaining to Martha what’s going to happen while her husband wraps his arms around her and kisses her forehead. It’s such a tender moment between them that I don’t want to intrude. Once the doctor finishes talking, I’ll let them know I’m heading to the waiting room. This is their day; I won’t ruin it with my presence.

  It’s a couple of minutes before I can get their attention after the doctor leaves. Martha is still upset and concerned about the health of her baby. Yes, the baby is still developing and it’s not ideal to deliver a month early, but there’s a great chance for her to be perfectly fine if not small. Just a little peanut for us to love on.

  “Okay, guys, I’m gonna head out to the waiting room,” I inform them once they break apart. “Let me know when she’s here. Blood wants to know.”

  “I want you in here. I was with you when Logan was born. I’d rather have you stay in here with us,” Martha says, looking at her husband for confirmation.

  “She’s right. We’ve talked about this and we decided we’d rather have you in here if you’re okay with that. You’ve been through this, you can help us make sure nothing happens,” Maddox says, walking around to my side of the bed. “Besides, you’re family and this is a moment for family.”

  Nodding my head, I let the tears slide down my face. This means so much to me that they’d want me in here with them. For the rest of the afternoon, we sit and help Martha get through her contractions. Within two hours of being at the hospital, my friend is ready to push. Maddox and I take our positions on either side of her so we can help hold her legs while she pushes their daughter into the world. It takes a half hour of pushing before I hear the precious screaming of a newborn baby.

  Martha collapses back against the bed while her husband leans down, telling her how strong, brave, amazing, and beautiful she is. How proud of her he is because of the effort she put into bringing their daughter here. I let them have their moment as I step back, getting my first glance at the baby. She’s so damn precious and tiny. The doctor calls for Maddox to cut the cord and once that’s done, their little girl is placed on Martha’s chest. Tears are sliding down both of their faces as they take in the red, screaming little form of their daughter.

  “She’s beautiful,” I state, wiping the tears from my eyes. “I’m going to go call Blood and give you three a chance to be alone.”

  They nod at me without taking their attention from their daughter. Leaving the room, I pull out my phone and call my husband.

  “How is everythin’?” he questions as soon as he answers.

  “It’s good. She just delivered her.”

  “Good. I guess, I can tell Colt he can relax now, Auntie Martha’s just fine.”

  “She’s just so precious and tiny,” I inform him, my heart bleeding with the want of another baby.

  “Give them my love,” he says with a slight chuckle in his voice. “I love you. We’ll work on addin’ to our family when you get home.”

  “How did you know?”

  “You want a little girl of our own, baby. We’ve got our boys, now it’s time for a girl,” he answers as if it’s the most common reason in the world.

  “I love you, Axel ‘Blood’ Johns.”

  He hangs up with laughter in his voice. I walk down to the cafeteria so I can grab a cup of coffee. While I’m down there, I grab a few things for Martha and Emersyn, the newest addition to our family. I grab flowers for my friend, a teddy bear, blanket, and little hat for Emersyn. Making my way back up to the room, I see Martha all taken care of. The baby is resting in her arms while Maddox is right next to them. He’s not leaving their side for anything. I hand over the gifts I bought for them and let them know I’m calling Blood to come get me. I should have told him when were just on the phone, but I wasn’t thinking of it.

  Martha lets me hold Emersyn for a few minutes before I leave. She’s the most precious little girl I’ve ever seen in my life. I cuddle her close to me while pressing a soft kiss against her cheek. She stirs in her sleep as I pull away, my long hair tickling her.

  “She’s so precious. Congratulations to the both of you. I’ll call and check on you tomorrow,” I promise her. “Love you both.”

  “I love you too. Thank you for being here for us today,” Mar
tha answers, a yawn bursting forward as I place Emersyn back in her arms.

  Walking from the room, I let Blood know to come get me, I’ll be outside waiting. He replies that he’s on his way while I make my way to the elevator. I’m exhausted after the events of the day. I just want to climb into bed with my man not only to get started on our next baby, but just to be in his strong, capable arms. The day has shattered me.

  Chapter Nine


  WAKING UP, I don’t have a good feeling at all. I have to leave today for the clubhouse. We’re leaving in the middle of the night for our next run. Thankfully, my father will not be going with us this time. He made up some bullshit reason why he can’t go. Instead, he thinks he’s sending Slammer with me. I really don’t like him going anywhere with me. He’s still just as fucked up today as he was back when I was still a prospect. Over the years, he’s simply learned how to hide that shit better. Maybe that’s why I have such a horrible feeling in my gut. It’s not something I usually get. When I do, I tend to listen to it.

  After showering, packing my go bag, and double checking my weapons, I make my way out to the kitchen where my wife and sons are. They’re all eating their breakfast as I kiss the top of Tonya’s head before going to get a cup of coffee. Once I have that, I grab the plate Tonya put in the microwave for me. It’s got pancakes and bacon on it. A small breakfast compared to what my woman usually cooks for us. I don’t really blame her though. The last few weeks have been crazy and hectic. Tonya’s been spending time with Martha as she adjusts to having a new baby. When she’s not there, she’s here taking care of the boys, cleaning, and making sure we all have everything to make our lives better on a daily basis. I’ve been trying to help her and make sure she knows how much I appreciate every single thing she does for our family as often as possible.

  “You okay?” she questions, setting her own cup of coffee down.

  “We’ll talk when I’m done eatin’,” I respond curtly.

  Tonya finishes her coffee and gets the boys down from the table. She ushers them from the room so she can wash them up. While they’re gone, I finish up my food so I can wash the dishes for her. She cooked so there’s no reason I can’t make sure the kitchen is cleaned up after a meal. With the dishes now washed and sitting in the strainer, I walk back into our room so I can double check my bag. The horrible feeling in my gut is becoming more intense the closer it gets to me leaving my family behind so I can head out on this run.

  My woman walks in, placing her hand on my back while I’m putting my things back in my bag. I’ve got a couple of sets of clothes for the trip, weapons, extra ammo, and a few smaller tools just in case one of us breaks down on the road. It’s what I pack every single time I head out. You never know what’s going to happen with the shit we’re transporting. Plus, I’m not at the club on a regular basis anymore, so I don’t know what’s going on with the club and what new rivals they may have now. I’m kept out of the loop as much as possible even though I just beat Grifter’s ass over this exact same shit.

  “What’s wrong, babe?” she questions me, sitting on the bed next to my bag.

  “I’m not sure. Woke up with a feelin’ of dread in my stomach. I don’t fully know what’s goin’ on at the club. Plus, Grifter wants Slammer to go on this run with me. It just keeps gettin’ worse the longer I’m up,” I answer her honestly, moving my bag and sitting down before pulling her on my lap. “The money is in . . .”

  “I don’t want to do this,” Tonya states, looking away from me.

  “We have to. I need to know my family is provided for and protected if anythin’ happens to me. Give me this, baby,” I plead with her. When she nods, I continue on. “The money is in the safe. You have the code for it. I’ve just put more in there. It will get you through a couple of years at least. My important papers are in the safety deposit box closer to the clubhouse. No one knows I have it. The key is in the safe with the money. Everythin’ else is here. You know where the guns and other weapons are if you need them. If somethin’ happens to me, I want you to pack up and leave here. Move as far away from the club as you can as quickly as possible. Don’t let anyone know where you’re goin’. Finally, don’t spend the rest of your life alone. Find someone who will love you as much as I do and take care of our boys. I love the three of you more than I ever thought possible.”

  By the time I’m done talking, tears are streaming down Tonya’s face. She buries her head in my chest as sobs wrack her body. Wrapping my arms tighter around her, I simply hold her in my arms for however long she needs. Tonya and the kids are my number one priority. I have things to do for the club, but in my mind it’s to ensure my family is taken care of should anything ever happen to me. With my dad keeping me out of the loop with the club, I’m not sure if I need to be protecting my family and sending them away while I’m not home or not. There are potentially hundreds of threats out there I don’t know about. Fuck! I’m so damn torn about what to do.

  “Babe, please, please be careful. Watch Slammer more than you ever have before. I know you don’t trust him. I don’t either. Text or call as often as you can,” she begs of me.

  “I will. I’m gonna kiss the boys goodbye and head out. The sooner I get there to check things over, the quicker we can get on the road and I can get back here to you,” I state, knowing I have to head out.

  She nods her head at me as she wraps her arms around me tight. I let her hang on for a few more minutes before I stand up and she lets me go, sliding down my body. We stand close, our bodies touching at every possible point, as I lean down and kiss her deeply. My tongue slides in her mouth and tangles with hers. She moans into my mouth as I grind my hard cock into her body. While I’d love to take my woman right now, there just isn’t time. Now, it’s time for me to get on the road so I can get the hell home.

  Pulling away from the kiss, Tonya and I are both breathing heavy as I lay my forehead against hers. Finally, I place one last kiss against her forehead before turning to grab my bag and head out of the room. Making my way to the boys’ room, I find them both playing in Colt’s room. They jump up when they see me. I wrap my arms around them both and give them kisses on their head.

  “I’ll be back boys. I love you to death,” I promise them.

  “Love you,” Colt says while Logan holds on tighter to me.

  He doesn’t say much, but I’m sure he can tell how tense I am in this moment.

  Pulling up to the clubhouse, the feeling in my gut is even worse than before. My gut is churning, my body is completely tense, and I’m slow to go in the door. Taking a minute to look around outside, I don’t notice anything out of the ordinary. Other than the bikes all over the place once again. The last time it was like this, every member of the club was high as fuck and only concerned with their next fix. If I walk into that shit again, I don’t know what I’ll do. Other than leave the club completely.

  Taking a deep breath, I head for the main door of the clubhouse. I can already hear the music blaring from inside with no windows or doors open. This is not looking good at all. The stench of pot blasts me in the face as soon as I open the door. As my eyes adjust to the dimness of the interior, I see bodies all over the common room. Women are naked and dancing to the music, barely standing up or coherent. Men litter every available surface as they drink, smoke, and do whatever else they have going on. Hell, there’s more than one couple in various forms of sexual acts. This is everything I grew up with and nothing I want to be a part of.

  While I don’t see any of the hard drugs out in the open like there was in the past, it doesn’t mean they aren’t being done right now. Especially with the women as messed up as they are right now. I’ve definitely been around enough of this shit in my life to realize when someone’s just been smoking weed versus someone who’s on the harder shit. No one from this damn clubhouse is going on the run with me tonight. Not if they’re fucked up right now. That’s a sure-fire way to get hurt or killed. I’ve got too much to live for to take those
kinds of chances.

  Seeing my father over in the far corner of the room, I stalk toward him. He’s laughing his ass off at something Slammer’s saying to him as they both just about fall from their chairs. Slammer can fuck right off if he believes he’s going on the run tonight. I’ll be leaving early as fuck just so he doesn’t go.

  “What the fuck is goin’ on here?” I yell out when I’m right in front of the men at the table.

  “We’re just havin’ a party for a job well done,” Slammer slurs out.

  “Job well done with what?” I question, crossing my arms over my chest.

  “Gettin’ more bitches to pimp out,” my dad responds, like it’s an everyday occurrence. “A shipment just came in yesterday and they are ripe.”

  “We don’t get fuckin’ shipments of women in to pimp the fuck out,” I yell out, causing everyone in the room to stop and look at me in a daze.

  “We just did and there’s nothin’ you can do about it,” my father growls out.

  “The fuck I can’t,” I growl, beginning to slide my cut off. “You want to keep the contacts; you’re all shit out of luck. I’m done. Told you I wasn’t dealin’ with this shit anymore.”

  “You’re not leavin’,” Grifter growls, seeming to sober up in front of my eyes. “If you do, you’re gonna be buried out back. Then I’ll pay a visit to your fuckin’ woman.”

  Looking at my dad, he pulls his gun and raises it until it’s pointing at my head. He’s staring me down waiting for me to make a move. I’m staring at him, daring him silently to pull the fucking trigger. He’ll be the one to lose more than me. Yeah, I won’t be with my family. That thought alone about kills me. However, he’ll be the one who is out money and any contacts I’ll ever bring to the club. My dad realizes this and slowly lowers his gun.


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