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Fierce (Storm MC #2)

Page 16

by Levine, Nina

  When my body stopped jerking, she slowly slid my dick out of her mouth, looked up at me and then licked the tip clean. I reached my arms under hers and pulled her up. When our faces were at the same level, I muttered, “Now that’s what I call a blow job.”

  She smiled. “You saw stars?”

  I smirked. “Babe, I saw the whole fucking universe.”

  She lazily kissed me and the taste of me on her had my dick jerking to attention again.

  “I want your pussy,” I murmured as I backed her up against the table. Thank fuck I kept this table clear because I was about to lay her out on it and sink myself into her.

  She moaned as I kissed her again and then I tilted her head back with my hand and trailed kisses down her neck. When I lightly bit her, she dug her fingernails into my arms. I pulled back a little to look at her. “You like that, baby?”

  Her eyes were full of raw lust and she simply nodded. Then she surprised me by grasping my head with both her hands and directing my lips back to her neck. I didn’t need to be told twice and I kissed and sucked her neck while my hands massaged her tits. I kept this up until her hands met mine and she dragged them down to her jeans button. Having a woman take the lead turned me the fuck on and I did what she wanted. A moment later her jeans were off and then I hooked my fingers on her panties and ripped them down too.

  Now that she was naked, I stepped back to admire her beauty. Christ, she was stunning. My eyes roamed over her breasts, stomach, pussy, legs and then back to her pussy. She was bare there and I loved it. I reached a hand out and dipped one finger in. She was so wet and I slid right in so I inserted a second finger and watched her eyes glaze over with pleasure.

  “Feel good, baby?” I asked, as I ran my thumb over her clit while I finger fucked her.

  She moaned and nodded. “Yes,” she finally got out, her breathing ragged.

  I kept up a good pace and had to use my other hand to hold her up as she began to lose herself in an orgasm. Christ, watching Harlow come was a spectacular sight. She started to moan and mutter my name; it sounded so fucking good on her lips. A man could get used to this.

  Right before she came, I dipped my mouth to her breast and sucked on her nipple, adding some teeth every now and then. She seemed to like that as her hands came up and held my head down in place. Her body shuddered and she screamed out my name as she came. When her body went limp, I wrapped both arms around her to hold her up.

  We stood still for awhile; holding onto each other. I was turned on and couldn’t wait to get inside her, but I was also feeling something else. My heart felt full; happiness snaked through me. This was a new sensation for me and I wasn’t sure what the fuck it meant but it felt so damn good. It was the kind of sensation that made you want to never break away from whatever was causing it. I gripped Harlow harder; in this moment, I never wanted to let her go.

  She moved and I loosened my hold on her. Her eyes found mine and she smiled. “A man who knows what he’s doing; I like that about you.”

  I grinned. “I always aim to please.”

  “Well, I’ll keep you around for awhile longer then.” Those eyes were dancing and teasing me with their wickedness.

  “You fuckin’ better,” I growled, and brushed my lips against hers. “Babe, my dick needs to feel your pussy.”

  She kissed me hard and reached down to stroke my dick. My eyes squeezed shut for a moment; her touch felt so fucking good. Breaking the kiss, she moaned, “Now baby. I’m ready.”

  In one swift movement, I put my arms around her ass and lifted her so that she was sitting on the table. I kissed her and then said, “Just getting a condom.”

  I grabbed my jeans off the floor and searched in my wallet for it before coming back to her. She watched me intently as I undid the wrapper and slid the condom on. “Lay back, baby,” I said, moving right up close to the table, “and rest your legs on my shoulders.”

  Her eyes widened before a look of excitement took over, and she did what I said. I ran my hands over her legs while I enjoyed the view of her laid out on the table. “Time to fly, sweetheart,” I said, gruffly, before lifting her ass off the table and gripping her waist as I lined her pussy up with my cock. Holding her waist, I pulled her towards me and thrust in.

  “Fuck! Scott... feels so good, don’t stop,” she screamed and started panting as I kept thrusting in and out slowly. Her arms flung out so that she could grip the sides of the table while I fucked her.

  I continued my slow thrusting and felt my orgasm build. This position was one of my favourites but with Harlow it was out of this fucking world. Watching her pant, and watching her tits move as I moved her body in time with mine was an amazing fucking sight. My orgasm was so close but I was holding off for her. “You close?” I grunted.

  Unable to speak, she nodded. I needed to hurry this up or else I was going to blow my load without getting her off first. “Touch yourself, babe.”

  Surprise flickered on her face and she was hesitant. Fuck me, I fucking loved that about her. Touching herself in front of a man must be something she hadn’t done much, and I was more than fucking happy to change that. “Baby, touch your pussy. It’ll get you off faster. I’m ready to come but I want you to go first.”

  She didn’t hesitate this time. My eyes greedily tracked her hand down to her pussy and my dick almost exploded with pleasure when she started rubbing her clit. It was obviously good for her too because her hips began to jerk and I watched as her eyes fluttered shut. Her pussy clenched and that was fucking it for me. I came and a moment later she screamed out as she orgasmed too.

  After a moment in which I still held her ass up off the table and let us finish, she opened her eyes and shot me the sexiest look she’d ever given me. “You weren’t joking when you said it was time to fly, were you?”

  I chuckled and lowered her to the table before pulling out. “No babe, I don’t make promises I can’t keep.”

  She sighed; completely sated. “Good, because I’ve been looking for a man who makes good on his promises.”

  My heart constricted. For the first time in my life, I wanted to be a man who made promises to a woman.

  Chapter 25


  I stepped out of the shower and dried myself before wrapping the towel around me. Scott was leaning against the doorframe watching me closely. For once, his eyes weren’t on my body but rather they stayed focused on my face. I smiled at him but he was in a serious mood and didn’t smile back. Sometimes his intensity freaked me a little; now was one of those moments. We’d just had the best sex of my life and I had felt so close to him; I wondered what was running through his mind after that.

  “I want to know more about you than I’ve ever wanted to know about anyone,” he said. It wasn’t at all what I’d expected him to say.

  “What do you want to know?” I asked.

  “Everything,” he said, forcefully.

  Butterflies whooshed through my stomach. Every woman dreamed of finding a man who wanted to take the time to get to know them. I’d dated a lot of men but never found one who’d ever said anything like that to me. His request was so genuine and straight from the heart. Standing in this bathroom with Scott’s full attention on me, I felt like the Queen of the world; he made me feel like that. Scott might be a biker who said and did things that most people wouldn’t ever dream of doing, but he was the first man who gave me the confidence to be completely me. He was unapologetic about the way he lived his life and he gave me the same freedom; the freedom to be whoever I was and to live my life on my terms.

  I moved closer, reached for his hand, and laced my fingers through his. “I want to know everything about you, too.”

  He blew out a breath and tightened his fingers around mine. “I’ve never met a woman who wanted to know me. Sure, they said they wanted to be with me but that didn’t mean they actually wanted to know anything about me. But you’re different and I knew it from that first time we met.”

  “What do you mean
, you knew I was different? How?” I certainly didn’t feel like I was different from anyone else. I’d struggled my whole life to make myself stand out; I always believed I was the boring girl that people overlooked.

  “Fuck, Harlow, you don’t see it, do you?”

  “No,” I confessed in a whisper while I held my breath waiting for him to continue.

  He let go of my hand and lightly ran a finger through my hair, pushing it off my face. His touch was so gentle; so different to the rough way he liked to touch me during sex. “You stood up to me and challenged me. You still do. No woman has ever done that before. You’re a strong woman, and you’re kind and giving. Look at the way you’re helping your mum. Look at how you took Lisa under your wing after you just met her. I don’t know many women who give so selflessly like you do. And yet, there’s a softness to you that I haven’t worked out yet but I like it. I like it a fucking lot.”

  “I thought I was going to be the death of you by arguing with you.”

  “Yeah, babe, you will be. But promise me that you won’t ever stop because it’d be the death of you if you did that.”

  I knew in that moment that I’d just completely fallen for Scott Cole. Any man who totally got that about me would hold me captive, and he now had me for as long as he wanted me.

  I gently laid a hand on his bare chest. “I promise.”

  His hand curled around my waist and he roughly pulled me close so that we were skin to skin. “You’ve got me under your fuckin’ spell and I can’t get enough of you,” he growled.

  The room was charged with electricity as we connected mind, body and soul. The sound of our breathing was the only noise to fill the room while we were silently watching each other.

  Scott’s phone ringing in his bedroom cut through our moment, and he reluctantly pulled away. “Sorry, I’ve gotta get that,” he muttered as he finally broke eye contact and left the room.

  After he left, I let out a long breath and steadied myself against the door. The intensity of that encounter had left me in a state of wanting a whole lot more but at the same time, needing a moment to regroup. Being with Scott was going to involve a whirlwind of emotions; I just hoped I was strong enough to sustain them all.


  Scott lay his arm across my pillow and pulled me to him so that my head was on his chest. It was just after two am and we’d been lying in bed talking for awhile now. I was exhausted after not much sleep last night and then a long day again today. Scott didn’t seem as wiped as I was though; he was in a talkative mood.

  “So, your Dad passed away when you were a teenager?” he asked. He’d been asking me about my family; trying to work it all out in his head.

  “Yes, he died of a heart attack. It was so unexpected because he was such a healthy, fit man. Mum was devastated and I don’t think she’s ever fully gotten over it. She’s only been on a handful of dates and doesn’t seem interested in finding a man. The café is her life now.”

  “When did she move to Brisbane?”

  “She left Gympie a few years after Dad died. I was eighteen when she left; I think the memories were too much for her there. Brisbane was where she grew up so it was a natural choice for her.”

  “That must have been hard for you?”

  “Yeah, it was. After Dad died, I felt lost. It was just me and Mum then, and so when she left, I felt completely alone. I mean, I had my friends but I’ve always been a family person so I felt alone without either of them around. Mum bought her café and started working every day. It was her way of trying to forget the pain, I think. But it meant she blocked me out, even though she didn’t mean to.”

  He was quiet for a moment while he processed what I’d said. “So you had no family with you and then the two people you trusted like family did the fucking dirty on you by cheating with each other.”

  I sucked in a breath. How did he get me so well? Sometimes it felt like he was in my head. “Yes,” I answered softly.

  “People can be motherfuckers sometimes. Family too. But you know what? Family doesn’t always share the same blood. My boys are my family. I’d do anything for them and they’d do the same for me.”

  “That’s what Storm’s all about isn’t it?”

  “Yeah. It’s about family. We might argue and annoy the shit outta each other but when it comes down to it, we’re there when needed. We know we can count on each other. That’s what makes us as strong as we are.”

  “I like that,” I murmured, feeling really sleepy now.

  He kissed the top of my head and squeezed me closer to him. “Night, baby.”

  I fell asleep feeling the happiest I’d felt in a very long time.

  Chapter 26


  “So, you two have been dating for a week now, right?” Madison asked Harlow as I was on my phone, pacing the room while I waited for Blade to come back on the line. We’d been discussing the Black Deed’s situation when he’d been called away for a moment. Harlow and I had dropped into Madison and J’s house after a bike ride. I’d taken her on a long ride; we’d started out early, just after six this morning and ridden up to Mount Tamborine and then down to the Gold Coast. It was now just after three o’clock and Madison had asked us to stay for an early dinner. Harlow was keen but I just wanted to get her home; having her that close to me on the bike all day had made my dick permanently hard.

  I listened to Harlow’s response. “Yes, we’re taking it slow, seeing where it’s heading.”

  What the fuck?

  I moved the phone away from my mouth, and looked Harlow in the eyes. “We’re not seeing where this is headed, babe. I know where this is headed.”

  Her eyebrows shot up. “Really? Where is this headed, Scott?”

  Always demanding; always challenging. Fuck, I was a lucky bastard.

  At that moment, Blade came back on the phone and I didn’t have time to answer her. I walked outside to finish the call.

  “Everything’s in place; we’ll be taking out Bullet in two days,” Blade said.

  “I don’t want to wait two more fucking days, Blade. Bullet’s breathing down our necks at the moment about you. He’s on edge and capable of God-knows-fucking-what.”

  “I met with him last night to discuss the coke issue. He believes that I’m about to agree to pull out of drugs. That should buy us enough time.”

  I wasn’t convinced but was willing to give him those two days. After that, all bets were off; Storm would take care of the problem.

  We finished the call, and I looked up to see J coming through the back door. He’d been at the hardware store when we got here; Madison had him doing some redecorating.

  I lifted my chin at him. “You get everything you need?”

  He sat in one of their outdoor chairs. “Probably not. Madison can’t make up her mind on colours so I’m at the hardware store every second day picking up a new sample for her.”

  I sat too, and raked my fingers through my hair. “This shit with Black Deeds should be over in two days. Just got the call from Blade.”

  “You trust him now?”

  “I believe what he’s told us about Bullet and what happened with his girlfriend years ago. The pain I saw on his face can’t be faked. Not sure about anything else where he’s concerned but there’s a whole lot more about him that we don’t know. Of that I’m sure.”

  J nodded. “Fair enough. So, what’s the plan?”

  “Don’t know yet, brother. He’ll let us know closer to time.”

  My attention was diverted when Harlow came out and joined us. She came and stood next to my chair and rested her hand on the back of it. I reached my arm around her waist and pulled her onto my lap. “Has Madison decided what we’re doing for dinner yet?” I asked.

  “She suggested we go out; she’s still annoyed that we had to cancel our girl’s night out last Friday. She figures that we’ll be okay if you and J are with us.” She lifted her arm so that it was across the back of my chair and started gently running her fingers up
and down my neck.

  “She knows that we cancelled that night out for both of yours safety. Jesus, she holds onto stuff,” I muttered. Her fingers on the back of my neck were messing with my concentration.

  “Where does she want to go?” J asked, getting up.

  Harlow shrugged, her eyes lost in mine, and her attention to J’s question waning. “Not sure,” she finally answered him.

  J chuckled. “I’ll leave you two to it,” he said, and went inside, leaving us alone.

  I tightened my hold on her and brushed my lips against hers. “You’re turning me into a fuckin’ pussy.”

  Her face broke out in a smile. “I like that. You’re so much easier to control when you’re a pussy.”

  I growled. “You don’t want to control me, baby. You like bossy too much; it fuckin’ turns you on.”

  “Scott, since I met you, I’ve lived in a constant turned on state. It doesn’t matter if you’re being bossy or being a pussy, I can’t get enough of you.”

  “Fuck, woman. You got any idea what it does to me when you say shit like that?”

  She grinned, and whispered in my ear, “I hope it gets you hard so that you’ll fuck me as soon as we get back to your place.”

  Christ, I was fucking done for now. Dirty words coming out of Harlow’s mouth almost made me come there and then. I smacked her ass. “Up. We’re skipping dinner; I’m taking you home now.”

  “Thank goodness. I never thought you’d suggest it so I had to give you a prod,” she said with a wink.

  I shook my head. “Harlow, any time that you want me to fuck you? Just say the word; you’ll never hear no from me.”

  Twenty minutes later, I had Harlow right where I wanted her; naked and under me. Best fucking way to end a day.

  Chapter 27


  I was dozing on the couch when my phone rang. Sleep wasn’t my friend lately in between working two jobs and Scott keeping me up late every night. Grumbling, I reached out to the coffee table to answer it. Checking the caller ID, I noticed it was Lisa calling me. Worry hit my gut; why else would she be calling other than if she had a problem. I’d had to go up to her school last week and help her make a complaint about being bullied; I hoped this wasn’t still going on.


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