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Broken Moon Series Digital Box Set

Page 61

by F. T. Lukens

Darby frowned, but dropped the prod. “Did you just call a weapon elegant? Rowan, I feel we may have missed out on some bonding. We need to remedy this.”

  “Later. Follow me.”

  They crept down the row of bays. The Star Stream called to Ren as he approached. It welcomed him as it always did, and Ren’s power engaged. His vision went blue, and he opened himself to the systems and circuits.

  “You’re glowing,” Asher said in a low voice. He knocked his shoulder into Ren’s arm.

  “I’m home.”

  Asher’s grin widened into a full-blown smile. “Good to know.”

  Aboard the ship, the tension Ren carried in his spine and shoulders eased. Penelope and Lucas waited on the other side of the airlock.

  “Good to see you,” Lucas said, with his goggles on his head and his brown hair sticking up. “Long time no see.”

  “Shut up,” Rowan said, stepping into the ship, heading for the stairs.

  Lucas’s grin only widened. He pounced on Ollie when he walked in, and Penelope followed suit. Someone snagged Ren’s arm as he tried to maneuver around them, and he was swallowed in a bone-crushing hug. Asher rolled his eyes and grudgingly joined in.

  “You cogs are weird.” Darby followed Rowan up the stairs and dodged Penelope’s attempt at scooping her into the group hug.

  “Lucas, get us off this hunk.” Rowan rested her crossed arms on the railing above them. “The rest of you, common room. Now!”

  * * *

  Gathered in the common area, Ren sat on the couch with his legs draped over Asher’s lap. Asher absently rubbed Ren’s leg over the fabric of his trousers; the heat of his palm bled through the cloth to Ren’s skin. Even as light and nonchalant as it was, his touch helped soothe the tremble of fatigue in Ren’s muscles. The casual intimacy of their position was not lost on Ren, and his body warmed, and his pulse quickened. Their relationship wasn’t a secret, but they’d not been this openly tactile. If anyone noticed, they didn’t comment, but Ren kept his head ducked to spare himself from knowing looks. He tucked his bare toes under the arm of the couch and waited for Rowan to ask questions.

  Lucas and Penelope sprawled in the dining chairs. Ollie sat on the deck plate with his back to the front of the couch, and Darby perched, cross-legged, on the table.

  Rowan stood, arms crossed, posture straight.

  “Feet off the table,” she said, giving Darby a stern look.

  Darby rolled her eyes but kicked out her legs, so her boots hung off the end. “Yes, Captain.”

  “Captain?” Asher sputtered. “Just call her Rowan, or she’ll get a bigger head than she already has.”

  “I thought it was appropriate. She did come back for us in kind of true, badass lady fashion. I mean, she did take away the opportunity of Ren and I stealing—” Ren coughed. Darby blew out a breath. “Really? Fine, borrowing a ship, but, you know, can’t win them all.”

  “We would’ve returned the ship. If we could’ve.”

  Darby scoffed. “You stopped me from stealing this ship and you stopped me from stealing another ship. You are a killjoy, Ren. I don’t say that lightly.”

  Ren rolled his eyes. “You’re a menace.”

  “Whatever, blue eyes. Maybe turn that down a little bit, okay?”

  Ren hadn’t realized he was using his star, but at her words, he did find himself unconsciously running through a systems diagnostic. Everything was in working order, which was to be expected as he had only left a few hours ago. There was not much Lucas could do to break the ship in that time, and Penelope could’ve fixed anything minor.

  Asher put his arm around Ren’s shoulders and lightly tousled the longer strands of Ren’s hair.

  “I was checking the systems.”

  Rowan shifted her weight and cocked her hip. “Anyway, now that we’ve left the empire of the divine leader Millicent, does anyone want to fill me in on how the hell that happened?”

  “We don’t have much more information than you do unfortunately.” Ollie stretched his back, then dropped his hands. “Those soldiers on Echo are zealots under the thrall of Millicent.”

  “That’s unsettling,” Lucas said. Penelope elbowed him. “What? She was unsettling. I don’t think anyone is arguing that point. And it’s not like she’s here to hear me say that I found her creepy behavior unsettling. She was the definition of unsettling.”

  “Okay, so like, how do you people know this lady?” Darby spread out her hands. “Is she a friend or something?”



  “Kind of.”

  Darby looked at Asher, Ren, and Penelope, and made a face. “Which is it?”

  “I met her when I was trapped on Ren’s planet under the reign of an autocrat named Vos. She left before Ren arrived. We ran into her again on Mykonos, and she was under the control of Abiathar, a star host who can control other stars with his voice. We released her, and she agreed to become part of the crew, until she betrayed us on Crei and was instrumental in my capture by the Phoenix Corps and Ren’s mortal injury.”

  Darby’s mouth dropped open. “Wow. Okay. So, she’s the one who,” she waved her hand.

  “No, Corporal Zag shot me.”

  “And he’s?”

  “Phoenix Corps,” Asher said. “Like me.”

  “Oh. That’s… complicated. I’m sorry I asked.”

  “Millicent is obviously no longer under Vos’s control,” Rowan said. “She’s taken over Phoebus and Echo. Who knows what other drifts she hopes to target. And for what purpose?”

  “Power,” Asher said.

  “No.” Ren shook his head. He shared a look with Ollie. “Millicent left Crei because of the opportunity to escape her situation. Power isn’t what drives her.”

  “What is it then? It’s not for anyone’s benefit but her own. That much is obvious.”

  “You’re right on that front,” Ren said as Asher drummed his fingers on Ren’s shin. “She’s not in it to make friends.”

  Ollie frowned. “She wants freedom.”

  “She doesn’t want to be confined to a single drift. She was confined on Crei, in more ways than one. She wants to move freely and by taking over several drifts she’s able to maneuver.” Ren laid his hand over Asher’s, stilling the movement. “She’s building a base.”

  Asher squeezed Ren’s hand.

  “What does this mean for us?” Rowan paced, her boot heels clicking.

  Asher sighed. “It means we can’t run and hide.”

  Ren threaded his fingers with Asher’s. “The best way for a star host to be able to have freedom from the Corps and from Vos is to destroy both the Corps and Vos.”

  “We have to stop her,” Ollie said.

  “I agree.” Darby propped her head on her crossed knees and put her boots back on the table. “I don’t want to live through another Phoebus and, as much fun as Echo was, I don’t think the hilarity would hold when she decides to vent everyone because being a ruler doesn’t suit her anymore.”

  “What can we do to thwart someone who can control tech and makes our own technopath ill when they interact?” Rowan asked more to herself than the group.

  Ren rubbed his eyes. “Free Abiathar.”

  Rowan stopped pacing. “What? Free that cog? So he can turn you against us? I don’t think so.”

  “He’s in Perilous Space with Liam. It’s worth a try.”

  “Or we could get an ancient gun like Zag did and shoot her. It worked on Ren.” Ren narrowed his eyes at Lucas, and Lucas raised his hands. “What? It’s a valid option. Unsettling!”

  Penelope raised her hand. “Maybe we should figure out a way for Ren to be able to… override Millicent? Do you think that might be possible?”

  Asher resumed his rubbing of Ren’s legs with more focus and with more pressure. Ren bit off a gasp when Asher’s fin
gers dug into a tender spot on his calf.

  Ren cleared his throat. “I could try?”

  “Sorry, Ren,” Asher said with a frown, “but that’s not a good enough plan. That’s not a plan at all. We don’t even know what we’re going to do when we get to the prison.”

  “We’re puttering in that direction, right now,” Lucas said. “In case anyone cares.”

  Rowan scrubbed her hands over her face, then dropped them, fists clenched.

  “We need to talk to Mother,” Rowan said.

  Asher recoiled into the cushions. “Do we have to?”

  “I’m missing something,” Darby said. “Who is your mother?”

  Rowan and Asher shared a glance, and Rowan tugged on her braid. “Our mother is the esteemed Councilor Morgan of the Drift Alliance.”

  “Your mother is a politician?”


  “Huh. I guess that makes sense.”

  Rowan rolled her eyes. “Unfortunately. She has to know what is happening to the drifts. And if what those cogs said was true, if Millicent vented those Corps soldiers, Mother needs to know that as well. She can pass the information on to VanMeerten.”

  Asher laughed without humor. “Do you think she’ll tell the general anything? They hate each other.”

  Rowan shrugged. “It’s worth a try. Especially if Mother can send help. Maybe she can convince the Corps to release the prisoners in Perilous Space without us having to get involved.”

  Ren raised an eyebrow. “Does she even know what they’re using Perilous Space for? And last time we talked to your mother, before she met me, she didn’t even believe people like me existed. Now, we’re going to tell her Millicent is killing people and taking over drifts? And that’s somehow going to convince her to allow the star hosts in Perilous Space to be released?”

  “You have to admit that you are farfetched,” Darby chimed.

  Ren glared.


  Lucas stood. “I’ll get the comm set up.”

  “I’ll get ready.” Asher gently pushed Ren’s legs from his lap. He shot him an apologetic smile, then kissed Ren’s cheek.

  Ren’s heart raced, and his blush deepened.

  Darby whistled and grinned ear to ear. She raised both eyebrows in quick succession and laughed at Ren’s mortified expression. Asher made an impolite gesture with his fingers when he left the room.

  “Rude!” she called after him.

  Ren buried his face in his hands.

  * * *

  Ren stood at Asher’s shoulder while he and Rowan prepared to face their mother. Rowan brushed imaginary lint from Asher’s shirt. Throat bobbing and jaw working, Asher swept the ends of his blond hair from his forehead.

  Ren tentatively placed his hand on Asher’s shoulder and squeezed.

  “You should be out of sight,” Asher said and immediately pinched the bridge of his nose. “Sorry, that came out badly. But you shouldn’t be where they can see you.”

  Ren admitted it stung, but he understood. By all accounts, he was dead, and they needed to keep it that way. “I’ll be right over there.”

  “Okay you two, show time. Best smiles,” Lucas said, pressing buttons and flipping switches.

  Ren left the bridge but hid behind the doorway. He tucked himself into the small space at the top of the stairs between the sliding door and the entrance. He brought his knees to his chest and wrapped his arms around his shins. His stomach flip-flopped when he reached into the systems.

  He boosted the signal as Lucas put in a message request with the councilor. Through the comm system and the vid feeds, the screen was a blanket of interference and snow until the ship connected and a clear picture slowly sharpened.

  Councilor Morgan looked remarkably like her children. She had the same light-blonde hair and the same vibrant green eyes. She had their strong jaws and straight noses and light brows. Wrinkles spread out from the corners of her eyes, and she had frown lines around her mouth. She was beautiful and strong and terrifying when she forced a smile at her children.

  “Good morning, my loves,” Councilor Morgan said as she smoothed her hair from her eyes. “I haven’t heard from you in months. Asher, I thought you were back with the Corps.”

  “I left,” he said flatly.

  Her smile didn’t move, but her eyes gave her away. “Is that wise? They’ll court-martial you.”

  “I’m fine.”

  Her smiled wavered. “I’m sorry about what happened to your little friend. I know he was dear to you.”

  Asher didn’t move; his expression seemed frozen. “He was. I loved him.”

  Ren’s breath caught. Warmth was like a live wire in his middle, and he shivered and pressed a smile into his knees. The fabric of his trousers felt coarse against his mouth.

  Councilor Morgan’s expression remained placid. She changed the subject. “And Rowan? Still drifting from place to place with those friends of yours?”

  Rowan’s smile was frightening. “Yes, Mother. Actually, I wanted to talk with you about that. We’ve recently been to Echo drift and—”

  “Oh? You’re far out in the cluster, my dear. I’ve not been to Echo in years. It’s almost as quaint as the planets Asher is fond of.”

  “Have you heard anything about Echo? Or about Phoebus? Or any others?”

  Their mother shook her head. “No, dears. You understand there are so many drifts these days that it’s difficult to keep up with them all. Echo and Phoebus are so small and far out from Mykonos. Why? Are they having trouble?” Her eyes flitted to stare at something off screen.

  Rowan and Asher shared an uneasy glance.

  “Yes,” Asher said.

  Councilor Morgan’s gaze slid off screen again, and Rowan stepped forward.

  “Who’s there with you, Mother?”

  “What?” Her manicured fingers rested against her throat. “No one is here with me.”

  “Don’t lie to us. Is it Corps? Vos? That girl Millicent?”

  She sighed and put her hands on her hips, all pretentions vanishing. “You’re too perceptive for your own good.” She addressed the indivi­dual off screen. “Well, Grace, might as well come out from hiding.”


  A shadow moved across the screen, and Ren clapped a hand over his mouth to stifle a gasp.

  She looked different with her iron-gray hair falling around her shoulders rather than pulled back in a severe bun. Her scar was unmistakable, stretching from her ear, down the line of her jaw, then stopping at her chin. She wasn’t wearing her uniform, and the shapeless dress she wore made her appear softer than normal, though her gaze was as sharp as ever.

  Asher jolted back. Ren jerked, and moved to run to Asher’s side, but stopped himself. Asher made a movement with his hand, and Ren recognized it as a signal to stay put. He crouched behind the door.

  “Private Morgan,” VanMeerten said, peering down her nose. Her eyes seemed hard and glinting with disapproval. She swished a glass of wine; the red liquid swirled like blood. “There you are. The last I had heard, you were lost in a commotion on Bara that was blamed on the residents of the nearby city. Now I must conclude that it was your sister who destroyed the generators and aided in your desertion. I’ll be issuing a warrant for both of your arrests.”

  “You will do no such thing, Grace.” Councilor Morgan slammed her hand on the table. Her tone dripped with venom as she continued. “You leave my children alone. Whatever truce is between us extends to them.”

  VanMeerten eyed Asher and Rowan. “You’re lucky your mother has the means and power to stay my hand for the time being, but, as far as I’m concerned, you’re a deserter and a traitor, Asher, and you, Rowan, are a pirate.”

  Rowan lifted her chin. “And you’re a bitch, but name-calling isn’t going to bring us any closer to figuring out how to stop the atta
cks on the drifts. We’ve encountered two drifts that have been sieged by zealots.”

  VanMeerten set her glass of wine on the councilor’s desk. “No need to worry. We have the situation well in hand.”

  “Right,” Asher said. “And how do you plan to stop her? Are you going to use the prisoners in Perilous Space to do so? I know you have someone there that can manipulate others with his voice. His name is Abiathar, if you’ve forgotten. We captured him on Mykonos.”

  “Why would we need to utilize that ancient cog?”

  “Oh, do you have another trick up your sleeve? Is Zag going to hide around a corner and shoot her with an ancient projectile, like you did Ren? Kill her from a distance? Like a coward?”

  VanMeerten’s eyes flashed. “I don’t have to justify Corps decisions to you.”

  “No, you don’t.” Asher strode forward, hands clenched. “That’s the problem. You have no accountability to anyone and indiscriminately make decisions that affect others with no regard to the consequences on dusters and drifters alike!” His chest heaved. His voice rose, banged through the silence, echoed around the small area of the bridge. “You’re the real villain.”

  “How dare you lecture me! That star host was dangerous. He was bringing that tunnel down around you all, and you would have let him.”

  “He was afraid.”

  “He was wild and out of control. He was possessed!”

  “He was a teenager!” Asher pointed a shaking finger. “He was doing the best he knew how to do. He was frightened and unsure and only wanted to go home, but he couldn’t, because the Corps had taken that home away. And you’ve done the same to others, and now they’re rebelling and trying to make a safe haven for themselves. You’re not the only one to blame, but you’ve as much of the burden to shoulder as anyone else.”

  “We already have the suspect in custody.” She placed her hands on the table and loomed over them. “I won’t deny that you’re passionate, but its best to know the facts before you jump onto a soap box.”

  Asher bristled and shrugged off Rowan’s placating touch to his shoulder.

  Councilor Morgan spread her hands; her mouth twisted into a frown. “Asher and Rowan, please, leave this business to the general and myself. We are aware of the situation in the outlier drifts. We have no plans to allow it to escalate further. You two should find a place to relax for a few weeks while we rid the drifts of these ridiculous dusters and their dreams of grandeur.”


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