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Hunted by the Fallen: A Fallen Angel Reverse Harem Novel (The Fallen Harem Book 2)

Page 9

by Samantha Britt

  I cross my arms, skeptical of his behavior. I notice the sparks of Angel Fire leave my clothes untouched. “An explanation?”

  “For why I resorted to causing you pain in order to make you heal Charles.”

  A tickle of the pain’s memory tries to trail up my spine, but I shove it away. “I’m listening.”

  Lukas shifts again, this time he swings his arms behind his back and pushing out his chest. Am I imagining it, or is his posturing forced? His face certainly doesn’t appear confident.

  His throat bobs once. “There is no excuse for my barbaric behavior. I never should have laid a hand on you to get you to do my will.”

  I watch Lukas shake his head. “I can only say I was not in my right mind. Never before have I been faced with watching as someone I love died. The grief made me lose all sense of decent behavior. And for that, I can only ask for your forgiveness.”

  Several questions nag me. But one stands out above the rest. “You love Charles?”

  I bite my lip, knowing the question is bold. I remember the way Lukas had kissed Charles’ hand. If Lukas feared for the life of the man he loves, it explained why the angel who’d gone out of his way to seem chivalrous would resort to causing me pain.

  That doesn’t make it right. But I can understand it.

  Lukas doesn’t look away or try to avoid the question. “Yes, I do.”

  I nod. “I see,”

  “As I said, my feelings are not an excuse for my actions. I am sorry for triggering strong emotions in order to get a desired result.”

  Understanding dawns. “That’s why you brought me here.” Lukas arranged for a sorceress to disable my block in order to repay me for his crimes against me.

  “You will no longer need to experience powerful feeling in order to access your powers. And before you ask, that does not mean I require your help with future injured parties. Though, I do hope we can arrange an agreement on that front.”

  I’m beginning to think his hope may not be in vain.

  “Are angels capable of enacting wards?” The strangeness of our situation doesn’t escape me. Minutes ago, I wanted to hurt Lukas more than I wanted to take my next breath. Now, I am turning to him for answers.

  “No, only a sorcerer or sorceress could accomplish such a task.”

  I inhale deeply. For as much as I was afraid of removing the barrier, I’m glad it’s gone. “Thank you for lifting the ward.”

  Lukas tips his head. “You’re welcome. Though, I am surprised none of your companions thought to do as much themselves.”

  My entire body stills. Even my heart slows to a dangerously slow beat. “Are…” I have to pause to gain control of the sense of betrayal fighting to be unleashed. “Are you saying they all knew about the ward?”

  The shock and subsequent unease playing across Lukas’ features seems genuine. “Yes… They knew.”

  I think about all of the training sessions where I failed. Failed to call on any of my power. Failed to conquer the barrier between me and the magical leash on my power. I want to scream. The Fallen had known. They’d known, but they let me feel incompetent. They let me believe I was a failure.

  I am shaking with anger, but the part of me still capable of reason wants to make sure my assumptions are correct.

  “Did they know how to get rid of the ward?” I imagine the Fallen not telling me about the ward because they didn’t know how to lift it. It doesn’t excuse them for not telling me why I struggled using my powers so much, but, like Lukas’ explanation, I could understand it.

  Lukas’ next words erase that possibility. “All Fallen know how wards are enacted and how they are removed.”

  So much for that explanation.

  “Will you take me home now?”

  Lukas watches me warily. “If you’d like.”

  “I would.” I continue to try and get my anger under control. I will confront the four Fallen, but I need to get ahold of myself first. Going into an argument this heated won’t benefit me.

  Lukas offers his hand. I place my palm in his. When we don’t immediately transport, I lift my gaze to meet his tentative one. “What?”

  He clears his throat. “I’m sure this doesn’t need to be said, but for the sake of covering my bases, please do not share what you learned about my affections today. I prefer to keep my private life private.”

  I would never think of doing such a thing. “I won’t say a word.”

  The tension in his shoulders lessens. “Thank you, Veronica. And I meant what I said about hoping we could find an arrangement for you to help me with your gift. I hope you will consider payment of some kind.”

  I’m still reeling from learning the Fallen kept such a secret from me. But my head clears enough for me to ask, “Who would I be helping?”

  To his credit, Lukas doesn’t act surprised by my sudden question. “My allies.”

  “Light Fallen?”

  He nods, then adds, “I am acquainted with some Dark Fallen as well.”

  “Why would they need healing? Is there a war going on or something?” I say it half-heartedly, not really expecting my words to be true. But Lukas’ face darkens with heavy emotion.

  “You might say that.”


  The fingers holding mine flex. “Perhaps this is best discussed at another time?”

  If I wasn’t at my limit of self-control, I might try and insist he answer my questions. As it is, I just want to go home.

  “I’ll help your allies. As long as you promise to help me train with my powers.” After learning the Fallen allowed the ward to remain intact, I no longer trust them with my training.

  “You have my word.” Lukas tips his head, then the world shifts. Seconds later, I’m back in my yard. The four angels are exactly where I left them.

  “Until next time, Veronica.” Lukas drops my hand and disappears, snapping his fingers right before he drops from sight. I face the Fallen around me.

  Adrian still smirks like an arrogant ass, and I want to smack the expression from his face. I can’t believe they’ve all lied to me for so long.

  I shock all of the Fallen when I brush past them and enter my house.

  “Messenger?” Joseph calls.

  At the same time, Zeke asks, “Are you alright?”

  I ignore them. I need to get ahold of the violence swimming in my gut before I do something I regret. Now that my power is within reach, there is no telling what might happen if I lose control.


  I go to bed without uttering more than a single sentence to any of the Fallen. I hear their whispers of concern and confusion, but I pretend I don’t. When Gabe inquires after my health, I answer with one word. When Zeke questions whether I work this evening, I respond in the negative. No matter who speaks to me or what they speak about, I make sure to not ignore them completely, but I do not encourage any continued attempts at making conversation.

  Let them stew in their worry, the darker side of my mind whispers.

  A chill rolls over my skin, and I burrow deeper into my comforter. The Fallen have no idea what has transpired the past two days. They do not know about Lukas’ reappearance, and they do not know the ward keeping my power from reach is no longer present. I half expected the angels to notice the change the moment I returned to the backyard, but I see no sign that is the case. I decide that is another reason to ensure I only try to use my powers with Lukas. It’s petty of me, but I want to give the Fallen a dose of their own medicine and keep a secret from them for once.

  I toss and turn, my mind unwilling to succumb to sleep. I think of Lukas and wonder when his next visit will come. Now that I can touch my powers, I am eager to practice using them. I want to be able to defend myself against anything that comes my way, no matter when it comes.

  Unable to fight it, my thoughts turn to my angelic parents. I consider what Odette and Lukas said about why the ward was enacted in the first place. If the goal was to keep me from detection, I wonder whether or not
that went out the window once I reached eighteen and my emerging powers made me discoverable. Or perhaps the ward kept my emerged powers from mass detection? Adrian and the others were able to sense me because of their proximity. The same goes for the yancor demons. If one or both of my parents truly wished for me to remain hidden, I want to know why. Who or what were they trying to keep from finding me?

  Eventually, I fall asleep despite the dozens of unanswerable questions trying their best to keep me up throughout the night.

  When I wake in the morning, I almost have a heart attack. Lukas is hovering at the foot of my bed. I rub my eyes, thinking I’m still in a dream. Lord knows he’d been the star of my subconscious creations.

  With hands tucked in his jacket pockets, he confirms he is not a figment of my imagination when he says, “Still willing to use those gifts of yours?”

  The next four days, Lukas calls on me for my help. I’m not sure if it’s a welcome coincidence, or if Lukas purposefully chooses to appear when I am not at work or spending time with my parents or Annie. Even if it is, I’ve started to appreciate the unannounced interruptions in my day to day life. I am thankful for the chance to practice my powers with Lukas, saving me from needing to ask one of the Fallen for their help. My interactions with my bodyguards remain strained, and I have no plans for that to change.

  Today, I am sitting in Lukas’ study at his magnificent home in Germany, struggling to read the ancient text he handed me when I asked for more information on the conflict which is causing so many angels to need my healing gifts. Just in the last forty-eight hours, I’ve repaired five angels shredded and/or singed wings. At first, I’d been wary to let so many Fallen see my face. My protectors’ desire to keep my identity a secret is still instilled in me. Fortunately, Lukas ensured all of my patients were not conscious when I arrived to provide treatment, making my worries a non-issue.

  I groan and shove the book away in frustration, resting my forehead against the ground. “This is impossible. I can’t read this language.”

  Fully recovered from his injuries, Charles replies from his seat in a plush leather chair, “The book is written in English.”

  “Really, really old English,” I raise my head and throw back at him, but I do reach out and pull the book back in front of me. I squint and read each word slowly, trying again to decipher the unfamiliar vocabulary and sentence structure. The format is difficult to understand, and I don’t know how to solve my problem. I can’t remember the last time I had trouble reading anything.

  Lukas sits at the chair opposite of Charles and chuckles. “Would you like me to translate for you?” Since that night when he appeared in my bedroom, the Light Fallen has proven true to his word regarding my training. But that doesn’t mean he is does it without some teasing involved. And, like Adrian, Lukas seems to enjoy pushing me beyond my self-imposed limits. Except, unlike Adrian, he only stops when I’ve breached them.

  I scowl at Lukas from my spot on the bearskin rug. The fireplace roars behind me, warming my feet. Summer nights are chilly in Germany. “I would rather you just tell me.” Does everything need to be a lesson with him?

  Lukas sighs and rolls his eyes to the crown molding above us. “The young are so impatient.”

  “Indeed,” Charles agrees, “and impolite.”

  I throw him a glare. I’ll show him impolite.

  Lukas clucks his tongue, drawing my attention back to him. “There is no need for violence, Veronica. He read my glare easily. “Long story short, the demon population seems to be increasing in exponential fashion. A group of Light and Dark Fallen are trying to reduce the impact such numbers have on both angelic and human society.”

  With wide eyes, I look back down at the book. “How in the world could this book tell me that?” From my best guess, the text was written at least three hundred years ago. If not more. It is an angelic book after all.

  Lukas tsks. “Oh, ye of little faith.”

  I frown. “What?”

  Tired of this conversation, Charles speaks up, “The text predicts a day when God will send an army of demons to rise up and overthrow those whom Heaven has rejected and tossed into the abyss.”

  My lips part, forming a surprised “O”.

  Then, I murmur, “The demons are coming to fight the Fallen?” Against my will, my thoughts turn to my four protectors. I may be angry with them, but I don’t want them to come to any harm.

  “So says the prophecy.” Lukas gives a nonchalant wave.

  “You don’t believe it?”

  “I believe the demon population is growing. But do I think it is a result of God’s long-awaited justice for those of us he banished from Paradise? No. His punishment was enacted many millennia ago when we were cast from his presence forever.” His voice fades to a nearly inaudible volume. Lukas turns and looks out the west-facing window, lost in whatever thoughts and memories are playing in his mind.

  Charles clears his throat. I look his way.

  His lips are pulled tight. “The Lord does not make deals with demons. He won’t be the person responsible for growing their numbers.”

  “Then who is?” I ask. “Where do demons come from in the first place?

  “The Darkness. Which has existed since the world first saw light,” Charles answers.

  His words hang heavy in the air. The study suddenly feels stuffy. I’ve brought forth an intense subject. But I can’t resist the urge to learn more. I have so many questions. Questions that Lukas and Charles have spent the last four days answering.

  “Who controls the darkness?”

  “No one,” Lukas states, still facing the window. “The Darkness is its own master.”

  I purse my lips. “I was expecting you to say Satan.”

  Both angels chuckle, though they don’t really sound too amused. “Lucifer is nothing but a Fallen Angel,” Lukas tells me. “He can reign over Darkness no more than I can.”

  “A powerful Fallen angel,” Charles adds.

  “So the darkness is a sentient being who can make its own decisions,” I restate their word. “And it is building an army of demons… How?”

  Charles shrugs. “How all demons are created. The darkness feeds on humanity’s greed and depravity. It uses those negative forces to create physical manifestations of those emotions. They are powerful foes, as you might recall from your encounters with the yancor filth.”

  Red eyes and black skin flash before me. “Alright. The darkness is building an army. And it is coming to fight the Fallen. That’s why I’ve been healing so many angels?”

  “Yes.” Charles nods.

  “I didn’t think demons could hurt Fallen,” I admit, knowing the statement sounds foolish given all I’ve seen and experienced.

  “Normally, they can’t.”

  My head whips to Lukas. He continues to avoid looking at anything except the window.

  “What do you mean?” I ask.

  “Most demons are not able to cause significant harm to Fallen. Whether Light or Dark, we are as close to immortal as any being walking this earth can claim to be.”

  “… But?”

  “But, as of one month ago, that has changed.” Lukas finally turns and meets my gaze. “Demons which have never been able to do more than impede a Fallen now have the ability to inflict fatal wounds.”

  The implications of what he is saying threatening to overwhelm me with fear. What will happen to the rest of the world if Fallen are able to be hurt by demons? Humans won’t have a chance.

  “How?” I breathe.

  “We do not know,” Charles answers when Lukas does nothing more than move his head from side to side.

  I frown. “Are you just planning to just accept the situation?”

  Lukas’ blank expression disappears. He gestures at the room around him, motioning to the world outside of the four walls around us. “Do I look like I’m simply accepting the situation?”

  My eyebrows turn inward. I’m not sure what he means. I think about what he said earlier ab
out the group of Fallen fighting the demons. “Is anyone trying to defeat the Darkness?”

  Lukas scoffs and Charles purses his lips.

  “One does not simply defeat The Darkness,” Lukas speaks to me like I’m a silly girl. Which, in this situation, I kind of am.

  “The Darkness has been around since the beginning of time,” he tells me, “and it will be here long after time ceases to exist.”

  “And you and your allies are fighting off the demons Darkness brings,” I piece the story together. “Why not try to find a way to neutralize the Darkness? Stop the problem where it starts.”

  Lukas folds his arms. “As I’ve said, it is more complicated than that.”

  “Sure, but have you even tried?”

  Lukas’ expression dims. He’s done humoring my questions. “How about we leave the strategizing to me?”

  I recognize dismissal when I hear it. Interestingly enough, his abrupt behavior doesn’t bother me. I prefer it to sneaky or deceitful avoidance.

  “Well, I guess it’s time for me to get back.” I push off the ground. “Don’t want anyone to miss me or anything.”

  Lukas smirks. Both he and I know he freezes time whenever my services are needed. I wonder if the time I’m spending with him will add up and make me older than I should be. Does his time freeze keep my age locked in time? Or am I subject to time’s will since I am not under his freeze?

  “Indeed,” Lukas rises. So does Charles.

  “Until next time,” Charles extends a hand. I place mine in his and give him a firm shake. Gone is the stoic angel from the warehouse. Ever since I’ve healed him, Charles has gone out of his way to treat me with nothing but kindness. He’s even been so bold as to step between Lukas and I whenever my training became particularly volatile and I almost sent a bolt of Angel Fire to decapitate the insufferable angel. What can I say? Though he no longer uses physical pain as motivation, Lukas has decided taunting me is an effective way to get desired results. It can get annoying, fast.

  With my completed goodbye, Lukas reaches out and touches my shoulder, returning me to my house full of unsuspecting Fallen.


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