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His Undercover Maid: An Instalove Possessive Romance (A Man Who Knows What He Wants Book 190)

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by Flora Ferrari


  His Undercover Maid


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16


  Extended Epilogue







  About the Author






  Copyright © 2020 by Flora Ferrari

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  The following story contains mature themes, strong language and sexual situations. It is intended for mature readers.



  As CEO of a multi-billion company I’m used to getting what I want. The only thing missing in my life is a woman, but I’m better off not trusting anyone. Until a sexy new maid turns up to clean my office and I find himself head over heels in lust and determined to have her. But the question is, can I trust her?


  I’ve always wanted to be a reporter. But I never imagined it would entail dressing up as a maid in order to get a story on the hottest billionaire bachelor in town...this is hardly the career I dreamed of. And with a blackmailing boss and a sleazy manager on my hands, the stakes are high. But then I meet Sebastian and realize there is something I want more than a good story.


  *His Undercover Maid is an insta-everything standalone instalove romance with a HEA, no cheating, and no cliffhanger.


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  Who is she?

  There’s a strange woman in my office. Rather than demanding to know who she is and what the hell she’s doing here however, I stand silently in my doorway, watching her.

  Because that’s the best ass I’ve ever seen. Full and round, flaring out from a small waist and sitting atop a pair of juicy thighs, encased in a tight grey skirt that’s showing her curves off to perfection, she’s certainly got my attention.

  I have to admit I don’t usually notice the cleaning staff. Not because I’m some superior asshole, even though that’s an image I have purposefully cultivated, but because I’m so busy these days our paths rarely cross. Back when I was a young and eager junior manager, I always made a point of getting to know the staff and ensuring they knew they were valued. Cleanliness makes a company go round...besides which, I’d never forget my past.

  I don’t generally find myself eyeing them up like this though. Regardless of job role, I make a point of never getting involved with my employees. And now that I’m the CEO of my own tech company, everyone is an employee. I’m one of the richest men in Manhattan...and I make sure everyone knows it.

  I’ve been so busy staring at her ass that I’ve only just realized what she’s doing. She’s bending over the waste basket, basket in hand, yet rather than emptying it, she appears to be going through it.

  What is she looking for?

  “You seem to find the contents of my waste basket rather interesting,” I say drily. She jumps to her feet and spins round, cheeks red and flustered.

  “Mr. Adams,” she says, clearing her throat. “I wasn’t expecting you so early.”

  “I’m always in early,” I tell her. “Whereas the cleaning staff usually come in the evening?”

  I’m beginning to wonder if I should call security, although she looks the part in her grey dress with the logo of the cleaning firm we use and her hair back in a neat bun. It’s a drab outfit...but on her, I think anything would look sexy.

  She’s gorgeous.

  Shiny dark hair contrasts with porcelain skin, bright green eyes and pouty lips in a perfect oval face with cheekbones that could cut glass. A petite but curvy figure with breasts that are straining the buttons of her dress. She has the sort of body that would be enticing even if it were wrapped in one of those trash bags she's holding in her hand.

  “Yes, they told me that...but I’m new. They’ve changed some of the shifts around...apparently you approved this?” She raises an eyebrow at me.

  “Did I? Maybe I did, I don’t remember.”

  That utterly fuckable mouth makes a small pout of disapproval.

  “I suppose you’re too important to take much notice of the cleaning schedule,” she says, then her eyes go wide as she realizes what she just said. Her words make me bristle, but I swallow down the immediate retort that comes to my lips. Because she’s right. I do vaguely remember a phone call about the cleaning schedule. I passed it to my secretary, annoyed that I, as the CEO, was being bothered with it.

  “You haven’t really explained why you were rooting around in the waste basket,” I remind her. “You’re supposed to be emptying it, aren’t you, not inspect the contents?”

  She blushes furiously holding up her left hand. No wedding or engagement ring, I notice.

  “This fell in while I was emptying it. I was looking for it. I’m sorry.”

  She doesn’t sound sorry at all.

  “That’s okay. What’s your name?”

  She blinks, seeming unsettled by the abrupt change of subject. I don’t usually do small talk. I suspect I’m not very good at it.

  “Erm...Rose. It’s on my badge.”

  I close my eyes briefly, hiding how mortified I feel. Here I am, CEO of a huge corporation, and I’m acting like a school boy caught off guard by a pretty girl.

  But she’s not just a pretty girl...she’s an absolute goddess. Women throw themselves at me every day – money and power will do that for a guy – yet I rarely take any notice. I grew bored with New York socialites a long time ago. Yet this woman – who looks younger than I would usually notice too, has me feeling like a stunned school boy. I just hope it’s not showing.

  “Pleased to meet you Rose,” I say, trying to regain some of my composure. I hold my hand out, and she looks at it in surprise before taking it, while I cringe inside. I’m shaking her hand. What am I doing?

  “Pleased to meet you too, Mr. Adams.”

  “Call me Sebastian,” I say, surprising myself. She looks surprised too, and a small, almost shy smile plays around the corners of her lips. I want to kiss it. In fact, I want to pop the already straining buttons on her dress and fondle her breasts while I bend her over my desk and fuck her until she
screams my name.

  The thought makes my cock twitch in my pants and I cross over to my desk and sit down before my body can betray me. She watches me, her eyes narrowing like a cat.

  “I’ll be going then,” she says. “I’ll see you in the morning, maybe?” she says, sounding hopeful.

  “I’m sure you will,” I say, holding her eyes until she looks away and bites her lip. She turns to leave, but I call her back, grinning.


  “Yes?” Her look expectant.

  “You still haven’t actually emptied the waste basket?”

  She goes beet red this time and hurries over, mumbling apologies.

  “Are you new?” I ask kindly, remembering that for a worker in her position, disgruntled clients can mean no pay check and no job.

  She nods, emptying the basket into a bag clumsily. I get the impression being a maid wasn’t on her list of ambitions. I want to ask her why she’s doing it and find out more about her. Is she a student? A single mother? An aspiring actress trying to afford classes. Anything is possible in New York City.

  “ is my first day. I’m still getting used to it. I’ll get better, I promise.”

  “Don’t worry,” I tell her.

  She finishes up and hurries off, giving me another fine view of that ass as it wiggles out of my door. But already, she’s more than just a body...she intrigues me in a way no one ever has before.

  I will be sure to be extra early to the office tomorrow.



  I curse myself as I strip out my awful uniform and kick off my flats, wrenching the net out of my hair and collapsing back onto my bed. Why did I ever agree to this?

  Because otherwise you wouldn't have a job, that’s why, I remind myself resentfully.

  Resentful, because it’s all Adrian’s fault that I’m in this position. Adrian, the Senior Editor at the Witness, and my boss...and I’m on my last warning. If I don’t deliver an explosive expose on Sebastian Adams, digital tech genius and notoriously hard nut to crack, then I’m out on my ear and I really will be working as a maid for a living. Which might not be so bad if it wasn’t for the fact that my first day has shown me that I’m really not very good at it. Adrian pulled strings with the agency manager to get me in at the last minute as a maid for Sebastian himself – and the other managers at his company – but in order to make it look believable I have to actually do the job. I’ve cleaned ten offices this morning and it isn’t even time for brunch. Now I have to get to the office and write this week’s gossip column. No doubt Adrian will be salivating to know if I have any leads yet.

  What am I going to say? That he actually seems like a really nice guy.

  And he’s stupidly hot. Like, sizzling.

  I’ve seen his picture of course, in the Times and Forbes and the Wall Street Journal. And all the features in the rags about how he’s the most eligible bachelor. I thought I knew what to expect...but in the flesh, he is even more handsome. He’s built like a heavyweight boxer, his expensive suit doing nothing to hide that with the face of a male model, dark and brooding and sensual. I knew that, of course, but what I wasn’t prepared for was his aura. He oozes power from every pore. This is a man who is very, very sure of his status in the world. Who always gets what he wants.

  If he hadn’t been so nice to me, I would hate him. The fact that he was so nice means this job is going to be a lot harder than I anticipated...both because I will feel really bad about lying to him, and also because if I can’t dig up any dirt then I don’t have a story.

  Which brings me right back to not having a job. Damn Adrian.

  I’m on a warning because the last reporting job he put me on went badly. Our sources were unreliable, but he insisted on pushing on anyway even though I said we should pull the piece. But when the shit hit the fan, guess who got the blame? Me.

  All I’ve ever wanted to be is a reporter, an investigative journalist. More than a gossip column or fashion tips writer. At twenty-one, I’ve got plenty of time...but if Adrian fires me, I will never get a job in New York again. I will be back at the small-town paper I started in back in my hometown, covering the country fair.

  I shower, trying to push images of Sebastian out of my mind as I run my hands over my body. Once I’m done, I blow dry my hair, pull on a pair of tight black ripped jeans and a white off the shoulder top and head out to the office, pleased at least to be looking more like myself again. That dress and hairnet were doing nothing for me.

  Yet, I could have sworn that Sebastian Adams was checking me out, and that he liked what he saw. His eyes swept over my body as though he was imagining what I looked like naked...but it wasn’t in a sleazy way, so much as a look of possessiveness. Entitlement. I guess men like him can pretty much have whoever they want.

  As soon as I get to work, Adrian calls me into his office.

  “How was it? Have you got anything?” Not even a hello. Honestly, I hate working for this guy.

  “It’s been one morning Adrian,” I remind him. “Give me a chance.”

  He snorts derisively.

  “This is your last chance, and you’ve got two weeks. Or you will be a maid for real.”

  I want to remind him that it’s not my fault our last story tanked, that he was the one who went with bad sources. But it’s a conversation we’ve had numerous times in the last month and it’s one that has proven to get me nowhere but further in his bad books. I want this job. I want to be the one who finds out something juicy about the notoriously tight-lipped CEO, who never gives interviews and appears to have no private life whatsoever.

  Yet all I’ve got so far is that he seems to be quite friendly to his staff.

  “He seems like a nice guy,” I say to Adrian with a sigh. “I can’t dig up dirt that isn’t there...but if it’s there, then I’ll find it.”

  “It’s always there,” Adrian snaps. “Everyone has their secrets. Find his.”

  He looks me up and down appraisingly.

  “You’re not a bad looking girl Rose,” he says grudgingly, as though it hurts him to pay me a compliment. “Seduce him.”

  My mouth falls open. “What?”

  He leans back in his chair and nods smugly, clearly pleased with himself for the idea.

  “Yes, that would be a scoop wouldn’t it? The big CEO turns out to be a sexual harasser...and of his lowest paid staff too.”

  “My seducing him is hardly him being a harasser,” I point out. Adrian shrugs, and I have a sinking feeling. That’s exactly how he would spin it, and there will always be plenty of people ready to believe it.

  I shake my head. “I’m not doing that. Not only would it ruin his reputation for no good reason, but you’re basically suggesting I make myself into a honey trap. Are you an editor or a pimp?”

  Adrian jumps up, glaring at me, and I know I’ve gone too far. Me and my big mouth.

  “Get out of my office!” he yells. I turn to flee, and he shouts after me. “Remember this is your last chance!”

  I’m shaking as I close the door behind me and make my way to my desk. Next to me Sally, our Fashion Editor, smiles sympathetically.

  “Adrian after you again?”

  I nod, slumping in my chair.

  “It’s because he knows you’re good,” Sally whispers conspiratorially. “He’s jealous. He’s always wanted to be a reporter you know, not an editor, but he never made it. He only got this job because his daddy is rich and pulled a few strings. If it helps.”

  I smile, but it doesn’t help, not really. Adrian currently has the power to end my career before it has even begun. I would cut my losses and try another paper, but because I got the blame for last month’s terrible feature, I’ll be lucky to get anything decent.

  This is my dream. I can’t let him ruin it. One good story and I can get a better position elsewhere and I’ll never have to worry about Adrian again. I don’t owe Sebastian Adams any loyalty. I don’t even know him.

  It would hard
ly be a trial to get close to him that way. I feel hot just at the thought of the way his eyes travelled over my body and then gazed into my eyes. No, it wouldn’t be a trial at all.’s hardly the way I imagined my first time. I grew up with the idea that sex was something to be shared with your life partner, and I’ve found that hard to shake off. As a result, I’ve never met a man I’ve really wanted to give myself too...until now.

  I know there’s no way I can go through with Adrian’s idea. I’m just going to have to find some dirt instead...with a man so secretive, there has to be something.

  I get on with putting the gossip column together, but all day long I’m distracted. I keep thinking about the morning and seeing Sebastian again.



  I’m at the office at six am sharp, waiting for her. I’m a known workaholic, but this is early even for me. I have a huge black coffee in my hands and I’m wondering if I’ve put too much aftershave on. I spent twenty minutes choosing a shirt...twenty minutes. Most of my shirts look the same anyway.

  I’ve met with the biggest players on Wall Street, I’ve been to the White House. People don’t faze me...but this girl? I’m actually nervous at the thought of seeing her again. But for all its unfamiliarity, it isn’t a wholly unpleasant feeling. Thinking about her makes me smile, and I’m actually excited about seeing her. I can’t remember the last time I was this excited about anything. Even contract deals have become pretty boring these days.

  I don’t want to look as though I’m just sitting around waiting for her, even though that’s exactly what I’m doing, so I flip open my top of the range laptop and start answering emails. I have a secretary – in fact, I have three – but I find delegating difficult. I like to be in control.

  I want to be in control of Rose. I wonder what she likes in bed, if she likes it slow or hard, sensual or rough, or a combination of them all.

  I get lost in visions of Rose straddling me in her little maid’s uniform, her breasts free and swaying in front of my face, when there is a light knock at the door.


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