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His Undercover Maid: An Instalove Possessive Romance (A Man Who Knows What He Wants Book 190)

Page 3

by Flora Ferrari

  “You’re not the usual girl I have? What happened to her? The blonde one with the big tits.”

  I gasp, turning on my heel and glaring at him.

  “I hardly think that’s appropriate,” I snap, regretting it when he just laughs with amusement.

  “My, my, we do have a feisty one. Perhaps you’ll be an improvement. I prefer blondes, but she was getting rather boring.”

  I stare at him, but he isn’t even the slightest bit embarrassed or remorseful. The guy is a jerk. How can Sebastian even employ someone like this? I bet he’s a jerk to work with too.

  Mike sits behind his desk, barely glancing at me as he pushes a cup across his desk towards me.

  “Go and get that cleaned and make me a coffee,” he orders. “A proper one from the kitchen, not that instant shit in the machine”.

  Is there a please on the end of that? I think but don’t say out loud. I hate him already but can also instinctively tell that he isn’t a man I want to antagonize. I snatch the coffee cup up and leave the office to do as he says. On the way to the elevator I pass Sebastian’s office. I can just make him out through the frosted glass on his door, and I get the urge to knock on his door so I can see him. Just to say good morning and see that handsome smile he gives me...but that would be silly. Instead I stomp downstairs, seriously contemplating putting salt instead of sugar into Mike’s coffee cup.

  I don’t, of course. If I get sacked from this gig empty handed, then Adrian will sack me for real.

  On my way back up I walk as slowly as possible past Sebastian’s door, hoping he will spot me and call me in, but he doesn’t, obviously. Why would he? Just because he seems to find me attractive doesn’t mean we’re suddenly friends. Feeling deflated I carry Mike the jerk’s coffee back to his office.

  As I place it on his desk in front of him, he leans forward so that his eyes are at the same level as my breasts and makes no attempt to hide the fact that he’s staring at them. I jerk back as though I’ve been stung.

  Of course, he doesn’t bother to say thank you.

  I clean up as best as I can, trying to pretend that I don’t notice the fact that his eyes are glued to my ass every time that I have to bend over.

  “Have a nice day, sir,” I mumble under my breath as I head towards the door, my blood boiling. He calls me back.

  “Wait, what’s your name?”

  “Rose,” I answer shortly.

  “Are you in again tomorrow?”

  “I’m not sure.” I fucking hope not.

  He winks at me, and my stomach curls. I give him a stiff smile and leave, breathing in as soon as the office door closes behind me. Somehow the air is fresher out here.

  This time as I approach Sebastian’s office I see that the door is slightly ajar. Telling myself that I’m only doing it because I need to get close to him for the story, I knock lightly and slip my head round the door. My stomach does a delighted little flip as soon as he looks up and immediately smiles warmly upon seeing it’s me.

  “I was just wondering if you needed anything?”

  “No, but come in. I missed you when I got here?”

  “You weren’t on my rotation today,” I explain. “I did Mike’s office instead.”

  I’m trying to sound upbeat, but I can’t help the little shudder in my voice when I mention the guy’s name. Sebastian narrows his eyes at me.

  “What’s wrong, did he bother you?”

  “Err, no, not really.” Other than being a complete lech.

  Sebastian isn’t buying it. “What did he do?”

  I shake my head. “Honestly, it was nothing really...he made an inappropriate comment about the previous maid...said she had nice tits. And I didn’t like the way he was looking at me, but that was all.”

  Sebastian looks furious. To my surprise he gets up and storms to the door.

  “Mike!” he growls across the corridor in the voice of a man who is used to being obeyed. “Get in my office now!”

  I’m surprised at his anger. I’ve heard all the stories about him being a bit of an ogre, but so far, he hasn’t shown that to me.

  “Should I go?” I ask, feeling mortified at the thought of witnessing him berate Mike. Sebastian shakes his head.

  “No, stay here.”

  Five minutes later Mike appears in the office, looking confused. He looks even more puzzled when he sees me standing there.

  “What’s up boss?” he says flippantly, clearly not unfazed at being summoned. I’m guessing Sebastian does this a lot.

  “What the fuck did you say to Rose?”

  “Err...asked her to get me a coffee?”

  More like ordered, I think.

  “No, you were making comments about the other cleaning staff. What the fuck do you think you’re playing at? Have some fucking respect or you can clean your own fucking office.”

  Mike swallows and his eyes flicker over to me and away again quickly, although not so quick that I don’t see the contempt in his eyes. I’ve made an enemy there.

  “Right. Apologies. It won’t happen again.”

  “Good. And I want the report on the Santa Monica division before lunch.”

  Mike opens his mouth to say something but then thinks better of it, shutting it instead and leaving the office with a brusque nod.

  “Thanks,” I murmur, trying to work out if this is a good thing or not. Sebastian swivels round in his chair to face me, looking thoughtful.

  “How many more offices do you have to clean?”


  “Okay. Fancy brunch when you’ve finished, my treat?”

  I hesitate and see the disappointment in his eyes. This is a great chance to get to know him better...but I don’t want to keep lying to him. I like him.

  More than like him. I flash back to my shower last night and feel the heat rush to my cheeks as I remember my fantasies of his hands and mouth on me.

  This is getting way too complicated.

  I should say no.

  “Yes,” I say instead. “I’d like that.”

  “Great,” he beams. “Just give me a knock when you’re done. I could do with getting out of this place. I’ve had enough already this morning, and by the sound of things, so have you.”

  I rush off, my stomach fluttering with excitement... and guilt.

  I go into the restroom and quickly call Adrian, feeling like a traitor the whole time.

  “I’m going to be late,” I tell him. He tsks loudly down the phone, and I continue quickly before he can start ranting. “Sebastian is taking me for brunch.”

  Instantly he changes his tune.

  “Good girl! After just two days? I knew you could do it! I’m expecting big things from this.”

  I don’t miss the veiled threat in his words. I mumble a goodbye and cut the call, feeling sick with guilt...but thrilled that Sebastian is taking me out.

  I get through the rest of the offices in a daze, thinking about the upcoming date, even as I keep trying to remind myself that it’s not a date, it’s just brunch. He’s just being nice to make up for Mike being so obnoxious.

  Or maybe this is his game...maybe he is just a charmer who takes advantage of his staff. Perhaps him and Mike have some elaborate seduction routine going on. In which case I would be justified in uncovering it.

  I try to convince myself even as my gut screams at me that I’m wrong.

  Before I go back to his office, I go back to the bathroom to check my appearance, wishing that I had a change of clothes and some make up with me. Some heels, at least. I shake my hair out of its bun, letting it fall in waves around my shoulders, and add some tinted lip balm to my lips. It’s the best I can do.

  Taking a deep breath, I make my way back to Sebastians’s office, smiling shyly as I enter.

  “Your hair looks beautiful down like that,” he says, then frowns before I can thank him. “Sorry, I’m acting like Mike, aren’t I? Inappropriate.”

  I laugh, amused at the comparison. “No,” I reassure him. “Ho
nestly you are nothing like Mike. In fact, I don’t think you could be less like him if you tried.”

  He looks pleased.

  “Well, that’s a relief.” He stands up and offers me his arm. “Shall we go?”

  I take his arm, blushing furiously. We have to walk through one of the open plan offices to get downstairs and it’s pretty much full by now. Everyone stares at us curiously. Curiously and with surprise, I think. They haven’t seen him do this before. On a professional level I should be disappointed...but I’m not thinking professionally, and I’m flattered, not disappointed.

  He makes me feel special.

  And I like it.



  He takes me to a fancy French restaurant for brunch and I order some type of fancy plate that melts on my tongue.

  “This tastes incredible.”

  Lust flashes in his eyes, making me blush as I guess at what he’s thinking.

  “Thank you for what you did back there,” I tell him. “I don’t know how you work with that guy...although I suppose he’s a lot different in front of you. You’re the boss.”

  Sebastian’s face darkens with anger. “He’s generally a jerk, but I didn’t know he was that bad. Tell me if he speaks to you like that again, and I’ll tear his head off.”

  His protectiveness makes me feel flattered and hot. There’s something sexy about the thought of him storming to my defense, something almost primal. It turns me on.

  He turns me on.

  He changes the subject, asking me about myself, and I tell him about my hometown and my family, carefully steering the conversation away from my work or my journalistic desires. I hate this, hate keeping things from him when he’s been such a gentleman. Not what I was expecting at all.

  I notice, though, that he doesn’t give away much about himself either, he gives away even less than I do, and is clearly very practiced at it. If I wasn’t a reporter, I would probably have no idea just how obtuse he is.

  Which makes me think that maybe there is a story here, and maybe he is hiding something as opposed to simply being very private? If it was anyone else my reporter’s nose would be on the scent, but now I find that I don’t want to know. I don’t want to sniff out the story. I would rather sit here and have lunch with him, enjoying the way he subtly appraises me, and pretend that I really am just the maid who happens to have a crush on the CEO.

  A CEO who I am now pretty certain likes me back. When he has to get back to work, my stomach twists in disappointment and dread. I know that as soon as I get back to the office, I will be expected to give a blow by blow account to Adrian. My boss isn’t stupid, he’s going to spot what’s going on. That I now have no intention of delivering him a story on Sebastian.

  But if I tell him that, I’ll be out of a job. And my rent is due.

  I look at Sebastian as I get into his car and think about coming clean, just cutting my losses and telling him what’s going on. But what if he hates me? Which he will have every right to do.

  I’m carrying on this deception now, I realize, just so I can spend more time with him.

  “Where should I drop you? You said you had another client?”

  “Erm, yes.” I name a spot a good few blocks from the newspaper, even though it’s now starting to rain. I don’t want to give him any clue for him to find out like this.

  I don’t want him to find out at all, but the dishonesty is really starting to grate on me. This isn’t what I wanted to go into journalism for.

  He pulls up where I’ve asked him to and I unclip my belt, hesitating as I look at him.

  “So, I’ll see you tomorrow,” I say. “Thank you for brunch.”

  “It was my pleasure.” His voice is low and deep, making me think of more pleasures than just food.

  I don’t know who moves towards who first, or if it is truly simultaneous, but the next thing I know we’re kissing. As his lips brush mine, I feel a current of electricity course the length of my body, bringing every nerve ending alive so that the entire surface of my skin feels as though it’s aching for his touch. His full, sensual lips move over mine, pushing my lips apart, and as his tongue probes the inside of my mouth, I feel my sex tighten. My pussy throbs as though his tongue is there, and I hear myself moan into his mouth as I entwine my hands into his hair and pull him closer. He holds my face, his thumb stroking my cheek in time with the rhythm of his kiss, and his touch thrills me.

  The effect that this man has on me is insane. I’m on fire for him, everything else but this moment forgotten as our kiss becomes hungrier and deeper the longer it goes on. I could kiss him forever.

  A loud beep makes me jump and we both fly apart, laughing. Sebastian has pulled up in a loading bay and judging by the gestures the driver behind us is making, he wants us to move.

  “I’d better go,” I say, climbing out of the car, my lips swollen and tingling.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow,” he says in a voice that is full of promise. I watch him drive off down the busy street, my stomach churning as I try to figure out what the hell just happened.

  I reflect on the situation as I hurry through the drizzle towards work, realizing that I’m going to have to turn up in my now rumpled maid’s uniform, it’s a hot mess. The man I’m supposed to be investigating undercover, who thinks I’m simply a maid just kissed me. Hard. In public.

  And I liked it. More than liked it. My skin where he touched me feels alive, and in spite of the craziness of the situation I’m also bursting with joy that he’s revealed, without a doubt, just how much he’s attracted to me. There was so much passion in that kiss. And the way he defended me from Mike...I have to face the facts, and so will Adrian. Sebastian is a nice guy, and there is no story.

  Which means I have no job, but if my job is going to involve trying to dig up dirt on completely innocent people, I want no part of it.

  I can’t tell Adrian that just yet, however, because I need this month's paycheck at least. New York is an expensive city and I’m just about holding my head above water. Maybe I should try being a maid, the agency workers make as much per hour as I do, at least then I wouldn’t have to put up with Adrian.

  I’m working out which is worse - putting up with Adrian on a daily basis or running the risk of encountering sleazeballs like Mike – when I finally walk into the office. My hair is frizzy from the rain, my bun falling out, and my uniform creased. Sally takes one look at me and bursts out laughing.

  “Babe, you look terrible! Do you want me to get you a coffee? What are they doing to you at that place?”

  I blush and she raises her eyebrows at me. “Ohhh,” she says conspiratorially. “What’s he like in the flesh? As sexy as his pictures?”

  “I couldn’t possibly say,” I say primly, tightening my mouth, and Sally laughs as she goes to make me some coffee. She just about makes work bearable.

  “Adrian’s not in,” she calls back over her shoulder. “He had a tip-off about some banker and wanted to investigate it himself. Which means he’ll end up on some boozy lunch and be gone all day.”

  I lean back in my chair and breathe a sigh of relief as I kick off my flats. At least it will spare me the haranguing about this non-existent story for one day.

  “Hopefully he will check his sources this time,” I grumble as Sally brings my coffee over. “And not try and blame his incompetence on me.”

  “He’s an idiot,” Sally agrees. “And you are too good for this place and he knows it. We’re not doing too well you know that’s why he’s desperate for this story on Mr. Adams. Have you got anything yet?”

  “He takes two sugars in his cappuccino?”

  Sally laughs.

  “I can see it now, headline will definitely win a Pulitzer for that one.”

  I laugh as I turn on my laptop, but Sally has just reminded me of the absolute bind I'm in here. Once again, I think I need to cut my losses and walk away...but I want to see Sebastian again.

  It’s not a story tha
t I’m after anymore.

  It’s him.



  It’s nearly time to go home and for once, I don’t have a pile of work to take with me.

  Which means I’m at a loose end. Of course, I start wondering what Rose is doing and how she spends her evenings. And if she, like me, can’t stop thinking about our kiss earlier.

  Having her in my arms was even more delicious than I expected. Hearing her moan and feeling her lips yield to mine, damn, I’ve never been so horny. I could have taken her right there and then in the car if that idiot behind us hadn’t suddenly interrupted.

  Mind you, I was parked in his way.

  I do a Google search looking for Rose, though I don’t really know where to start. The housekeeping agency doesn't list any information on their staff, and I can’t find her on Facebook. Of course, I only have a first name to go on. I really know so little about her. I want to know more.

  I want to know everything.

  I pick up the phone and then realize that I don’t even have a number for her. Instead I call the agency. The woman who answers the phone sounds suspicious, even when I tell her who I am, and it takes ten minutes for her to confirm that yes, they have a Rose on their books. But she won’t give me her phone number.

  “Could you message her with mine and ask her to call me?”

  The woman sniffs.

  “We’re not a communications agency sir.”

  “You charge as if you are,” I snap, then feel guilty as she immediately apologizes and promises to send the message. Of course, she won’t want to lose the agency one of their biggest playing clients, but for once I feel bad about throwing my weight around.

  Now all I can do is wait. It’s six thirty and I’m about to give up and go home when my cell phone rings and I don’t recognize the number. I snatch it up.


  “Hello? It’s Rose.”

  A large grin spreads across my face.

  “Hey sweetheart. I was you fancy dinner?”



  She laughs lightly, and I love the sound of it.

  “Why not? I need time to get changed.”


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