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Family Bonds- Mac and Sidney (Amore Island Book 3)

Page 21

by Natalie Ann

  But it wasn’t anything she wanted to worry about now.

  Nope, they’d eaten their lunch and were now on their way back to his place. She wished she didn’t have to work tonight, but she did. She had bills to pay like the next person did.

  More and more she could see it was getting to Mac that they didn’t have a lot of time together and she wasn’t sure how to address it with him.

  She would have figured he’d be happy to know that the time they spent together she could completely focus on the two of them. If she had her laptop or sketchpads with her, she’d be focused on that and she was trying her hardest to balance it the best way she could.

  “Nothing else you want to do while we are out?” Mac said.

  “Nope. I want to go back to your place and get out of these clothes. I’ve got a little over three hours before I need to get ready for work. Maybe you can wear me out enough for a nap?”

  “I think I can handle that.”

  They pulled into his garage and got out, her bag on her shoulder, the two of them climbing the stairs.

  She sort of felt like they were an old married couple and didn’t want that. Didn’t need it either.

  “I don’t know about you, but between the wind in the chopper and then sitting on the deck for lunch, I feel like I need a shower.”

  Mac grinned at her. “I’ll wash your back if you wash mine?”

  “I like how you think. Get a condom and I’m turning the shower on.”

  She dropped her bag on his bed and then made her way to the bathroom, turned the shower on and started to undress. She’d grabbed a rubber band in the drawer from the few she’d been leaving there and tied her hair back for now.

  By the time Mac walked in, his shirt was off along with his jeans. “Look at you strutting in here with those boxer briefs on. I’ve never seen you work out but you’ve got the body of someone who does.”

  He shook his head. “You know I’ve got weights in the basement.”

  “I’ve seen them. And they don’t have dust on them either. Is that all you do?” she asked, her finger going to his bicep and running down it. He didn’t have a lean or trim body. He was more bulky and solid.

  He had big arms, a trim waist and thighs. Not runner’s legs, but legs on a guy that did squats for sure.

  “It’s usually all I’ve got time for. Let’s say I can get some frustration out down there.”

  “Hmm. I’ve got images in my mind right now of you covered in sweat on your back on the bench, the bar pressing up faster and faster.”

  She was down to her bra and underwear and his hands went right to the clasp on her back, released it, and pushed the straps off her shoulders, his palms going to her breasts and plumping them up, his lips covering a pointy nipple and pulling it in.

  “I’ve got some images of my own I need to make come true.”

  He said he wasn’t romantic, but she felt he was more than enough for her. He said sweet things...or the right things. That meant more to her than candy-coated words any day.

  “The room is filling with steam,” she said when she saw it floating above her head.

  “Then we should get in there and make use of it.”

  He dropped his underwear so she did the same, then grabbed the condom he’d brought in and set it on the ledge in the shower for him to get when he was ready. She knew she was ready right now and was shocked at how easily her body always caught on fire around him.

  When they got under the spray, Sidney toward the back so that her hair wasn’t getting wet, Mac picked the soap up and lathered his hands, then handed it to her and she did the same.

  Almost at exactly the same time they reached for each other, their hands covering every part they could, slipping and sliding and doing more than just getting clean.

  “You like that spot, don’t you?” he asked when his fingers were between her legs and gliding into the folds.

  “I think you know the answer to that,” she said, covering his cock and stroking up and down. “Seems like we both know where to go to get the other in their happy place.”

  “Happy place?” he asked and turned her so that she was facing the back of the shower wall. “I know exactly where that is for you. Brace yourself on the wall.”

  Like she had any choice when she heard the wrapper open, then waited for what she hoped was next.

  He nudged her legs apart, found her opening and then slid right in. He was touching parts of her inside at that angle that had her eyes crossing and her toes curling.

  When he moved out a little, then pushed back in, she let out a gasp and dropped her head to the wall by her hands.

  “See,” he said. “I know what you like best.”

  “Yes,” she said.

  His hands moved in front of her body, still slippery and sudsy, and started to move around, one on her breast being a little aggressive and the other back between her legs.

  Then he just started an assault on all her senses at once. Pinching her nipple, rubbing her clit, his hips moving in and out of her.

  Her hands started to slide on the wall and she readjusted them, which somehow only sent him deeper inside of her.

  “Jesus,” she said, causing his hands to move harder and faster, his breathing almost as labored as hers. She was just standing there taking it while he did all the work, but her body was loving every delicious minute of it.

  “Tell me you want everything I can give you,” he said in her ear. “Tell me to give it to you harder. Faster.”

  “Yes,” she said, almost sobbing. “Harder, Mac. Make me come.”

  His hand dropped from her breast, his arm going around her waist to help hold her up, while his other hand worked ferociously at her swollen nub, his hips moving at a faster pace, almost slamming into her in short forceful bursts.

  Everything inside of her was tightening. It was squeezing. It was an explosion just waiting to happen and then came out of nowhere with no warning like she normally got.

  She shouted out his name, her legs shaking so hard that she thought she was going to crumble to the shower floor.

  But Mac held her tight, he held her up, and he continued to move in and out of her in jerky motions as he did indeed give her everything he had.

  When he stepped back, she turned and put her back to the shower wall to help steady her. “Are you okay?” he asked.

  “I just need to catch my breath. You did all the work yet I feel like I’m the one that did.”

  “Sometimes it can wear a body out to be on the receiving end of things.”

  She snorted. “Tell me about it. I could stay here for another hour.”

  “I’m not sure my hot water tank has much left in it,” he said. “I’m surprised it lasted this long.”

  “I guess we should cleanup for good and get out,” she said, reaching for the soap.

  She was barely finished rinsing off when the hot water cut out and she started to yelp and jump out.

  Mac was laughing and moving out slower than her, then reached for a towel and handed it to her while he opened up the closet to get another for himself.

  They dried off and rather than get dressed again, she wrapped herself in a towel and then they made their way to his room and climbed in bed.

  Within moments she was sound asleep.


  Slush Fund

  A little over two weeks later, Sidney found herself in the car with Kayla and Amanda on their way to meet Helena Bond, Drew’s mother, at Egan’s for another helicopter ride. One to New York City for wedding dress shopping no less. They thought for sure Bri would jump at the opportunity to come, but she wasn’t wasting a day off, she’d said, when she could save it for time with her new boyfriend.

  If anyone had told Sidney this would be happening in her life years ago—even months ago—she would have laughed them out of the room.

  That just goes to show how much life can change when you least expect it. Of course she’d already known that after the loss of Anne suddenly a
nd then her last night with Rod.

  “Amanda,” she said. “You’re the only one of the three of us never before in a chopper. Are you nervous?”

  “I’m more nervous about finding a wedding gown. I can’t believe Helena set up an appointment at Kleinfeld’s as a surprise. These are things out of TV, not stuff that happens to me.”

  Kayla laughed in the backseat. “Hello. Welcome to my world. At least you had glimpses of money in your childhood. Foster kid here. I’m like Cinderella with the broken down coach and the tire that I’m repairing myself after the horse left me abandoned on the side of the road.”

  Sidney shook her head. “I don’t think so. But yes, you two have new lives ahead of you. But you’ll always be the same people. I still say Hunter and Drew really aren’t much different than Mac.”

  “Nope,” both girls said.

  “I try to tell him that, but he doesn’t believe me.”

  “We haven’t lived our whole lives on this island. Though we are about to, or our children are,” Kayla said. “Hunter will never leave. He wanted to live here as a kid, but his father didn’t.”

  “Did you two talk about it already?” Amanda asked. “Drew and I haven’t really, but I think it’s a given we are staying here. He’s lived here his whole life, the same with Eli and his siblings. They have no problem with it.”

  “We did talk about it,” Kayla said. “I told him I loved it here and it’s where we met. Told him I wanted to stay but understand if he wanted to leave we could. He has no desire to. I’m sure at some point we will leave the penthouse, but right now there is no reason to.”

  “Plenty of time for that,” Amanda said. “What about you, Sidney?”

  “What about me what?” she asked. “Mac isn’t like the other two. He has to live here. He’s the chief of police.”

  “But he did live off the island for years,” Kayla pointed out. “Has he ever said if he wanted to again or not?”

  “We haven’t talked much about his time in the service. Nothing more than he always knew he’d come back. I know he was in a relationship back then but hasn’t said anything more than she wanted to stay in Florida and he wasn’t going to.”

  “Then it must not have been right for him,” Kayla said. “Though I love it here, I’d go anywhere with Hunter.”

  “I feel the same way,” Amanda said.

  “I might feel that way too,” Sidney admitted. “If it came down to it.” And because she wanted to redirect the conversation off of her and put it back on Amanda, she said, “Do you know what kind of dress you want?”

  Amanda turned her head as she pulled down the road where Egan’s chopper was. “Don’t laugh at me, but I think I want something puffy like a ball gown.”

  “You’d look beautiful in anything,” Kayla said. “But that is more you than anything slinky and form-fitting. I’m simple and my gown was perfect for me even though it killed me to see the price tag.”

  “You didn’t pay for it,” Sidney said. “And you made sure it was on sale.”

  Amanda giggled. “You should have been with us that day. It was hilarious. We finally find the perfect gown that hides her belly and makes her look stunning. She’s standing there crying and then she looked at the price tag and burst out into tears even harder.”

  “I can only imagine.”

  Kayla had nothing and though Hunter was extremely wealthy and three thousand dollars for a wedding gown was pennies for him, Sidney had heard the story of how Hailey had to leave her office and drive to the boutique in Boston and pay for it because Hunter asked her to. Kayla couldn’t bring herself to put it on her credit card—the one Hunter had given her.

  “Well, I’ve got a budget too,” Amanda said. “I even upped it because this place is so expensive, but I’m positive I can find a dress for around four thousand and even then it’s going to kill me to spend it too, but it’s my wedding day and will be worth it.”

  Four thousand dollars wasn’t money that Sidney had sitting around for a dress. She was sure Mac didn’t either, but who was she to say? They never talked much about money.

  In her eyes, she did pretty well. She had very few expenses because she only rented a room. She worked a lot and didn’t get out much so she saved money there.

  Now that her book sales were increasing more than she ever imagined, that was another pot of money that was growing. But to touch it for a wedding gown? No, even though there was more than enough there for it.

  That was money for her future in her eyes. There was going to come a time when she might want to cut back her hours to spend more time on her books and she needed to have that slush fund for when the day came.

  Egan walked out of the offices with Helena while the girls got out of Amanda’s car. “I’m so excited for this day,” Helena said, coming forward to hug each of the girls. “I can’t tell you how long I’ve waited for this. And thank you, Amanda, for humoring me on this day trip.”

  “We are going to have a blast,” Amanda said. “I’m glad the weather is holding too.”

  “I’ll give you girls a smooth ride,” Egan said. “Ask Sidney and Kayla how good I am. Maybe good enough Sidney can write a book about a dashing helicopter pilot?”

  Sidney felt her face blush. “I didn’t know you knew I wrote.”

  “We all know in the family,” Egan said. “I for one find it awesome and the minute you want to model a character after me, I’m all yours.”

  “Stop flirting,” Helena told her nephew. “You don’t want Mac coming here and giving you a talking to, do you?”

  “She knows I’m joking,” Egan said. “Come on, Kayla. Bet this trip is going to be more comfortable than your last one.”

  “I don’t remember much other than I hoped I didn’t give birth in the air,” Kayla said. “I can enjoy it now.”

  “You look great, by the way,” Egan said. “Not even like someone who had a kid.”

  “Isn’t it just sick,” Sidney said. “It’s barely six weeks.”

  The four women got in the chopper and put their headsets on for the ninety-minute flight. “What are you going to do while we are dress shopping?” Helena asked Egan.

  “What?” he said. “I’m not allowed to go with you and give a man’s opinion?”

  “No,” Helena said. “Your time will come if you would start to actually look.”

  “I’m young. I’ve got time,” Egan said, then got to work and soon they were in the air.

  Less than two hours later the four of them were walking into Kleinfeld’s for their appointment. “Amanda Moore for an appointment,” she said at the front desk.

  Amanda’s consultant came out and introduced herself with Sidney, Kayla, and Helena being brought onto the floor to sit on a couch and wait.

  One by one Amanda came out in different dresses and, though she looked stunning, nothing was really making any of them catch their breath.

  Helena got up and pulled a dress off one of the racks that she’d pointed out when they came in. But the consultant had said it was more than Amanda’s budget. “What do you girls think? Be honest. This is the one, isn’t it?”

  “I think so,” Sidney said. “But I’m not the one buying it.”

  Kayla laughed. “Drew is going to pay for this gown, isn’t he? Amanda doesn’t know?”

  “She’s going to find out because I’m sick of her trying on gowns in her budget that don’t look good. I can’t keep quiet any longer. I’m just going to bring this back to her.”

  Ten minutes later, Amanda walked out and they all just stopped and stared. The top was beaded and sparkling, sweetheart neckline, strapless, drop waist. The bottom was all tulle. It was the dress and everyone could see it. Even Amanda. She’d looked like a princess and was glowing like one too.

  “That’s the one,” Sidney said.

  “I know,” Amanda said. “I don’t even want to look at the price tag because I want it and am afraid I can’t afford it.”

  She and Kayla looked at Helena, who shrugg
ed. “Don’t look at the price tag then. Drew is paying for it.”

  “What?” Amanda said. “No, he can’t.”

  “Yes, he can. Ask Kayla how well that worked out for her.”

  Amanda narrowed her eyes. “Drew set this all up, didn’t he?”

  “No. My son might have a little romantic streak in him, but not to this extent. This was all me. I just love Say Yes To The Dress. If I could have gotten you on the show I would have, but there was no time.”

  “What if I can’t get this dress in time?” Amanda asked.

  “I already checked before I had you try it on,” the consultant said. “We can put a rush on it. It’s fine.”

  Amanda took a deep breath. “Okay. Let me see it with a veil so I can do my ugly cry.”

  And the minute the blinged-out band was put in Amanda’s hair with the tulle veil in the back, all four of them started to cry.

  “I’m going to say yes to the dress for her,” Helena said, wiping her eyes. “Just look at you. Drew is going to cry like a baby when you walk down the aisle.”

  “I doubt that,” Amanda said, sniffling. “But I bet he does shed a tiny tear.”

  “He will if he knows what is good for him,” Helena said of her son.

  When Amanda stepped down to go back to the dressing room, she said, “She wouldn’t let me look at the price tag.”

  “And if she wants to keep that commission,” Helena said, “she won’t let you.”

  The consultant laughed and said, “Don’t worry, my hand will be on it the entire time.”

  Thirty minutes later, the dress was paid for by Helena with Drew’s card and Amanda had no clue of the price. The same with the veil and headband because Helena insisted it was a package deal.

  They were now walking out and ready for some lunch before they had to get a cab back for their flight home.

  When they were sitting in the restaurant, Sidney turned her head, almost feeling like she was being watched. She’d felt that a lot lately and couldn’t seem to shake it.

  “What’s wrong?” Kayla asked her.


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