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Perfect Love

Page 9

by Trina Lane

  “Sounds good, buddy. My assistant just poked her head in and told me my next client is waiting so I got to run. Give my best to Conor. Tell that crazy mick he still owes me a margarita since I drank that nasty brew he calls beer on St. Paddy’s.”

  “Will do. See ya, Ethan.”

  After he hung up, he felt much better. In fact, he felt as if a huge weight had been lifted off his shoulders. He picked up the phone to call Conor and share the news, but then looked at the clock. It was almost five o’clock. He could tell him on the way home.

  He caught the elevator down to the lobby, and Conor was waiting in their usual spot.

  “You ready to head home?”

  “Actually I need te run a few errands. Phil called and said he finished the setting today. So I thought I’d stop by on the way ‘ome and pick it up. I’ll snag dinner so we don’t have te worry about cookin’.”

  “Excellent. Then I’ll meet Calleigh at the hospital when she gets off shift. I have some good news to share with the family tonight also, so don’t be too late. Lilly should have the boys home by seven o’clock.”

  * * * *

  Rick stood outside the door to the hospital when Calleigh walked through. When she saw him, a huge smile lit up her face, and she ran into his arms. Gathering her close, he buried his head in her neck and inhaled her scent. It was still detectible beneath the hospital smells covering her scrubs. Pulling back, he leaned in for a kiss.

  He’d intended for it to be brief, but once his lips touched hers, he couldn’t hold back. They were soft and felt so perfect against him. His tongue licked across the seam, and she opened to let him inside. He loved the sweet taste of his angel. His tongue slipped between her lips again and again. His arms slid around her waist, pulling her in tight. Calleigh’s arms were latched around his neck, holding him to her.

  He pressed his erection against her soft belly. It had been days since he’d been inside her warmth, and the fires that had been banked due to the stress surround them erupted. He needed her. Now. Spirals of heat streaked through his bloodstream. Calleigh’s tongue dipped into his mouth and flicked over his teeth. The tangling of their flesh stoked the molten desire racing through him. He loosened his grip on her, and she moaned.

  Separating their lips, he breathed heavily, “I need you angel. It’s been too long. Where can we go?”

  She looked around for a moment then grabbed his hand. Pulling him inside the hospital, they walked through an ‘employees only’ door and slipped inside a private bathroom. He flipped the lock on the door and pushed Calleigh against the painted wall across from the sink.

  “I’m sorry angel, but this won’t be wine and romance.”

  She pushed down her scrubs as he ripped open his belt and dress pants. They fell to his ankles. Their mouths latched together once again, and he reached around to grab her ass. Lifting her up her legs wrapped around his waist, he balanced her against the wall and reached down to see if she was wet enough to accept him. The evidence of her desire coated his fingers, and he groaned into her mouth. Slipping two digits inside her snug heat made her gasp.

  “Please, Rick. I need.”

  “I know what you need, angel. Don’t worry, I’ll take care of you.”

  He held his cock and fit it to her entrance. In a single thrust, he slid home and captured Calleigh’s cry with his lips. The hot, tight, wet channel gripping him was too much, and he started fucking her immediately. Calleigh’s nails dug into his shoulders. His eyes bored into hers. Her hot breath panted against his lips. He started hammering into her, driving himself deeper into the heaven of her body. Whimpers escaped even though she tried to hold them back. His hips jack-knifed, and the pull of her muscles against his cock sent unspeakable pleasure racing down his spine. Suddenly, her body tensed and the ripples of her orgasm locked him deep inside. He cried out as his climax was ripped from the marrow of his bones. Pulsing, shaking, shuddering, the explosion went on forever.

  When he regained his faculties, he realised he still had her pinned to the wall. He heard her hiss as he separated their flesh. His lingering pleasure was immediately replaced with concern.

  “Angel, are you all right? Was I too rough?”

  “No, love. That was exactly what I needed.”

  He leant in and kissed her again. He never got enough of her sweet lips. After several lingering soft kisses, he pulled back. Bending down, he helped her get back into her scrubs and tided himself.

  “Let’s go home.”

  * * * *

  They just beat Conor back to the house, and Lilly dropped off the boys. Citing the need to get to her book club meeting, she left quickly. Conor’s hello kiss lasted a bit longer than normal. When he and Calleigh finally separated, their gazes locked, and Rick knew the other man had caught the scent of their lovemaking on Calleigh’s body.

  “Did ye two just get home?”

  “Yes, we had a bit of a delay at the hospital.”

  Conor chuckled. “I’ll bet.” He looked back down at his love. “Muirnín, you look much better tonight. Your eyes have their glow back and your cheeks have colour in them again.” He leaned over to whisper in her ear. “I can smell Rick on ye, mo ghrá. Knowing the two of ye made love is gonna leave me gummin’. I canny wait to get ye in bed the-night. I’m goin’ te lick every inch of this beautiful body then slide deep inside ye until ye shudder all around me.”

  Rick smiled when he saw Calleigh blush at Conor’s whispered promise. He inhaled deeply as he opened the bags Conor had brought home. The scents of chicken modiga from their favourite restaurant wafted up, and his mouth watered. He set the table and managed to get the boys corralled into their booster chairs. He set their sippy cups filled with milk in front of them while Calleigh cut up their chicken fingers to cool.

  “I even brought home some afters for us te enjoy lay-ra.”

  Calleigh leaned over and gave Conor a kiss on the cheek. “I love dessert, thank you. What did you bring home?”

  “It’s a surprise, mo ghrá. After Mike an’ Bran are asleep the three of us can relax an’ enjoy the treat.”

  Rick figured this was a good time to tell Conor and Calleigh about his conversation with Ethan earlier. He took a sip of his wine and looked up to get their attention.

  “I placed a call today to an old friend of Conor’s and mine from B.C. He specialises in securities law, but is familiar enough with family law that I trust what he says.”

  Conor rolled his eyes. “Why dinna I think of callin’ grapenuts?”

  “Who?” Calleigh asked.

  “Never mind him, angel. Our buddy’s name is Ethan Harrison. He’s an assistant attorney for the U.S. Attorney’s office here in Boston. Anyway, he said we really should have nothing to worry about from Susan. He assured me that a judge would in all probability not remove a child from a home strictly based on a moral disagreement between parties. There would have to be evidence of neglect.”

  He looked at Calleigh and saw the relief on her face at his announcement. He had been worried she would be upset he’d gone behind her back, but it appeared she appreciated his initiative.

  She stood and went over to hug Rick, holding him tight for a moment. “Thank you. I can’t tell you how much better I feel. It’s nice to have someone with actual legal experience confirm my suspicions.”

  “Good on ye. I haven’t talked to Ethan in donkey’s years! How is the rossie?”

  “He says you still owe him a frozen margarita for making him drink that pint of Arthur’s last Paddy’s.”

  He laughed at the memory of Ethan’s face when he’d downed the Guinness. “The man never could stand the black stuff.”

  They finished their dinner, and he and Conor took Mike and Brandon upstairs for baths and story time. When all was settled for the night, Rick stopped Conor in the upstairs hallway. “Did you get it?”

  Conor held out the small box and lifted the lid. The light from the hallway reflected off the diamond engagement ring they had picked out for Calleigh
. Conor had explained to the jeweller what design he wanted for the setting and he had chosen the stone. The platinum band had a series of trinity knots, a classic Celtic design, along the shoulders and at the centre, a princess cut diamond. It had a matching wedding band with trinity knots inset into the band.

  “It’s perfect, Con.”

  “Are ye sure? It’s not too Irish for ye? I dinna want ye te feel like—”

  “Conor, stop. You may have thicker Irish blood running through your veins, but I come from Shannon, too. Those trinity knots are three interlaced triangles that represent unending love. I can’t think of a better symbol for our lives with Calleigh than what you have in your hand.”

  He hugged his best friend. Their lives were united not only through their friendship, but through their mutual love for Calleigh and commitment to their chosen lifestyle. When he pulled back, he saw a glimmer of moisture in Conor’s eyes and felt some in his own. He might not feel desire for Conor, but he always had and always would love the man.

  * * * *

  Calleigh put the last dish away in the cabinet and turned on the coffeemaker. The rich aromatic scent of hazelnut shortly filled the kitchen. Walking into the living room she knelt beside the hearth and lit the kindling in the fireplace. The crackle of the dried wood and the warmth of the flame were soothing. She turned her head as she heard footsteps on the stairs and saw Rick and Conor enter the room.

  “Are they ready for me?”

  “Yes, angel, go say goodnight then come back down so we can enjoy that dessert Conor brought home.”

  She rose from her knees and gave each man a soft kiss before heading upstairs to give her babies a final tuck in. Opening the door to their bedroom, she sound they were both already asleep. She leaned over and tucked the blankets tighter around Brandon—he tended to thrash around at night—and placed a kiss on his forehead. Slipping over to the other side of the room, she picked up Mikey’s stuffed dog and slipped it under his arm, giving him a kiss. Stepping back to the door, she took one last look and whispered, “Goodnight, my little loves.”

  She stepped into her bedroom and stripped off her scrubs. Feeling the need for something special, she slipped a green silk negligee over her head and let the short skirt float around her thighs. The matching bikini panties rode low on her hips. She fluffed her hair as best she could, pinched her cheeks to add some colour and dabbed on a little lip gloss.

  She stopped at the top of the stairs and listened a moment to detect any sounds from the living room. Not hearing anything, she slowly walked down and turned into the living room. She gasped at the sight of the champagne, strawberries and cannoli laid out picnic style. Strong arms surrounded her waist, and she was pulled back into Conor’s hard chest.

  “Ye look stunning, ár ghrá. The green of Shannon suits you. Come sit, and let us ply ye with sweets.”

  She turned around and looked up into Conor’s beautiful aquamarine eyes. The flickering light from the fireplace created highlights and shadows on his cheekbones. She reached up on her tiptoes and wrapped her arms around his neck to kiss him. Flicking her tongue across the seam of his lips, he opened and she slipped inside. She found he’d already had nibbled on at least one of the strawberries. A large warmth moulded to her back, and Rick’s lips caressed her shoulder. He slid the thin strap of her nightgown to the side, and his lips travelled up her shoulder and neck as he moved her hair aside. Separating from Conor’s lips, she let them lead her over to the pillows they had set up in front of the fire.

  “This is beautiful. I can’t believe you two went to the trouble.”

  Conor propped against the sofa, and she nestled between his legs, leaning back against him. He lifted a flute of champagne and handed it to her. She took a small sip, and fruity bubbles danced across her taste buds. She’d never had such good tasting champagne before. The light taste was delicious. She could easily see herself imbibing too much and losing her head.

  “It’s never trouble to make you feel special, angel. We know things have been stressful lately, and we wanted to pamper you. Close your eyes.” He reached down and picked up a strawberry. “Open those luscious lips for us.”

  Calleigh opened, and the tip of a strawberry rolled against her lower lip. She took a bite out of the succulent fruit. The combination of flavours made her moan. Conor’s hands were around her waist and slowly rubbing circles on her belly. His lips occasionally landed on her neck. She started to open her eyes when his deep voice spoke softly in her ear.

  “Keep them closed, muirnín.”

  She felt the edge of the flute at her lips and let them slip more of the cool drink in her mouth, letting the bubbles linger on her tongue before swallowing. Next, she felt something else at her lips. It wasn’t a strawberry, so it must be one of the cannolis. Slipping her tongue out, she took a little lick at the end of the roll and heard twin groans. Opening her mouth, she let Rick feed her a bite of the dessert. The crisp dough and sweet filling filled her mouth. She leaned her head back on Conor’s chest and enjoyed the delicacy.

  Moments later, another strawberry was placed at her lips, and after she took a bite, she felt Conor’s tongue flick across her lips to taste the lingering juice. Her eyes were still closed when his hand slid up from her belly to hold her chest against him. Rick must have scooted closer because her legs were spread and wrapped around a lean waist and hips. Hands slowly slid up her legs to rest on her thighs. Expecting him to go higher, she let out a little whimper when they stopped their travels.

  Her hands were lifted and her fingers linked on one side with Conor and on the other with Rick. She felt Conor’s lips next to her ear, his warm breath caressing her cheek. Her heart beat faster as Conor spoke softly in Gaelic while Rick translated for her.

  “Ár teaghlach churthaigh sibh.”

  “We created our family.”

  “Luchtaíonn sibh grá, bríoghas, agus greann ár laethanta.”

  “Love, passion, and humour fill our days.”

  “Coinníonn tú i gcónaí ár croi.”

  “You hold our hearts forever.”

  “Slánaigh tú ár anam.”

  “You complete our souls.”

  “An mbeidh tú mar chéile agam?”

  “Will you be our wife?”

  Her eyes flew open with the last phrase, and she looked down. Conor slid a ring on her left ring finger. Tears gathered in her eyes as she stared at the artistry of the jewellery, the symbol of their love a solid weight on her hand. She turned her hand back and forth and side to side, watching the firelight dance across the silver band and clear stone.


  She realised she hadn’t answered them. “Of course, I’ll marry you. But how…”

  “We took the liberty of discussing logistics. If you’re agreeable, we decided you would legally marry Conor. He’s both an American and Irish citizen so any future children we have would be eligible for dual status. The boys are a little trickier, but it wouldn’t be any hardship to get them passports and such for when we want to visit Conor’s mom and dad. We were thinking we’d have a private ceremony on Cape Cod with close friends and family shortly after, uniting the three of us.”

  She held her arms out for Rick. He moved in, braced his hands on the sofa and leaned to kiss her. Their lips met to seal their intentions. When Rick pulled away, she tilted her head back and raised her chin to accept Conor’s kiss. His erection pushed into her lower back, and she wanted to feel him inside her again.

  She pulled back from his lips and managed to wiggle out of the sandwich. Standing with the fire to her back she reached down and pulled the nightgown over her head, baring her body to her loves. Rick came forward and slid the silky underwear down her hips. She lifted her feet to step out of the material and accepted Rick’s hand to help her kneel back on the nest they’d built on the floor. Rick knelt in front of her and slid a hand down the centre of her body to between her legs. Conor moved behind her and reached a hand around to caress one of her nipples. Her b
reasts swelled in response. She closed her eyes and revelled in the sensations of their hands moving across her body. It no longer matter which hand belonged to whom.

  Lips nuzzled her neck and breasts. Conor gathered her into his chest when Rick leant back to undress. When his magnificent body was on display, he knelt back down in front of her and captured her so Conor could do the same. He kissed her deeply as his hands travelled down the length of her spine to cup her ass. His erection was hot and hard against her skin. They guided her back so she was lying amongst the pillows. They lowered their heads and both mouths latched onto a nipple, tugging and licking in different rhythms. Rick drew hard as Conor gave a soft lick. The dichotomy sent spirals of pleasure racing through her body. Her clit was swollen and begging for a touch.

  “Oh my God…” she whimpered into the fire-lit room. Her hips surged upwards to let them know what she needed.

  Rick and Conor slid a hand down her torso. One stopped at her clit and rubbed on the pulsing nerves, while the other dipped his broad finger inside. Calleigh spread her legs to give them more room as she pushed against their hands. Their long fingers alternated. One sliding deep, while the other tormented her bud. She felt her orgasm climbing. Writhing on the blankets, she reached for her climax but became frustrated as it seemed elusive.

  “Don’t fight for it, angel. Trust us to take care of you.”

  She tried to clear her mind of all but the feel of them inside her body. Their lips at her breasts, their fingers probing deep inside to massage her swollen damp tissues. Their tongues flicking across her skin and their teeth nibbling on tender flesh. The wave started to crest again, and this time she allowed them to carry her over. The pulsing climax rolled through her body. When she surfaced, Conor was between her legs. He gently spread her open and licked across her wet folds.

  “Hmmm…it’s been too long since I tasted ye. Yer a drug te me senses.”

  His nimble tongue was good for more than just whispered wicked words and lyrical seductions. Long licks up and down the folds had her arching her hips to get closer. The tip of his tongue tormented the opening of her pussy but never entered. He swirled around her clit, before his lips latched on and sucked. She cried out and surged forward, desperately needing something inside her.


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