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Perfect Love

Page 23

by Trina Lane

  “Thank you for telling me. Would it be okay if I told the story to Ethan?”

  “I don’t have a problem with that. Take care of him, and get him back to us as soon as possible.”

  “I will. Now, I’d better get these files home before he gets too antsy.”

  Tom patted Ryan on the back. “Yes, we’d hate for Ethan to not have any work to do. God forbid the man actually takes it easy for awhile.”

  * * * *

  “Honey, I’m Home!” Ryan yelled, opening the front door to Ethan’s loft.

  “Back here!” Ethan cried from the interior of the apartment.

  Ryan walked through the hallway, peered into the bedroom then into the main living area. He didn’t see Ethan anywhere.

  “Babe? Where are you?”

  “Out on the balcony.”

  He stormed to the opened door off the kitchen. “Ethan Harrison, it is twenty-eight degrees out here and you were released from the hospital two days ago! You have two broken ribs that already put you at risk for pneumonia. Now, march your adorable ass inside this minute!” He pointed inside the door he held open.

  Ethan kissed Ryan sweetly on the lips.

  “Yes dear.” He shuffled inside and turned to greet Ryan, holding up his hand to stop another blistering retort. “I was only out there for a minute before you came in. I wanted some fresh air. I’m not going to harangue you for the scolding because you said I have an adorable ass.”

  Ryan put his arms around his baby. “You do have an adorable ass, but that doesn’t mean you’re excused from risking hypothermia.” He grasped said ass and gave it a squeeze. “Nothing more happens to this ass on my watch.”

  Ethan groaned and leaned into Ryan. “Feels good. I miss your hands on me.”

  Ryan slid his hands beneath the waistband of Ethan’s sleep pants to touch bare skin. The silky mounds were cool from the excursion outdoors. He slid his fingers up through the crease, tapped once against Ethan’s anus then circled the tight ring.

  “Yes,” Ethan whispered.

  “Oh, E, you don’t know how much, but the doctor said…”

  “I know, another six weeks. That doesn’t mean we can’t kiss and touch. I can suck you off and you can―”

  “First thing tomorrow, I’m calling Dr. Waters to find out what are acceptable activities.”

  Ryan kissed Ethan hungrily. Ethan melted against him, and the arms around his waist tightened. Soft lips opened and welcomed him. Ryan’s tongue slid across Ethan’s. He sucked at Ethan’s lips and tasted him, nipping tenderly. He slid his tongue into the warm recess and released a moan of his own. Their tongues danced in perfect rhythm. Their lips meshed together. It seemed the few days of rest had done Ethan good because he was sporting an erection, the hardened bulge a welcome feel. There were times not so long ago, Ryan had feared never having this with Ethan again. Now, he held his love in his arms, he touched his warm supple body and he kissed those perfect lips. No matter what happened with any investigation or court case, these moments were what truly mattered.

  Ethan’s cheek rubbed against him. The roughness of the morning beard felt good on Ryan’s skin, adding another layer of sensation. The tip of his finger breached Ethan’s opening and circled around. Ethan tried to push back onto it, but Ryan stopped him before things got out of hand.

  “Wait, E. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have—”

  “I’m fine, Ry. Please, I need this, need you.”

  “Okay, we do this my way.” He led Ethan to the couch and made him lay down with the pillows. Ryan pulled down the soft, loose pants and separated the long, toned legs. “You are not to move a muscle. You so much as twitch those bewitching hips, and I stop. Got it?”

  “Yes, sir.” Ethan gave a mock salute.

  Ryan took the lube out of the side table where they’d stashed it weeks ago, squeezed out a dollop on his fingers then placed the slicked skin against Ethan’s hole and inserted the one finger all the way to the base. Ethan moaned but didn’t move.

  Ryan used his other hand to grasp the hard cock in front of him and slipped the head between his lips. He circled the crown, flicking the tip into the slit. Ethan’s response was a banquet to his senses. Little, earthy moans echoed above Ryan’s head, his finger squeezed in tight heat, a long hard cock slid across his tongue and his vision filled with Ethan’s expression of ecstasy.

  His mouth sank to the base of Ethan’s cock. He sucked and laved the turgid flesh, using his tongue to press against the large veins snaking up the length. His finger circled and pumped inside Ethan’s body. His head bobbed, and he crooked his finger, finding the gland that set his love on fire. The muscles surrounding him contracted when he rubbed on the small protrusion, and Ethan cried out.

  Ryan accepted Ethan’s full length once again and worked the head with his throat. The cock in his mouth thickened some more and jerked, then he was rewarded as spurts of cum hit the back of his throat. He pulled back so he could get a better taste and savoured the gift.

  He ripped open his jean, grasped his cock and, with a few jerks, came. The surge of his orgasm ripped through him. When he came out of the fog of pleasure, he noticed he still had Ethan’s cock in his mouth. He gave the now soft flesh a little lick and removed his finger. The next thing he noticed was that Ethan stared at him with a well fucked face.

  Ryan stood and went to clean up in the hall bathroom. When finished, he brought out a warm damp cloth and cleaned Ethan up. He chucked the cloth in the direction of the bathroom. Gently, he lifted Ethan’s torso and slid beneath him.

  “Feel good, E?”

  Ethan nodded and snuggled into Ryan’s hip. “Yeah, real good.”

  “Listen, there’s something I need to tell you. I meant to when I got home, but you managed to distract me.”

  “Who me? Never.”

  “Uh-huh. So I went by the police station this morning. Detective Phillips told me they identified the attacker you described. Problem is he’s skipped the country.”

  “Where’d he go?”

  “China.” Ryan repeatedly ran his fingers through Ethan’s hair.


  “Beijing exactly. Well, that’s where his plane landed anyway. Two other men whom he’s seen with regularly where also on the flight manifest, and Detective Phillips suspects those are the others who were there that night.”

  “Well, that sucks. Did he say if they would keep eyes and ears open for if they come back into the country?”

  “Yeah, but he didn’t seem hopeful. They left the day after the attack, E. They ran.”

  “What’re you not telling me? I can hear something in your voice.”

  He took a deep breath and let it out. “I don’t think it was hate crime. I think you were targeted because of the case, and Yeung’s behind the whole thing.”

  Ethan pushed himself up so he could face Ryan better. “Wow, that’s quite a big conjecture. Wanna tell me what led you to that conclusion?”

  “I didn’t withhold information from you about the case. I would never do that. I didn’t say anything to you before for two reasons. One, my superiors ordered me to let it go, and two, I never had any real evidence to support my theory.”

  “Ryan?” Ethan urged.

  “I’m getting there. Several months into the investigation, I found a connection from Yeung to an enforcer in a Chinese triad. This particular group is known for funding terrorist activities. We suspect they were the ones who backed the nerve gas attack in Malaysia. The one on the school.”

  “Oh God.”

  “Anyway, I’ve always suspected that Yeung was either a high-standing member of the triad or had very close ties, but I could never prove it. I did a little digging on my own, even after I was told to concentrate on building the evidence for your case. Ended up making a few more circumstantial connections, but that was it. The man they identified? He’s a member of that same triad. He’s an enforcer. Not the same one I’d linked to Yeung, but still of the same organisation.” He placed his
hand on Ethan’s cheek. “You’re prosecuting a man who’s been charged with selling prototype designs to the Chinese government. A man with possible ties to an Asian crime syndicate, and you get bashed by a group of men from this same organisation who left the country the very next day. Tell me you see the pieces here.”

  “I can’t deny the logic of your argument, but it sounds like there’s nothing we can do about it.”

  Ryan kissed his love. “The only thing we can do is try to prove Yeung ordered the hit. If we do that then we can nail him for attempted murder.”

  Ethan stood, walked over to the window and stared at the snow-covered buildings. “I understand your need to see someone brought to justice for what happened to me. Hell, I’d love to see that, too, but I don’t think it’s worth stirring up the hornet’s nest. From what you say, this group of people is dangerous, and I couldn’t live with myself if something happened to you while trying to investigate what happened to me. We have Yeung on these other charges. Our case is solid.” He looked over at Ryan. “Your case is solid. Let’s focus on that. It’s not the same, but he will be punished. Plus that’s a federal crime, whereas what happened to me is only a state crime. Federal law always trumps state law.”

  “Like convicting Al Capon for tax evasion?”

  Ethan smiled. “Exactly!”

  Ryan shook his head, grinning. “That’s what Tom said earlier. He told me you would say the same thing.”

  Ethan went back over and sat next to Ryan. “You spoke with Tom about this?”

  “Yeah, when I went over to pick up your files. They’re over there by the way,” he said, pointing to the breakfast counter. “He also told me a story…”

  Chapter Twelve

  The wind off the shore felt good blowing through Ethan’s hair. He’d given up on trying to keep the thick locks tame once they hit the coast. The sun was warm on his face, and the air was filled with scents of seawater and sand. He sat on a log high enough up the beach to avoid the surf from high tide, in full effect. His feet dug in the sand, and he crinkled the tiny grains between his toes. Spring was here, and he couldn’t be happier.

  He felt nearly one hundred percent again. His ribs had healed, and for the most part, there was no more pain in his back. He was still really sensitive to light so he always wore dark sunglasses outside now, but that was fine with him. He picked out some good ones designed for people with light sensitivity that made him look stylin’. The scars along his back still pulled occasionally, but Ryan used a special cream to help them heal better. He was very diligent about making sure it got put on every night before they fell asleep.

  As if conjured from Ethan’s mind, Ryan jumped over the back of the log and plopped down next to him. “Hey, hot stuff, we all checked in?”

  “Yep. We have a king sized bed, these huge floor-to-ceiling sliding windows that open to a private deck overlooking the cove, and an insanely luxurious bathroom with a big tub and separate glass shower.”

  “Sounds perfect. Good idea to splurge for the room upgrade. Where is the gang staying?”

  “Oh get this. They went all out. They have two balconies, two fireplaces, a living area with full bar, and full-sized dinning table. Their master bathroom has marble tile, a Jacuzzi big enough for four, and panelled doors that open to both the water and the fireplace in the bedroom.”

  “Well, it is their wedding and honeymoon. I suppose they’re allowed. Did they still want to meet for dinner tonight?”

  “I think they said to meet them in the bar and grill at seven o’clock. Apparently, the place has fantastic food and is open to the ocean.”

  Ethan looked over at the man who’d taken care of him so beautifully over the past two months. Ryan had been so patient, especially when Ethan had become frustrated at the restrictions both his doctor and his body had placed on him. This weekend, they celebrated not only their best friends wedding, but his return to active duty so to speak. He’d been given the all clear to work full time and resume all activities.

  “So what you’re saying is that we have three hours to kill,” Ethan said.

  “Yeah, what do you want to do first?” Ryan rubbed his hands together. “We could play a round of golf or build sand castles or take one of those little sailboats out.”

  As eager as he was to have sex again, Ethan wanted to wait until tonight. Call him sappy and sentimental, but there was something magical about making love to your partner with moonlight and sea air streaming through open windows.

  “Can we really build sand castles?” Ethan asked. He was nearly bouncing with childish exuberance.

  “Absolutely, love. I’ll go ask the pool people if they have any forms.”

  Ethan waited while Ryan ran off like a little kid. A few moments later, he returned with his booty and a triumphant grin.

  “We struck the mother lode! There are no kids here right now so he gave us the whole stash. Let’s go down to the water’s edge and pick our spot.” He looked at the surf. “It looks like high tide right now, but I’m sure we can find something.”

  They found a hidden little cove behind a dune not far from where they’d sat. Ryan upended their bag of goodies and sorted out the various pieces.

  “Right, what’s first?” Ethan asked.

  “What do mean?”

  “I’ve never built a sand castle before, so what’s first?”

  “You’ve never built one?” Ryan said, shocked.

  “No. There aren’t really sandy beaches near the lake where our marina is located, and until I moved to Boston, I’d never seen an ocean before.”

  “You guys never did spring break or anything. You know, ‘Guys Gone Wild’ in Cancun or Miami?”

  “Too busy maintaining my scholarship. Besides spring break requires money.” He saw Ryan shake his head as if he were dumbfounded.

  “All right, the first thing we do is build a base. I’ll go fill this bucket with water and you fill that form with sand.”

  They worked for nearly two hours, crafting and perfecting their creation. In the end, it came out looking not too shabby in Ethan’s opinion. They made the structure look like it was built on a cliff. It had layers of turrets and buildings. Walls and archways. Ethan had even used a little stick to make holes for arrow slits. He felt like a little kid and couldn’t be happier. Ryan seemed to enjoy himself, too. Ethan hadn’t seen the man laugh that much in…well…two months. It might have been a spontaneous whim, but he thought this was the best thing they could have done today.

  He took his iPhone from the cargo pocket of his shorts and snapped a photo. Judging by the clock on the screensaver, he determined if they wanted to meet Rick, Calleigh and Conor on time, they needed to head back to the room and clean up. They picked up their toys and strolled hand in hand down the shoreline. When they reached the area directly in front of the resort, he tugged on Ryan’s hand to stop him.

  “Thank you. This was the best afternoon I could have hoped for.” He kissed Ryan slowly, tasting the salt from the air and heat from the spring sun. He lifted his arms around Ryan’s neck, so happy to be able to do that without pain anymore, and deepened the kiss. When they finally separated, they were breathing heavily and both aroused.

  Ryan pulled their bodies together and clasped Ethan’s butt. Firm lips caressed his ear as Ryan whispered, “Tonight, I’m going to make love to you, E. I’m going to kiss your body from head to toe, slip that hard cock pressing against me right now deep into my mouth and suck you ‘til you beg for me to take you. I’ll open you one finger at a time. Stretching your tight little hole enough that I can slide in nice and easy. I’m going to fill you with one slow plunge ‘til I’m buried balls deep in that perfect hot ass of yours. Over and over, I’ll thrust, making sure I hit your sweet spot. I won’t stop ‘til I hear you scream my name and your cum glistens in the moonlight. Then when your body grips me in its perfect satin glove, I’m going to come inside you…bare.”

  Ethan whimpered as his legs nearly buckled under him. “Oh God,
Ry. I need you. Now. I want you now.”

  “Tonight, love, tonight.”

  * * * *

  “Ethan, ye look gran’. Almost like yer old self again,” Conor said, taking hold of Calleigh’s hand on top of the dinner table.

  “Thanks, Con. I feel good. No more chronic pain. Things still twinge a bit if I over do it, but for the most part, they managed to put this humpty dumpty back together again.”

  “You’re just short a couple of organs,” Rick commented.

  Ethan waved offhandedly. “Who needs them? I’ve got another kidney and the spleen was just taking up space.”

  “Ryan, make sure you keep an eye on him. People who have had their spleen removed are more prone to infections. What starts out as a little cold can escalate quickly into something more serious like pneumonia. I assume your doctor has spoken with you about maintaining your vaccinations?” Calleigh said.

  “Always the nurse, aren’t you, Cal?” Ethan mumbled.

  “Don’t worry. He knows I’m going to be all over him.”

  Ethan shot a look at Ryan whose eyes twinkled knowing Ethan would catch the double entendre behind the innocent words. His cock jumped, and he stared at Ryan’s mouth. Ethan moistened his lips, slowly. Ryan’s eyes and nostrils flared at the gesture. Ryan’s hand took his, fingers stroking the palm of his hand and underside of his wrist. Ethan’s pulse beat wildly, and his breathing became shallow.

  Rick chuckled. “Umm, guys?”

  “Sorry.” Ethan shook his head to clear the lust induced fog. He purposely turned away from Ryan to avoid temptation. “So Calleigh, only a couple more months until the sprite is due. You glow with maternal bliss.”

  “Oh Ethan, you’re so sweet. I keep looking over my shoulder because I’m convinced one of the staff is going to suspect I’m shoplifting a beach ball.”

  Personally, Ethan thought her baby bump was adorable. She hadn’t quite reached beach ball proportions in his estimation, but he’d learned with his sister–in-law to never comment about a woman’s weight or size while pregnant. If Rick and Conor’s looks were any indication, they also admired their soon-to-be-wife’s full figure. “At least, this time it’s only one. That has to be easier than the boys in some regards.”


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