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The Journey Home

Page 16

by Kelly Elliott

  Mary walked up to me and smiled. “To think I used to be that kind of a bitch.”

  I looked at her, shocked. Then I busted out laughing. “Mary, you will never know how much of a breath of fresh air you are.”

  She winked. “I wasn’t always like this. I used to care more about how my nails looked than whether my son had his dinner.”

  “Really?” I asked, surprised.

  She nodded. “The moment I laid my eyes on Lily, it was like I’d been given a second chance. In a way, Lily brought Cale and me back together. In fact, we’ve been closer in the last three months than we have been in his entire life.”

  I looked down at my baby girl in her grandmother’s arms and smiled.

  “Let’s get this ridiculous cake out there and eat it, shall we?”

  Mary grinned and said, “Yes, let’s. Come on, Lily! Let’s go show them how we celebrate Princess Lily’s three-month birthday!”

  CALE SHUT THE door and leaned against it. I sat down on the bed and sighed.

  “Maddie, I hate to say this, but your mother is a bitch. And she’s my boss’s wife!”

  I chuckled. “You’re not the only one who thinks that. I don’t honestly know how my father puts up with her.”

  Cale slowly nodded. “I thought Monica was going to jump across the table and bitch-slap her when your mom said the lasagna wasn’t cooked properly.”

  I laughed and dropped back onto the bed, kicking my heels off and groaning. “Oh God,” I said. “Why did I invite her? Oh, yeah—she’s my evil mother and would never let me live it down if she’d been left out.”

  I felt the bed move and looked to see Cale lying next to me. “I’m glad my parents decided to head home and not stay the night.

  I smiled and nodded my head.

  Cale smiled and said, “So that cake.”

  I covered my face with my hands and groaned again. “I know, I know. I got carried away. I promise, no more month birthdays. I’ll stick to the years, and I promise not to go crazy with the cakes.”

  He rolled onto his side and pulled me to face him. “I loved it. I loved how you made Lily’s third, um, month so special.”

  I giggled and bit my lip. “This is what happens when a girl goes from a full-time high-stress job to being a stay-at-home mom with a part time job.”

  “How are things at Crystal Bridges?”

  I smiled. “I love it. I really do, Cale. It’s amazing to go to a job and love what you’re doing. And to be able to leave the job at work when you walk out the door. I mean, I love being home with Lily, but spending just two days a week at the library and talking to people is wonderful. Plus, it gives your mom an excuse to spend time with Lily.”

  Cale smiled. “Yeah, she loves it.”

  I sat up and turned. “Will you unzip me?”

  Cale sat up and ran his hand up my arm, making me shudder. His touch did the most amazing things to me. He moved his hand along the nape of my neck, pulling me closer.

  “You looked beautiful tonight, Maddie.”

  I closed my eyes as he moved his lips to my neck and began gently kissing me.

  “Mmm, feels so good,” I said.

  “I want to make love to you, Maddie,” Cale whispered against my skin.

  He moved his hand to my zipper and began unzipping my dress, then stood, pulling me up along with him. He pushed my dress off my shoulders and let it fall to the floor, letting his eyes wander slowly over my body, as if he was memorizing every detail.

  I unclipped my bra and pulled it off, dropping it next to my dress. Cale licked his lips, hunger filling his eyes. I slowly pulled off my panties while looking into his eyes.

  I took a few steps back and lay on the bed. I watched as Cale stripped out of his clothes and quickly joined me.

  “There is nothing I desire more than making love with you,” I said against his lips.

  His hand started on my cheek, then moved down to my chest, slowly making it’s descent to my upper thigh. My stomach clenched in anticipation. I’d been dreaming of this since Cale had whispered that he wanted me, earlier tonight, while my father was telling Monica and me about a charity project he was starting.

  Right as his fingers found my need, Lily started crying.

  “No! Oh, no not now,” I whimpered.

  I closed my eyes and attempted to pull my libido back into check, but I felt Cale’s hot breath blowing on my clit. My eyes sprung open and before I could even say a word he was licking and sucking on me.

  My back arched and I let out a moan. “Cale! Lily…crying…Oh God…”

  It didn’t take long before I was grabbing the pillow and moaning into it as Cale managed to give me an incredible orgasm. I’d never had an orgasm like that before. I wasn’t sure what he did, but it was amazing.

  I lay there attempting to catch my breath while Cale got up and walked into the bathroom. I could hear the faucet running, so I sat up and looked toward the bathroom.

  “Wow. Just…wow. Cale, that was…oh wow.”

  He walked out dressed in those damn sexy-ass linen pants of his. The smile on his face melted my heart.

  “How did you make me come so fast?”

  He smiled bigger as he made his way to the bedroom door. He looked over his shoulder as he said, “I gave you a little ass action. I’ve always wanted to do that. Seemed like a good time to try it out.”

  With that, he left the room. My mouth dropped open as I heard him run up the stairs.

  I heard Lily’s door open over the baby monitor. Then I heard Cale talking to her.

  “Hey, Princess. Are you hungry, baby girl? We’re gonna let mommy rest while you and I have a serious talk about how boys are to stay as far away from my princess as possible.”

  I covered my mouth and chuckled. I looked at the monitor only to see Cale laying Lily down on the changing table and smiling. There was nothing sexier than him with his daughter.

  I fell back onto the bed and smiled, thinking about how wonderful my life was. I bit down on my lip and rolled over to grab my phone off of the side table. I texted Monica.

  Me: Hey are you up?

  Monica: Yep. Just got home. I’m going to have to talk Jack into moving to Beaver Lake.

  Me: Oh my gosh, I would LOVE that!

  Monica: HAHA! Me, too! What’s up?

  Me: Um…I have to ask you something.

  Monica: Okay, ask away.

  Me: It’s kind of sexual and embarrassing.

  Monica: As long as you don’t ask me to make out with you, I think I can handle it.

  Me: Have you…I mean…well…have you ever let Jack or anyone play with your…you know… Ugh this is so weird.

  Monica: Back door action?

  Me: OMG yes! How did you know that’s what I saying?

  Monica: ‘Cause I’m good like that. Jack has been the only one to ever take that plunge.

  Me: Jesus, I shouldn’t have asked. Officially taking back my question. Goodnight.

  Monica: Oh, HELL no. You can’t ask me that and then not give me the chance to ask you about the same thing.

  Me: Okay, well, Cale did something while giving me oral sex and I had the most powerful orgasm ever. I asked him how he was able to make me…you know…so fast.

  Monica: What are we in high school? COME? How he made you COME so fast?

  Me: Bitch! Yes. I asked how he made me come so fast and he said he did a little back door action, but I didn’t feel it. Or I was too caught up in the intense orgasm to notice.

  Monica: Dayum. Go Cale! Gettin’ some double-hole action.

  Me: All right, I’m done talking to you about this.

  Monica: Oh my. I’m laughing so hard right now and Jack wants to know why!

  Me: NO! You wouldn’t.

  Monica: Oh. I would. Night darling.

  I sighed as I set my phone back down on the side table. I heard Cale singing to Lily as I crawled under the covers. I’ll never be able to look at Jack again. Still, I felt my eyes getting heavier. I was going t
o have to tell Cale how much I enjoyed this part of the evening. I couldn’t help but smile at the way my body seemed to still be humming.

  I drifted off to sleep to the sounds of the man I loved humming to Lily. Our daughter. My baby girl.

  “I HEARD YOU got some back door action the other night,” Jack said as he threw the basketball, missing the hoop. “Damn.”

  I stopped and looked at him. “What?”

  Jack laughed. “Seems you were the first to do that to Maddie. She texted Monica about it.”

  I smiled. “Really?”

  Something about knowing Maddie had never played like that before had my dick jumping at the thought of doing it again tonight.

  “Dude,” Jack said. “Are you seriously standing there thinking about it?”

  I grabbed my towel from the bench and wiped my face. “You brought it up.”

  Jack dribbled the ball, then jumped and threw it, this time making a basket. “Yeah,” he said, “well, I take back this conversation. Moving on. Monica and I are talking about getting married on December 23rd.”

  I smiled and made a beeline for the basketball. I knocked it out of his hands and turned and shot for the hoop. When it swooshed in, I whooped and turned to Jack. “I do believe that was the winning shot.”

  Jack rolled his eyes and grabbed his towel and bottled water from the bench before heading to the locker room.

  “Oh, come on. Don’t be such a poor sport,” I said, jogging over to grab my stuff. “So December, huh? That’s a quick engagement.”

  “No, it’s not,” Jack, said.

  “Dude, y’all haven’t even been dating a year, and you’re engaged and planning a wedding.”

  Jack stood there, staring. “What’s your point?”

  I shrugged. “I don’t know. I mean, a year ago, you were hooking up with two girls a week. Now you’re talking about settling down and getting married. It’s just…weird.”

  Jack shot me a dirty look. He pushed the locker room doors open and headed straight to the showers.

  Fifteen minutes later Jack sat down next to me. “I’ve never felt the way I feel when I’m with Monica. She changed me. I mean, I can’t imagine my life with anyone but her. I want things with her that I never dreamed I’d want with anyone.”

  I smiled as I shoved my workout clothes into my duffle bag. I stood and placed my hand on Jack’s shoulder. “I’m really happy for both of you, Jack. I truly am.”

  “I know you are,” he said. “You want to be my best man?”

  Grinning I said, “I’d be honored.”

  Jack laughed. “Good, ‘cause I expect a kick-ass bachelor party, and I know you won’t let me down.”

  He headed out the door. I chuckled and followed him. “No strippers though, right?”

  “Fuck yeah, there’d better be strippers.”

  I shook my head and rolled my eyes. “I’m already regretting this decision.”

  I WATCHED AS Jack paced back and forth in front of the window. He must have run to the bathroom to throw up at least three times in the last hour.

  “I didn’t even fucking drink last night. I mean, we sat around and watched movies all night. What the hell is wrong with me?” Jack asked, surveying the room.

  I attempted to hold back my laughter. Jack had talked and talked about a kick-ass bachelor party but, three weeks ago, he’d finally broken down and told me he wanted a low-key night with just a few friends at my place. So Maddie and Lily went and stayed at Monica’s parents’ house and had a girls' night in while we stayed at my place and listened to Jack’s father and my father tell fishing stories.

  Jack’s father, Craig, placed his hand on Jack’s shoulder. “Son, just calm down. Take a deep breath and relax.”

  Jack looked at his dad like he’d grown two heads. “Relax? I’m getting married,

  Dad. Married.”

  His father raised an eyebrow, then looked to my father. “Should we tell him?”

  I sat up straighter, my interest piqued.

  “Tell me what?” Jack asked.

  My father nonchalantly shrugged and said, “If you want. Not sure what good it’ll do now.”

  I smiled and shook my head. Our dads lived to torment us. They’ve been doing this sort of thing as long as I can remember.

  “What are y’all talking about?” Jack asked.

  Craig placed both hands on Jack’s shoulders. “Son, because I love you, I’m going to tell you this.”

  Someone knocked on the door and yelled, “Showtime! Take your places, gentlemen.”

  Craig frowned and said, “Well, looks like it’s time, son. Let’s go.”

  He turned for the door while Jack stood there, his mouth gaping open.

  My father walked by and hit Jack on the back. “Let’s do this thing!”

  Everyone followed Craig out the door except for Jack and me.

  I snapped my fingers in front of Jack’s face to break his trance. “Dude,” I said. “They’re screwing with you. You know they’ve always done this sort of shit.”

  Jack nodded, looking into my eyes. “I’m scared shitless. What if I’m not good enough for her, Cale? What if she gets tired of me? What if…”

  “Jack, stop this. Do you love Monica?”

  He nodded, smiling. “More than anything.”

  “Do you want to spend the rest of your life with her, and only her?”

  Smiling he said, “Yeah, I do.”

  I slapped his back and said, “Then you’ve got this. Monica is crazy in love with you. You guys are perfect together. You make each other happy. Dude, just relax.”

  Jack nodded. “Right! I mean, you’re right. Jesus, what’s wrong with me? Monica is probably cool as a cucumber right now and here I’m acting like a pussy.”

  I swallowed and nodded my head. “Yeah, you know Monica. She’s got this.”

  “Shit! I’ve got this, too!” He stood up taller, cracked his neck, and started for the door. “Let’s do this shit!”

  I chuckled as I followed him. I pulled out my phone and saw Maddie’s last text to me.

  Maddie: Monica looks like she’s about to pass out. If she makes it through this, I’ll be impressed. She keeps doing these breathing exercises to calm down. It’s starting to freak me out!

  Me: Jack is pacing back and forth. I find it rather amusing.

  As we walked down the aisle to where the pastor was waiting, Jack stopped a few times to welcome friends and family. That’s when I saw the small soldier girl—the wedding planner—coming. She was terrifying.

  “Mr. Rambrandt, you need to get into position please.” She barked. Jack turned to me and swallowed hard. “I’ve got this.”

  I nodded and said, “You’ve got this.”

  Jack turned and approached the altar where he greeted the pastor.

  Tommy Harding, an usher and one of our college buddies, slipped a twenty into my hand. He was tall and thin with white-blond hair that stood out even more in the black tux.

  Tommy narrowed his green eyes at me and said, “Shit, you win.”

  Tommy and I had placed a bet back in college. I’d said Jack would get married eventually, but he’d said there was no way in hell Jack would ever settle down.

  I smiled, pocketing my cash and taking my place next to Jack.

  “I NEED THE bride! It’s time.”

  I rolled my eyes at Monica’s wedding planner as I looked at Monica in the mirror. “You look beautiful,” I said, my voice cracking.

  “Don’t make me cry, Maddison Nicole Powers. I’m about to walk down the aisle.”

  I laughed, shaking my head. “You? Cry? I don’t think I’ve ever seen you cry.”

  “I’ve cried before,” she said. “I’ve cried plenty of times.”

  I raised an eyebrow. “Really?”

  She shook her head and looked away. “I can’t believe I’m getting married, Maddie.”

  I sat down. “Are you scared?” I asked with a slight smile.

  She began chewing on her lip. �
��I’m so scared it’s not even funny. I mean…what if Jack changes his mind? What if I go to start walking down the aisle and he realizes he doesn’t want this? What if we moved too fast?” She attempted to hold back the sob, but it was too late. She fanned her eyes as she took deeps breaths.

  I grabbed her hands. “Monica. Do you love Jack?”

  Her eyes lit up. “Yes. More than I could ever imagine.”

  “Does your heart feel like you’ve rushed this?” I asked. “Not your head, your heart.”

  She shook her head and a single tear escaped and slid down her cheek. I wiped it away. “Then don’t be scared,” I said. “Trust your heart, Monica.”

  Another tear slid down her cheek and she pulled me closer and held me tight as she did the one thing I’d never seen her do before. Cry.

  “Oh, no. That is not what the maid of honor is supposed to do,” the wedding planner chastised. “You’re supposed to keep her happy, not make her cry! We have fewer than two minutes to get your makeup touched up and get you down the aisle. They are walking down right now. Maddie, go get your flowers and get into position!”

  I jumped up and saluted to the young girl Monica had hired to help plan the wedding. Both of Monica’s parents were in France, and when they’d told her they wouldn’t be coming back to the States for her wedding, it had nearly broken my heart. Monica hadn’t been surprised. That was just what they did. Even in high school, Monica had spent more time at my house than her own. I knew it had hurt, but she would never admit it.

  I winked at Monica and made my way to my position. As the music started, I stood and waited for my turn to walk down the aisle. We were all dressed in light teal gowns with white shawls. It had taken Monica all of thirty minutes to choose our dresses. Her only request was that they be the most expensive light teal dresses in the store. For her dress, we’d flown to New York. I was almost positive she’d bought the most expensive dress just to stick it to her parents—especially after her father told her to just bill him for all of the expenses. Her first stop after the news that they wouldn’t be attending was to Pinnacle Country Club. Two hours later, the wedding date had been set and Monica had a smile plastered across her face. I swear, her wedding was fit for royalty. I had made a round through the private room where the reception would be held and I’d never seen so much crystal and silver. And she must have found every kind of flower known to man.


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