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The Journey Home

Page 22

by Kelly Elliott

  I nodded and stood. “What did you do?” I asked as I sat down on the coffee table directly in front of Cale.

  “I called security and had her removed from the premises. Then, I called your dad and told him what had happened. Then I called you to tell you I was on my way home.”

  I gave him the same look I always gave him when he said something that just tickled me. “And to tell me you love me.”

  He grinned and pulled me onto his lap. He placed his hand behind my neck and pulled my lips to his. We kissed gently as I laced my arms around his neck.

  “Thank you for telling me what happened,” I said, looking into his emerald eyes. I couldn’t believe how much I loved him. How much I needed to just be near him.

  “I’ll always be honest with you about everything, Maddie. Always.”

  I sucked his lower lip into my mouth and gently bit it. Then I stood and began to get undressed. “Make love to me, Cale.”

  Cale watched as I stripped out of my clothes and walked to our bedroom. He jumped up and tore his own clothes off as he followed me. I lay down on the bed and waited for him to move over me. I cupped his face in my hands and looked deeply into his eyes.

  “I don’t want to wait, Cale.”

  The smile that moved across his face told me he knew exactly what I was saying. I wanted to try for a baby. I wanted to feel a child growing in my womb. I wanted to feel Cale’s child growing in my stomach. I wanted a piece of him.

  Cale took my hands in his and pushed them above my head as he gently kissed me. He teased my entrance, building up my anticipation for sweet relief. He released one of my hands and twisted and pulled one nipple as his lips moved to my neck and slowly over to my ear where he sucked my ear lobe, then lightly blew in my ear. I arched my back to him, whispering his name, as he pulled back and looked lovingly into my eyes.

  He leaned down and kissed me gently as his hand explored my body, leaving a trail of goose bumps in its path.

  I love this man with my whole heart.

  He pushed inside me as I moaned. As he gently pumped in and out of me, we locked eyes. I could feel the love moving between us, and I was overcome with emotion. As a tear slowly made it’s way down my cheek, Cale wiped it away with his lips.

  “You’re mine, Maddison.”

  I closed my eyes and whispered, “Always.”


  I smiled at Lily and giggled as I held her bottle up for her to see. “You want your bottle, baby girl?”

  It was May, and I couldn’t believe how big she’d gotten. She threw her hands up and down as she got more excited. “Mama! Bah-bah!”

  I handed Monica Lily’s bottle and said, “Aunt Monica has your bottle, princess.”

  Monica sat down as Lily crawled into her lap and settled in. “She’s brilliant. You realize your daughter is brilliant don’t you?”

  I laughed as I sat and watched my two favorite girls. Monica was now five months pregnant, and her baby bump was adorable. A small ripple of jealousy raced through my body. I wasn’t pregnant yet, and I was beginning to wonder if the stress of planning our wedding in two and half months had anything to do with me not being able to conceive.

  “How’ve you been feeling?” I asked Monica.

  She smiled. “Finally better. The morning sickness has really died down. I feel a little nauseous at night but, other than that, I feel good. We have a sonogram tomorrow.”

  I smiled and clapped as Lily did the same—Monica was holding Lily’s bottle. I laughed and shook my head. “Are you going to find out the sex of the baby?” I asked.

  Monica made a funny face, and I could tell she was excited. “I don’t want to know,” she said, “But I kind of do. Jack totally doesn’t want to find out the sex. He says he wants to be surprised. Even if I decide that I want to find out, he still doesn’t want to.”

  I laughed as I pulled my legs up and rested my chin on my knees. I was so happy for my best friend. Who could have known how much would change in a year? Last year her and Jack had just started dating. They’d both been free spirited when it came to dating and sex, but something must have happened that night when they first hooked up. They just fell right into place.

  “I’d want to be surprised,” I said, looking at Lily. Lily waved, almost as if she knew the silly doubts that were intruding my thoughts. I waved back. Each morning when we walked into her room she would wave and say, “Mama” and “Dada.” Cale loved it. He loved Lily so much; I couldn’t wait to have another baby. I looked down and sighed.

  “It’ll happen when it’s meant to happen, Maddie,” Monica said. “You guys just started trying. Give yourself a break, sweetheart. Just breathe.”

  The sliding door to the porch opened and Jack and Cale came walking in. They both had their shirts off and I had to ignore the urge between my legs. I licked my lips as I surveyed Cale’s body with my eyes. He smiled and winked at me as he walked by, headed for the kitchen.

  “Jack and I got the boat and the jet skis ready to go,” Cale said.

  I rolled my eyes. I hated the jet skis, and I hated the boat. I’d told Cale I wasn’t thrilled with the idea of buying a boat, but all he and Jack ever talked about was fishing and waterskiing. They both loved to ski.

  “This warm weather has me itching to get out there and ski,” Jack said. “What about you, Maddie?” he laughed.

  I rolled my eyes and looked back at Monica. I loved living on the lake, but you wouldn’t catch me swimming in it. Nope. The moment I felt the little fish nibbling on my legs, I was done. I’d rather float in a pool where I could see what was around me.

  “No thanks,” I said.

  Monica chuckled as she held Lily, who was sitting up and attempting to stand. Lily bounced with excitement in Monica’s arms. She’d seen her daddy, and that was what she’d wanted.

  Cale came into the living room and kissed me quickly before picking up Lily. “Come on, Princess,” he said. “Let’s go outside and enjoy the day now that you have a full tummy.”

  I watched as the two loves of my life walked through the sliding glass door and down the deck stairs, making their way down to the dock.

  I turned back to Monica and tilted my head. “Why are you staring at me?”

  She shrugged. “I just enjoy seeing you happy.”

  I smiled and scrunched my nose. “I wouldn’t trade any of this. Never.”

  She stood up and placed her hand on her stomach. “That goes for me, too. Come on, let’s go see what the two over-grown boys are up to.”

  MY PHONE VIBRATED in my pocket as I looked up from my Kindle. I was working in the library, but I’d tucked myself away in a corner to sneak in a bit of reading. I was reading one of my favorite series, the Remembrance trilogy, and Ryan was about to make me moan internally and wish for Cale’s touch. I pulled my phone out. It was a text from Monica.

  Monica: Sonogram went great. I decided to not find out, but my husband broke down at the last minute and told them he wanted to know.

  I giggled and shook my head. I could totally see Jack changing his mind when he saw the baby on the screen.

  Me: LOL! Did you stay strong?

  Monica: No!

  Me: So?

  Monica: So???

  Me: Oh my gosh! Monica. Are you having a boy or a girl?

  Monica: We’ll tell y’all at dinner tonight. JJ’s sound good?

  Me: So wrong. So wrong on so many levels. Fine. JJ’s at six.

  Monica: Perfect! See ya then!

  I sent Cale a text letting him know that we were having dinner with Jack and Monica to find out the sex of the baby was.

  Cale: Sounds good. Miss your touch. See you soon!

  Me: Same here. More than you know. Love you, see ya soon.

  I closed my eyes and thought back to last night when Cale and I had been alone. Mary had asked to keep Lily for the night, and Cale and I had jumped all over the chance to be by ourselves. I chewed on my lip as I thought about how hot it had been.

LE HAD BEEN working with Jack most of the day getting the boat ready for summer when my father called and asked him to join a meeting. Cale had been on vacation, but he’d drop anything if my father asked—which was why my father hardly ever asked.

  I’d been in the kitchen when saw him standing there, naked. The only thing he’d kept on was his tie. I couldn’t believe how incredibly turned on I’d been at that sight.

  I’d sent him a text saying his mother had picked up Lily for the evening and Cale had texted back to say that the meeting was over and he was on his way home. Monica and Jack had left with Mary, and I’d been cooking dinner. My cooking had improved as I’d branched out to try more things. Tonight was homemade sauce and pasta.

  It was warm out, so I’d changed into a light summer dress. I’d been so glad I was wearing my new light blue lace bra and panties. Cale would go nuts when he saw them. He grabbed my breasts as he moaned.

  “You look beautiful in this dress.” He’d whispered, placing his lips on my neck.

  “Um, thank you,” I’d whispered back, my libido quickly took over. I’d begun to lose all my senses—except for my desire for Cale.

  “Maddie,” he’d said. “I’m going to make love to you all night. But, right now, I really want to fuck you, baby.”

  I’d dropped the pasta spoon to the floor.

  “Yes,” I’d said, flinging my head back. “Oh, God, yes.” I’d whimpered as he’d pulled my dress up, pushing my bra down. My breasts had spilled out, and he’d taken a nipple into his mouth as I’d grabbed onto the tie and called out his name. With my other hand, I’d held on to the counter. I’d always loved it when Cale was gentle and sweet, but sometimes I just wanted to be fucked senseless—he never disappointed me with that.

  “Cale, I want you so badly. Please don’t tease me,” I’d said.

  Cale’s fingers had brushed across the light lace of my panties over and over as he’d sucked and gently bitten my nipple.

  “What do you want, Maddie?”

  “You,” I’d panted.

  He’d sucked hard on my nipple and used his other hand to rip off my panties, making me cry out. I’d hooked my leg around him as he’d pushed his fingers inside me.

  “Jesus,” he’d said. “You’re so fucking horny.”

  He’d lifted me up and impaled me with his rock-hard dick as I’d screamed out, “Fuck me, Cale. Fuck me hard!”

  “MS. POWERS? IS everything okay?”

  I was snapped out of my sexy memory by the voice of the head librarian. I placed my hand on my cheek to attempt to hide the fact that I had just been daydreaming about being fucked and was turned on beyond belief.

  “Uh, yes. I’m fine,” I said. “It’s a little hot in here don’t you think?”

  “Why are you in this corner?” she asked.

  “I, um…I was just taking a break. I’m not feeling, um, quite myself right now.”

  She smiled sweetly and nodded. “I see. Well, darling, if you’re not feeling well, head on home. I know Cale is off this week. Go spend some time with him.”

  I nodded and grinned. “You’re absolutely right. I should totally go home and spend some time with him. We have some wedding details to discuss.”

  I gathered up my purse and sent Cale a text.

  Me: I’m heading home. Be prepared for a repeat of last night!

  I GLANCED DOWN at Maddie’s text and wanted to moan. Memories of last night flooded my head. I had to bite the inside of my cheek to keep my dick from getting hard.

  “Cale? Honey, are you listening to me?”

  I jerked my head up and looked at my mother. She’d brought Lily home early this morning, since she’d had a business lunch with my father and a few of his associates. She hardly ever did that sort of thing anymore, but this was for a charity that was close to her heart—she wanted to make sure everything was set and ready to go.

  I tried to look innocent and said, “Yeah, sorry, Mom. I was thinking about something.”

  She reached down to kiss Lily goodbye. Lily had been racing all over in her walker, and I knew that at naptime she was going to be out.

  “I can’t believe in less than two months our princess is going to be one,” Mom said.

  I laughed and nodded. “I know. Maddie is already making plans for the birthday party. I think she even ordered the cake already.”

  A look of pride washed over my mother’s face. “I just adore Maddie,” she said. A girl after my own heart. Marry her quickly before she gets away.”

  I laughed as I stood and jumped out of Lily’s way as she raced by. I followed my mother as she made her way to the front door.

  “Be sure to tell Maddie to give me a call,” she said. “I want to help with all the birthday plans. And we still have to shop for a wedding dress. I’ve never known a girl to wait until the last minute to buy a dress. She was more worried about Lily’s dress than hers. Monica is planning a surprise shower this weekend, so don’t make plans, darling.”

  She raised her hand as she walked ahead of me. I smiled and shook my head. Sometimes the old Mom still showed through.

  “I’m hosting it, so come up with something grand to do with Jack and Lily.”

  “Will do,” I said. “Thanks for taking Lily last night, Mom. It was nice to be able to spend some time with Maddie.”

  She opened the front door and spun around with a huge smile on her face. “Oh, believe me, son—I know all about those moments.”

  My smiled dropped and my stomach turned. “Yuck. That was just gross mom. Did you have to give me that visual?”

  She threw her head back and laughed before turning around on her heels and heading to her car. I shouted at her as she retreated away. “I can tell you what we did last night, Mom, if you want!”

  She opened her car door and turned to look at me. “Doesn’t phase me son…does not phase me at all. Love you!”

  She got in, shut the door and took off. Lily rammed into the back of my legs over and over, in her attempt to get out the door. I turned and smiled down at her. “Legs up, princess! Daddy is going to spin you around. Let’s head to the kitchen and make Mommy and us some lunch.”

  “Mama!” Lily screamed.

  “Yep, Mommy is on her way home.”

  Twenty minutes later, Maddie walked into the kitchen. She leaned over and kissed Lily on the cheek, then smelled Lily’s hair. I smiled as I watched her do the same thing she had done since the first time she held Lily in her arms.

  Maddie looked up at me and gave me a smile that made me weak in the knees. I wonder if she knows how much she means to me? How she lights up the entire space around me with her smile.

  “Hey,” she said with a wink. “I was hoping to beat your mom home so we could have a repeat of last night.”

  I pulled her close to me. I slipped my hand up her skirt and pushed her panties out of the way as I buried my fingers inside of her.

  “Cale, Lily is right…oh God…”

  She was soaking wet. “Are you in need of some relief?” She bit down on her lip and nodded. I pulled my fingers out of her and turned around. I moved Lily’s high chair so she was looking out the window to outside.

  I spun back around and grabbed Maddie, turning her around and pushing her over the table as I unzipped my pants and began stroking my dick. “Fuck, Maddie.”

  She looked over her shoulder. “Okay,” she said. “Sounds good.”

  I pushed myself into her, grabbing her hips as I fucked her hard and fast from behind. Maddie held onto the table and met me stroke for stroke as I pulled out and slammed back into her.

  “Cale,” she called out as I felt her tighten up around my dick. I was about to explode inside her when I heard Lily mumbling. I shook my head to clear my thoughts. Maddie reached down and began playing with her clit as she called out my name.

  “Fuck yes. Maddie, I’m going to come.”

  Maddie was moaning incoherently as I moved in and out of her. My orgasm hit me hard, and I hoped like hell that—either l
ast night or today—we had made a baby. I’d fucked Maddie last night hard and fast, but we’d also made love twice during the night—once in the shower, and then at four a.m. when Maddie crawled on top of me. Nothing felt as amazing as being one with her. But this…this was just sexy as hell, and I knew she loved it as much as I did.


  I closed my eyes and let every ounce of my cum spill into Maddie’s body. I wanted nothing more than to give her the one thing I knew she wanted. A part of me. A baby. Our baby.

  “Oh God, Cale that was amazing.” Maddie said as I pulled out and grabbed a dishtowel to clean us up.

  I wanted more of her. I wanted to taste her, but I wasn’t sure how she’d feel about me doing that after what we’d just done. I dropped to the ground and began wiping her off. I lifted her leg more and placed it over my shoulder. One swipe of my tongue and she grabbed fistfuls of my hair and moaned. Soon she was riding out her orgasms against my tongue as she mumbled my name over and over.


  “What did you say, Cale?” Maddie panted. “I’m still trying to recover from one of the most mind-blowing orgasms ever.”

  I stood and smiled as I zipped my pants. I turned and washed my face off and leaned against the counter as I stared at Maddie. She was about to say something when Lily laughed and pointed to the window.

  “Birda. Dada…birda.”

  My mouth dropped open and I looked back at Maddie.

  “Oh my God,” Maddie said. “Oh my God. Did she just say bird? Oh God, Cale. She said her first word while we were…” Her eyes widened in horror. “What kind of parents are we? We were…” she looked around and then back at me as she whispered, “We were fucking…while our daughter said her first word!”

  I laughed and pulled Maddie close. “We are parents who are very much in love, and we’re hot for each other. Does it suck that she said her first word while we were doing it? Yeah, maybe. But she said bird, baby. Not fuck.”


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