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The Journey Home

Page 29

by Kelly Elliott

  “And, someday, we’ll have that beach wedding. But this felt so right. I hope you agree.”

  I sniffled and nodded. “It’s…perfect.”

  His grin grew bigger—he was so happy. He opened the box and pulled out a charm bracelet. “First gift goes to our beautiful daughter, Evie.”

  Mary walked over with Evie. Cale clasped the bracelet onto Evie’s wrist and kissed her. I smiled as Mary turned and sat back down. Lily held up her own charm bracelet to show Evie. I couldn’t help but giggle at the sweet, innocent act.

  Cale cleared his throat and smiled. “Now, for your gift.”

  He reached back into the box before handing it back to Jack. When he turned around, he held up the charm for me to see. I gasped as I looked at three interconnecting hearts. The bigger heart had Lily’s initials in it. The smaller heart had Evie’s initials and the middle heart had Cale’s and my initials on it.

  “I thought it was fitting to make this charm all about hearts,” he said. “You stole mine the moment you spoke to me. Then Lily…” Cale’s voice cracked and he closed his eyes. “Lily healed my broken heart. And Evie…she brought together all of our hearts and bound them together to make us a family. The road we traveled to get to this very moment was a winding one, for sure.” I grinned and wiped a tear away. He continued, “But when two hearts combine, and they travel that road together, it leads to something even greater. It leads to home. To a love so great it makes your heart burst. Maddie, my heart will always belong to you. You are, and will forever be, the love of my life.”

  I sobbed as Cale placed the charm in my left hand and closed my fingers around it tightly. “I love you, Maddison Nicole. I love you so much.”

  “I love you so much, Cale. I’ll love you forever and for always.”

  Cale pulled a small box from his pocket. He turned to face Lily and bent down, motioning for her to come to him. She jumped up, brown curls bouncing as she hopped over to him. He opened the box and Lily smiled.

  “Oh purty, Daddy,” she said.

  I tried to hold back my sobs as Cale placed a necklace with a dolphin, Lily’s favorite animal, around her neck. He kissed her and whispered something in her ear. She wrapped her arms around his neck and I watched as a tear fell from his eye. Lily let go and hopped back over to Mary. Cale stood and wiped his eyes as he winked at me.

  Cale turned to Pastor Leonard and nodded.

  Pastor Leonard cleared his throat and took a step forward. “I now pronounce you, Mr. and Mrs. Cale Joseph Blackwood. Cale, you may kiss your bride.”

  Cale cupped my face in his hands and gave me the biggest, most panty-melting smile ever. I couldn’t help but smile back. “Finally,” We both whispered.

  He leaned down and kissed me gently at first before pulling me closer and making the kiss more passionate. All I could hear was Jack and Monica whooping and hollering. Lily ran up and pulled on her clothes. “Me too! Daddy me too!”

  Cale bent over and picked up Lily as we both kissed her on each cheek. I had never been so happy in my entire life. I looked around and everyone was clapping. I turned back to Cale and our eyes locked.

  He brushed his lips against my ear. “Please tell me you still have that corset.”

  I smiled as I pulled back and raised an eyebrow. “I’m thinking a do-over is in order for this evening, Mr. Blackwood.”

  His eyes widened and he nodded his head. “I completely agree, Mrs. Blackwood.”

  LILY CAME RUNNING up to me with a concerned look on her face. Her green-blue eyes held my eyes attention. “Mother. You will not believe what Father did!”

  I tried like hell not to start laughing. Especially when I noticed Monica snap her head back and stare at Lily.

  “One can only imagine what he did.” I said as Monica’s head jerked to the left to look at me.

  “He…oh my gosh I can’t even say it.”

  Monica shouted, “Say it! Please, I must hear you say it.”

  Lily took in a long, deep breath and slowly let it out. “He said I had to play soccer with him and Uncle Jack.”

  I let out a gasp and held my hand to my chest. “No!”

  Monica leaned over. “Wait. You love soccer. I’m so confused.”

  Lily glanced at Monica. “Yes! Can you even believe the audacity of him?”

  Monica started choking and Lily and I both busted out laughing. Lily held up her hand and I high fived it. “I’m really impressed you used that word correctly.” I said.

  Lily smiled. “I know, right? Aunt Monica, are you okay? Did the baby kick you too hard?”

  I glanced down at Monica’s seven-month swollen belly. “Um…your behaving like a twenty-five year old is what made me choke,” Monica said.

  Lily giggled. “I’m taking an acting class. I’m going to be an actress someday. Part-time, of course. My singing career will take center stage, but only on weekends. When I’m not working at my vet clinic.”

  Cale called out for Lily. “Lil, we’re getting ready to start. Come on!”

  Lily kissed me on the cheek and then kissed Monica’s stomach. “Got to go kick Dad’s butt at soccer. Later!”

  She turned and started running toward Cale. We were at an office picnic for my father’s company and Cale and Lily loved organizing the soccer games. Lily was a natural and loved to play.

  “Holy crap, Maddie. I hope you guys are socking away money for that kid. She has her whole life planned out. I do like how she’s planning on keeping the vet clinic her number one focus, instead of the acting and singing, though.”

  I threw my head back and laughed. “She definitely keeps us on our toes.” I smiled at Monica. “How are you feeling?” I touched her stomach and the baby decided to kick right at that moment. We both laughed.

  “I’ve never in my life been so happy, Maddie. I know Jack and I thought the pregnancy with the twins was our miracle, but to be blessed with this baby as well? I just…I’m…I’m so happy.”

  I pulled her into my arms and held her for a few minutes. “I’m so happy for you two. I really am.”

  Monica wiped away her tears and rolled her eyes. “Oh, God. Pregnancy emotions.” She took a deep breath. “What about you, Maddie. Do you ever want another one? I mean I know Cale got his balls cut off and all.”

  I slapped my best friend on the arm and laughed. “Shut up. He didn’t get his balls cut off. It was a small incision.”

  “Uh-huh. He got his balls cut.”

  I rolled my eyes. “No, Cale and I are happy with the girls. I couldn’t imagine my life any different.”

  We both looked out and saw Evie, Lucy, and Craig all making mud pies. Lucy and Craig both had blonde hair and the bluest of blue eyes. Lucy favored Monica and Craig favored Jack, especially his personality.

  “I think Evie has a crush on Craig.” I said, looking at my younger daughter. Her brown hair was pulled up into a ponytail. She looked so much like me—it was unreal. She even scrunched her nose like I did.

  “Shut up!” Monica said. “Craig totally has a crush on Evie.”

  Cale and Jack came over and I heard Cale gasp. I glanced over at them and Jack was smiling while nodding. “That’s my boy, nothing but a ladies man.”

  Cale looked at me with nothing but pure horror in his eyes.

  “No. Oh, hell no.”

  Jack reached into the cooler and grabbed a water bottle before taking back off toward the soccer game. “Just think dude, we could be in-laws someday!”

  Cale’s mouth dropped open as Monica and I busted out laughing. I watched as my husband slowly walked away, mumbling something about locking up his youngest spawn until she was twenty-one.

  I giggled as Evie laughed at something Lucy was holding. Oh no. Not the camel.

  I heard Cale yell out. I glanced over to see Cale and Lily both high-fiving each other—Lily had apparently scored a goal. I yelled, “Go Lily!”

  Lily looked over at me and smiled as she gave me a thumbs-up.

  Monica hit me in the arm and asked,
“Hey, is that the camel Cale brought to the hospital the day the twins were born?”

  Evie and Lucy were playing with the giant camel as Jack walked over to them. “Where did you guys get that?” he asked.

  Lucy pointed to Cale and said, “Uncle Cale gave it to us!”

  Jack spun around and took off running after Cale. “You bastard!”

  Monica sighed. “Some things never change.”

  I laughed and shook my head. “Nope. I wouldn’t want things any other way.”

  Darrin – Thank you for all that you do to support me. Thank you for your help, your patience when I’m sitting at my computer sometimes until after midnight, and for your inspiration! I love you, Darrin, so very much. You are my everything. Always and forever.

  Lauren – I thank God every day for you. You’re my breath of fresh air every single day. Even when you’re rolling your eyes at me, talking back to me, staring at me like I’m an idiot, telling me you already know something I’m trying to explain to you… when I know for a fact you don’t know, cleaning your bathroom and bedroom….oh wait…I’m still waiting for you to do that. I love doo so very much!

  Kristin Mayer – Thank you for always being my friend first and foremost. You’ll never know how much it means to me to have you read along as I write. I love how we throw ideas off each other and you totally get me! I’m so blessed to have you in my life and as my friend.

  Ari Niknejadi – You make me laugh all the time with your one liners. I can’t wait to start writing the book using them all! LOL! I’m still waiting on you to find your RFB. Thank you for being an amazing friend and a wonderful mother. I also wanted to say thank you so much for taking the beautiful photo that I used for the cover of this book. It says more than I could have ever hoped. Love you girl!

  My beta readers – Kristin Mayer, Heather Davenport, and Laura Hansen, thank you both so much for taking the time to beta read for me. I appreciate it more than you will ever know.

  Nikki Sievert – Thank you for EVERYTHING you do for me. You are the last eyes on my each of my babies and for you to take time out of your busy life to help me…I can only say thank you thank you thank you! Girls trip with you, Kristin, and me to NYC!

  Lisa Wilson – I can never begin to express how much I love this cover. You did an amazing job and I cannot wait to work with you on more projects. This is by far one of my favorite covers.

  Kelly’s Cowboy Chasers – I just adore all of y’all. Thank you for making me smile on days I really needed it. Thank you for your support and love as well!

  Kelly’s Most Wanted – Thank you for being such an amazing street team. I don’t think words could ever express my gratitude.

  My HIPAA girls – Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! You are amazing friends and I’m blessed to have known you.

  Kathy Bankard – You do so much for me and I hope you know how much I appreciate it. You’re the best! Love you girl.

  To my readers/friends – I wake up every morning and feel so blessed and it’s because of your love and support. I hope and pray that I can continue to keep writing the stories that pull you in and have you longing for more. Thank you for allowing me to follow my dreams. Without you….none of this would be possible. Thank you!

  Mom – Thank you for raising me to the person I am today. The journey of life sure is hard as hell and I really wish you were here to help on some of these steep hills…but then again…you are here. I love you.

  Patty – I love you. Thank you for being there for me and being the best big sister ever.

  Last but certainly not least. Thank you, God, for the blessing you have bestowed upon me. I’m in awe of your grace and I pray I never let a day go by where I do not close my eyes and thank you.







  A Forever Love

  The Wanted Short Stories



  Broken Dreams

  Broken Promises (coming December 2014)


  Unconditional Love

  Undeniable Love (coming spring 2015)

  For upcoming books and more information about Kelly Elliott, please visit her website.

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