Daddy Undercover (Crescent Cove Book 9)

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Daddy Undercover (Crescent Cove Book 9) Page 13

by Taryn Quinn

  Innocently, I lifted my brows.

  “At Thanksgiving dinner?” His tone was incredulous.

  “I started out with them, but they weren’t good enough for our first naked adventure. You stole my thongs, damn you. They were my best pair.”

  He chuckled. “You’re not getting them back either.”

  “Afraid you’ll be doing more sneezing?”

  He squeezed my ass, nice and hard. “I sneezed a lot that night when you were in my guest bed down the hall. Imagining what you were wearing while you were rolling around in my sheets.” He licked his lips. “Or not wearing.”

  Damn. I pictured Jared with his long, hard cock in his hand, my panties wrapped around his fist, and I rocked against him to try to quell the ache in my core. “You can touch me now.”

  “Driveway,” he managed, shifting his hands down until he was dangerously close to my pussy. “Fuck, you’re wet.”

  His mouth claimed mine, his tongue delving deep at the same moment his fingers found me. The sound I made wasn’t human. After this long, the rough drag of his calloused skin over my clit—and yes, he knew where it was, freaking hallelujah—felt like a benediction.

  With one touch, I was shaking. He drew on my tongue while he picked up the pace, his pressure just right against the swollen bundle of nerves. I rolled my hips upward to give him more access, and his cock nudged against me, full and hard and capable of making all my horniest dreams come true.

  “Yes, yes. Please.”

  I was ready to go, here and now. I didn’t care if my mom might be standing at the window. I didn’t care if my sisters—or worse, my nosy brother—might wander by.

  One way or another, I was getting some tonight.

  “I can’t believe we’re doing this.” He slid his mouth along my jaw to my ear, his voice an urgent whisper. “Rock against me. Bear down. Just like that, Bee. God. I don’t want my first with you to be in my boxers, but damn. You feel incredible.” He drove two fingers into me, and I arched my back, clasping his broad shoulders to keep myself from unleashing the scream in my chest.

  Somehow by the grace of the sexual universe, the baby was still asleep, the turkey plumage on top of her hood fluttering with her occasional soft snores.

  “You’re biting your lip now, but you won’t have to later,” he promised, kissing my throat. “You’re going to scream all night for me.”

  In lieu of an answer, I let go of his shoulder to pluck at my nipple through my top. His fingers turned wild inside me. Whatever patience he had splintered into deep, frantic thrusts as he kissed down my throat to my shoulder. The shout inside me rose up again as I fought to hold on, using my nails on his corded muscles to stifle the sounds I needed to make.

  Two fingers became three, and he corkscrewed them inside me as his thumb swirled over my clit. Without warning, I shattered like a supernova, my vision going bright at the edges and then dark, so dark as I pressed my face into his neck and trembled around him.

  “Oh, baby. That was…” He took a shaky breath. “We need to go. Now.”

  He kissed me hard and fast and then unceremoniously dumped me in the passenger seat so my skirt flared up, exposing all my oversensitive nerve endings to the heated air. I slumped against the door, barely managing not to shriek as he rocketed out of my parents’ driveway. I started laughing, burying my face in my hands to try to muffle the noise.

  Since he actually screeched the tires as he put the Jeep back into drive, he wasn’t too concerned with being quiet.

  “Where do we go, dammit, think. Where can we—I know.” Before I could reply, he sailed down a side street without wearing his seatbelt or using a turn signal.

  I wanted to tease him. The sheriff was out of control. But since I’d driven him into that state and I’d never loved anything more, I didn’t say a damn thing.

  Fearfully, I peeked into the backseat and almost giggled at how Sami’s head had tipped back so that some of her plumage dipped over one eye. She was so cute I wanted to snuggle her.

  Later. Much later.

  Assuming our good fortune lasted until the good sheriff gave me the clubbing of my life.

  He took another few quick turns, hitting the gas while I debated putting on my seatbelt. Sworn officer of the law or not, he wasn’t in his right mind and currently had both a lead foot and a lead dick.

  I hugged myself with a grin. Lucky me.

  “Where are you going?” I asked when it appeared he was going in circles—and not in the direction of his cabin. “Your place is in the opposite direction.”

  “Too far.” He bulleted down another road with tall, imposing trees on one side.

  My mouth actually dropped open. “The lookout point? Really? I haven’t been there since—” He shot me a look and I grinned. “Wow, I’ve never heard of it.”

  “I know I’m supposed to be enlightened and I’m trying, but I don’t have even a quarter of my brain cells operational right now. Cut me some slack.”

  I eschewed my seatbelt for leaning over the console to rub his thigh. Then I rubbed other things, ones I couldn’t wait to explore. His groan was ambrosia to my ears. “You’ll be thinking clearly soon. You’ll be impressed how fast I can come with proper motivation. The driveway was just a warm-up.”

  “I already am. But pretty sure I’m going to beat you. Tighter,” he growled as my fingers stroked him through his dress pants.

  The command made me shiver. I rushed to comply, giving him what he wanted in long, even strokes while he draped his wide wrist over the wheel, the streetlights glinting off his watch.

  His uneven breaths filled the car and I tensed, waiting for another of those sexy demands. Craving it. Enough that I toyed with deliberately making my grip looser.

  Oh, I had it bad.

  He hung a hard left and rolled across a gravel lot right up to the edge of a cliff with a panoramic view of the lake, blocked in on both sides by dense trees. He turned off the car and reached for his seatbelt, seeming shocked he wasn’t wearing one.

  “Who am I?” he asked under his breath.

  “I don’t know. We should get to know each other better.” I pressed my damp thighs together. With the vehicle off, the cold was already seeping in, but despite my short skirt, I was feeling no pain. “Really soon.”

  With his other hand, he jerked back his seat. “Get on me.”

  His sexy gravelly tone made up for what the request lacked in romance. But that didn’t mean I was going to make it easy for him.

  “Why, Sheriff, I don’t think this is strictly legal. This area isn’t sanctioned for extracurricular activities.” I played with my necklace so that the chain dangled lower into my cleavage. “Could we get in trouble?”

  His hand clamped around my upper arm so deliciously that my clit throbbed. Between that and the intensity in his gaze, visible even in the darkened car, I was toast. “You’re about to if you don’t get on my lap.”

  “Maybe I want to stay here.”

  “Suit yourself.” He leaned toward me and yanked at my top, pulling it down in one fell swoop with my strapless bra. His sound of gratitude would’ve made me giggle if his lips hadn’t captured one of my brutally taut nipples and sucked hard enough to make me dissolve into the seat. “Beautiful. So beautiful. Lift up your skirt.”

  I ran my fingers through his short, thick hair and let myself just enjoy the flicks of his tongue and his hungry little bites. I would’ve teased him some more, but apparently, I no longer had a voice.

  He didn’t wait for me to do as he’d asked. Instead, he eased back long enough to whip off his suit jacket and dropped it on his coat before dragging me to the very edge of the seat. His older Jeep was not made for this action—and he was a big guy—but where there was a horny will, there was a way.

  And how.

  Shifting to the side, he rolled up my skirt and covered me with his mouth. His long, low groan blazed through me, and even though I wasn’t entirely sure he hadn’t sprained something at that angle, I echoe
d him with one of my own.

  My top and bra were cutting into me where they were shoved under my breasts, so I pulled them back up and soothed myself with my own touch on my nipple. It wasn’t enough by a long shot, but he was occupied elsewhere and I needed to try to ease the ache.

  This wasn’t fair. Not at all. It was his turn. But his long, dexterous fingers were parting me, already making me mindless. I was still so wet and overstimulated from before, and somehow he knew not to go straight for my clit. He just teased me with sly licks and deep, maddeningly slow thrusts of his fingers that had me lifting off the seat to give him room to work his magic.

  I held his head against me, squeezing my eyes shut at the whimpers now coming from the backseat. They weren’t constant yet, but I knew what was coming.

  And it wouldn’t be me again unless we picked up the pace.

  Heat and need built inside me, and I rocked into his ministrations. If he heard Samantha, he didn’t give it away. He just showed his devotion to his task with his pumping fingers while his thumb bore down on my pulsing clit.

  “Yes. Yes.” I jammed my knee up into something as I orgasmed, the pleasure unrelenting.

  As was the pain from my sudden move. Ouch.

  “God, you’re gorgeous when you come.” His voice was a rasp. “Bee, look at me.”

  I did, ignoring the fussy baby and the throbbing in my knee and the wild flutters between my legs. His face was so close, those intent eyes I loved focused entirely on me. His shaking fingers brushed over my lower lip before he took my mouth, kissing me fiercely, offering me my own taste mixed with his.

  When I finally needed to breathe, I wrenched my head away, my gaze bouncing around, unfocused.

  Until it landed on the car pulling up behind us with the telltale lights on top.

  “Jared,” I whispered just as he lifted his head and noticed too.

  “Are you fucking kidding me? I’m gonna kill him.” He tried to move back into his seat and bumped the dashboard and jabbed his elbow into the gearshift with a stream of curses not unlike mine from earlier. Ending with “motherfucker!” at top volume.

  The baby screamed.

  I glanced between her and my top—in place, more or less—and my skirt—yank, yank—and tried to look inconspicuous.

  The knock on the window had Jared swearing again. He grabbed his jacket from between us and tossed it at me, nailing me square in the head. “Hide.”


  Then he turned on the Jeep and opened the window. Naturally, it was Christian. Because why not?

  Saying nothing, he peered at Jared with a look of dismay even the darkness couldn’t conceal.

  “What?” Jared demanded, as if he didn’t know exactly what.

  I didn’t blame him for wanting to cling to denial, but I was still trying to process hiding in plain sight while recovering from almost back to back orgasms.

  Did he not want Christian to know about us? Granted, this was not the ideal way to announce it, but I didn’t want to duck my head under his jacket either.

  So, I didn’t.

  Christian cleared his throat. “Sheriff, I wasn’t sure it was you.”

  “Come off it.”

  “No, I wasn’t certain, I swear.” Christian even sounded as if he was flushing. To his credit, he made no attempt to look into the vehicle—well, beyond a quizzical glance into the backseat where Samantha was now making woeful noises. At least her screaming had stopped. “I thought this resembled your Jeep, but considering the, ah, location of said vehicle, I assumed my assumption must be false. Did you have car trouble?”

  Jared stared ahead. Already every bit of the tension he’d begun to lose—minus the orgasm he hadn’t had yet, whoops—had filtered back into him. His shoulders were stiff, his posture ramrod straight. “You know I didn’t.”

  Of course he wouldn’t lie. He’d done a lot of things in the past year I hadn’t expected, including tonight, but he wouldn’t abandon his code of ethics.

  He was far too upstanding for that.

  “It’s a really dark night. And it’s the holiday and all. Defenses are, uh, lower. Could be you made a wrong turn.” Christian took off his hat, flipped it between his hands, and put it back on. “Maybe you got…turned around.”

  “I didn’t. I came here for a very specific reason.”

  I slunk a little lower in the passenger seat. But I still wasn’t hiding, more like using his jacket as a shield. And possibly sniffing it discreetly now and then.

  It smelled like the lake and the woods around his cabin. Like Jared. I couldn’t help it. When a guy gives you two amazing Os on the first go-round without even attempting to get some for himself, it was hard not to be starstruck.

  Then again, he’d asked me to cover my head afterward. So, yeah, it was definitely still Brooks.

  When Christian coughed into his fist, Jared blew out a breath. “Christian, let’s not take all night. Are you going to write me a citation? If so, get it over with.”

  “Jared,” I murmured, shocked he’d ask for one.

  Being honorable was nice and all, especially in his position, but why would you want to be spanked, legally speaking?

  His gaze whipped to mine, his jaw locked. He didn’t speak, but it was obvious he hadn’t wanted me to either. I wasn’t supposed to be seen—or heard.

  Message received.

  I let his jacket drop to the console between us and wrapped my arms around myself as I faced forward. I could be really, really quiet.

  Samantha, however, could not, as the decibel on her wailing was ever so slowly being cranked. She either had a messy diaper or she was hungry or both.

  Officially not your problem. Not when he wants to deny your presence.

  “Not necessary, Sheriff. I didn’t even see anything except you and a companion. A baby too. Maybe a relative?”

  The way Christian said it was a clear invitation for Jared to explain who the kid was, but he declined. Surprise.

  Christian stepped back as the silence extended. “We can just forget about this.”

  “I don’t want special favors,” Jared said gruffly. “I’ve written many citations up here myself.”

  “Noted, sir, but as I said, I didn’t see anything untoward.” He cleared his throat yet again. “Other than pulling over in a no parking zone. Although it’s a nice clear night for it. For the view, I mean.”

  Jared grunted.

  “I’m just going to go. You all have a good evening. Elsewhere,” he tacked on, puffing out his chest before swiftly heading back to his car.

  A moment later, he did a U-turn and hightailed it out of there, spitting up gravel in his wake.

  “I’ll take you back to get your vehicle,” Jared said after a long moment, lifting his voice above the crying baby.

  He had a remarkable ability to just talk over her. Meanwhile, I had to fight every impulse to go back there and make sure she was okay.

  “As you wish.”

  The demure response was so not like me. I wanted to argue. To remind him of how far we’d come in just one evening—or so I’d thought. These last few minutes were making me wonder.

  Maybe it was just better to go home before the evening deteriorated further. And I’d put my underwear back on once I got in my car.

  Regardless of how this ultimately went with Jared, I was investing in several quality sexpot pairs. I would not be caught in this situation again.

  It was surprisingly hard to hold your ground and your chin in the air when you didn’t even have on panties.

  “We should just take a pause to regroup.”

  I didn’t agree or disagree. But the phrase ‘take a pause’ was more rage-inducing than I would’ve thought.

  “Neither of us are acting rationally.”

  My eyebrow rose. “Really? Now you’re telling me I’m not rational?”

  “Just tonight. We’re both behaving…not rationally.”

  “Thank you for explaining that further. You might want to check on you
r daughter,” I added, lifting my voice over her renewed cries.

  “We’ll be home soon.” He spared me a brief look. “Her and I.”

  Right. As if I hadn’t gotten that message clearly before.

  “As you wish,” I repeated, snapping my belt into place while he did the same.

  He shoved his jacket and coat out of the way of the gearshift, and then he did a U-turn and signaled as he exited.

  Sheriff Brooks was back in control.


  It occurred to me when I was changing my daughter’s dirty diaper that I wasn’t cut out for single parenthood.

  Samantha with her big blue eyes and her disapproving whimpers probably agreed.

  That was after I’d somehow managed to get a big plop of her shit on my dress shirt before accidentally dropping the dirty diaper outside Gina’s wondrous pail for Sadie to snatch and whip over her head as she ran down the hall.

  I didn’t want to think about where her mess might’ve ended up during Sadie’s flight. It was probably dripping from the ceiling.

  A fitting epithet for the night, as my still hard cock would attest to.

  Last week, I would’ve said I wasn’t cut out to be a father at all. I had enough trouble running herd on the errant ducks in town and the teenagers—and not teenagers—who insisted on using the lookout point as a mobile bedroom.

  Was it any wonder I’d succumbed to peer pressure and tried it myself tonight? My biggest regret wasn’t even getting caught, although the shame of that stung like sticking my hand into a hornet’s nest every time I thought of it.

  Which was often.

  No, my biggest regret was not getting inside Gina before I’d wrecked things. Again. I had a disturbing habit of doing that, and half the time I didn’t even know where I’d gone wrong.

  My desire to fuck my best friend had resulted in a complete loss of judgment. I was a man of the law. Blue balls was not fatal. I’d lived with them this long, hadn’t I?

  What I’d done was reprehensible.


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