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Daddy Undercover (Crescent Cove Book 9)

Page 19

by Taryn Quinn

Erica laid her head on Frankie’s shoulder. “I missed you, girl.”

  “I know. I’m trying to get home more, but stuff has been crazy. New designers are coming out of the cracks in the sidewalks.” She looked up and dabbed her eyes as to not ruin her flawless makeup. “And you know there’s more cracks than actual smooth pavement in the city. Hasn’t been that long since you’ve been down there.”

  “Bah.” Erica huffed and went back to the mirror. “I miss it. Not enough to return, but I do miss it.” She went back to rubbing the side of her belly “I miss sleeping a whole night without getting bruised too.”

  “Tell that strapping husband of yours to lay off.”

  Erica shot a saucy smile over her shoulder. “He finds me irresistible even with all this going on.”

  Frankie crossed her arms. “I can’t get any and I look like this.”

  I gave my sister a side-eye. “Nice.”

  “What? I work hard for this body.” She turned to the mirror and ran her hands down the gray wool pencil skirt that accentuated her rocking curves and tiny waist. She fluffed the small purple ruffles on either side of the buttons of her blouse. “Besides, we should be talking about your little sister.”

  “Do we have to?”

  “Is the sex that bad that you don’t want to share?”

  “No.” I fussed with the sash of my wraparound dress. “Not at all.”

  Frankie narrowed her eyes. “Is that I don’t want to brag, or I’m lying to you so you don’t feel bad for me?”

  My lips twitched. “Former times eleven.”

  “Ugh. I hate you right now. And I don’t even want to discuss why you needed new panties the other day.” Frankie pulled out a lipstick from her impossibly tiny purse and dabbed at her lush lower lip.

  Erica snatched the lipstick out of her hand. “That’s not your color. But it is mine.” She tucked it into her sweater pocket.


  “Older sister prerogative.” She pushed both of us toward the door. “As interesting as that panties story sounds, I’m hungry.”

  “Calories don’t count this whole weekend, right?” Frankie asked as she held open the door.

  “Damn right.” I waited for my sister to go by and followed her out.

  Frankie grabbed my hair and dragged me back a step. “You tell me right now. Is she okay?”

  “She’s fine. Just worried about what every woman who is eight-and-a-half months pregnant worries about.”

  “Oh.” She slipped her arm around my back as we walked into the bar. “That’s normal. And I’m not pushing a baby out of this precious pleasure palace.”

  I snorted. “Didn’t you just say you hadn’t gotten any in a while?”

  “I’m perfectly capable of experiencing pleasure all on my own.”

  I had to sigh. “I seem to be having this conversation often lately.”

  “Maybe you don’t realize what the good stuff is. How else would you know if Sheriff Hottie is worth a minute or twenty?”

  “I’m not giving you details, perv.”

  She pinched my arm. “Mean. I used to daydream about Jared years ago when he went swimming with his brother in the summer. Both of the Brooks boys are built mighty fine.”

  “Really?” I kept track of Erica as she made her way through the buffet line and filled her plate.

  “Yes, really. So, does he have a baton?”

  “None of your business.”

  “As long as he’s giving you the business end of his baton, then that’s good enough for me. But the real question is the kid.”

  I stiffened. “Sami is beautiful.”

  “And a surprise.”

  “For everyone.”

  “Except you, little sister. You were the only one he told.”

  “Don’t get excited. I was the one he leaned on. Big difference. Especially since as far as he’s concerned, he wasn’t equipped for the job.”

  “And you were?” She rolled her eyes. “Typical male. Should I be disappointed in him?”

  “No. He’s been wonderful with her. And he loves her already. Especially since his puta of a baby mama left her in a basket on his porch in the fucking cold.”

  “Whoa. You don’t drop that word—ever.”

  “Yeah, well, she left a defenseless baby outside at night and didn’t tell Brooks about her beforehand. So, there’s no love lost in my mind for her. And now we’re making sure that beautiful baby knows just how much she’s loved.”

  “We, huh?”

  My cheeks heated.

  “Just don’t get in over your head, love. All those emotions are flowing, and the baby hearts are in the air. In this town, the baby fever is just as strong without those pheromones going on between you and Jared. But I know he’s your heart. Even if you won’t say it yet.” She tapped my nose. “I can see it. Anyone can.”

  I nibbled on the corner of my lip.

  “He’s a good man. And if you’re happy, I’m happy.”

  “We’re figuring stuff out. It’s new.”

  “It’s way old.”

  She emphasized way a touch too long as far as I was concerned. “Yeah, well, he’s been my best friend for so long I don’t want to screw it up.”

  Especially if he finds out that maybe little Sami is his only chance at a family if he stays with me.

  Frankie tapped the skin between my eyebrows. “Stop that. You’re going to get wrinkles. You’d tell me if there was something else going on, right?”

  “What else would be going on?”

  She narrowed her eyes at me. “Mami is staring holes into the back of your head. I don’t know if that’s because you were late or something else.”

  I looked over my shoulder. “She’s probably just pissed I haven’t said hello to her and our abuela.”

  “Oh. Yeah. You’re in trouble. Nice that it’s not me for once.” She stalked off toward the food and left me to deal with hurricane Bonnie headed my way.

  Instead of shrinking away from dealing with her, I headed her off at the pass and kissed her cheek. “Mami, this place looks beautiful. You and Frankie did an amazing job.”

  My mother preened. “Thanks, nena. You and Kayla did a lot too. She’s an angel.”

  “She is.” I glanced over at my new sister-in-law. She was a bold column of gold compared to a room full of Italian and Spanish blood. But she fit right in immediately. And that gold glowed even brighter with all the new people in her life.

  The Mills were a small family, but they’d taken to us like moss on the rocks around the lake. I could only imagine what Christmas would be like with the new baby in our family. The first grandchild.

  My stomach twisted.

  Sami could be the first grandchild.

  The conversations between the women fuzzed to the background as blood rushed to my head. I was getting ahead of myself.

  Just have fun. That was what I was going to do today.

  My phone buzzed in my pocket. I quickly pulled it out, worried that Jared might have had a meltdown without me there. Instead, I found a photo text from Brooks with Sami and Sadie in the car. Right after it was a request to meet him at The Mason Jar when I was done.

  “What’s got you smiling so wide?”

  I sat down next to my grandmother and showed her the photo.

  “So, this is my great-grandbaby?”

  “It’s Jared’s little girl.”

  “Bah. Child of your heart is still a daughter. I saw you with them at Thanksgiving.” Her warm hand covered mine. “He’s a good man and a smart one to snap you up finally.”

  I opened my mouth to try to dissuade her, but it just wasn’t worth it once my grandmother had her mind made up. It was just easier to nod.

  “You go see them after this. Kiss those sweet cheeks for me.” She winked at me. “Both of them.”

  “You’re incorrigible.”

  “That’s what your grandfather always used to say too. Why he died with a smile, Regina.” She squeezed my hand again at my wide eyes. “
Loosen up.”

  How many times would someone say that to me today?

  I wrapped my arm around her shoulders. “I can only hope I have a relationship like yours.”

  “I know you will.”

  Kayla clapped her hands. “It’s time for presents!”

  “About time,” my grandmother murmured. “These old bones need my recliner and a little toke before my nap.”

  “Don’t tell Brooks.”

  She winked. “He wouldn’t arrest me.”

  “Don’t be so sure about that. Christian just gave me a speeding ticket Thursday.”

  “Even wearing that hooker shirt?” She tsked. “In my day, that was an easy out.”

  “Ita, you’re terrible. It was not a hooker shirt.”

  She cupped her very generous boobs. “I was proud to wear those shirts in my day. Cleavage is the best weapon a woman has, nena.”

  I glanced down at mine. “Not quite as impressive as yours.”

  She patted my hand again. “Sure were on Thanksgiving.”

  I put my head down on the table.

  “Now help me over to a good seat. I want to see all the goods.”

  I laughed and helped her up.

  Life with my family would never be boring. Actually, no part of my life was boring these days. And I wasn’t mad about it.

  Even if I didn’t know how long it would be until the other shoe dropped with a thud.


  “Who’s a good girl? Are you my good girl?”

  My brother was on the floor of his office with Sadie, the love of his life. She was trying to crawl into his lap and possibly under his skin.

  I took another picture of my daughter on my phone then snapped my fingers.

  Sadie’s head popped up and she immediately came over to me—once she checked on Sami. She noticed I didn’t have a treat for her and almost audibly sighed. The way she made sure the baby was okay before anything else melted me as it always did.

  I took another quick photo and sent it to Gina.

  Sadie leaped back onto Mason. He laughed and ruffled her ears. “I missed you too.” He nodded at me. “So, you’re totally whipped, huh?”

  I grinned at Gina’s typical smartass response. “Hmm?” I asked vaguely.

  Mason got up and gave the dog one last rubdown. “I’m assuming that’s Gina.”

  I slipped my phone into my pocket. “Yeah, just checking in.”

  “Mmm-hmm.” He slipped into the small water closet in his office and washed his hands. “So, are you going to give me the lowdown on this little surprise?”

  I fixed the blanket I’d tossed over her portable seat. “Well, she’s still a surprise to me too.”

  He came out drying his hands. “To say the least. You could have—I don’t know—given us a head’s up before dropping the bomb at the Ramos Thanksgiving thing.”

  Sami squirmed and started making her pre-fussing noises. In preparation for baby tending duties, Sadie came over and leaned on my leg. I scratched her nose and leaned in to take Sami out of the seat. I turned her facing out the way she liked it best and she instantly relaxed. She loved being able to watch everything. Her big blue eyes were wide, and she was making gurgling noises. I was pretty sure only half of them were drool-induced.

  “The bomb’s name is Samantha.”

  “And the mother?”

  “A mistake.” I sighed. “But she’s not.” I held her like a football along my forearm, which happened to be one of her favorite ways to be held. It left her legs free to squirm and her field of vision impressively wide. “Trina was her incubator’s name.”

  Mason’s eyebrow winged up. “Incubator?”

  “A mother wouldn’t leave her on my porch in the dead of winter. I don’t even know when she dropped her off—or how long she was alone. Anything could have happened. Our wildlife isn’t crazy on the lake, but I’m out in the middle of nowhere. I hate imagining all the awful possibilities.”

  “Okay, okay. Bring it back down. Worst case scenarios aside, did she give you any clue she was pregnant?”

  “No.” I started swaying as Sami’s gurgles lessened. “It was a hookup. No more and definitely no less. We had a good time in a hotel. I can’t say there was much conversation.”

  “But she found you.”

  “We shot the shit about Crescent Cove. You know how it is. We’re the small town with the big reputation. I guess it stuck, especially when she got pregnant. I don’t know why she didn’t try to find me sooner. I would have—”

  “What? Helped?”

  I shoved my hair back with my free hand. “Yeah. I don’t know. I didn’t have the chance to know. I just got her, and I don’t know squat about babies.”

  Mason snorted. “We barely know about girls, period.”

  “Speak for yourself.”

  “Obviously, you do.” He nodded at Sami.

  “Shut up.” I exhaled. “I panicked and called Gina.”

  “Because she has ovaries?”

  Frustrated, I paced with Sami when she started making questionable noises. “No, because she’s my best friend, and she actually used to do the whole babysitting thing.”

  And I knew she wouldn’t turn me down.

  Even if the look on her face when she opened my cabin door that night still haunted me.

  Mason’s face definitely had an air of dubiousness. “Look, man. I’m glad she was there for you. Even if this situation is…” At a loss, he shrugged. “Nothing surprises me since I got back to the Cove. I’m not sure when the baby boom started going on, but it is crazy. I’m in shock that men sleep with anyone in this town.”

  “Yeah, well, I wasn’t with Trina in town. To be honest, I make sure I am out of town when I need a bit of stress relief.”

  But I hadn’t with Gina. We hadn’t even bothered with condoms when I had no clue about her birth control situation. Which said plenty, I supposed.

  “Is that what the kids are calling it?”


  Mason covered Sami’s ears. “How could you?”

  Sami giggled and grabbed Mason’s finger. There was a bit of wonder in my brother’s eyes as he smiled at her.

  This little girl had some sort of magic inside her. I’d seen it happen to everyone that came into her sphere. Gina was the first and the most important, but at Thanksgiving and even with the quickie photo shoot, no one was safe when Sami had you in her sights. All my friends had been charmed by her. My dad was already too. She certainly had me wrapped, and I was surprisingly okay with it.

  Especially with Gina settling in like she was made for all of it. Made for me. In every possible way, including sexually. She seemed to have an appetite just like mine.

  Thank fuck.

  I was an ass. It had taken this to shake me out of my stupidity.

  “You are the most beautiful little girl, aren’t you? Shocking since this idiot is your pops.” Mason drew the backs of his knuckles along her cheek.

  “Pops? I’m not a grandad.”

  “Says you.”

  “Speaking of Pops, how did Dad react when you finally got to talk to him?”

  “Surprisingly, he was okay. We had a good conversation even if he won’t ever truly understand how it happened.”

  “Well, me either. You never slip up.”

  I honestly didn’t want to think about the whys at this point. I’d always been careful, at least before Gina and she didn’t count for a number of reasons. A baby should be brought into the world with a lot of thought and planning. No one should have to end up like me and Mase. I barely remembered our mom, so I couldn’t imagine there was much for my brother to hold onto.

  And while our father came up with excuses for our mother leaving, I didn’t. I wouldn’t. Responsibilities were important. Children weren’t like clothing you grew out of. They were forever. Sami would never think I didn’t want her.


  Even if I didn’t know about her for the first year—incubation included.
br />   “So, you going to hold her?”

  Mason crossed his arms. “You look like you’re doing fine.”

  I straightened her back against my chest. “Nope. Say hello to your Uncle Mason, Sami.” I nudged her into my brother’s arms.

  Mason instinctively held her out away from him. Everything inside me wanted to snatch her back, but I needed to know he could handle her. This town would definitely help raise this little girl. The only reason I was at all adept at this fatherhood thing was because of Gina.

  I couldn’t keep burdening her. As much as I wanted her to be my everything, and this little girl definitely saw her that way too, I knew I had to ask for some help sometimes. Especially with the Cove counting on me just as much as this new addition to my family.

  Sami giggled and reached out for him. Gingerly, Mase gathered her against his chest, his long fingers instinctively cupping the back of her head. Her neck was getting stronger each day, but she still wobbled quite a bit.

  Sadie immediately went over to sit by Mason’s foot, her gaze arrowed onto her charge.

  He eased back to rest against his desk. “Man.”

  I laughed. “Yeah. She kinda kicks you right in the teeth, doesn’t she?”

  “She’s so small and yet kinda sturdy.”

  Personally, I thought she was a peanut, and I was always afraid I was going to crush her.

  “Boss, can you come here—oh, sorry.” The stunning brunette lifted her hand to the doorjamb, making sure she was showing off all her assets.

  I glanced at my brother, who definitely didn’t notice.

  “Wow. She’s a cutie.” She came farther into the room.

  “Gillian, meet my niece, Sami. And you know my brother.”

  Gillian’s eyes went wide. She looked from me to Mason and the baby, and then back to me. “Whoa.”

  “Yeah. Nice to see you again, Gillian.”

  “Definitely.” She crossed her arms over her middle. “I hate to interrupt, but I didn’t have a choice.”

  “Oh, great. What happened?” Mason handed Sami back to me.

  She was officially dozing so I tucked her back into her carrier.

  “They’re back.”

  “Why the hell aren’t they in Florida? Didn’t they get the memo?”

  I glanced over my shoulder. “Trying to get rid of your senior patrons?”


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