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Page 12

by KJ Dahlen

Moose turned away and stomped over to Gunner and Boone. “I found the girl and she’s a mess. I’m taking her somewhere to clean her up and feed her. Then I’ll bring her back to the compound.”

  “She needs to be turned over to the Marshals,” Boone reminded him.

  “No, she doesn’t,” Moose growled. “I found her and I’m going to help her.” Then he stunned both men by turning around and going back to the truck.

  A few minutes later, they watched in total surprise as the truck took off, leaving nothing behind but a cloud of dust.

  Boone just looked over at Gunner and grinned. “Another one bites the dust.”

  Gunner smiled and nodded. “Yep.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  When Grizzly pulled into the parking lot of the Savaged Souls MC, the sun was just beginning to set. He glanced at the clock on the dashboard and shook his head in astonishment. The normally eight hour trip he drove back, took him only six hours.

  He got out of the vehicle and rushed into the building where he was met by DeeDee, Winona and Ivy Blue. All three women had a look in their eyes that he understood all too well. It was unanimous, he had fucked up big time.

  “Is she still here?” he asked DeeDee.

  “Yeah, she’s still here.” The older woman shook her head. “You have to know you broke her heart, right?”

  Grizzly nodded. “I’m beginning to understand that.” He ran his hands over his face and then met her eyes. “I thought I was protecting her. I never meant to hurt her.”

  Ivy Blue looked over at Winona. “It’s gotta be that fucking broken X chromosome. Men can be so damn stupid at times. They talk at us or not at all, when they should be talking to us.”

  Winona nodded then sighed, “But we always forgive them don’t we? So who’s the bigger fool?”

  “Go talk to her, explain why you did what you did,” DeeDee urged him. “Maybe she’ll give you another chance. But Ivy’s right, you need to talk to her, not at her. Then you need to listen to her, understand me Grizzly? Put on your listening ears and really hear what she’s got to say. You might even be surprised.”

  Grizzly stood there for a moment. He’d never been in a solid relationship with a woman before. But it had been his instincts that he lived on for his whole life that led him to want to protect teddy at all costs. They had saved his life more times than he could count. But this time, they’d totally fucked him over. He would try to follow their advice, if he even knew how.

  Heading down the hall to the bedroom they were sharing, he opened the door.

  At first glance, he thought the room was empty then he caught sight of her standing quietly by the window.

  He stepped in and shut the door. Leaning back he stared at her for a long time before he said, “I’m sorry, Teddy.”

  Teddy remained still by the window. “Why did you do it then if you're sorry now?” she whispered. “You should have trusted me and told me what you were doing.”

  “I thought I was protecting you.”

  She turned her head to look at him. “You think because I’m a woman, I can’t protect myself? That, because I’m weaker than you, I can’t think and do stuff on my own?” Shaking her head she admitted, “You don’t know me at all if that’s what you think.” She stepped over to him and when she got close, she poked him in the chest and seethed, “I need a man who will listen to me, really hear what I have to say. A man I can walk beside with honor and respect, not one I have to walk behind like a slave. I need a man I know I can trust and one who trusts me back. One, who knows I can take care of myself and isn’t afraid to let me but will step up to the plate when I need him too, not one who thinks he has to do all the work all the time. I need a man who won’t be afraid to let me lean on him when I have to but will lean on me too when he needs me. Someone I can love, who loves me back unconditionally. I thought I found him in you. Did I make a mistake?” She stared at him with tears in her eyes. “Please tell me I didn’t make a mistake.”

  Grizzly looked at her with hunger in his gut. “You didn’t make a mistake. I love you and I’m in love with you. I’m the one who wants you to walk beside him, not behind him. The one who trusts you and I know you can take care of yourself. I will let you lean on me when you have to and I want to be the one who leans on you when I need to. I can be all that you’ve ever wanted or needed. I learned that the hard way today.” He paused and swallowed hard. “My heart almost shattered earlier when I saw you ride away with Weston. I realized that I do trust you and I want you to be able to trust me. I never thought of it as trust and that was my bad.”

  Teddy remained quiet, though a lone tear rolled down her cheek.

  He wrapped her in his arms and told her, “I should have told you our plans, where we were going and why. I know you can protect yourself but all I could think about was how dangerous a man Logan Riggs was. I didn’t want you anywhere near the man. I know he’s your grandfather and all and I was worried maybe seeing him hurt, would upset you. I didn’t want you to see that. Call it my one time protecting you clusterfuck. This is the only time it will happen I promise. I can’t lose you anymore than I can stop breathing. Both events will kill me and I don’t want to miss one second of this life together with you. Can you forgive me for being stupid?”

  “You broke my heart today into a million pieces. I almost didn’t get it back together again.” She looked into his eyes. “The human heart can take a lot but I can’t. Please don’t do that again. Talk to me if we got a problem, don’t shut me out.” Then she leaned in and kissed him.

  He deepened the kiss and electricity jolted both of them. Grizzly picked her up enough to walk over to the bed and they fell toward the mattress together. His hands were ripping her clothes off her body while hers were tearing his off. Before long, they were skin to skin and reveling in the pleasure only they could give each other.

  Grizzly could feel his cock harden and he reached down for her core. He was pleased to find it wet and her scent surrounded them. “I want you,” he whispered in her ear.

  “I want you too.” She nodded as he nibbled on her neck.

  “I don’t think I can be gentle right now,” he warned her. “My control is shot to hell at the moment.”

  “I don’t want you to be gentle,” she whispered to his lips. “I just want you any way I can have you.”

  Grizzly opened her legs a little wider and surged into her. He groaned as he took her. Each stroke was wild and he got deeper than he ever had before.

  She didn’t care, she accepted him wholly, and they both knew this coupling would cement them together forever. His hips snapped as he charged into her again and again before long her body flew off the edge of the abyss and she screamed his name.

  He pumped into her with powerful thrusts until he felt the zing at the base of his spine and he erupted inside her warm wet walls. His hot cum painted her insides and it took a while for him to finish. He’d never had a climax that long or that hard before. He could barely catch his breath and his heartbeat was out of control.

  Then he groaned and moved to her side. It took forever for their hearts to calm down again.

  Teddy took his hand and placed it on her heart. “Do you feel my heart beating?”

  Grizzly looked over at her and nodded. “Yeah, I can feel it pounding in your chest.”

  “This heart beats for you and you, alone. Please don’t break it again.”

  Grizzly closed his eyes briefly and when he opened them again he said, “My heart beats for you and you alone too, Teddy girl. If I ever lost you, my heart would stop beating altogether. I’ll take care of your heart if you’ll take care of mine. Is it a deal?”

  She smiled and her eyes lit up the room. “It’s a deal.” She leaned over him and said, “I’m so very glad I took that shot and missed you.”

  Grizzly grinned. “So am I honey, so am I.” He grabbed the back of her neck and brought her mouth down to his. He kissed her deeply, almost reverently and when he broke the kiss he looked into her eye
s and said, “I love you.”

  “I love you too, big bad bear.” She grinned.

  He laid back on his pillow, closed his eyes, and groaned. Then he opened his eyes again. “When I left Logan’s ranch the Marshals were beginning to search the house and barns. Logan got into some serious shit, selling women and kids to the cartel. If he’s still alive, he’ll spend the rest of his life in prison. You know that right?”

  Teddy nodded.

  “If your mother had anything to do with his operation, she could be in as much trouble as he is.”

  Teddy shrugged. “I wouldn’t doubt that she is involved. It seems like something she would do. I know for a fact, she always got money from him.”

  “I think we should talk to her and at least tell her what we know.”

  She stared at him for a moment or two then told him, “You do what you have to do.” Then she frowned, “What about your case? The one with Darren Nixon? Did you find anything out about that?”

  “Yeah, I did actually.” He grinned. “When I got the boxes from the Marshals office, I found something in the evidence bags. A small locket your grandfather carried with him. I opened up the locket and there was a picture in there. Actually, two pictures. One of him was a much younger man and the other of a woman that looks a lot like you.”

  “Theo and Wilma.” She dared to breathe their names.

  “That evidence places Darren at the scene of his crime and nailed his conviction. Between that and the plot to kill me, I don’t think he’ll escape the reaper in a few weeks.”

  “Good, that man is pure evil, and so is his lady.” Teddy let out a heavy sigh.

  “Come on, let’s go tell her the news of what we found.” He slapped her on the ass.

  Teddy raised a brow at him.

  “What? I love that ass, makes me just want to...” His voice faded away.

  Lauding, Teddy rose to go clean up in the bathroom.

  About ten minutes later, they walked together down to the cells.

  Both Reva and Justin were sitting on their cots.

  Reva was still in cuffs and she was beginning to look a little peaked. “What the hell do you two want now?” she snarled.

  “We don’t want or need shit form you,” Teddy replied.

  “Yeah, we really don’t,” Grizzly added. “I’m just here to tell you, we hit your father’s ranch today.”

  “And you’re still alive to talk about it?” she smirked. “Daddy must be slipping.”

  “Not fucking likely.” Grizzly shook his head. “We took him down along with most of his men. We also got a couple cartel men along with Francisco Brago.”

  Reva paled then her color turned ashen. “My father is dead?”

  Grizzly nodded. “He wouldn’t surrender to us, so we had no choice. He went down but was still alive, then there was an explosion and a piece of wood from the tunnel caught him in the belly. It was a fatal wound.”

  “You blew the fucking tunnel?” She screeched. “The cartel isn’t going to like that. They’ll get Francisco out and come looking for you now.”

  Teddy shook her head. “No Reva they can’t get him out. No one comes back from hell. Brago is dead.”

  Reva turned her head and glared at her daughter. “Did you take that shot too?”

  “Actually I did.”

  “And my father?” Justin finally spoke up.

  “He tried to kill us from the second story of the barn. Someone shot him and he fell. He’s dead,” Grizzly told the young man.

  Justin hung his head. “Maybe it's better this way. At least, he doesn’t have to see me go to prison.”

  Reva got to her feet and charged at the bars. “The cartel will kill you, you bitch! When I get out of here, I’ll tell them everything. They will hunt you down and kill you for what you’ve done.” Reva’s voice grew louder as she lost it.

  Grizzly stepped closer to the bars. “For one, you won’t be getting out. There are more charges coming up against you. And secondly, you’d better keep your mouth shut about the cartel as they lost today...huge and they will be looking for scapegoats and you look a little goaty to me.”

  Gasping, fear finally set into Reva’s eyes as she sagged against the bars and screamed for her daddy.

  Grizzly just shook his head and ushered Teddy away from her mother.

  When they reached the top of the steps and shut the door behind them, Teddy looked over at him. “Can we tell my dad? He’s been waiting all day for this news.”

  “Yeah, we can. Now, that all this is over, you and I will be finding our way to having a life together. Just know I’ll support you in whatever it is you want to do now.”

  Teddy reached her hand up to cup his cheek. “As long as we are together, I think it will all work out.”

  He grabbed her hand, turning it to kiss her palm sweetly, as he met her amber eyes. She finally looked happy. He hadn’t seen her like this before and he found that he liked it a bit too much. He vowed to keep her that way for as long as he had breath in his body. “Come on, let’s go tell your dad.” Grizzly put his hand on the small of her back and walked her down the hall.


  Author of the bestselling, award winning Bratva Brothers and Satan Spawns/Sin’s Bastards MC Series...

  I live in a small town (population495) in Wisconsin. From my deck, I can see the Mississippi River on one side and the bluffs, where eagles live and nest on the other side. I live with my husband Dave and dog Buddy. My two children are grown and I have two grandchildren. I love to watch people and that has helped me with my writing. I often use people I watch as characters in my books and I always try to give my characters some of my own values and habits.

  I love to create characters and put them in a troubling situation then sit back and let them do all the work. My characters surprise even me at times. At some point in the book, they take on a life of their own and the twists and turns they create becomes the story. Of all the stories I could write, I found I like suspense/thrillers the best. I like to keep my readers guessing until the very end of the book.

  KJ Dahlen’s Website

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  Bane prequel

  Dec. 21st/20 Sin’s Bastards Christmas Special Edition

  March 2020 Mountain Special Edition


  Birth Of Hell’s Prequel


  Book 2: BETRAYED




  BOOK 6: 42 DAYS

  August 22nd 2020 Book 7 SHAY


  Prequel- Blood Beginnings

  Book 1: Yuri

  Book 2: Mikial

  Book 3: Barshan

  Book 4: Sazon

  Book 5: Roman

  Book 6: Brothers United

  Sept. 4 /18 .. Book 7. Iosif

  Jan. 15 /19 .. Book 8 Kosta

  Feb. 3 /19 .. Book 9 Nikoli

  Mar. 16 /19 .. Book 10 Nicky

  April 27 /19 .. Book 11 Sergi

  June 22 /19 .. Book 12 Misha

  Sept. 21/19 Book 13 Timor


  Jan 8th/20 RETURN TO YURI Special Edition

  May 27th 2020 Book 14 Felix

  Book 15 Kirill ...

br />   Book 1 : RAINE

  Book 2 : CHANCE

  Sept. /7 Book 3 : GAMBLER

  Sept. /25 Book 4 : BOWIE

  Dec. /20 Book 5 : JUDGE

  March /19 ..Book 6 : BYRON

  July 31/19 .. Book 7 : HOUND

  September 25th .Book 8 .. : DANTE

  .Book 9 .. : Iceman

  .Book 10 .. : The KIDS

  August 31st Special Edition: ZIPPER

  October 5th Calderone Special Edition

  Jan. 2020 Leon Special Edition

  April 8th 2020Vincinti Women Special Edition


  July 27/18 Book 1: Lucifer’s Woman - Lucifer

  Sept 26/18 .. Book 2: Demon’s Stand – Demon ..

  Oct. 20/18 Book 3: At All Costs – Aries

  Dec. 4/18 . Book 4 : Out of the Shadows- Hades

  May 28 /19 . Book 5 : Jinx

  July 20 / 19 . Book 6 : Shadow

  Whiskey Bend MC Boxed Set

  March 2020 Book 7 Cooper

  July 2020 Book 8 Bender

  August 8th Book 9 Saint


  Jan 21/19 Book 1.. Creed’s Return

  Mar 30/19 Book 2 .. Jack

  Aug 24 Book 3 .. Tate

  November 9th Book 4 Harry

  March 18th 2020 Book 5 Silas

  Book 6 Daniel


  March 18/19 .. Book 1. ..Viktor

  May 22 /19 Book 2. .. Ivan

  Aug. 14 /19 Book 3. .. Adrik

  Oct. 30th /19 Book 4. .. Andrey

  Feb. 22nd 2020 Book 5. .. Grisha

  Book 6. .. Matvey


  May 12 /19 .. BOOK 1.. ACE—TRUMAN

  July 13 /19 .. BOOK 2.. KING—TREMAINE

  November 23rd BOOK 3.. JACK

  September 26th 2020 BOOK 4.. DEUCE


  April 2020 Warlord’s Boxed Set


  Feb. 23 /19 . Book 1. Talon

  April 20 /19 . Book 2. Rogue

  June 12 /19 Book 3. Falcon

  Jan 2020 Princes Of Hell 3 Book Boxed Set

  September 12th 2020 Condor Book #4


  June 29/19 .. Book 1.—JACKAL

  Aug 10/19—Book 2.—BEAST

  May 6th 2020 Book 3.—WOLF


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