Book Read Free

Double Dog Dare You

Page 7

by Lacey Black

  As she fills out the form, I turn to address the rest of the group. “Good afternoon. I’m Royce and I’ll escort you up the mountain today. We have beautiful weather with clear skies for your trip. The entire process will take less than two hours. We’re almost set to head up, so if you’ll head over to the UTVs over there,” I say, pointing to the roadway behind the office, “We’ll be ready to get started in just a few minutes.”

  When I turn back around, the beautiful blonde is watching me with assessing eyes. “Here,” she says, practically throwing the clipboard at me nervously.

  A wide smile spreads across my face. Glancing down, I see the name printed across the top line. Quinn Michaels. Feminine. Regal. Beautiful. Like her. “You’re going to have the time of your life, Quinn. Trust me.”

  She swallows hard, searching my eyes for any signs I’m bullshitting her, before she finally nods in agreement. “All right. Let’s go.”

  Logan waves to his parents, who have their cameras ready to go. We make our way to the UTVs where Justin is waiting by the second one. He has three guys and a woman with him, and it’s the first time I really stop and take in the rest of the group. They’re all men, with the exception of two women. One has her hand nestled in a man’s on the other UTV, and the second woman is walking beside me.

  Suddenly, reality hits me like a bolt of thunder.

  Quinn is Bestie.

  My Bestie.

  She has to be.

  My heart beats wildly in my chest as everyone climbs on the UTV. Logan and two guys slide on the back, while Quinn hops on the seat beside me. When everyone is buckled in, we take off, heading toward the mountain. I slip easily into guide mode, telling them all about our experience and the Great Smoky Mountains. Quinn holds onto the “oh shit” handle like she’s afraid I might bounce her out of the open vehicle.

  My mind is reeling as we proceed up, making our way to the first landing. I need to find out more, engage her in conversation so I can determine for a fact whether or not she’s Bestie Tami with an I. “So you’re a teacher?” I ask, recalling how she told me she was taking a student ziplining.

  “I’m a principal, actually,” she says, the blonde hair of her ponytail blowing gently in the breeze.

  “And you’re here because he won a reward?” I ask.


  “You’ve never been ziplining?”

  “No way. It’s not really my thing,” she says softly, glancing my way out of the corner of her eye.

  “Why’d you choose Elevate?” I ask casually, even though I feel anything but.

  “The reviews were outstanding online and it has stellar safety ratings,” she replies, looking out at the gorgeous landscape. “A friend told me you were the best.”

  The corner of my lip turns up. “Your friend sounds very smart.”

  I can feel her roll her eyes as she turns back to me. “He’s annoying at best,” she sasses, making me bark out a laugh. When I glance her way, she’s grinning and taking me in. Our eyes lock, and I expect her to look away, but she doesn’t.

  When we finally reach the top of the mountain, I park in my designated spot and turn off the engine. We’re about to lock up personal belongings before we go over the procedure for ziplining and get them outfitted in their harnesses. I have only a little window to confirm my suspicions.

  “We’re about to lock up any extra personal effects in a lockbox that I’ll take back down the mountain with me. Any items inside will be at the main office where you signed in to claim,” I tell them, as I lead them to the small building we have set up for our operation. “There’ll be a clear pouch attached to your harness. You’ll be able to place a small camera or cell phone inside and still use them on your trip down.”

  I reach in my pocket, making sure I’m standing beside Quinn. “Oh, excuse me, I need to send a quick message.”

  I type out a quick message, reminding myself to breathe.

  Me: Ready to go ziplining?

  The moment I click send, my heart climbs into my throat. My heart completely stops beating when I hear a chime coming from the pocket of Quinn’s khaki shorts. I watch, helpless to say or do anything, as she pulls it out and smiles. That smile. The most gorgeous, easy-going grin I’ve ever seen.

  She glances up and says, “I’m so sorry.”

  I give her a tight grin. “No worries. Go ahead and reply,” I tell her with a shrug.

  Her full lips turn upward, and her fingers fly over the screen. I make sure to stay close so she can hear my phone when she replies. A moment later, my phone notifies me to a text. She glances up and meets my gaze, but I don’t think she truly catches on yet.

  Bestie Tami with an I: They talked me into going. Can you believe that?

  Quinn goes to slide her phone back into her pocket as I type out my reply. There are so many ways I can go with this, but I realize I don’t want to string her along. I don’t want to play games.

  Me: You’re going to love it. Oh, and you look beautiful in green, Bestie.


  Just as her hand leaves the device, it chimes again. She glances around, specifically at Logan, and I wonder if she’s going to read the message. I can tell she’s professional, and part of that is not texting someone while you’re in the company of others. But curiosity gets the better of her as she carefully slips the phone back out and reads the message.

  I know the moment she sees my words.

  Her eyes widen and dart around, as if she’s trying to find out where Rigsby is and how the hell he knows she is wearing green. I keep my eyes trained on her, and the moment they meet, it’s like the lightbulb goes on. We just stare at each other for a minute, neither really knowing what to say. Finally, I extend my hand. “Nice to meet you, Bestie Tami with an I. I’m Royce Rigsby.”

  She gasps, her beautiful mouth falling open as she gapes at me. Quinn doesn’t move for several long seconds, and I start to get a little sweaty under the collar, wondering if she’s about to leave me hanging or bolt. Her soft blue eyes search mine, and after what feels like the world’s longest ten seconds, she finally places her much smaller hand in mine and squares her shoulders. “Quinn Michaels. Nice to meet you, Rigsby.” Her voice is strong and so fucking sexy.

  I can tell she’s still in a state of shock over the revelation, mostly because I’m feeling it too. I hate that we can’t just sit down and talk, but unfortunately, now is not the time. I have a job to do, so that’s why I release her hand, step to her side, and turn to face the group. “Welcome to Elevate. Justin and I are going to go over all of the safety measures in place, as well as give you a quick tutorial on today’s adventure. Let’s head over to the shed, so we can give you the experience of a lifetime.”

  Turning to Quinn, who’s gone stiff and a bit pale, I add, “I’d love to visit with you afterward. I think we have a lot to talk about.”

  She makes a noise in agreement. I place my hand on her lower back and gently guide her to the group.

  I spend the next twenty minutes going over the spiel I can recite in my sleep, making sure to pay close attention to Quinn. She listens intently, like she’s making mental notes on every do and don’t I mention, but doesn’t make eye contact. Logan wears a smile the entire time, especially when we start outfitting everyone in their harnesses.

  Quinn takes my final harness and slides her feet into the holes. Justin is making sure Logan’s is tight and fits properly, while I take great pleasure in doing the same for Quinn. She maneuvers it into place and gazes up at me under long eyelashes. I keep my eyes locked on hers as I reach around her waist and secure the belt. Then, I slip the other latches into place and give them a tug, my arms grazing against hers, the backs of my hands sliding against her abdomen. When I know she’s good and secure, I finally glance down and take in my handiwork.

  “You’ve done this a time or two,” she says, a teasing tone in her angelic voice.

  “A few times,” I confirm with a smirk. “But you’re definitely the prettiest I�
�ve ever had my hands on.” With a wink, I turn and step into the center of the group.

  I clap my hands and smile at my group. “Are you ready?”

  Cheers echo through the trees as Justin takes one zipline and I take the second. They line up across from each other, with the couple going first. Justin secures the female onto the line, while I do the same. Everyone stays back, yet watches with excitement-filled eyes as we get them ready for the first leg of their ride.

  “Just sit back and enjoy the ride. Our team will take care of you,” I tell them, nodding to Justin, who radios down to the next platform that runners are on the course. “Ready?” I ask with a wide smile. If I’m not out on the line myself, this is the next best thing. The eagerness, the thrill I see reflected in their eyes the very first time they run the mountain. “Three, two, one…” I countdown, and they’re off.

  Their laughter and screams of delight fill the air as we watch them dart down and to the left, heading toward their first platform. I turn to glance back, catching sight of Quinn in the back, peeking around the side of another guy. I give her a reassuring smile as our next twosome steps up to be secured to the line.

  We proceed through the group, waiting until the previous runners get to the second platform before sending the next group. This gives my team enough time to make sure the platform is clear before their next visitors.

  When we’re finally down to two, Quinn steps up with fear in her eyes. It’s not a complete terror—I’ve seen that before here—but more of a nervousness. She’s able to walk and talk, and that’s definitely a good thing. As she steps up beside me, I can’t help but reach out and place my hand on her arm. “You ready?”

  She just gazes at me and swallows hard. Then, she takes a deep cleansing breath and says, “I’m ready.”

  “You got this, Miss Michaels,” Logan says beside her, while Justin makes sure he’s secure and safe.

  “I’ll see you at the bottom, Bestie,” I tell her, throwing her a cocky grin.

  “Are you really Rigsby?” she whispers, her eyes searching mine.

  My hand brushes a piece of hair that falls out of her helmet. “I really am. I had no idea Bestie was you until we started talking and things started adding up. You said you were coming to Elevate, and well, I made sure to put myself on the schedule for this group.”

  “You really had no idea?”

  “None,” I tell her honestly. “I was chatting with this fun woman via text and then happened to meet this gorgeous woman on her front porch around the same time.” I toy with that sprig of hair, loving the way it softly moves through my fingers. “I still can’t quite believe you’re actually the same woman.”

  She chuckles in disbelief. “No kidding.” Her eyes meet mine once more. “What are the odds?”

  “I’d say we were destined to meet, Bestie Tami with an I. Now, I’m going to send your cute ass down the mountain for the ride of your life. Keep your eyes open and enjoy, okay?”

  She nods and glances at her student. “You ready, Logan?”

  “I’m more than ready! I can’t wait to do this,” he says, practically bouncing where he stands.

  I hear the cue to send the runners come over my walkie-talkie. “Alright, go ahead and have a seat in the harness,” I tell them. An idea pops into my head and I quickly pull out my cell phone. “Hey, both of you look this way and smile,” I say, taking a few pictures of them right before they head down. Shoving my phone back into my pocket, our eyes meet one last time. I step up to the switch that releases the brake and start the countdown.


  And then I let them go, sailing down the side of the mountain.

  Chapter Eight


  I want to scream, but when I open my mouth, nothing comes out. I’m stuck in some parallel universe with breathtaking views and steep mountain terrain. It might actually be the most beautiful sight I’ve ever witnessed with my own two eyes.

  “Holy crap!” Logan bellows beside me through his laughter. “This is amazing,” he adds, turning and glancing my way.

  I snap out of my fog to return his wide smile. Reaching down, I grab the pouch and open my photo app. I don’t start snapping pictures of our beautiful surroundings. At least, not yet. First, I aim my device at Logan and take photo after photo of his very first zipline ride. I watch as he leans back, extends his arms out to the side, and enjoys the fall. It’s the most serene and spectacular experience to witness. Then, I turn the camera area and take a selfie—something I never do—to document this momentous occasion.

  Before I know it, we’re reaching the first platform stop. There’s a gentleman there to greet us and get us situated for the next run. It happens pretty quickly and professionally, and all I need to do is sit back and take it in.

  “You good, Logan?” I ask, glancing to the student beside me.

  “Miss Michaels, this is pretty much the best day of my life,” he announces with tears in his eyes. “Thank you for making this the greatest birthday ever.”

  My own eyes get a little misty as I gaze over at the young man. “You earned this reward, Logan. You’re working hard in school and outside of it, and that hasn’t gone unnoticed. You have a bright future ahead of you,” I tell him.

  His face practically splits in half with his smile as we get the cue to make our next run. The view is just as spectacular as we fly over a small stream and see wildlife frolicking around. It’s hard to believe I’ve ever had reservations about ziplining, because this is an experience I’ll treasure forever.

  By the time we make it down the mountain, my face hurts from smiling and I have dozens of photos as keepsakes. When my feet hit the final platform, I see Rigsby—or Royce, as he happens to be—standing off to the side, taking photos with his phone. He slips it into his back pocket and makes his way toward me. There’s a swagger in his walk, a confidence he possesses that seems to seep from his pores.

  He takes the steps two at a time and is right in front of me moments later. Royce turns his attention to Logan and asks, “Well? How was it?”

  “Dude! That was amazing! More than amazing, it was…just…” Logan struggles to find the right words, making Royce laugh.

  “I totally get it, man. I come down the mountain every night that way. Now that you have the bug, you’ll always find a reason to run a line, and there are definitely some beautiful ones around the world.”

  Logan’s eyes are alive with excitement as he drinks in every word Royce says. “That’s so cool. Where have you ziplined?”

  “Colorado and New York in the United States, as well as Puerto Rico and New Zealand.”

  The young boy’s mouth practically drops to his shoes. “Seriously?”

  “Yeah, I was in the Army and was fortunate to catch some amazing sights while serving our country.”

  “Wow, that’s badass,” Logan replies. His parents are near the platform and wave.

  “Go on down, Logan, and I’ll be there in a second,” I tell him, watching as he takes off to show his parents the photos he took.

  “Well?” he asks when we’re alone on the platform.

  “It was pretty amazing,” I concede with a grin.

  “Told ya,” he replies, bumping his shoulder into mine. “Here, let’s get that harness put away.” Royce reaches over and unclips the buckles. Once again, his hand brushes against my side accidentally, but not in an inappropriate way. Though, when he gives me that cocky smirk, I wonder if it was intentional after all.

  “I should head over and talk to Logan’s parents one last time and grab my keys from the office,” I state.

  He glances over my shoulder, taking in the happy birthday boy and his parents. “Do you have a few minutes to talk afterward?” Royce shoves his hands into his pockets casually and rocks back on his heels.

  “Umm, sure.”

  He nods, and while I head down the stairs to where the Hendershots wait, Royce cleans up the gear from our run down the mountain. Logan is animatedly
telling his parents about his trip, showing them photo after photo of the scenery. “Thanks, again, Miss Michaels. Today was awesome,” he says when I join the group.

  “You’re most welcome. Can I send your parents these photos I took of you?” I ask, pulling my phone back out of my pocket.

  “That would be great,” he replies, reciting his cell phone number so I can forward the pictures.

  After we visit for a few more minutes, and I confirm his mom received what I sent her, I head to the office to retrieve my keys. I locked my purse in my trunk, since I had already paid when I booked the experience. I wanted to have my hands free to document his trip. Little did I know, I’d be dared to join Logan by the very man who has been monopolizing my thoughts.

  When I grab my keys from the woman at the counter, my phone chimes with a text message. Pulling it out, I spy a series of photos, but not from Logan. From Rigsby.

  The first one is of Logan and I as we get ready for our trip down the mountain. I don’t know how Rigsby—or Royce—snapped this photo without my knowledge, but he managed. But it’s the second one that has a bubble of laughter spilling from my lips. Royce is standing to the left of the frame with a big, goofy grin and a thumbs-up, and there in the background is me, gazing out over the mountain with every ounce of nerves I felt showing on my face.

  “That’s a horrible picture,” I mumble, shaking my head.

  “I think it sums us up perfectly.” The voice comes from behind and very close. I can feel his body heat pressed up against me, and for one fleeting moment, I wish he were actually touching me.

  Glancing over my shoulder, my eyebrows pull together. “You being all silly and me looking like I’m terrified?”

  His chuckle reaches into my chest and soothes my soul. “Not gonna argue the silly part, but I was talking about your beauty,” he says, as he points to a picnic table off to the side.

  I feel the blush from his words start at my chest and creep up my neck. Taking the seat across from him, I fumble with my keys before setting them down on the tabletop. An awkward silence fills the air, as if neither of us knows what to say.


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