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The Daddy and the Dom

Page 25

by Julia Sykes

With her arms bound behind her, she needed me to help her balance. I wrapped her silky hair around my fist and braced her shoulder with my other hand, urging her to take me in slow, deep strokes.

  Joseph increased his pace, and I heard him growl his need. He was close, but he’d make sure she came first. Her pleasure was always our first priority. She was devoted to us, and it was our responsibility to ensure her blissful happiness.

  He eased his hold on her hips so she could control the pace, and he dipped one hand down to touch her clit. She whimpered around my cock, and I cursed as the sound tormented me with a surge of lust.

  “Ride my cock,” Joseph commanded. “Make yourself come, angel.”

  She started to grind against him, rotating her hips. I watched her small body tense as her pleasure crested. Joseph pinched her clit, and she screamed around my cock as her orgasm claimed her. Joseph groaned, his head dropping back as he thrust his hips up into her, riding out his own bliss.

  I couldn’t hold back. Now that my girl had been satisfied, I let go. I pressed deep into her throat and released my cum into her. She swallowed it all down, greedy for me. Her open hunger for both of us increased my pleasure, making me lightheaded with ecstasy.

  I pulled free from her mouth and collapsed onto the bed. Joseph guided her off his cock and laid her between us, so we could both cuddle her close and stroke her. He left for a few seconds to retrieve his shears, and he cut away the ropes that bound her arms.

  She let out a happy little sigh and closed her eyes, snuggling into my chest as Joseph rubbed her shoulders.

  We both murmured words of love and praise as she softened between us, perfectly trusting and completely content.

  Ashlyn was ours, and we’d never take her devotion for granted. We’d cherish her and protect her for the rest of our lives.

  “I love you, Joseph,” she murmured. “I love you, Daddy.”

  The words reached deep inside me, warming my chest and stoking my lust. My cock began to stiffen again, even though I’d just come inside her mouth.

  She gasped when my dick pressed into her hip.


  “Always for you, babygirl,” I promised.

  “Anything for you, angel,” Joseph swore.

  We held her between us and showed her just how much we worshipped her.

  The End

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  Want more dark and dirty romance?

  Check out Sweet Captivity

  * * *

  I don't like to be touched. I'm the hacker-geek-goddess of the FBI. When I'm hiding behind my screen, I'm a safe distance from everyone; isolated, powerful. No man has ever touched me, but when I'm captured by Colombian drug lord Andrés Moreno, I no longer have the right to refuse. He's scarred and scary, and his cruel brother Cristian has tasked him with breaking me. I try to fight, but I can't escape his strong arms and harsh discipline. He demands that I accept his touch, and my virgin body can't help but respond to his masterful manipulations.

  * * *

  The longer I remain trapped with him, the more I come to suspect that I'm not the only captive in his brother's home. Andrés' scars go deeper than the wicked furrows carved into his flesh, his pain reflected in the dark demands he imposes upon me. His obsession is twisted and wrong, but maybe I'm twisted, too.

  * * *

  Do I want to be rescued from him? Or is he the one who truly needs saving?

  * * *

  Turn the page for an extended excerpt…

  Sweet Captivity Excerpt

  “You don’t want to do this,” I choked out past the lump of terror that clogged my throat. I kept a wary eye on the wicked hunting knife Cristian Moreno held naturally at his side, as though it were an innocuous extension of his arm rather than a threat to my life. “Let me go.”

  He threw back his head and laughed, his perfect white teeth flashing as the booming sound assaulted my eardrums. Despite my attempt at bravado, my hands shook violently, causing the ropes that bound my arms behind me to chafe against my wrists. The burn of the rough fibers against my skin and cold bite of the metal chair beneath me were peripheral; my entire focus was centered on Moreno and the way the gleam of the spare overhead light bulb made his dark eyes glint as sharply as the knife in his hand.

  “No, Samantha,” he corrected me calmly, his light Colombian accent making his deep voice almost lyrical when he spoke my name. “You’re never leaving this place. Not alive, at least. But that won’t happen for a while yet. If you answer my questions, I might be inclined to mercy. Otherwise…” He left the unspoken threat hanging in the air, the implication clear. I would experience agony before he finally disposed of me.

  No. Don’t think like that.

  I gasped in several deep breaths so I could manage to speak again.

  “My friends will find me,” I asserted, knowing Dex wouldn’t leave me to die here.

  “If they do, they won’t find more than what’s left of your body.”

  Ice crystallized in my veins. He took a step toward me, raising the knife. I tried to shrink away, but the unyielding metal chair behind my back kept me immobile.

  “You can’t hurt me,” I said desperately, twisting against my restraints. “If you kill me, my friends will hunt you down.”

  His dazzling smile illuminated his darkly handsome features with cruel amusement.

  “I want them to know what I’ve done. Your death will be a warning. Someone thinks they can fuck with me, with my business. They fucked up when they tried to kill me. Now, we’re going to send a little message to your friends.” He gestured behind him, and for the first time, my gaze darted away from the threat before me.

  A man loomed a few feet away, the light on his smart phone indicating that he was recording me. A wicked scar puckered his tanned cheek, deepening his fearsome scowl. His black gaze bored into me, his dark glare penetrating my soul. I shuddered and tore my eyes away, unable to bear looking at him.

  Moreno laughed again. “What, you don’t like my little brother?” He cocked his head at me. “Maybe I’ll give you to him to play with, after I’m finished with you. He has… very unique tastes.” He reached for me, his long fingers trailing down my cheek. I cringed away, my stomach churning. “I think Andrés will like you. Such pale skin. It will mark up nicely.” He shook his head slightly, still smiling. “But I’m getting ahead of myself. He can have you when I’m done. I’m going to extract my answers first.”

  The cool tip of the knife kissed my throat, and I choked on a scream as horror overwhelmed me.

  Sweet Captivity is now available!

  Also by Julia Sykes

  The Impossible Series








  A Decadent Christmas (An Impossible Series Christmas Special)



  Prey (An Impossible Series Short Story)


  Decadent Knights (An Impossible Series Short Story)




  Wedding Knight (An Impossible Series Short Story)

  Valentines at Dusk (An Impossible Series Short Story)

  Nice & Naughty (An Impossible Series Christmas Special)

  The Subversive Series

  Dark Lessons

  Sweet Captivity

  Claiming My Sweet Captive

  Captive Ever After

  The Stolen Series

  Stolen Innocence

  Stealing Beauty

  Pretty Hostage (Coming Soon)

  * * *

  RENEGADE: The Complete Series

  The Daddy and The Dom

  * * *

  The Dark Grove Plantation Series





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