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Bellatrix: Swords of Chaos, Book One

Page 11

by Alex Cannon


  Range estimated it would take six days to reach Rommel, the largest city to the north. They could spend nights in any of the towns along the way.A few more weeks and they would be in Romus. Winter will have set in that far north and Range knew it would be difficult to travel; he didn’t care.If people were hunting for the Sword, then they were hunting for him.The pursuers had already shown their true intentions by killing his friend.The hard truth was he would sacrifice ten friends if it meant keeping his family safe.

  When they got to Rommel they would have to stock up on winter gear. He needed to hire some mercenaries too.He and Nicky were not enough to protect his family against a large group of bandits. That is, if Nicky ever showed up.

  The horse began to move forward as Miriam snapped the reins. The day was nice; it was late morning, not too many clouds in the sky, and a light breeze blew from the north. The children were playing seek games on the wagon. Range walked alongside. None of the Ironstone family looked back as they left their home of five years.Range felt a shiver snake up his spine when he realized they had not looked back.

  The road they traveled was the major route from Rommel to Spadix. Traveling north and south, it was solid packed dirt, with speckles of stone where the count of Spadix had attempted improvements but finally caved in at the cost. Thick ash and oak trees lined the sides of the road and an expanse of wild green grass provided an adequate view on either side and ahead.

  Range was suddenly overtaken with the feeling they had been watched while in the town and were now being followed.His stomach became uneasy and he began routinely looking over his shoulder to the south. Why was he feeling this way? They had just set out and he was already spooked. Seeing a family pack up and close their shop would have been obvious to anyone watching for suspicious activities. He cursed himself for not being more careful.

  The road had bent about a quarter mile back and was now hidden by the trees on either side.His impaired vision added to his sense of uneasiness.

  As they made their way further northeast, the frequency of houses and people diminished.The king’s men patrolled this road to the north, but Spadix was responsible for safety here in the south. Range knew for certain that his count did not send troops to patrol.

  After traveling about thirty minutes, they stopped to let Zoë relieve herself.She went behind a tree while Miriam stood by, guarding.Range was frustrated and hoped the entire trip was not like this.They needed to get away, and quick.He stood facing the south, hoping against hopes that he would not hear or see anything.

  “Can you girls please hurry it up? I would like to get to Rommel before I am old!” Range called, trying to sound casual.

  He wanted more than anything to be back in Spadix running his store.

  Their heads whipped around at the sound of a rider coming hard from the south.

  Range stepped quickly to the wagon and pulled his sword from atop the supplies.He held it level as the rider drew near. His large frame was shaking with anticipation. Could he protect all three by himself? He was not certain. He had Mel crunch down into the front of the wagon. Miriam stepped behind the large oak with Zoë.Range felt better; if someone came upon him, they would hopefully think him alone.He glanced down at his sword and it made him think of the hidden one.

  As the rider completed the bend he reined in his horse.The chasing cloud of dust caught and enveloped him.

  “Ho! Range!” a voice said from within the cloud.

  Range leaned forward,”Who is it?”

  “It’s me!Nicky!”

  Range let out a sigh. His legs suddenly wanted to give way, and his heartbeat was to the point of bursting.He began to come down from the rush.When Nicodemus heard Range was going north, he expected to go as well. Range reluctantly welcomed his friend’s assistance, another tool for him to use. On this long journey they would need more than one arm to wield a sword. Selfishness had won out over concern.

  The rider came close and it was Nicodemus.Range put his hand on his chest in relief.

  “Well met! I am glad to see you, friend,” Range said, letting his sword point tip to the ground.

  “As am I, but we must be on.” Nicky looked over Range, at the two women.”Miriam, Zoë, we must hurry! Run! Run!”They began to run.

  Range was growing uneasy; panic setting in,”What! What is going on?” And for the first time he looked at Nicky. The man was disheveled and had clearly been in some sort of scuffle.His blonde hair was stirred and his clothes were dirty and torn.

  “No time to explain!” Nicodemus kept looking back the way he had come.“Range, if you love your family, get on the back of my horse and let’s go! Go! Now! Hurry!” Fear grabbed hold of Range again.

  Miriam and Zoë leaped onto the wagon; Range pulled himself up behind Nicodemus.

  “Miriam, we need to ride fast, can you handle the wagon?”Nicodemus yelled to her.

  “Better than Range, I’d wager!” she yelled back, her walnut hair whipping around her smooth face.Range thought she looked beautiful at that moment, determination set in her eyes.

  Nicky nodded.”Then let’s go! Go!” Nicky looked south again. He had to lean way out to see past Range’s body.Range looked back too, but all he could see was the dissipating cloud Nicky’s horse had created. Range felt funny riding behind his diminutive friend like this.It seemed it should be he directing the horse and Nicky the passenger.

  Nicodemus kicked his horse, and Miriam gave a shout, shaking the reins of hers.The wagon took off slowly, the horse gradually gaining speed.Soon it was pulling the wagon much too fast for the road, every bump and jolt almost causing Miriam and the children to fly out.Mel and Zoë used one hand to hug each other and the other to grip straps attached to the wagon. Nicky kept pace, careful not to leave the wagon.

  Range kept looking behind them, but caught sight of nothing. The dust was too thick. They rode as hard and fast as they could, unknown fear spurring them on.

  Range sensed something evil approaching, like a storm. He was just about to turn forward again, when he saw something. He was not certain of what it was, but it was not a rider on a horse, more like a loping wolf, or dog. But in the short glimpses he caught, its gait was unlike any dog he had seen.Whatever it was, it was pacing them on all fours.Dread gripped him; he looked ahead to where Miriam was barely controlling the wagon. They could ride no faster.

  Range tapped Nicodemus on the shoulder.”There is something behind us!”

  Nicodemus caught a quick glance then kicked the horse onwards. The animal was tiring, but kept its gait.

  “What in the name of Ooln are those things?” Range yelled to Nicky again.

  Nicodemus turned his head sideways and said flatly,”Demons.”

  “Well what do we do now?”

  “Run maybe?” Nicky said.

  “We must kill them, Nicky!They are evil incarnate!” It was the duty of any follower of Ooln to battle the evil of the god Lo.Range had the necessary tools to kill a demon, but how many were there and how powerful? Indecision churned his stomach.

  “I agree but I fear their master more. And I have no Ooln’s oil.”

  Nicodemus directed his horse next to the wagon.”Miriam, you continue to ride at this same pace, and we will catch up to you, slow down only after it appears safe.”

  “What are you going to do?” she asked, whipping the horse like a madwoman.

  “Just ride woman! Protect your children!” Nicodemus barked and slowed his mount.The wagon sped on.

  Nicodemus kept a fairly quick pace, it was clear the beast could not sustain its current rate for much longer. Just as Nicky was about to rein the horse in, a dark figure darted out and scratched the steed’s left haunch.The leg went limp mid-gait and immediately the horse fell to the left. Nicodemus and Range were thrown; they tumbled viciously but came to their feet, swords in hand.The horse tumbled over itself and broke its neck with a loud crack.Nicky spat a curse.Range looked about for the demons.As the dust began to settle figures seemed
to coalesce before their eyes.

  The two demons looked much larger close up. They were about the size of a wolf, but with arms and legs more similar to a human.Their skin was dark crimson, spotted with darker black and brighter vermilion. Their heads were long and tooth filled, like a dog. Their eyes gleamed with a black pearl essence and their ears pointed raggedly at the sky. The demons moved with a clumsy grace. They didn’t seem to be certain of where their bodies were moving at any given moment, but when they reached their destination, it seemed as if they had meant to saunter that way.The two humans and two demons stood in a meadow surrounded by trees on all three sides except the east where the road spooled to the north and south.

  The demons simply bobbed in place, like a cork in a pond.

  “What are they doing?” Range ventured out of the side of his mouth. The sight of the demons caused him to almost freeze up with fear.

  “We need to do something Range, I do not want to meet up with their master, and I have nothing to kill them with.”The demons weaved to and fro, watching and waiting.

  The men approached the demons. Again the demons backed away. They were staying just out of reach.

  “We need to leave. They will not fight, they merely run from us, leading us to their master or him to us,” Range observed.

  Demons were conjured by Osaban priests to this plane from the plane of Lo.The more powerful the priest the more powerful demons he could conjure and the greater his control over them. It was a difficult task as the probability of a demon breaking from the control of his priest was always present.The battle between the demon and the priest was a continuous dance while the demons existed on this plane.Smaller demons generally could not speak and were controlled more easily so were conjured more often.Some of the more powerful demons had actual names and were very intelligent. They were rugged, ferocious, unholy, and near impossible to kill.No follower of any god in the land condoned the practices of the Osaban priests and their worship of Lo.The Osaban practices dismayed even the other sects of Lo.

  “Then we must kill them,” Nicodemus said.”Although I don’t know how. I have no blessed oil.”

  The two men backed slowly away from the demons.Not willing to turn their backs on the beasts.The demons moved toward them, keeping pace.Range reached into his tunic and pulled out the oil.Nicodemus saw him,”Is that what I think it is?”

  “Yes.”Praise Ooln and Wil’Darrian. The priest had been right to give the oil to him.Range thanked Ooln one more time and began to pull the stopper out.

  “Hurry up!” Nicodemus said, standing in front of Range.

  “How do we use it?” Range asked. He had finally gotten the cork stopper out, but was not certain what to do next.

  “Put some on our swords,” Nicodemus said.

  Range dipped his finger into the oil. He rubbed up and down the blade of his sword. The oil stuck to the metal like skin.Once he was done, he handed his blade to Nicky and applied the oil to his friend’s sword.He crammed the stopper back into the vial and stuffed it back into his tunic.They swapped swords and then tried to approach the demons again.The demons backed away as they moved.

  “By Ooln’s beard, this is no good! If we try to kill them, they run; we attempt to run, they follow!” Range said again.

  “Their master will be here soon, I am surprised he has not gotten here already,” Nicodemus said.

  Range’s heart was clamoring in his chest.”Who is their master?”

  “I’d introduce you, but I wouldn’t want to be there personally to do the introductions.”Nicodemus was in his element.Range could not fathom how he could be witty at a time like this.

  “So what do we do? Wait for the priest, or do we run?” He could kill the man who had killed Lucan.Or could he?Could he kill an Osaban priest? Did he have the ability?

  “He has eight Sicari with him. So I don’t recommend we hang around with our friends, Red and Redder here. We need to be on our way, and soon.”

  A thought occurred to Range.

  “Nicky, lets split up and see what these demons do.”

  “Hurry.” Nicky was clearly ready for any idea that included some action.

  They walked a short ways from each other, and a demon followed each of them.

  “Good,” Range said nodding.”Now you walk in a circle, I will stand out of sight, and you walk by where I am—here.” He indicated a willow tree with limbs almost touching the ground.”I will hide until you lead your demon by, and then strike him down.”

  “What about yours?” Nicky indicated with his sword.”Won’t he tell his friend what we are doing?”

  “We shall see. Let’s try.”

  “Well, whatever we do, we must hurry,” Nicky said, running away from Range.As soon as he and his demon were out of site Range hid under the limbs of the willow tree. The other demon bounced on his feet, not taking a step. Range stood silently. He heard Nicky coming back around; making noise. Range inspected his sword in the shadows, the blue tint of the blessed oil almost glowing.Range waited until Nicky was past, and the trailing demon came rambling into view.Nicky stopped and turned toward the demon, he got its attention by yelling some horrid obscenity at it.The demon looked at him with vague disinterest.Range turned to spot his demon; it was standing off behind him. Good. It made no motion to warn its brethren.

  Suddenly, Range burst from the tree and swung down on the demon, cleaving it in two with one strike. The demon let out one quick screech, but fell to the earth in a mushy lump. A blue light formed around the demon and dissolved it like acid.

  “Well, that’s one,” Nicky said.”They sure do stink when you cut them open don’t they?”

  They turned toward Range’s demon, as it just bounced from side to side watching them.Range said another small prayer to Ooln.He was so thankful for the oil he almost cried.

  Nicky walked toward the beast, and it moved cautiously back.

  “We must hurry, Range it is your turn to run around.”

  Range moved toward the demon as Nicky took his hiding spot.Range made the circle and came back around. Nicky waited in the shadow of the tree. As Range walked by Nicky lunged out toward the demon, but the demon had seen what happened to its companion and was on to their plan.It rolled to one side and screeched. Range and Nicky surrounded it.

  “Well that didn’t work out all too well,” Range said.

  They began to close in on the small demon.Nicky swung at it. The demon jumped over his head and onto his back.

  “Ooln’s beard!” Nicky cried.

  Range ran to Nicky and tried to stab the thing.The demon raised both of its human like hands and swung them down on Nicky’s back.The claws on its fingertips bit into Nicky’s flesh.He cried out.Range lunged with his sword, but the demon launched itself into the air, over Nicky’s back and onto the ground. It spun about and came at Range.Range swung his sword down to block the thing, but it jumped at his face at the last moment.It let out a terrible scream as Nicky’s blade skewered it in mid-air.

  “Let us be off,” begged Range.”Are you okay?”

  “I will make it.” The back of Nicky’s tunic was ripped in numerous places and blood seeped out of ragged cuts.

  “Here, try this.” Range pulled the stopper from the Ooln’s oil and poured a small amount into his hand.

  “Will that work?” Nicky asked.

  “Hopefully.” Range pulled the cloth away from the cuts and rubbed the oil into the wound.

  Nicky yelled.”That burns!”

  “Be still, I almost finished.” Range rubbed a little more into the wounds and then put the stopper into the vial.

  “That feels much better,” Nicky said.”I think it worked.”

  “We will check it again when we find Miriam and the children.”

  “Ah!” Nicodemus said, looking at his dead horse.”Let me get some of my supplies.”

  “Be quick, Nicky,” Range was now worried they would not be able to catch Miriam and the children before their pursuers did.
r />   Nicodemus rummaged through his satchel not finding what he wanted. Finally he cursed, and took the entire bag.

  They flew in a northerly direction, staying off of the road but always keeping it in sight.

  They ran for what seemed an hour, but was more closely a half hour when Nicodemus slowed.He was breathing hard, but not as hard as Range. Range had been walking for about an hour before all of the excitement and was on wobbly legs.

  “Do you think we are followed?” Range said through harsh breaths.

  “Yes but I think we have escaped for now.The priest probably lost the connection to his demons and is confused.”

  “Tell me what you know. How did you know the demons were chasing us?” Range asked his breathless friend.

  “They were at my home.”

  “What?” Range stood with his hips on his hands.

  “The Osaban and his group were waiting for me. But they missed.”


  “I heard one of them in the woods.”

  “You heard a Sicari?” Range said. No one ever heard a Sicari.

  “He sneezed,” Nicky said. He tried to laugh, but could not draw the breath.

  “Thank Ooln.” A Sicari with a cold. That seemed funny to Range.

  “Anyway, I made my way around as quietly as possible, and spotted the Osaban through the trees.” He looked back the way they had come. The shade of the tree they were standing under was cool with the wind blowing.The breeze invigorated Range. He felt better.

  “What happened then?”

  “The Osaban spotted me as well, and spurred his men after me.I had no choice but to run. I did not want them to find your family so I rode south and then switched back.I thought I had lost them, but I guess not.”

  “They were leading him here?”

  “Once they had found us, it was only a matter of time before they began to draw the Priest of Lo here.”

  Range tucked his sword into its scabbard,”Damn! We are running from an Osaban Priest.”He sighed and scratched his head.”Why do you think he was going to kill you?”

  “You said yourself that Lucan was interrogated before he was murdered. Maybe they thought I knew something about the Sword, although Osaban priests rarely need a reason to kill. Seems odd he would come to Lucan and then me.”

  “Why would he think you or Lucan had anything to do with the Sword?”

  “Whoever this is, Range, they are looking for the Sword. And they don’t care who they kill to get it.”

  “I already said that,” Range said.


  “If the Sword were to fall into evil hands…”

  “You already said that too,” Nicky said,”and it’s our job to keep it from happening. I don’t know about you, but having to do the bidding of evil just isn’t my mug of ale.”

  Range agreed.

  They kept moving north as the day drew on. Darkness was just falling when they saw a small campfire ahead.

  “I hope it is them,” Range whispered. The wind was blowing itself out. He didn’t want his voice to travel.

  They snuck close to the fire and peered through a large bush. The camp was a good distance from the road. If it was Miriam, at least she was being careful. But why would she start a fire and set up camp?

  It was his family, and a man.

  Range looked over at Nicky who shook his head.

  Nicodemus began to move from their hiding place, when Range placed his hand on his friend’s arm. He shook his head, and motioned for Nicodemus to stay put. He reached over and whispered into his ear,”Let me go first. If anything is wrong, come and help.”

  Nicodemus nodded.

  Range stayed and watched for a moment longer. He inspected the campground. The man had his own horse, a nice one. He was about Range’s age, maybe younger, and well dressed. His shirt was a thick cream color and in the flickering campfire his trousers were black, or blue.Range’s family seemed in no immediate danger. Miriam was casually carrying on a conversation with the stranger, who was sitting on a log, skinning an animal.The children were sitting next to their mother sipping on mugs. The wagon was parked behind them; the horse was tied up, grazing.

  Range stepped out of his hiding spot.The children saw him first and cheered as they ran to him. Miriam had a look of solid relief on her face.She almost broke down into tears as Range hugged her.

  “I thought you had been killed!” she whispered through sobs.

  “I am fine.”The children each got their hugs.He whispered to each one of them to say nothing about Nicky. Zoë would not release her father, clutching him like a baby.

  Range stepped toward the campfire. The man stopped cleaning the animal, stood and extended his arm,”Greetings, sir. My name is Sterlin Similow.”Range shook his hand. It was soft but he could feel strength under the flesh.When his hand was released Sterlin bowed extravagantly.

  “Nice to meet you. My name is Range Ironstone.”

  “Well, Mr. Ironstone, we seem to be meeting under odd circumstances,” he said, with a disarming grin. He was a normal sized man, making him much shorter than Range, and a much smaller frame. He was slight, but Range noticed he moved in a fluid way. He also had the look of a noble or a very wealthy person. The way his hair was cut, the belt he wore around his waist was new and thick. The buckle looked to be solid silver.His boots were hard leather and polished. The rings on his fingers were ostentatious.As a matter of fact his whole person was ostentatious.One ring in particular caught Range’s eye, it had a huge brilliant ruby seeming to glow of its own accord.He wondered how the man moved about without getting robbed at every turn, especially on the road.

  Range eyed the man as he sat back down and began stripping the fur from the rabbit.

  “Do you need any help with that?” Range offered. Sterlin was tearing the animal up.

  Sterlin stopped and sighed. He looked at the maimed rabbit and then at Range,”You know, I’m really not very good at this. Your help would be greatly appreciated,” he smiled again, and Range, despite himself, smiled back. The man had an unoffending air about him and seemed genuine.

  Range took the half-skinned rabbit from Sterlin and began trying to repair the damage.

  Range looked up.”So where might you be traveling to? If you don’t mind my asking.”

  “I don’t mind at all, nowhere in particular. I was going up to Rommel to see the dancing bears. Did you know they train bears to dance up there?I have heard it is truly a sight to behold.Me? I would never get near a bear! No sir!” he shivered for a moment.

  The sun had pretty much gone down and night was fast approaching. Range inspected their position carefully. Sterlin had chosen a good spot. The campsite was not visible from the road, and a light wind still blew to the west—away from the road.

  “What do you do for a living, Mr. Similow?”

  Sterlin was digging for his pipe,”I am in the trade business. I am known as a middleman. I neither buy nor sell; I simply find a seller and a buyer and get them together. I get my percentage and the two individuals get what they want.”He packed his pipe with some leaves from a pouch and lit it.The fragrance was unlike any Range had ever smelled.

  Range wondered what the man really did.That did not sound like a job where you could make enough money to buy the things Sterlin was wearing.”Sounds very interesting.”

  Sterlin nodded.”Sometimes it is, sometimes it’s boring. I have made a good sum of money so I am now on a vacation of sorts. I am traveling around the land and visiting all the cities. And please call me Sterlin.”

  “Okay, Sterlin it is. And call me Range.”

  He nodded with a smile and a wink,”Range it is.”

  After the rabbit was properly skinned, they put it on a spit and began rotating it.The children were glad to see their father again, and he was glad to see them.

  Miriam secretly told Range they had pulled off of the road to watch.Sterlin had already set up a small camp and was about to start a fire when they happened
across him. He sensed something not right and offered them a place to stay for the moment. She had originally declined the offer, but then accepted when she could think of nothing else. So Miriam had not started the fire and set up the camp.

  After about half an hour Range called for Nicodemus, who came cautiously out of the hiding spot.He stretched his back as he walked.

  Sterlin looked up, not too alarmed.”What is this?”

  “I was not certain about your motives for being here with my family, and I wanted to make certain everything was okay.”

  Sterlin nodded, as he stood up to shake Nicky’s hand,”I cannot blame you for being cautious, it’s a good thing.My name is Sterlin Similow.”

  Nicodemus took his hand,”My name is Nicodemus Tithonus.”

  “Nice to make your acquaintance,” Sterlin said, sitting back down on his log.

  “Thanks for making so sure your family was safe,” Nicky said to Range, arching his back again.

  They ate small portions of the rabbit along with the bread and cheese Miriam had packed.They washed it down with soft summer ale. After dinner, Range and Nicky pulled out their durrys, and Sterlin pulled out his pipe.Everyone was somewhat lethargic after dinner. Miriam checked Nicky’s wounds and they appeared to be healing properly with no evidence of any lingering poison.

  Mel snuggled up next to Range,”Father, will you tell us a story before it is time to sleep?”

  “Not tonight, son.I am too tired.”

  “Please?” Mel asked.

  “I don’t think so,” Range said.

  “I would be happy to tell you a story,” Sterlin said, through his pipe.

  “Really?” Mel said.

  “Let Sterlin rest,” Miriam said.

  “It’s not a problem at all,” Sterlin said.”I rather fancy myself a good story teller anyway, so I would consider it an honor if you all would listen while I cant.”

  Sterlin scooted down further on his log and leaned against it refreshing his pipe.A soft wind chilled Range, hinting at a cool night.

  Sterlin began:”I will now tell you the hoary account of the father god Ooln and his brother, the evil and despised Lo.“A very long time ago before the land existed in its present state, father god Ooln was happy and content in Godhome.He had his children who gave him company and steadfast love. Ooln was happy but his love was too much to simply share with his children so he decided to create the land and mortals. He created mortals in his image and endowed them with a free will.

  “Lo saw what his brother was doing from his own obscene realm.He felt envy and hatred in his heart.His brother was creating a land for his people. What did Lo have? Nothing but a spiteful heart and a wicked mind. His anger and jealousy caused him to conspire loathsome plans and thoughts, and one day while Ooln’s attention was elsewhere, Lo attacked Ooln’s people. Being a god, and they mere mortals, he wiped the land of humans, killing them in the most vile and despicable ways possible. He—“

  “Please! The children’s ears are innocent,” Miriam interjected.

  Sterlin nodded.”You are correct. Please forgive me.” He turned toward the children again.”Lo laughed to the sky, a bold and rancorous sound it was. He was heady from the blood of the mortals, feeling more potent than he should.

  “Ooln’s attention returned too late.A sickness overtook him for a short while.He mourned his mortals and the fear they had endured for he loved them as any father loves his children. Ooln decided to offer a place in Godhome to all believers in his commandments and the ones who followed his creed.He also ordained that any who believed Him could channel a part of his essence. Godmagic was born.

  “Then he became angry,” Sterlin paused dramatically, looking at his audience with an eye full of things to come.

  “Ooln is a peaceful god, not a wrathful one,” he continued.”But on that day Lo felt the wrath of Ooln. Ooln descended to the land where Lo attempted to hide and confronted him.Lo was boastful and proud of what he had done when confronted.He laughed at his brother and his ‘pets’.Ooln called forth the awesome power that was his and smote his brother, scarring the land.Today this place is called The Gleboki, which means ‘wrath of god’.

  “Lo attempted to block the power of his brother, but Ooln would not be denied on this day and was relentless. He continued to rain down upon his brother more and more of his wrath and raw power. Entire mountains were leveled and rivers emptied.Lo, seeing he was overcome, attempted to retreat to his land.Ooln caught him at the last moment and attempted to pull him back to this realm.Lo called forth two of his most powerful demons, Gar and Dem, to attack his brother. They attacked Ooln, who merely shrugged them off.Their power was nothing to him. He quickly banished them to their realm.However, in this moment, Lo escaped to the underworld.

  “As I said before, Ooln would not be denied this day.He followed his brother into his realm.”

  Sterlin stopped for a moment a tamped his pipe on the heel of his boot.”I will tell you this: No one knows what happened down in the realm of Lo that day. But thunderous peals of power screamed forth from the realm of Lo.It is believed that Ooln wiped the realm of all the demons.Every single one.”

  “So who’s in the underworld now?”Mel asked with a tired voice.He had leaned against his father while the story was being told.

  “Oh there are many more demons now, yes indeed.Lo easily spawned many more demons to populate his realm.Even from behind the Moenia his power is still great.”

  “What is the Moenia?” Zoë asked.She was not as sleepy as her brother, sitting up with her arms folded over her knees.

  Sterlin smiled, not used to questions when he was canting,”The Moenia is the realm where Ooln imprisoned his brother.Moenia keeps Lo from directly attacking this land.He can do it through his followers, but he can never enter again thanks to Ooln.”

  “Why would anyone want to be a follower of Lo?” Zoë asked.

  “Power,” he said.”Lo promises all who follow him great power.You see, once Ooln allowed his own power to be channeled, every god began doing it.All of his children, trying to be like their father allowed anyone who worshiped them to draw upon their might. To continue his campaign against Ooln and his children, Lo allowed his followers to draw upon his power.”

  “That’s wrong,” she said.

  “Aye it is, but there are many who are lured by the promise of easy power.”

  Range stretched.”Well thank you for the story, I think the children need to get to bed.”Zoë dragged Mel from his snooze.

  Sterlin inspected Nicky and Range as the children began to clean up,”You all seem to be in sort of a petrified state, if you don’t mind my saying so. When I saw your missus and children come around that bend, they looked quite frazzled.” He paused to stuff his pipe. Neither Range nor Nicky said anything,”Now, mind you. This is none of my business.”

  Miriam watched Range closely. He sat quietly, thinking.

  “We are traveling north to deliver bad news to the family of a friend,” Range said.

  “A sickness or death?” Sterlin asked.

  “Death,” Range said.

  Sterlin shook his head.”Tragedy.”

  “He was a close friend.” Range was suddenly on guard for some reason.

  Sterlin leaned further toward them.”I will tell you something I saw while I was in the town of Spadix.”

  Range and Nicodemus both sat up. Range had not seen him in the town.

  “I was up at night, at The Singing Elk, do you know where that is?” Range and Nicky nodded.”Anyway I decided to go for a short walk to clear my head. It was quite late, and I didn’t see too many people. Anyway I was quite drunk, and stopped inside of an alley to catch my balance. I stood, leaning up against the wall for a time, regaining my balance and such.

  “Well anyway, as I stood there, I saw a black figure followed by a number of others, creep down the street, away from the baron’s castle.I was very drunk, but not stupid, I stood very still.After they had gone, I cautiously stepped out and
made my way back to The Singing Elk, quickly locking myself in my room.I was so drunk, that I was quickly asleep, but the next morning I packed my belongings and made clear.” He paused for a moment and leaned back with pursed mouth,”Well…after a few pints at the inn. But soon as I was done I was headlong for the north.”

  “Is that all you saw? How many were there?”Range quickly asked.

  Sterlin nodded,”I thought you might have some interest in them…” He eyed both of the men from under his eyebrows.

  “Possibly,” Nicky said.

  “Not a good sort of people, eh?I can’t say who they were, but I can say they weren’t the best sorts, to be running around that late at night. Mischief is the only thing accomplished that late at night. Yes sir, mischief.” He pointed at them with his pipe as he spoke.

  Range nodded.

  “Did you see anything more?” Nicky asked.

  “Not really, why?”

  Range and Nicky sat once more, smoking durrys, saying nothing.

  Sterlin waved his pipe,”If you cannot say, then you cannot say.” He shrugged.”I will not press you further on it.I am not the badgering sort.”

  “Thank you,” Range said.

  “I am traveling to Rommel. Will you be going that way?”Sterlin asked.

  “Yes. We will pass through the city,” Range said.

  “Perhaps we can travel together until we get to the city.I have been alone for a while and find the company of others somewhat invigorating, and there is strength in numbers.I was told this road was patrolled by the count this far south, but I’ll tell you the truth, I haven’t seen one soldier since I left.”

  Range looked over at Miriam. He trusted her sense in this better than his or Nicky’s.She shrugged her shoulders.No help there. Range stood.”Sterlin, I appreciate your offer, would you mind if I talked it over with my traveling companion and wife?”

  “Feel free! I will stay here and let you discuss it.And please do not feel obliged to say yes. If you decide it would not be in your best interests, we can part ways in the morning,” he nodded.

  Range, Nicodemus and Miriam went to the head of the wagon and huddled together.Miriam made sure the children were preparing for bed.

  “What do you think?” asked Nicodemus.

  “I don’t like it,” answered Range.

  “Range, if he had meant to do us any ill, he had the perfect opportunity when I was alone with him,” Miriam said, pulling a wind-whipped strand of hair from her face.

  “She’s right, Range.”

  “Do we need his help?” Range asked looking at the two.

  Nicodemus rolled his eyes,”You know we do. I see no reason not to let him come.If we are going to make it to Romus, then we will need to hire some people eventually. We will not be able to defend ourselves.If someone pushes, we won’t be able to shove back.”

  Range shook his head,”Always thinking of the fight.”

  “Of course, old man!”

  Range shook his head. Nicky always called him old man but at thirty-one, Range was only two years older than his friend.

  “Okay. We will let him come with us.But do not trust him.”

  “Uh, okay, and who do we say is chasing us and why?” Nicodemus smirked.

  Range put his hand on his chin,”Let it lie. Hopefully he got the message.”

  “I agree,” Miriam said.

  “Trust no one but ourselves,” Range said. The other two nodded.

  Range reached over and gave Miriam a hug,”I am glad you are safe.”

  “I was more worried about you,” she said.

  “I was fine.”

  Nicky sighed,”Ack! Enough with the love.”

  “Who was that behind us?” she asked.

  “Ask me at another time,” Range said.

  Miriam snuggled into Range’s massive frame.”What is to become of us, Range Ironstone?”

  He looked at Nicky. Uncertainty sat like stones in his friend’s eyes.

  “I do not know, wife,” he almost whispered.Nicky shook his head.

  Range held Miriam for a moment longer.He was uncertain what they were doing now.The foundation he had built for his family over years had been blown away in the matter of hours and his course was in doubt. Being chased by demons and running for your life was no way to raise a family. A child needs a secure place to grow up and a wife needs a husband to be her partner, not her protector.He would find some way to get rid of this Sword and get back to a regular life. He would make sure of it. With a final squeeze, he released Miriam.

  They moved back to where Sterlin was sitting, casually smoking his pipe.

  “We would like it if you would come with us.”

  “Wonderful,” he said, raising his pipe to the night sky.

  “I want to make sure you understand something,” Range said.

  “Uh, oh, what might that be?” Sterlin asked.

  “We may, at some point, face thieves or marauders on the road.I need to make certain I can count on you to assist if necessary.”

  “Not a problem.We will complement each other. It is much better for three men to travel together than one.”

  “Agreed,” Range said.

  He smiled and raised his pipe in a salute,”To new friends!”

  As the night progressed Sterlin never asked about who was hunting them or why.Range was relieved.

  Night came and the men were getting groggy.The children were fast asleep.

  Range assembled a makeshift tent onto the top of the wagon. The tent was big enough to fit two adults comfortably, but just.The children fit in with room to spare and it kept them off the ground. Miriam would sleep with the children on this journey; she and Range had already discussed it.He and Nicodemus would sleep under the wagon. Sterlin had his own small tent where he slept and had placed it in a tight copse of trees so it could not be seen from the road. He was cautious about little things and that made Range feel better.

  Miriam climbed up into the small tent, careful to avoid rousing the children. Range’s bed was made of two woolen blankets. The skies were clear, but the air was thick with moisture.He usually lay awake for a while and this night was no different.

  Range thought of Lucan’s murder.He was not certain if it was a sign from Ooln giving him warning to move out or if it was merely a chance occurring.He had to believe it was Ooln’s way of helping him and watching out for his family. Range was just about to fall asleep when he heard a scream. He shot up, sword in hand and banged his head on the bottom of the wagon.Were the demons back? The scream sounded like Zoë, and it came from above.He pulled the flap away and peered into the darkness. He could sense movement and some whimpering, but that was all.

  “Range, it’s all right. Zoë just had a bad dream.She’s fine now.I guess all that business today put a fear into her,” Miriam said.

  “She nearly caused my heart to fail!” Range whispered, although it was not necessary.Nicky and Sterlin were both moving about in the darkness.The moon was not coming out tonight, wispy clouds streamed by white stars.Range could smell rain on the wind.

  “Let’s all try to get some sleep,” Range offered.He gave Zoë a fatherly rub on the back. She touched his hand.

  “Thank you for coming to help, father,” she said with a wet nose.

  “That’s what I am here for sweetness,” he assured her and let the flap close.

  Range and Nicky returned to their places under the wagon. Sterlin bid them good night.The sun would be rising in about six hours and Range could feel the dampness in the air. A storm was definitely coming. He knew he would not get much sleep that night, but finally dozed off.



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