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Bellatrix: Swords of Chaos, Book One

Page 13

by Alex Cannon


  Range had a pebble in his shoe, it had been there for a while, but he had tried to ignore it.

  “We need to stop for a moment,” he said. Nicky turned toward him, Miriam stopped the wagon, and Sterlin pulled his horse up.

  “Is everything all right?” Sterlin asked.

  “Oh, fine, I just need to fetch this pebble out of my shoe. It is sending me out of my head.”

  Range leaned up against the wagon and pulled off his boot. Mel and Zoë took this as a break and hopped off the wagon to play.

  The rain had tapered off earlier and the sun was now shining.The warm light dried up the ground and warmed their skin. They had traveled all day and soon it would be dark. Sterlin told them about an inn ahead where they could spend the night.Range watched Sterlin as they traveled but could sense nothing suspicious about him.

  Range was beat. He had not walked all day like this in a long time. His feet ached, his calves cramped up on him routinely.He was a mess.Range knew Nicodemus had not journeyed either and must be at least twice as worn out.Nicky offered no complaints though.Miriam and the kids seemed to be doing okay in the wagon. She had walked a few times during the day to give both Nicodemus and Range a break.They were reluctant to stop, not knowing what pursued them. Range still had not shared the information with Miriam. He felt guilty, but he could not bring himself to add to her worries.

  “We will soon be at the Grazing Doe and be able to rest for the night,” assured Sterlin.”They have the coldest ale and the best meat.My mouth is watering just thinking about it.They use a sweet wood to cook their food,” he finished with relish, rubbing his stomach.

  “I certainly hope so.I could use a break from this walking, perhaps we can purchase a few more horses there to help speed up our trip,” Range said, rubbing his sore foot. He eyed the pebble that fell from his boot with a stern look.

  “I don’t know if they have horses there.Maybe we will find a few fine fillies to facilitate our fatigued feet.”Sterlin stopped and puffed himself up, clearly amused with his use of the language. Nicky looked at Range as if to say, where’d you get this guy?

  Range shook his head and shrugged.”Let’s be on with it.” He put his boot back on his tender foot.

  The area was extremely hilly. As he walked up each knoll, Range thought he would not make it another step and as he descended into each dell he was certain that he would lose his balance and go tumbling down in front of everyone.On the top of one rise, they could see the bend to the left where Sterlin said they would find the Grazing Doe.Range was glad it was downhill. He looked over to see how Nicky was doing.His friend was walking along, whistling a tune, carefree and loving life.Range wanted to strangle him.

  The Grazing Doe was a friendly-looking place. The building was two stories and tucked into the surrounding woods on the east side of the road.Built of tan bricks, the inn seemed to blend into the trees.Under the covered entry, two brass lamps burned. A polished double door with huge brass loop handles provided the only obvious way in.Smoke gently issued from the chimney while the sun still illuminated the second story with an orange light.As they approached the door, they could hear faint music, and the smell of cooking meat just about pushed them all out of their heads. Range saw a few other horses and wagons pulled up outside.As they came closer they could see a young boy sitting out front, whittling on a gnarled chunk of pine.

  The boy stood and walked toward them; wood and knife in hand. He was gangly, about fourteen, with fiery hair and freckles.

  “Hello folks, ya’ll need a room for the night?” He was affable enough, Range thought.

  Sterlin stepped his horse closer.”Why certainly young man, and some food and drink as well.”He pointed to the sky while speaking as if he were saying something of great importance.

  “Yes sir, we got two rooms available, and plenty of food and drink for you folks.” He eyed Zoë with a quick cut.She pretended to ignore him while trying to sneak a peek herself. Range would have to keep an eye on that boy tonight.

  “Well be about it, boy!We’re famished,” Sterlin said, dismounting.The boy spun and ran back into the inn.

  The children jumped from the wagon, and Miriam was helped by Range.The boy emerged from the inn momentarily and behind him was a smiling older gentleman with the same fiery hair.The man was as gaunt as the boy; he had ruddy cheeks and a warmness about him that exuded”innkeeper”. He had a dingy white towel thrown over his shoulder, and a brown apron around his waist.

  “Welcome to the Grazing Doe, my name’s Avor.Please come in and get settled. My son will see to your horses, and watch over them as well.”He motioned for them to follow him into the inn.

  Range paused at the thought of leaving their belongings to this complete stranger.

  “Range, it is fine, I have stayed here many times, and the people here are honest. You have no need to fear about your belongings.”Sterlin assured him. Nonetheless Range would be out here momentarily to fetch the Sword.Miriam gave him a squeeze as if to say, it will be all right. He did not like leaving the Sword out, unprotected.

  The inside of the Grazing Doe was just as friendly as the outside.The patrons were seated at large tables, talking quietly; the musician was playing An Ode to Dimities on his mandolin, a song loved in the south. Thanks to four oil-burning lamps placed around the walls, candles on the tables, and candles hanging above each of the tables, the room was well-lit. The innkeeper had placed polished pieces of metal directly above the lamps to reflect the light of the candles. Range was impressed by the innkeeper’s ingenuity. The walls were white-washed, and clean. The floor was also uncharacteristically clean as well.The inn smelled of sweet pipe smoke and meat.A large hearth burned warmly in the corner. Two men leaned against the mantle, sipping on tankards of ale.Avor seated them at a table meant for eight.Once they were seated he took their orders and scurried off to fetch their drinks. A woman and young girl were moving between the tables offering more ale and cleaning up. Range guessed they might be the innkeeper’s wife and daughter.Zoë leaned over the table toward Range and said,”Father, this place is much nicer than The Singing Elk back at home.

  Range smiled at her,”Yes it is, perhaps we should talk to Otto when we get back. See if he can make some improvements.What do you think, Mel?”

  Mel, always one for improvement offered,”Sure. That place is gross and smells like a hog’s house.”

  “I would keep that to myself if you ever run into Otto, Mel!” Nicky said.

  Mel nodded.

  Soon, Avor emerged from the kitchen with three ales, and three wines.He placed them on the table and asked everyone what they wanted to eat. The only meat he had was chicken and cow.The cow was two coppers, and the chicken was one.Range thought the prices high, but there was nowhere else.They ordered, paid, and Avor scurried back off to the kitchen, stuffing the coins into his vest.

  The other customers appeared to be travelers as well. Most were fairly decent looking and kept their conversations comfortably low.Range saw a few rough-looking men sitting by the fireplace laughing.He knew he would need to hire a few men like them to assist on the trip, but was not sure how to go about it. Did he just go and ask?How much?How did he know which one to trust?

  One man was sitting by himself nursing a tankard and did not appear to be with the other group of men. His clothing was black and a wooden staff, tall as a man, and big around as a child’s wrist, leaned against the wall next to him. His hood covered his face and his sleeves came to the wrists. The man looked strong, wide in the shoulders and—if his tunic did not lie—very well muscled.The man’s eyes floated around the room from under his hood and at length landed on Range.He gave Range a small nod. Range nodded back, politely.The eyes were nothing more than glitters in the shadows of his hood.

  Avor served up steaks which were cooked to perfection and tasted slightly sweet. The chicken was juicy and tender.Mel and Zoë laughed and giggled during the entire meal.Miriam was quiet; she leaned silently against Range, putting
her head on his shoulder.He softly caressed the side of her face. She was exhausted. Zoë and Mel asked if they could request a song from the mandolin player, Range said it was okay.

  “Father, will we really be sleeping here tonight?” Zoë asked.

  “We will,” Range said. Miriam put her arm around Range.

  “Wow! We’ve never stayed anywhere away from home like this before!” she said as she approached the musician.

  Range smiled and nodded.”You should be thankful, and give a prayer to Ooln tonight.”

  “Yes, sir. I will be happy to pray about this.” Mel grabbed her and pulled her with him.

  “Range, they said they only have two rooms open,” Nicodemus said.”How do we want to divide the group?”

  “Let me see the rooms. I am ready to head up and get some rest, how about the rest of you?”Range asked.

  “I could sleep for a month,” Miriam moaned.

  “I think that a night’s rest would do us all some good,” Nicodemus said.

  “Aye, I would like to see our room and—” Sterlin never finished his sentence.

  A fight broke out on the far side of the room between two of the rough looking men.Zoë and Mel were to close and Range could see they were about to have the wrestling men on top of them.

  “Range—” Miriam began.

  Range said nothing, but began pushing past tables and patrons to get to the children before they were hurt.The two men were stumbling around heedless of any bystanders. The rest of their crowd was cheering them on.Mel and Zoë unwittingly backed into a corner to avoid the fighting men.

  As the two men continued their tussle, they moved toward the children and the hooded figure in the corner.The man sat calmly watching.

  Without warning, the man in the hood was up, around the two men, and behind them so quickly, he was nothing more than a blur. He struck both men from behind. As they turned to face their attacker, he dropped quickly to one knee and punched each in their midsection. The man moved so fast Range was unsure he had seen it until both men dropped forward in a pile. One punch had taken the wind out of the men. Range stared in disbelief and respect.

  The man gathered up his staff and pack and made his way upstairs.The entire inn was watching him in silence.Range went over to collect the fearful children.They hugged him as he walked them back to their table.Once there, they both sat next to their mother who put her arms around them like a bird protecting her nest.

  Nicky leaned forward with excitement and glee in his eyes.”Range, did you see that? Ooln’s beard! What a schooling we just received. Range! Range? Did you see that? Incredible!” He sat back looking at the ceiling with his arms crossed over his stomach, whispering things about how great of a fighter that man was.

  The brawlers’ colleagues helped them up. They appeared just as stunned as Range and his table.

  Range nodded.”That was impressive. He took both of those men with one punch each.Never have I witnessed such skill.He moved faster than a striking snake.”

  Sterlin laughed.”The Master Jahvel himself would have been hard pressed to defend that.” They all agreed.

  “I think we’ve had enough excitement for one day,” Range said.

  “I want to see where our room is, and then take a night time stroll,” Sterlin said pulling out his pipe.

  Avor led them upstairs to their rooms.The rooms held two beds each. Range and his family took one room, Nicodemus and Sterlin, the other.

  When they got into their room, Miriam said,”Range I need some overnight things from the wagon.”He nodded, knowing exactly what she meant. Get the Sword.

  Range made his way to the stairs where he met Sterlin going out for a walk.

  The night air had a crispness to it that said winter was not far off.The pale moonlight of the waxing moon lit up the night with a glow.Sterlin bade Range goodnight and made his way toward a small river flowing behind the inn.Range walked to the wagon and once there began searching.He had pulled out the hidden Sword and was digging for Miriam’s things when he felt the prick of a knife at his neck.

  He stood up, slowly.

  “Mister, you ought not be going through other peoples stuff,” came a voice.

  Range grabbed the wrist holding the knife, pulling it away from his throat before the person holding it was able to think.

  It was the innkeeper’s boy.

  “What are you doing here boy?” Range asked.

  “I’m watching over these wagons— Oh! I apologize sir. I didn’t realize it was you!I’m ever so sorry. I was just protectin’ the wagons. Honest!”

  “Well, you’re doing a fine job…Say, what’s your name?”

  “Kip, sir.”

  “Kip? That’s an odd name.”

  “It’s short for Folkipal. Folkipal is my given name, but I like Kip better.”

  Range smiled. If his name were something as repellent as Folkipal he would use Kip, too.”Well, Kip, keep up the watch.” Range reached into his pocket and fished out a silver coin, flipping it to the boy.

  “Thanks!” Kip said, grinning.

  “Just keep a sharp eye on our wagon tonight,” Range said.

  “Will do.”

  Range made his way back up to the room and hid the gray bundle containing Bellatrix under his bed.

  The children were already asleep, Miriam whispered quietly in his ear,”I am so exhausted, I may sleep for a week.”

  He gave her a hug and a kiss on the lips.”Me too.”

  “Did you tie the guy line on the back part of the wagon?” she asked.

  “Did you hang my sword up? How many years have I had that wagon?” he asked.

  “Three. And yes I did, it’s on the hook by the window.”

  “So don’t you think I know by now to tie the guy line back?”

  She patted him on the shoulder,”Just making sure, dear.”

  Women. Sometimes he wondered if she considered that she had three children instead of two. He was just grumpy.

  They removed their outer clothes and washed up with water from the basin.Miriam snuggled down in the bed and was asleep before Range was done washing.He blew out the lamp and stretched toward the ceiling, his aching bones and muscles screaming to him. His legs felt like stones.He would need to rub them deeply before sleeping or would face horrible cramps the next day.

  The room was stuffy. He decided to open the window, which was locked by a simple hook and eye mechanism.

  As his hand was about to flip the latch, he paused.

  The window was on the second story on the north side of the inn. The cool blue moonlight bounced up from the road.

  In the covered stable area a dark form on a horse was moving back and forth between the wagons, searching. The figure stopped and Range could not make out the head. Was it turned toward him? Looking? He involuntarily shivered. The horseman began moving slowly again. Range stepped back from the window and watched from the side.He saw a strange flicker of light in the distance, moving in the direction from the river.It was a glowing orange light bobbing through the air, regularly glowing bright, and then ebbing again into a smolder.

  Sterlin was coming back from his walk by the river.

  Range’s throat clenched.Sterlin was walking toward the rider.He grabbed his fighting sword from the hook on the wall and made for the door.

  “Father?” came a quiet voice from the children’s bed.

  He stopped.”Yes?” he whispered back.

  “Where are you going with your sword?” It was Zoë.

  “Outside.” He quickly moved back toward the window.

  Sterlin was still moving in the direction of the inn.

  Range made for the door.”Go back to sleep, daughter.”

  He jerked it open, ran down the stairs, and out the front door. The night air was cool on his naked arms.

  Range turned toward the stables and moved around the inn where he could hopefully see Sterlin. He was in the shadow of the building and soundless so as not to alert the horseman
.He was glad he had not taken off his boots.He saw a small copse of trees and made a dash for it, feeling the weight of the moonlight on his back as he went.He crept to where Sterlin was supposed to be, but could not find him.

  Range cast about, trying to get his bearings. Was he turned around? Finally he located the stables and could still see the horseman creeping around. His own heart beat in his ears. Where was Kip?He hoped the boy was all right.

  He squinted in the dark. He was under the small copse of trees, and could see nothing in the blue moonlight.

  Someone grabbed his shoulder and spun him about. He tried to bring his sword up to defend or attack, but didn’t have enough room to jerk it free.

  “Shh,” Sterlin whispered.”There is someone over there poking around in our stuff!”

  Range nodded.”I saw him. That is the reason I came out here to warn you.”

  “Range, I can take care of myself, I would have seen him long before he spotted me.No reason to worry.”Sterlin seemed amused by Range’s concern.

  Range exhaled, whether in anger or relief he didn’t know.

  “Where is the boy?” Sterlin asked.

  “I don’t know.”

  “He disappeared after you went back in,” Sterlin said, leaning on Range.

  “We need to get back to our room,” Range said.

  “What about our stuff? I don’t want to let him steal things,” Sterlin said.

  “Let us go inside and get Nicky and then we will confront him,” Range said. Thoughts of demons and Osaban priests still lurked in his head.

  “He’s just one man, both of us should be able to take him,” Sterlin said.

  “Agreed, but he may not be alone,” Range said.

  Sterlin nodded,”Let’s go around the left side of the inn.”

  “Yes. Away from the horseman.”

  They crept around the left side of the inn, quietly, barely able to stay out of the view of the horseman who appeared to be more interested in the wagons than his surroundings. Range thought that odd. If you were going to steal something then you had better be watching your back. The moonlight was brightly bouncing off of the building. Range was impressed with how effortlessly Sterlin made his way without making a noise. He was as quiet as the moon above.

  They reached the edge of the inn and Range peered around the front to make certain they could get in without being spotted. Darkness looked back. The wooden awning shaded the porch of the inn.Range could not tell if someone was standing under the awning. He stood and stared, not moving a muscle, letting his eyes adjust to every nuance of the darkness. Sterlin tapped him hard on the shoulder. Range spun around to see two other figures creeping in their direction.

  He saw Sterlin slide his short sword silently from his sheath. Range still held his broadsword in his hand.

  “There is obviously more than one,” Sterlin examined.

  “Obviously,” Range agreed, angrily. That’s why the thief was not watching his back, his men were.

  The two figures engaged Sterlin and Range as effortlessly as water flowing down a hill. Range was an excellent swordsman, but found he battled someone equal to him, or better. He was not certain of Sterlin’s skill, but hoped he was good enough to defeat the shadow or at least hold his own. Range was impressed by the calm outward demeanor of his adversary.

  Their clanging swords brought the horseman, and when he saw the battle fully engaged he dismounted and joined the struggle.Range and Sterlin were barely handling their own opponents, but with the third man, they were completely outclassed. Range battled like he never had before. If these men were facing a normal opponent, they would have already killed him, but Range was well trained. Range parried one sword as another clipped his arm and drew blood. He stepped back in surprise and when he did, lost his balance and fell backwards. His opponents were on him instantly. He blocked their attack for a moment, but they were above him hacking away. He looked over at Sterlin hoping for some assistance, but Sterlin was doing all he could to hold his own. That glance cost him as Range caught another blow to the forearm, drawing blood and stinging viciously.He rolled to get up, but was instantly surrounded by the two men hacking at him like a piece of meat.He was sliced in a number of places, but none were lethal.Range was getting tired, and knew the fight would not last much longer.

  These had to be Sicari, assassins of the night. Range had never fought anyone this skilled. A sliver of a thought squirmed into his head: these could have been the same men who killed Lucan. They were now hunting him or Nicky.

  One sword blow came down, and if he had not moved his head in the last second, he would have been headless. One of his attackers struck at Range driving his sword toward the dirt and pinning it, while the other raised his sword to strike.Range knew this was it—he was about to die.The swordsman brought his sword down with a slight grunt. Range closed his eyes and braced for the killing blow. He heard a thunk of metal on something and knew it must be his flesh. Did they sever something? He was afraid to look, but did.

  Above him the Sicari’s sword was embedded in a round staff of wood.

  Suddenly the staff lifted and the sword flew out of the Sicari’s hands.Range did everything he could to hold down the sword of his opponent, but he was not leveraged to do so.He looked up and saw the hooded stranger moving in on the second Sicari.Range’s opponent, clearly considered the stranger more of a threat and moved to engage him.

  Range took the opportunity to catch his breath.He saw the stranger whip the staff about in a blur of motion, striking the Sicari a number of times, finally knocking him to the ground. The stranger flipped the staff one last time and whacked the man so hard against the side of his head Range heard a loud crack as the Sicari fell like a sack of rocks. During the attack the stranger’s hood fell back onto his shoulders.

  He was bald, except for a topknot of dark hair stretching down into his hood. His jaw was strong and face sharp, his lips and nose were straight lines, the only hair on his face were a set of thick, solid eyebrows.

  A Zmarly.

  Range wondered what a Zmarly was doing this deep in the land.

  Range and his opponent both had been half fighting and half watching the other melee, but now that it was over they battled ardently again.Range took one step backwards and, as if planned, his opponent was met full in the face with a staff, knocking out several of his teeth, and flattening his nose with a squish.

  Before Range could say anything, the stranger moved toward Sterlin who was failing fast. Range wondered where Sterlin learned his skill with the sword. If they were fighting Sicari then Sterlin had to be good with steel.Otherwise he would already be dead.

  The Zmarly approached the last Sicari and began to pummel him with the staff. The Sicari ducked and blocked with his sword, but he was clearly no match for the Zmarly with his lightning-quick staff. Range was impressed the Sicari stayed with it as long as he did. The Zmarly ducked from a swing of the sword and spun, knocking the legs out from the Sicari with his staff. The Sicari rolled back up, but was met with hickory in the face. He too crumpled. The Zmarly man stepped back and bowed slightly to his opponents then turned toward Range and leaned against his pole.

  Range couldn’t believe it. The man had just beaten all their assailants, by himself, and was not breathing heavily or even sweating.The moon was over his back, so Range could not see the man’s face. He wondered if this man would come with them. He needed someone like this to help protect his family.

  “Thank you,” Range said.

  “I will go now,” the Zmarly said, as he bowed, and turned to leave.

  “Wait!” Range cried.

  The Zmarly turned back. He paused for a second as if picking his answer. Finally,”Yes.”

  “We find that we are in dire need of a good pair of fists to assist us,” Range was hoping the stranger would say yes. He was looking for a good man to help him get him to Romus, and so far this one had proven himself more than Range could have imagined.

  The strang
er seemed to ponder this for a moment.”I am currently traveling north. Where are you headed?”

  “We are headed to Romus,” Range said.

  The stranger nodded and leaned on his staff again.”Are you being chased or followed? When I happen upon someone battling Sicari, I tend to be cautious.”

  Range stood for a moment, his face hidden from the moonlight.”Yes, we are being pursued. We believe these Sicari were part of a bigger group that is following us. I am not sure what they want.We are traveling to inform a friend’s family of his murder.”

  The Zmarly seemed to consider this for a moment and then apparently reached a decision.”The Sicari are a dangerous adversary to have. Stealth is their greatest weapon. I will accompany you, but I am also searching for someone and may need to leave you to hunt.”

  Range could not believe that Ooln had delivered such a strong ally. He offered a quick prayer of thanks to Ooln.”Thank you for agreeing to come with us. We are in your debt. Oh, and please forgive my rudeness. I am Range Ironstone, and this is my traveling companion, Sterlin Similow.”

  “I am Rolin Zavatla.”

  Sterlin chirped up,”Are you Zmarly?” Range thought Sterlin must appear to be a dolt.

  Rolin turned toward Sterlin.”Yes. Is that a problem?”Range certainly hoped it was not. If given a choice between Sterlin and Rolin, he would certainly take the Zmarly.

  “Oh, no. I was just noticing that you were far, far away from your home country.”

  Rolin nodded, but offered no more.Range wondered what the man was thinking.He did not know much about the Zmarly. As long as this man could fight, he didn’t need to.

  Range noticed the uncomfortable silence,”Well then, we shall meet in the morning.”

  “Are you in need of any other assistance besides myself?” Rolin asked.

  Did this man have traveling companions? Other Zmarly possibly?If it were a group of Zmarly, his family would certainly be safe.

  “Perhaps. We were planning to hire some help.”

  “I met a man last night. He seemed upright and was looking for work. I cannot vouch for his skills though. I just thought I would mention it.”

  “Certainly, thank you. Perhaps I could speak with him in the morning.”

  “I will tell him.”

  “Thank you.”

  “We should dispose of these bodies,” Rolin said.

  “They aren’t going anywhere by themselves,” Sterlin quipped.

  “We need to keep their deaths a secret. Their party will find out soon enough they are missing,” Range said.

  The three men dragged the Sicari to a small dip in the ground beside the stream. They covered the bodies up with tree branches and leaves, and then made their way back to the inn.Range and Sterlin returned to Nicky’s room.Nicodemus was asleep, but woke as they entered. Sterlin lit a lamp.

  “Wha-What happened!” alarm shot across his face as he noticed their bloody clothes.

  “Calm down, I will explain what happened,” Range offered, as Sterlin removed his shirt to wash his wounds.He had taken quite a few deep cuts to his upper arms and one stab in the muscle of his shoulder.

  Range explained to Nicodemus what had transpired and that they needed to depart at first light.

  Nicodemus was indignant!”How dare you have a pitched battle without me? I cannot believe you would go down there and attack Sicari without my assistance! Damn it! I cannot believe there was a battle just outside my door and I missed it!”

  “My apologies, I did not mean to keep you from your precious battle. I had few seconds with which to react. The Sicari attacked before we could come to get you.”

  Sterlin finished washing up and dressed his wounds with cloths from his satchel.

  “Thank you for the concern.If you didn’t come I would have certainly been in a jam.I was aware of the one, but not the other two. I am in your debt, Range Ironstone.” Sterlin said.

  “I only hope that if you find me in such a situation, you would help me to,” Range said.

  “Count on it,” Sterlin said, placing his fist to his chest in a salute.

  Nicodemus calmed down,”So what do we do now?This Rolin, he is a Zmarly?”

  “Yes,” Range said, as he stood and stripped off his shirt. He was cut all over. Blood had dried in numerous places; he would have to scrub to get it off.

  “Wow! No wonder he was such a fantastic fighter!They are supposed to be the best in the land.He put those Sicari to shame. Ooln’s beard! With him on our side who will stand against us?” Nicky said.

  Range grunted as he cleaned his wounds. The water in the washbasin was black. He scrubbed some of the dried blood and cringed as the washcloth reopened the wounds.

  “What about the other fellow? What do you think about him?” Nicky inquired.

  “I do not know, we will see in the morning. We’ll definitely need another person on our trip, maybe we can get all of them now,” Range said.

  “I must go back to Miriam, how do I look?”Range had placed his shirt back on and there were cuts, dirt, and bloodstains all over it.

  “Miriam will flip her cap, if she sees you like that. Too bad none of my shirts fit you,” Nicky said.

  “You are a big man, Ironstone,” Sterlin said.

  Range shook his head.”I will remove my shirt then and go in with my bandages on. Perhaps that will not alarm her.”

  “Do that, I want to get some sleep,” Nicodemus said, lying back. He was still mumbling about missing the fight.

  Sterlin was getting heavy eyed, obviously coming down from his adrenaline rush,”Range Ironstone, you are a rare person.”

  Range shrugged and left the room.

  Miriam was asleep and so were both of the children. Range slipped on a fresh shirt and lay down next to Miriam; she did not stir. Good.

  The bed was neither long enough nor wide enough for both of them.He had to lie on his side while fishing for some of the blanket.The room had cooled, and after his semi-bath he was chilled.The blanket was threadbare, but better than nothing. He pulled it over his frame, but it did not cover him completely. He sighed and left it there. His wounds began to throb and ache. He had a terrible headache.

  He quickly slipped into a fitful sleep, dreams of Sicari chasing his family waking him throughout the night.


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