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Away Game: A Bully MM Romance (Willow Bay Book 1)

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by Harlow Layne

  Away Game


  Harlow Layne


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  The plan was to move away and never look back.

  Get away from him, out from under my father’s disapproving stare, and start a new life in Willow Bay.

  It was supposed to be my fresh start, but instead my past followed me.

  The one thing I desired and couldn’t have.

  Weston Jackson.

  I hated how he made me feel things that I couldn’t give into without turning my world upside down.

  I wanted to make him pay.

  For the way my father now looked at me. For the way I saw myself.

  But most of all… for wanting him the way I did.


  1. Fin

  2. Fin

  3. Fin

  4. Fin

  5. West

  6. West

  7. Fin

  8. West

  9. Fin

  10. West

  11. Fin

  12. West

  13. Fin

  14. West

  15. Fin

  16. West

  17. Fin

  18. West

  19. Fin

  20. Fin

  21. West

  22. Fin

  23. West

  24. Fin

  25. Fin

  26. West


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  About Harlow

  Also by Harlow Layne

  AWAY GAME by Harlow Layne

  Copyright © 2020 by Harlow Layne. All rights reserved.

  ISBN-13: 978-1-950044-11-5 (Ebook Edition)

  ISBN-13: 978-1-950044-13-9 (Paperback Edition)

  Edited by: Your Editing Lounge - Editor: Kristen

  Proofreading: The Editing Ninja

  Cover Design: Najla Qamber Designs

  Photographer: CJC Photography

  Model: Eric Guilmette

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Manufactured in the United States of America.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the products of the author’s imagination or are use fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, companies, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  love is love is love



  “Let me make you feel better,” Candy said with her annoyingly high-pitched voice as she started to undo my belt. Luckily, she was good at giving head, or I would have pushed her to the ground and left her outside in the cold.

  I had no idea why I’d let her talk me into going outside with her. I’d rather be anywhere but here. I should have been at Oz’s house drowning my sorrows with the team, but I stopped by the diner on the way there to grab a bite to eat and ran into Candy.

  She slowly slid my zipper down as if being purposely slow was going to help my mood or the thickening of my cock. Weaving my fingers through her hair, I gripped hard and pulled her head back until she was looking up at me with her shocked Bambi eyes.

  “If you’re going to do it, then fucking do it.”

  A flash of annoyance sparked in her eyes, but just as quickly, it was gone. Instead of retorting, Candy pulled my semi out of my boxer briefs and wrapped her lips around the head. Her soft, tiny hands gripped my shaft and started to move up and down, first slowly and then faster as she practiced her lollipop sucking skills.

  The back door of the diner swung open and slammed against the wall, making Candy suck harder. She moaned deep in her throat, sounding like a porn star. I wasn’t sure if it was because she got off on the thought of getting caught or if she was trying to hurry me along.

  Either way, I didn’t care.

  I let my body relax against the wall as I watched someone step outside and move toward the dumpster.

  He spotted us at the same time I recognized who it was.

  Weston Fucking Jackson.

  The fucking asshole who intercepted my pass at the game earlier tonight and won the fucking championship for his team, Central Valley.

  My rival team.

  Why wasn’t he out partying? And why the fuck did I care?

  I watched him as Candy took my now hard as steel cock down her throat and bobbed her head up and down.

  West’s grip on the bag of trash he was holding loosened until it rested on the ground of the parking lot, forgotten. His eyes never wavered as Candy put her skills to use.

  Even from a distance, I swore I could see his lust-filled eyes pinned on me, and I didn’t think it had anything to do with the blonde down on her knees sucking me off.

  As if my dick had him under a trance, West silently and slowly moved closer. With my heavily lidded eyes, I could see the thick bulge in his pants when he stopped a few feet away.

  Candy swirled her tongue around my mushroomed head and flicked along the vein that ran underneath, causing my head to lean back.

  Even with my head tilted back, I kept my eyes on the voyeur in front of me. I couldn’t look away as his hands twitched at his sides as if he was holding himself back from pleasuring himself while he watched our show.

  When one of Candy’s hands moved down behind my balls, I let out a deep moan and slammed my cock down her throat. I couldn’t help but close my eyes as pleasure took over my body. West’s face flashed before me. Making me tighten my fingers in her hair as I fucked her face until I came down her throat.

  Once every last drop was spilled, I pulled my throbbing erection out of her mouth and tucked it into my jeans.

  Candy’s mouth hadn’t sated me in the slightest. I was more wound up now than I was when she brought me out here and promised me a good time, and it had everything to do with the mocha-skinned, green-eyed man staring at me from only a few feet away.

  I cleared my throat, and it seemed to break him out of his hypnotic state. West stumbled back a few steps before he caught himself. With his head hung low, he picked up the bag of trash and made his way over to the dumpster.

  “Oh my god, was he watching us the whole time?” Candy shrieked and curled her body around my side.

  The movement repulsed me, but I didn’t push her away like I wanted to. My entire focus was on West and the way his muscular body moved as he hurried away like he just stumbled upon a crime scene.

  There were no words to describe what I would do to him. I was going to annihilate him if I ever saw him again.

  There was no reason to see him now that football season was over with. Come July, I’d be gone and living in Willow Bay, and I didn’t plan on ever looking back.

  For now, I’d use my words to destroy him. “That’s right fag, scurry away like the little bitch you are,” I shouted as he quickly walked from the dumpster to the back door. I didn’t think he’d have the nerve to look back at me, but I was wrong. West turned to look over his shoulder, hurt evident in his eyes before he ducked inside.

  For a brief second, I felt bad, but just as quickly, a smirk spread across my face.

  If he knew what was best for him, West Jackson would steer clear of me.



  Pulling up outside my best friend’s house, I honke
d the horn and waited for everyone to come out. Oz’s mom opened the door, and when she saw my Range Rover waiting, she smiled and started to come outside when Oz, Danica, and her best friend, Lo, pushed past her. Their mom followed behind them and came to my door as they threw their bags into the back of my car. I rolled my window down and gave her my best winning smile.

  “How are you today, Mrs. Francisco?”

  “I’m fine, Fin. I’m still not sure how I let you all talk me into letting you guys head up the mountain for a week with no adult supervision.”

  She had no idea the amount of debauchery we were about to get into. “You can’t look out for them forever. In a few short months, we’ll be away at college and—”

  “I know. I know, but I’ll still worry about all of you. You included Fin,” she interrupted. “You’re not as bad as you pretend to be.” If she only knew. “Will you do me a favor, Fin?”

  “Anything for you, Mrs. Francisco.” I meant it. Their mom treated me better than mine ever had.

  “Don’t get into too much trouble.”

  I flashed her a smile as both Oz and Danica came around and hugged her.

  “Have fun and text me when you get there, so I know you’re safe.”

  “We will,” they said at the same time. Something they did quite frequently being twins. They even looked alike except for being of different sexes. They both had hair the color of wheat and blue eyes. Danica was a few inches shorter than her brother, but she was tall for a girl. She was the tallest in our school. Being athletes, they had strong, lean bodies from their sports.

  Seeing how happy of a family they were always made me feel bittersweet, and it was bittersweet hanging out with them. While I loved seeing how happy the Francisco’s were, it always reminded me of what I long ago stopped wishing for with my own family.

  Growing up, all my dad ever cared about was his success. Having a successful career with an overflowing bank account. Owning the biggest house, first on our street, then in our town. The prettiest wife—thank you to Dr. Durgeuss, a world-renowned plastic surgeon. And last on the list, the perfect athletic son.

  I can’t remember a time when my father told me he loved me or was proud of me. He never came to my games until our state championship game. It wasn’t until we were about to make a name for ourselves that he showed up. Even though he never came to any of my games, he always seemed to know when or if I fucked up in a game.

  He had this favorite quote by Jackie Mason he liked to recite to anyone he could get to listen to the shit he spewed. “Money is not the most important thing in the world. Love is. Fortunately, I love money.” He thought he was so fucking witty when he used this in his toasts, and of course, all the suck-ups always laughed, no matter how many times they heard it.

  I hated that bastard.

  As for my mother, I internally sighed at the thought of her. She was loyal to my father, followed his every command, and fetched anything he needed. In return, he kept her in yearly appointments with her favorite surgeon, Dr. Durgeuss, daily shopping trips to the chicest boutiques, and perfectly groomed at the finest spas.

  Where was I in the mix?

  At the very bottom, written in pencil.

  Once everyone piled into the car and clicked their seatbelts, I pulled out of their driveway and hit the road. It would take us a couple of hours to make it to my parents’ house at Lake Arrowhead, and I was ready to get away from all the bullshit of Santa Lucia.

  Danica and Lo were already whispering in the backseat and giggling as I parked outside the diner and waited for a couple of other cars to arrive so they could follow.

  Dean’s white Volvo pulled into the spot next to mine, and a second later, his window rolled down. A lazy smile stretched across his face. “Dude, why haven’t we been up to your house before?”

  “Because I didn’t want the lot of you trashing my house,” I growled, letting him hear the threat in my voice. If he fucked up my house, I would kick his ass, and that would only be the start.

  “But we can now?” Dean asked, seeming oblivious to my threat. Narrowing my eyes at him, I ground out a definitive no. “Cool, man, I’ll make sure it’s all good.”

  Oz cracked up from beside me in the passenger seat. Turning to look at him, I shook my head. “I don’t know why you wanted him to come.”

  “Because he’s the pussy whisperer. Where he goes, they follow.”

  We both laughed at that. “Since when do we need his help getting girls?” We didn’t, so it made no sense. I didn’t know why I let him convince me to invite others, except Oz promised an epic party. “What does he have on you?”

  The backseat got quiet at my question.

  “It doesn’t matter. I’ve got it under control,” Oz said quietly, making me think he didn’t know what he was doing.

  “You better. I don’t want to have to kick your ass because you invited that fucker and a bunch of stupid girls.”

  Oz rolled his eyes as another car pulled up filled with said girls. “You won’t care when you’re fucking a different girl every night. You won’t even have to leave the house.”

  If he only knew.

  “Maybe I like to hunt my prey.”

  “Oh my god, he’s such an ass,” Lo said from the back seat. I didn’t think she meant for me to hear, but either way, I didn’t care. I was an asshole.

  “That’s Fin,” Danica said in her sweet voice. “But trust me, he can be… nice, once you get to know him and if he likes you.”

  I turned to look at her over the seat. “I’m nice to you because you’re like a little sister to me, but you,” I trained my gaze on her little friend, “I don’t know you, so do your best to stay out of my way, and I won’t fuck with you.”

  She nodded meekly. Lo wasn’t a bad girl, but I also knew she could be trouble, and she didn’t even know it. I’d seen the way Oz looked at her when he thought no one was looking. I’d become a master of hiding, and I knew what to look for.

  Putting my SUV in reverse, I gave Dean a nod and then didn’t look back.

  “This week is going to be epic. I can’t wait to hit the slopes and the ladies,” Oz waggled his eyebrows like an idiot.

  We both knew that wasn’t going to happen unless he was trying to fool himself with the fact that he didn’t want to fuck his sister’s best friend.

  Two and a half hours and two pit stops later, we pulled up to the gated driveway of my parents’ house. After putting in my mother’s birthdate as the code, the gate slowly slid open, and I drove us up to the house. Thick trees surrounded three sides of the cabin with the lake as the backdrop, making it look like the prime place to be featured in a horror movie.

  “This is where we’re staying?” Lo whispered.

  “It’s pretty sweet, huh?” Oz smiled at her, but it quickly dimmed.

  Oz was the most laid-back guy I knew. I wondered all the time why he put up with my ass, but I didn’t question him. It didn’t take me long to figure out why his smile dropped. Walking on the other side of the road was Weston Jackson. What the hell was he doing here? I knew his family didn’t have the kind of money it took for him to have a house here.

  “What the fuck is he doing here? Did he come to ruin our vacation?” I growled out as I watched him until he disappeared.

  “He’s actually very nice,” Lo said quietly with a tinge of fear in her voice.

  “How do you know? Have you fucked him?”

  “West? No.” She busted out laughing. Was she laughing at me? My eyes narrowed on her, and Lo instantly stopped. “West is gay. Although if he wasn’t, I definitely wouldn’t mind him being my boyfriend. He’s so sweet and hot.” She fanned herself as she looked around at her audience and then halted. “Well, he is. My family goes to the diner for breakfast every Sunday morning before church. We sit in his section since it has the best view, and like I said, he’s sweet. And I’m shutting up now.” She clamped her mouth shut and looked around the car as if it was the most interesting thing she’d ever seen. />
  “Yeah, maybe we should find our rooms and let Fin have some alone time.” Danica rolled her lips as if to keep from laughing.

  “You two can go home now if you’d like. I don’t need your shit. I came to get away from—”

  “They were just kidding, Fin. Damn, you need to chill out. You either need to hit the slopes or go get laid to work out some of this pent-up aggression.”

  There was no way in hell I was going to calm down. Not until I knew why West was here and how soon I could get him off my mountain.

  “Let’s get inside before everyone else,” I snapped. Again, why had I let Oz convince me to let others come?

  Everyone was silent as we grabbed our luggage and left our gear in the back since the closest place to ski was half an hour from us. Oz, being the nice guy he was, helped the girls with their stuff, and they toted it along behind them as they went to pick out their bedrooms. I went in the opposite direction and headed to the master suite. I keyed in the code for the room, thankful no one would be able to come inside unless they were with me, and set my bag in the closet before I stood in front of the floor to ceiling windows that looked out onto the lake. There was only an inch or so of snow on the ground, but I knew there’d be more in a couple of days. A storm was moving in, which would provide some awesome skiing while we were here.


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