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Away Game: A Bully MM Romance (Willow Bay Book 1)

Page 18

by Harlow Layne

  “True.” I shrugged with a smile.

  West looked around and then asked. “Where the hell are you taking us?”

  “To a restaurant about twenty minutes from here.”

  “You surprise me sometimes.” I could hear the smile in his voice, which made me happy. Even though I could be an asshole, West deserved to have someone, even if that person was me, treat him nice.

  “Good, I like keeping you on your toes. Plus, I wanted to go somewhere nicer than what Willow Bay has to offer.” Our town was limited to only bar food and barbecue, and there was only so much I could eat of it before I got tired of it.



  “I thought you’d pick someplace within driving distance for us to go to, not that we’d fly,” Fin squeezed his eyes closed as our plane took off.

  “Well, I thought this weekend deserved something special, and there wasn’t any place nice around us except LA, and while I like LA, it’s nothing new.”

  Placing his hand over mine, West leaned in so only I could hear him. “Fin, you don’t need to spend money on me or take me on fancy trips. I’m happy holing up in one of our rooms and spending time together.”

  “Me too, but I wanted this to be special so let me try.”

  “This is my first time on a plane,” he confessed.

  “Well, I’m glad I was with you for your first time. Are you nervous?” I asked, even though I knew he was. I just couldn’t determine how nervous he was.

  “Not now that we’re in the air and we didn’t crash immediately after taking off. Ask me when we’re landing.” Despite his words, West still sounded anxious.

  Reaching over, I gave his hand a squeeze. “You can always hold my hand if it makes you feel better.”

  “I might take you up on it.” West flashed me an uneasy smile with his eyes trained on the window.

  “Did you want the window seat? I’ll trade you if you want.”

  His eyes came back to me and then to the window again. “No,” he drew the word out. “I’m okay where I am.”

  “Let me know if you change your mind.” I checked the time on my watch. “It looks like we’ll be able to make our dinner reservation.”

  “Is dinner a surprise as well?”

  I felt like I had to give him something, and I hadn’t planned of keeping everything a huge surprise, but damn, was it fun. “It’s called Waterfront restaurant.”

  “Going by the name, I’m guessing it’s by the waterfront.”

  Smiling, I tapped my nose. “You guessed it. I haven’t been, but I’ve seen it a couple of times when I was there, and it looked nice.”

  “I’ll take your word on it since I’ve never been to San Francisco.”

  My eyes widened. “Really?”

  West shrugged, his eyes trained on the seat in front of him. “It’s an expensive city.”

  Before then, I hadn’t thought about how much the weekend would cost, but now I was starting to get nervous West might balk at the hotel and restaurant when he saw them. At least I could hide the price of the hotel, but there was no way to get a menu without prices.

  After a few moments of silence, he asked. “Are you nervous?”

  “No, why?” West’s gaze drifted down toward the seat in front of me. When I looked, I was shocked to see my leg bouncing. Pressing the heel of my foot into the floor, I tried to keep my leg from moving.

  “What’s that about?” He placed his hand on my knee with a grin.

  “Not what you’re thinking. It’s about the whole weekend in general,” I admitted. Lying now would be futile.

  “There’s no reason to be nervous. It’s just you and me. I don’t expect anything but your time.”

  I flashed him a smile and hoped he wouldn’t get upset later.

  “So I was thinking maybe next year we should rent a house near campus with a couple of the guys if Coach is okay with it.” Rolling my head his way, I wasn’t sure what expression I had on my face. I was in shock and disbelief that West wanted to live with me. “Unless you don’t want to,” he stammered out.

  “I’m surprised you want to, that’s all.” Did West want to live elsewhere in case I got hurt again, and this time I couldn’t live in the starting team’s house?

  “You might not like this, but even though we haven’t said anything, I think the guys know you and I are a couple. I thought maybe if we didn’t have a house full of our team members living with us, you’d be more comfortable.” He bit his bottom lip between his perfectly straight white teeth that had never required braces because Weston Jackson was that perfect.

  “What guys?” I asked, looking away from his mouth.

  “Our guys, Ford and Ridley. Who did you think I meant?”

  I shrugged because, for a brief second, I internally freaked out, thinking something entirely different from what he meant. “The entire team.”

  West’s green eyes softened into the lightest of greens as his pinky linked with mine. “Would you really care if they all knew? If everyone knew?”

  “I know you don’t want to hear it, and I hate to say it, but I’m not ready for the world to know.” Inside I cringed at how that sounded. “You know it’s not because of you, right? It’s all me.”

  “I know, and I hate it for you. How would you feel if the guys knew? I mean, they’ll definitely figure it out if we all live together.”

  “The thought of Ford and Ridley knowing doesn’t scare me like I thought it would before Oz knew,” I admitted.

  “And Oz took it just like he would if you had a girlfriend,” West smiled at me happily.

  “Actually, I think if it had been a girl, Oz would have given me shit since I haven’t had the best track record with girls.”

  “It’s good it was me then since I’m so perfect.” I knew West was only joking, but I really did think he was perfect. He was quite possibly the most level-headed person I knew, and he had the best heart a person could ask for. He’d definitely made me into some lovesick fool. It made me want to gag at how sappy I became when I thought about him.

  Hours later, after we’d checked into our suite and had the most amazing dinner, I came out of the bathroom and found West in bed with the sheet down around his waist. His trim abs were on display, making me want to lick every ridge and then move down to the promised land.

  “Lose the towel and get over here,” West demanded. He normally let me take control, but I liked it when he showed his dominant side.

  With a flick of my wrist, my towel slid to the floor, and then I was stalking to the bed like a man on a mission.

  “Keep looking at me like that, and I won’t need any foreplay,” West growled at me as he flung the sheet back, revealing his naked body. His hand was slowly stroking his already erect length.

  Placing my knee on the bed, I crawled up, running my hands up his muscular thighs until I reached his hips and gripped them tightly. I knew he wanted my mouth on his cock, but first, I wanted him to know how I felt before we took this next step. If I waited until later, it would seem like I was only saying the words because of what we’d done and not because of my real feelings for him.

  Straddling his waist, I nipped up his neck and along his jaw until I reached his plump, pink lips. I smiled down at him before I rested our foreheads together and looked deep into his light green eyes. Suddenly I became nervous, thinking maybe West wouldn’t feel the same way I did about him.

  Skimming both hands up my sides, West cupped my smooth, freshly shaven cheek, giving me the courage I needed to speak. Damn, this man made me feel both weak and strong in the same moment with only a touch.

  “I wanted us to have this weekend, so I could show you what you mean to me. I know I haven’t been the easiest to deal with. I’m probably one of the worst people you’ll ever encounter.” West opened his mouth, and I knew he’d probably refute my claim, but I knew it was true. I covered his mouth with my finger and hushed him. “You’ve opened my eyes and my heart in ways I never knew possible. I don’
t know how you’ve put up with my sorry ass, and I definitely don’t know what I did to deserve you; but know this, I’m never going to let you go.” Brushing my lips to his, I breathed against them. “I love you, West Jackson.”

  Green eyes glittered back at me with happiness. His grip moved to the nape of my neck and held firm. “You’ve been lodged deep in my soul even when I wanted to hate you. My life would have been so much easier if I could have hated you, but I couldn’t, no matter how hard I tried. I felt like a masochist letting you continue to torture me and keep coming back, but you’ve had my heart for longer than I want to admit.” He gulped but then gave me a dazzling smile. “I love you too.”

  “Good,” I said against his lips before I took his mouth in a searing kiss, hoping to lay an invisible claim on him. The way his tongue moved against mine, West seemed to have the same idea as me. At that very moment, I felt like nothing could break us apart as we dueled for dominance, each unwilling to give in.

  Breaking away, I slowly started to leave open mouth kisses down his neck and over to the flat disc of one of his nipples. Nipping and laving it with my tongue, I pinched the other between my fingers until West started to grind his erection against my ass.

  “More.” He moaned as if in pain.

  Knowing what he needed, I kept moving south, past the black hair of his treasure trail until I reached the base of his cock. I evilly grinned up at him from my vantage point. I couldn’t wait to drive him wild with want.

  Reaching over, I grabbed the lube West had placed on the bed and coated my fingers thoroughly.

  My mouth worked his length as two fingers slid inside and pumped in and out of his tight hole. I couldn’t wait to sink my cock in and watch as he took every inch of me.

  I loved the way his hips surged when he wanted more. The sounds he made as I drove him wild, and the way his muscles flexed. I never thought giving a blowjob could feel so powerful until West slid his length into my mouth for the first time.

  “Oh, fuck,” he moaned, pulling on my hair and holding me in place to take him further down my throat.

  Pumping faster, I moved my other hand to cup his balls as he swelled in my mouth.

  “I’m…” He trailed off as I swirled my tongue around his tip and sucked hard. Hot liquid shot down my throat as I milked him of his pleasure. When he was done, I licked the tip and then around my mouth before I grabbed the bottle of lube again.

  “Are you ready for more? Because I’m dying to be inside you,” I said as I stroked my dick.

  Pouring a generous amount of lube on my cock, I made sure to coat myself before I swiped my fingers around his hole, letting one finger penetrate. The sounds West made had my dick ache to be inside of him.

  West wrapped his long fingers around my shaft and pulled me closer with a wicked grin on his handsome face. “I want to feel your thick cock slide into me inch by inch.”

  Placing both my hands on his knees, I pushed his legs up and out to wedge my body in between his. I let West guide me until my tip was pressed to his hole.

  “Fuck me, Fin. Own every inch of me.”

  Hell, yes! Nothing sounded better.

  Slowly, I breached his tight ass. With each inch, the pressure on my cock had me ready to detonate at any second. “Oh God, I’m not sure how long I’m going to last,” I moaned and closed my eyes when I bottomed out.

  West’s large hand clasped my bicep and dug his blunt nails into my skin. When I looked down at him, his jaw was tense as he held himself back. “I need you to move now,” he gritted out.

  Slowly, I started to ease in and out. “I can’t hold back any longer,” I moaned as I quicken my pace.

  West was already hard again and started stroking himself. Fucking hell, it was hot as fuck. He was what had been missing in my life all these years.

  “West,” I growled his name from deep in my chest. “This feels too fucking good.”

  “Fuck me harder,” he gritted out.

  There was no way I was going to deny his request when it was what we both wanted. Our skin slapping together was hot as fuck. Seeing West underneath me, his face contorted in pleasure, and my cock slipping in and out of his tight hole did me in. I couldn’t hold back any longer. Bracing myself above him, my body jerked as I came longer and harder than I ever had in my existence.

  “Oh fuck,” West groaned, throwing his head back in ecstasy as ropes of his hot cum coated his stomach.

  Leaning down, I brushed my mouth against West’s before I gently pulled out and rolled to the side. I’d never snuggled a day in my life, but when West moved over to put his head on my shoulder and draped his leg over mine, it was the most natural thing in the world. I wanted him close after what we’d just shared. His sweat and cum combined with my own sweat fused us together as he nuzzled his face into the side of my neck.

  “Are you okay?” he asked after a few moments of silence.

  Looking down at him, his green eyes met mine. “Shouldn’t I be asking you that after the pounding I just gave your ass?”

  “I guess I was worried about nothing.” He smirked up at me.

  “If it makes you feel any better, I was worried I wouldn’t like it, or I’d suck at it, and you’d dump my ass.”

  “I might still dump you if you continue to try and pull shit on me like you did today. I meant what I said, Fin. You don’t need to spend money on me. The only thing I want is you and your time.”

  “What if I promise to talk to you first? I didn’t do it to upset you. I was only thinking of making the weekend memorable. We were stuck studying for a test instead of being able to do anything for Valentine’s Day.”

  “In truth, I was surprised you even knew the day existed.” West rolled his lips to keep from laughing.

  He wasn’t wrong. I probably wouldn’t have known if it wasn’t for one of the guys in the house yelling at his girlfriend on the phone about it. Plus, I was using it as an excuse for this weekend, along with celebrating the news of Alpha Mu going down. When we got back to Willow Bay, they’d be moved out and living who knew where.

  “I can be a decent boyfriend when I put my mind to it,” I chuckled as I rolled West over and started to kiss down his body. “Let me prove it to you.”

  “I like the sound of that,” he moaned as my fist wrapped around his length.

  “Knowing you after being here like this with you, I think we should live alone. I don’t want anyone hearing us go at it,” West thrust up into my hand.

  I wasn’t so sure Coach would let us have our own house just so we could fuck in private, but I knew one thing. Every second I thought about it, I love the idea more and more.

  And I planned to show him just how much I liked the idea.



  “How was your last final?” Fin asked, leaning in to sneak a kiss.

  I spooned the marinara over the chicken and noodles for our dinner. Fin had a late final, and I thought I’d surprise him with dinner. He’d studied his ass off to have a four-point zero grade point average in the hopes of getting a scholarship next semester. Fin was trying to distance himself away from his family as much as possible, and that included money. I was proud of him. He even planned to get a job this summer to make some money for himself.

  “Let’s just say I’m happy it’s over, and I don’t have to look at another book for a few months.”

  “So you got a hundred percent.” I wasn’t sure if it was a statement or a question. “Come on, you studied more than me and knew that shit frontwards and backwards.”

  Fin grabbed our plates and walked to the dining room with them. He sat down and stared at his food.

  Sitting down our drinks, I asked. “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine.”

  “Something’s bothering you,” I said in a light voice, trying to coax him into speaking to me.

  “When I got out of class, there was a call from my dad. He hasn’t called me since I got out of the hospital.” He shrugged and forked up a bite o
f noodles. “I’ve got a bad feeling.”

  “Why?” I furrowed my brows and placed my hand over his bouncing knee. He really was worried. “You’re going to get the scholarship, we’ve got a house for next year, and you’ve got a job lined up. You’re free of him.”

  “Then why doesn’t it feel like it?” His black eyes met mine with worry. “Why did he call?”

  “Maybe he finally grew a heart and was calling to check on you?” I tried to assure him, but going by the look on his face, I could tell I was doing a piss-poor job of it. “What can I do to make you forget about him?”

  A slow smirk started across his face. “How about a blowjob?”

  “Before or after we eat?”

  He looked down at our plates and back at me again. “I’d hate for all your hard work to go to waste. Let’s wait until after dinner.” Fin dug into his dinner as if it was his last meal on the planet.

  “What’s the point of waiting if you’re going to shovel your food in your mouth so fast you can’t even taste it?” I laughed. He was five bites to my one.

  “I’ll try to slow down,” he said around another bite of food.

  While Fin did slow down some, he still finished in a record time. Standing, he took my hand and pulled me from the table.

  “What about my dinner? Don’t I get to finish?” I easily let him pull me up the steps. If I could please my man and get him in a better frame of mind, I was happy to do so. Especially if I was also on the receiving end of his mouth. Glancing over his shoulder at me, Fin looked conflicted, so I set his mind at ease. “I’m good. I can heat it up later. Now, where to, your room or mine?”

  “Yours,” I answered as he took a left toward his room. The moment we stepped into the room, I pushed Fin down onto the bed and went to my knees as I started to slowly undo the fly of his jeans as I pulled my dick out.

  “What are you doing?” he asked huskily, his hips in the air as I removed his jeans. “Remove your damn clothes. I’m putting my mouth on you too.”


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