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How Sweet It Is

Page 23

by Robin Lee Hatcher

  The breeze picked up, and for a moment he would have sworn he heard her laughter.

  Smiling sadly, he closed the Bible. “I told the Lord that I trusted Him to guide my steps and to help me when I’m stopped and feel stuck. Like now. I asked Him to help me serve Him where I am today, even in my old age, even with my infirmities, and not to be impatient about where I want to be tomorrow.”

  There’d been many times during the past few months when Andrew had wished God would take him home to heaven. Asked Him to. Begged Him to. Without Helen at his side, it seemed that some of the light had gone out of the world, despite all his many blessings. But this morning, as he’d read God’s Word, he’d felt the Lord quickening his spirit. He’d seemed to hear God reminding him that as long as Andrew drew breath, the Lord had a purpose for him.

  Life was sweet. A gift. One not to be squandered or wished away. There had been pain in his life. There had been unhappiness. There would be more pain in his future. He would go on missing Helen. He would still feel that a part of him had been ripped away. But always, always, there would be a purpose. He would learn to rest in that knowledge, for as many breaths as the good Lord chose to give him. And when it was his time to step into his forever home, he prayed that what he would leave behind would be, first and foremost, a legacy of faith.

  Chapter 28

  Four months later . . .

  Holly stood near the cake table in the church’s fellowship hall, watching as wedding guests spilled into the room soon after the bride and groom, along with the maid of honor and best man, had taken their places for the reception line. It was a small affair, as weddings went, but an eagerly awaited and happy one. Holly had observed the exchange of vows between Chris and Willow and had seen them kiss moments before she’d hurried to the hall to be certain all was in place.

  Trixie, her volunteer assistant, stepped through the kitchen doorway and stopped at Holly’s side. “The cake is beautiful, sis. Almost as beautiful as the one you made for my wedding.”

  “Thanks.” She smiled at the compliment, but her gaze had shifted to the best man. Jed looked incredibly handsome in his dark suit and sky-blue shirt.

  “Down!” a familiar voice demanded.

  She turned her head in time to see AJ wriggle free of his grandmother’s grasp and dash through the guests to his parents. Chris picked up the boy and balanced him on his hip while he continued to shake hands and smile while accepting congratulations.

  “Will they be happy, do you think?” Trixie asked.

  Holly’s throat grew tight with emotion, making it hard to answer. She blinked back tears as she nodded.

  Yes, if they trust God in every circumstance. Yes, if they trust each other, even in the really hard times. Yes, if they put each other first when what they want to be is selfish. Yes, if they stick like glue.

  Once more her gaze went to Jed. He’d stuck to her like glue, even in the moments she’d tried to push him away. She found him looking at her now, a smile on his lips. No more guests were in the line. He said something to his brother, then strode across the hall toward Holly.

  “I’ll check on something in the kitchen,” Trixie said before leaving Holly’s side.

  Jed stopped a couple of feet away from her. “Well, they did it.”

  “They did it.”

  He motioned with his head but didn’t look at Chris. “I’m proud of him. He’s worked hard to prove himself.”

  “God’s worked hard in him.”

  “And in me.” He leaned forward, bringing his forehead close to hers, their gazes locked.

  She saw the love in his eyes, and joy swirled inside of her.

  His smile widening, he stepped to her side, turned, and put an arm around her shoulders. “The whole family is here. Every Andrew Henning descendant still living made it to the wedding. Bless them.”

  “And all of Willow’s family is here too.” Holly looked at the small group of women who’d been with Willow at Lighthouse in the spring and throughout the summer. They stood together, talking and laughing, rejoicing for and with their friend.

  Jed nudged her with his elbow. “Mom and Dad seem to be getting along.”

  She saw his parents, standing together, talking. Whether or not they would reconcile was still in question, but at least Gloria Henning didn’t seem completely opposed to the idea, as she once had.

  “With Laffriot’s offices relocated to Boise,” Jed continued, “and both Chris and me here, I think Mom will move back to Idaho too.”

  “I don’t want to burst your bubble, Jed Henning, but if your mom moves to Idaho, it will have more to do with a little guy named AJ than with you or your brother. You two would be a bonus, but that’s all.”

  He laughed in agreement.

  “What about your dad? Will he follow her?”

  “The odds are good. He can relocate his business wherever he wants.”

  Over the summer, Holly had come to know and love Jed’s parents, as well as his brother and extended family. She loved them almost as much as she loved Jed himself. And as he’d helped her work through her financial problems and eventually the sale of Sweet Caroline’s to Zachary Holmes, she’d discovered countless more reasons for the love she felt for him. Jed was steadfast and devoted. He wasn’t afraid to say when he was wrong or reluctant to ask for forgiveness. When he saw a need for change, he made the change happen, whether in business or in himself. His quirky sense of humor surprised her, and his tenderness made her putty in his hands. Trusting him now came as easily to her as dreaming up confections for her new bakery, Sweet Somethings Cake Studio.

  Jed leaned his head close to hers again. “Looking at all this reminds me of something Grandpa Andrew marked in his Bible. ‘The steps of a man are established by the Lord, and He delights in his way. When he falls, he will not be hurled headlong, because the Lord is the One who holds his hand.’ If Chris hadn’t taken off and come to Boise, if I hadn’t followed him here, none of this would have happened. At least not this way.” His arm drew her closer to his side. “I only wanted to find my brother and knock some sense into him, but God knew the real reason I needed to be here. He established my steps and brought me straight to you.”

  “Don’t do that. You’ll make me cry.” But her protest was too late to stop the tears.

  “God knew that, too, my love,” he said softly, a hint of laughter in his voice.

  “How sweet it is to be loved by you.” The music and lyrics of the old song played in her heart, happiness flowing through her, and she leaned into Jed, able to trust in tomorrow because she knew the One who had established their steps.

  A Note from the Author

  Dear Friend,

  It was a bittersweet moment when I wrote the last line of How Sweet It Is because that was also the last line in the Legacy of Faith series. Saying farewell to Andrew Henning, his wife, his children, and his descendants was even more difficult than I’d imagined it would be. I’ve come to love them all so much, and their stories will linger with me for a long time to come.

  The Henning farm was inspired by the forty acres owned by my maternal grandparents and later my aunt and uncle. Andrew’s Bible was inspired by the one given to my grandmother by my grandfather during WWII. And the idea for the legacy of faith series was inspired by all of the notes, dates, and underlining I’ve done in my personal Bible (the one I’ve used for nearly twenty-five years). I hope and pray that those notes, those lessons learned, will mean something to my own descendants after I’m gone, the same way Andrew’s notes meant something to Jessica (Who I Am with You), Ben (Cross My Heart), and Jed (How Sweet It Is).

  Following a single character and his family through the Great Depression, World War II, and into the tumultuous sixties over the course of three books was a new experience for me as a writer. An experience that I dearly loved. I hope you felt the same way about it.

  By the time you read this note in the back of How Sweet It Is, I will have been hard at work for months on another book or even
two. If you want to stay up-to-date on what’s new and what’s coming, I hope you’ll sign up for my e-newsletter on my website ( From my website, you can also find me on social media, where I love to interact with readers.

  Until next time, many blessings to you,

  Robin Lee Hatcher

  Discussion Questions

  Which character in How Sweet It Is did you most relate to and why?

  Jed blamed his brother (and in some part, his father) for the troubles Laffriot was facing. Was he able to see his own part in those troubles? Are you able to see all sides of a difficult situation when it comes your way?

  Holly was struggling financially because of a business she didn’t want to own. She was also struggling emotionally because trust had been broken. Which of these struggles was actually the most difficult for her to overcome? Are internal struggles harder for you or are external ones?

  Despite her emotional struggles, Holly continued to give of herself to others. Are you involved with the community around you, whether through your church or through other charitable organizations? Are you able to give of your time even when you can’t give financially?

  Jed let work become his whole life while other matters of importance slipped away (his Christian walk, his relationships with family and friends). Have you ever done something similar? How did you bring your life back into balance?

  As Andrew grew older, he began to question his purpose in life. Have you experienced something similar? How were you able to find your purpose again? Or how can you help someone else if they are struggling with it?

  Andrew experiences the loss of his lifelong spouse in this book. What did you think of the way he dealt with her death, both as her death approached and afterward? Did you learn anything from his experience?

  Andrew’s Bible became a source of comfort and instruction for Jed (and Jed’s cousins in the previous books). Do you write in your Bible? What will your descendants find therein to encourage them, even after you’re gone?


  First and foremost, my thanks goes to my Savior who has walked me through so many of life’s challenges, teaching me along the way, so that I have something worthwhile to write about.

  Thanks to the amazing fiction team at HarperCollins Christian Publishing. You are the best.

  Thanks to my editors, Jocelyn Bailey and Leslie Peterson. I would be completely lost without you. It’s such a privilege to work with you.

  Thanks to my sisters in Christ and of the heart who gather together each summer to plot, pray, and play. Your love and prayers have carried me again and again over the years. You’re terrific brainstormers, but even more, your legacies of faith have guided and encouraged me.

  Finally, thanks to my readers. I read every email you send, every post you leave on social media. Your kind encouragements make a difference every single day. Thank you for being a part of my life through my fiction.

  About the Author

  Robin Lee Hatcher is the author of over eighty novels and novellas with over five million copies of her books in print. She is known for her heartwarming and emotionally charged stories of faith, courage, and love. Her numerous accolades include the RITA Award, the Carol Award, the Christy Award, the HOLT Medallion, the National Reader’s Choice Award, and the Faith, Hope & Love Reader’s Choice Award. Robin is also the recipient of prestigious Lifetime Achievement Awards from both American Christian Fiction Writers and Romance Writers of America. When not writing, she enjoys being with her family, spending time in the beautiful Idaho outdoors, Bible art journaling, reading books that make her cry, watching romantic movies, and decorative planning. Robin makes her home on the outskirts of Boise, sharing it with a demanding papillon dog and a persnickety tuxedo cat.

  Acclaim for Robin Lee Hatcher

  “In Cross My Heart, book two of her Legacy of Faith series, author Robin Lee Hatcher continues to delve into the powerful influence of a spiritual family heritage. She weaves together two touching stories that examine life choices and their consequences. Utilizing a dual-time plot set against World War II and present day, Hatcher writes with realism and compassion about how hope and healing can grow from our deepest wounds.”

  —Beth K. Vogt, Christy Award–winning author

  “Hatcher (Who I Am with You) continues her chronicle of the Henning family in the powerful second installment of her Legacy of Faith series . . . This touching story of forgiveness and redemption will appeal to fans of Colleen Coble.”

  —Publishers Weekly on Cross My Heart

  “Robin Lee Hatcher tells the story of two people dealing with addiction in their lives in Cross My Heart . . . This is a good romance that deals with some very tough issues that happen all the time now.”

  —Parkersburg News & Sentinel

  “As usual, Hatcher is an auto-buy for all library collections.”

  —Library Journal on Cross My Heart

  “In this seamless time-slip novel, Hatcher provides inspiration in each character’s growing relationship with the Lord and prompts readers to reflect on their own journey. This story of loss and redemption is sure to win the hearts of contemporary and historic romance fans alike.”

  —Hope by the Book on Who I Am with You

  “This [is] a lovely story of love and loss and forgiveness.”

  —The Parkersburg News & Sentinel on Who I Am with You

  “Bestselling inspirational romance star Hatcher weaves a story of love and identity lost and found . . . The characters are authentic, the butterflies of anticipation are persistent, and the protagonists’ deferred attraction is thrillingly palpable; you cannot help but hold your breath until they realize it too.”

  —Booklist review on Who I Am with You

  “Hatcher’s moving novel is rich in healing and hope and realistically portrays the tough introspection that sometimes comes with being hurt.”

  —Publishers Weekly on Who I Am with You

  “Tender and heartwarming, Robin Lee Hatcher’s Who I Am with You is a faith-filled story about the power of forgiveness, second chances, and unconditional love. A true delight for lovers of romantic inspirational fiction, this story will not only make you swoon, it will remind you of God’s goodness and grace.”

  —Courtney Walsh, New York Times and USA TODAY bestselling author

  “Whenever I want to fall in love again, I pick up a Robin Lee Hatcher novel.”

  —Francine Rivers, New York Times bestselling author

  “Hatcher’s richly layered novels pull me in like a warm embrace, and I never want to leave. I own and love every one of this master storyteller’s novels. Highly recommended!”

  —Colleen Coble, USA TODAY bestselling author

  “Engaging and humorous, Hatcher’s storytelling will warm readers’ hearts . . . A wonderfully delightful read.”

  —RT Book Reviews, 4 stars, on You’re Gonna Love Me

  “Hatcher has written a contemporary romance novel that is a heartwarming story about love, faith, regret, and second chances.”

  —CBA Market on You’re Gonna Love Me

  “Hatcher (Another Chance to Love You) creates a joyous, faith-infused tale of recovery and reconciliation.”

  —Publishers Weekly on You’re Gonna Love Me

  “You’re Gonna Love Me nourished my spirit as I read about a hero and heroine with realistic struggles, human responses, and honest growth. Robin Lee Hatcher makes me truly want to drive to Idaho and mingle with the locals.”

  —Hannah Alexander, author of The Wedding Kiss

  “I didn’t think You’ll Think of Me, the first book in Robin Lee Hatcher’s Thunder Creek, Idaho, series, could be beat. But she did it again . . . This second chance story will melt your heart and serve as a parable for finding redemption through life’s lessons and God’s grace. Thunder Creek will always hold a special place in my heart.”

  —Lenora Worth, author of Her Lakeside Family, on You’re Gonna Love Me

  “With two strong,
genuine characters that readers will feel compassion for and a heartwarming modern‐day plot that inspires, Hatcher’s romance is a wonderfully satisfying read.”

  —RT Book Reviews, 4 stars, on You’ll Think of Me

  “A heart-warming story of love, acceptance, and challenge. Highly recommended.”

  —CBA Market on You’ll Think of Me

  “You’ll Think of Me is like a vacation to a small town in Idaho where the present collides with the past and it’s not clear which will win. The shadows of the past threaten to trap Brooklyn in the past. Can she break free into the freedom to love and find love? The story kept me coming back for just one more page. A perfect read for those who love a romance that is much more as it explores important themes.”

  —Cara Putman, award-winning author of Shadowed by Grace and Beyond Justice

  “Hatcher is able to unravel emotions within her characters so brilliantly that we sense the transformation taking place within ourselves . . . Readers will relish the warmth of . . . the ranchland.”

  —RT Book Reviews on Keeper of the Stars

  “Hatcher fans will be left smiling and eagerly awaiting her next novel.”

  —CBA Retailers + Resources on Keeper of the Stars

  “True to the contemporary romance genre, Robin Lee Hatcher’s Keeper of the Stars will satisfy romance fans and give them a joy ride as they travel the road of pain and forgiveness to reach the happily-ever-after.”

  —BookTalk at Fiction 411

  “Robin Lee Hatcher weaves a romance with heart that grabs readers and won’t let go. Whenever You Come Around pulled me in from the get-go. Charity Anderson, a beautiful, successful author with a deadline and a painful secret, runs into Buck Malone, a handsome, confirmed-bachelor cowboy from her past, and he needs her help. I was captivated, and I guarantee you’ll be rooting for them too.”


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