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Winter Rising: an Urban Fantasy Novel (Coldharbour Chronicles Book 1)

Page 8

by Richard Amos

  I still wasn’t ready for this conversation. “It’s complicated.” I lowered my head.

  “You’ve really been through something, babe,” she said. “You don’t have to talk about it right now. Just know that I’m sorry, whatever it is.”

  “That’s really sweet,” I said. “Thanks.”

  “Dean will step in if a situation occurs,” Karla said. “Do not worry.”

  “I will,” Dean said, striding into the room. “Nice spread.” He plonked down next to me.

  I squirmed in my seat a little. Bloody hell, there was seriously something wrong with me. I grabbed some bacon and some warm bread, slapping on butter and brown sauce.

  “Did you hear all of our conversation?” Karla asked.

  “Yep,” Dean said, pouring some tea. “And it’ll be fine, Jake. Don’t worry.”

  I shoved the bacon sarnie in my mouth, taking too big a bite. The butter and sauce burst out, dripping down my chin, my hands, and some hit my jumper. For God’s sake!

  Naomi chuckled. “Hungry, babe?”

  I chewed, blushing, dumping the sandwich down to grab a paper towel in an attempt to lamely clean myself up. I was never this messy an eater.

  At that moment, Greg came in and sat down opposite me. “Morning,” he said.

  “How’d it go?” Naomi asked.

  “Sorry,” he said, turning to me. “I couldn’t find it. But I did swing by the cave. It’s sealed up. Nothing getting in or out of there. I put some runes down anyway.”

  “Thanks for looking,” I said. “I should’ve gone with you.”

  “Ah, what are guardians for?”

  I snorted at that. Prat. The blushing came back.

  That set Naomi off into a fit of giggles.

  “Oh, dear,” Karla said.

  I laughed too. Felt good to do so. Dean leaned closer to me, a mass of buzzing energy next to me. A shudder went through me. “Could you pass the sausage, please?”

  Blushing time … again! After everything, with all this new stuff in my life to come to grips with, I still acted like this? Just because he had that husky baritone didn’t mean I had to get all swoony and silly over a non-existing double entendre. I grabbed the plate of sausages and slammed them down a little too hard.

  “Thanks,” he said.

  A frown creased my forehead. “I have a question. Why did you take me to the hospital? Wasn’t that asking for it a bit?”

  “We panicked,” Naomi said. “You were having seizures and foaming at the mouth. Sorry, after all our prep, we should’ve been better.”

  I think I might have caused offense. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to be a twat about it. Question came out wrong.”

  “No worries,” she said, sipping her coffee.

  “Foaming at the mouth? Really?”

  “Was pretty fucked up,” Greg said.

  Karla cleared her throat. “Jake, I want to put this to you now, while we’re all here.”

  “What’s that?”

  She took a moment to answer. “About living here.”


  “I think it would be for the best. In fact, I must insist on this. The mansion is the safest place for you, one where we can all be together and work through this.”

  So, the choice was the hotel I wouldn’t be able to afford for many more nights or living in a mansion. “What’s the rent?”

  Greg chuckled. “Same question I asked back in the day.”

  “I do not require rent,” Karla said. “This will be your home and base. Naomi and Greg live here, as you probably know, and Dean will too.”

  “A step up from the shithole I left behind,” Dean said.

  Thank God none of these guys recognized me. I’d been everywhere for a short time, saturating the magazine covers, my career taking off four years ago.

  “Shit will get heavy,” Greg said. “The word spreading.”

  “And I’ll face it.” My calling. This was my calling. Not the modelling and the brief star that’d burned out, not being a drugged-out mess. No, this was it … and killing the fucking white eye guy. Revenge and save the city.

  No pressure. No bloody pressure.

  Chapter 12

  We all sat at the dining table long after Mr. Douglas had cleared everything away.

  Naomi had a notepad out with a blue, sparkly pen in hand, jotting stuff down. “I want to explain the beast hierarchy.”

  I folded my arms, leaning forward.

  “There are four levels of beast—Lesser, Gentry, Regal and Supreme. We stopped a Supreme beast, a terrible empress known as Lilisian. Obviously, she isn’t dead, but she hasn’t made herself known again yet, and we stopped her plan to break open the facility.”

  “Doesn’t sound good. What happened to her body?”

  “Broken and cursed, but we can’t do anything about her—the soul, essence, whatever you want to call it.”

  It made me think of the golden jewel in the place of fog. “I deal with that.”

  “Exactly. What you encountered last night was a Lesser, a scavenger that cannot hide its beast form. It is Gentry and Regal level beasts that can do that, and have many tricks up their sleeves to hide themselves from our charms. Supremes, of which we only know about Lilisian, are even more dangerous. They’ll figure out a way to interact with you without setting your sparks off. It’ll be interesting to see if they can. Regal beasts are particularly slippery, as are Gentry to a lesser extent.” She sighed. “I wish there was a way we could go beyond our limitations to prevent any harm to the residents of Coldharbour. Tough lesson we’ve had to learn.”

  People being hurt going about their lives, that wasn’t right. My bones seemed to rattle at the injustice of it. I had to stay calm. “How do I break this curse?”

  “We do not know,” Karla said. “However, we will figure it out.”

  “What about my other … powers? The shield thing? The green energy that seemed to heal me?”

  “You will just have to see how things go, Jake. I cannot answer that.”

  “Oh. Well, they’re handy powers, I guess.” I rubbed my chin. “So, do you keep a record of the beasts?”

  “Yes, in hardcopy and as an app which Naomi has designed? We keep the hardcopy in the vaults. This is a reference to recorded beasts and their abilities as they are discovered, as well as their level. We update it accordingly.”

  Naomi came over with her phone and opened the app—a blue swirl logo.

  “You really like blue, don’t you?”

  “I do, babe.”

  Dean was leaning over her shoulder.

  “I have designed our own mobile network,” she added. “Unlimited data—thanks to magic.”

  “You’re awesome.”

  “Nah, just love this stuff.”

  The app opened and brought up a menu. The words ‘scroll’, ‘search’, and ‘add new’ were on the screen.

  “So you can scroll through,” she said, demonstrating. All manner of weird things came up, including some humans. “Some like the human form. The Gentry and Regal can shape-shift.”


  “I know.” She clicked back and tapped the search button. “You can find what you’re looking for by typing in a description, if the beast’s been recorded. Watch this.” She typed hyena and hit go. It brought up an image of the hyena creature, with a list of its physical attributes and hierarchal status: a scavenger that will work for any above it—very much a slave to the will of a master.

  A master like the purple-haired woman? “Can I search something, please?”

  She handed me the phone. I tried purple hair. “Nothing.”

  “We’ll get some data on her,” she said.

  I handed back the phone. “How did you get all this working so good?”

  “Magic,” she said and threw me a wink, “and tech working well together.”

  “Again,” I said.

  “If you give me your phone, I’ll connect you to the network. You too, Dean.”

  I hande
d her my phone. Dean did the same.

  “Thanks,” she said. “Give me a few minutes, and I’ll have it all good to go.”

  “I have been pondering this issue with that purple-haired woman and the man with the white eye,” Karla said. “I can come up with nothing.”

  “That gives the white eye guy more in the danger stakes,” I said. “He knows too much. Does he even want me dead?”

  “I’d say it’s a goal,” Naomi added.

  “How did he get out and in?” Karla wondered. “I just cannot figure it out. He isn’t a beast because we know for a fact they cannot leave, except to their own realm. Ah, yes.” She cleared her throat. “Jake, the beast realm, which is joined onto us, is accessible to them via their gates, which sit in the industrial quarter.”


  “We have runes there which record crossings every day. In three years, we have been unable to seal or close those gates. We are hoping you will.” She didn’t say anymore.

  After a minute, I turned to Dean. “How’s things for you in your new job away from that prison?”

  “Better than being stuck there. Shame about Wendy, though.”

  “Was she … fae?”

  “Witch,” he said.

  “She was killed by a beast,” Karla said. “Her lungs were ripped from her body.”

  “Fuck.” I started chewing my nails. This really was some serious shit, the more and more I thought about it.

  “Beast hasn’t been found,” Dean said.

  “Good it can’t leave Coldharbour,” I said.

  “That’s why you’re so handy to have around.” He winked at me.

  Greg cleared his throat. “If you were wondering about my owning a car garage, consider this the mystery solved.” He changed the subject. “We have our lives as well as being guardians, to keep up the act. Naomi owns a candle shop.”

  “I was actually thinking about that!”

  “Great minds,” Greg said.

  I smiled, but it didn’t last long. Her lungs! Her fucking lungs! That was messed up. God, there was so much to discover, to see. My stomach churned.

  “Training,” Karla said, as if giving out a reminder.

  “What about it?” I asked.

  “Gotta make sure we can run as well as fight,” Greg said. “You especially, mate.”

  “Not my favorite pastime,” Naomi added. “I’m a coach potato trapped in the body of a woman who can do high-kicks. Oh, and magic.”

  “That was awesome what you did last night,” I said.

  “Cheers, babe.”

  “You will remain here for four weeks,” Karla said. “No more than that. But I cannot allow you out there straight away. Greg has an intense training program planned. After four weeks, we cannot spend any more time with you ensconced in here.”

  Four weeks in this place? “I have to say, this thing inside me has given my body a supernatural boost. Well, at least I think so. Plus, I’ve been working out pretty hardcore for the past year.”

  “It is not enough on its own. You can still be killed and will be a target.”

  “Yeah, don’t remind me.”

  “I’ll also help you with some weapons training,” Greg said. “Knowledge from back in the day. Always did that sort of stuff with my dad.”

  “So, you’re the Rambo of the group.”

  He chuckled. “Think Dean might give me a run for my money on that.”

  Dean said nothing.

  “Yeah, but Naomi has the potions and the gadgets,” I said. “Kind of makes her Batman—she can deliver a smack down and turn you into a rabbit.”

  “I love that! Naomi is Batman!”

  Naomi rolled her eyes, laughing. “Now you’ve done it, Jake.”

  “But it’s true!”

  Greg started singing the old Batman theme song.

  “Shut up, you prat,” she said. “Have you called Crystal?”

  Greg promptly shut up. “You have to kill the buzz?”

  “Don’t make me turn your dick into an acorn,” she said. “I’ve told you before, don’t mess her around.”

  “Yeah, yeah.”


  “We’re just having fun. That’s all. She knows that.”

  “Who’s Crystal?” I asked.

  Greg shook his head. “Don’t get on my back about it, Nay. We’re doing our thing.”

  She sighed. “I know it’s none of my business, but she’s my friend.”

  “And I’m not?”

  “Course you are. But … Oh, let’s just drop it.”

  Dean looked at me and shrugged. I gave him a weak smile in response.

  “Moving on,” Karla said. “We must all focus, but you must also be a part of the city, to live your lives as you have done.” She stood up. “If anyone needs me, I will be in my study.” She was off, moving with such grace across a room she couldn’t see.

  “Don’t you need to go to work?” I asked Greg.

  “Na. I’ve got Nick covering the garage today. He’s an amazing fella who I want to live forever. He practically runs the place by himself now.”

  An hour later, I stood panting in a pair of baggy shorts and a vest. The gym was impressive with all its equipment and mat space, as well as some gymnastic stuff—including a pommel horse. Dean was going at it on the punch bag over in the far corner of the room.

  Naomi was flat on her back, catching her breath. Greg had put us through some intense cardio, a routine he said he’d just put together, which he’d dressed up as a loosening up routine. He was hunched over, hands on the tops of his thighs. My body felt amazing, if not drenched in sweat.

  “What was that?” Naomi said weakly.

  “Maybe I need to work on these routines,” Greg said.

  “No, they have to be intense.”

  She was right.

  I was used to working out, having to stay in shape for my modelling, and then for the preparation to hunt Michael’s killer. I had to be strong to dish out revenge, not the weakened thing I’d become when the coke had its claws in me. That determination for revenge was the fuel to my fire. No drugs, no drink and no nicotine. My body had to be clean from all that shit. Still, it was often a slog with all the desperate cravings working against me.

  Michael had never worked out. Ever. He’d hated it, didn’t see the point of putting the body through so much stress. He ate like a horse and never put on a single pound. Born lucky, I guess. Well, no, that wasn’t true at all. I shut down a flashback before it could rise up and sting me.

  “Want to try some weapons before we head out?” Greg asked.


  He nodded and went into a room at the opposite corner of the punching bag. He came back with a sword, an axe and a hammer. What a sight to see! He looked like the most dangerous man in the world.

  “Impressive stash,” I said.

  “Though we have the best weapon we could want now,” Naomi said. “Not that that’s all you are, babe.”

  “Er, cheers.”

  “Still,” Greg said, “it’s good to have backup.”

  “Very true,” Dean said.

  “You want to practice with us?” Greg asked him.

  “Though I agree with you, I still prefer the melee route,” he said. “I’m good.”

  “Fair enough.”

  “Mind if I watch, though?”

  Please don’t watch me make a fool of myself.

  “Yeah,” Greg said. “Jake? What weapon do you want to try?”

  It was fine. It didn’t matter if Dean watched. There was no problem. He was here to help and protect, and we were beginning a working relationship, if that’s what it was called. This didn’t have to be an issue whenever he was near. So he was good looking. A lot of men were. I was being an idiot. I didn’t want or need any of that complicated stuff in my life, and why was I even assuming there would be anything there? No, Michael was dead, and he took my heart and needs with him.

  If I weren’t being watched, I would have slappe
d myself for being so bloody daft. This had to stop.


  There, all done with.

  Still, I didn’t look at Dean.


  “Yeah, sorry. Er, sword, I guess.

  “Go for it.”

  I reached down for the sword. Something thrummed inside me. What now? I grabbed the hilt and got a nasty electric shock. With a yelp, I jumped back.

  “What’s wrong, mate?” Greg asked.

  “Electric shock.”


  I rolled my shoulders. “Right.” I tried again. This time, the sword flew off the mat, spinning over the gym floor.

  “What the fuck?” Greg roared.

  Must be a glitch in my freaky powers. I reached for the other weapons, and they flew off to meet the sword.

  Everyone was staring at me.

  A kernel of rage flared. “I don’t know why that happened,” I said.

  “Looks like you won’t be using weapons after all,” Dean said.

  I hated the ways their mouths hung open in shock. Seriously?

  A ringing phone broke the weird stasis the room was trapped in.

  “Hello?” Naomi said. “No worries. It doesn’t matter. No, really, I know what the mad rush is like. See you in a bit.” She ended the call. “Sorry, got to go in to the shop.”

  “Candle crisis?” I asked.

  “Yep, tough work being a purveyor of fine candles,” she said.

  “Saturday rush?”

  “Yeah. Listen don’t worry about the weapons. Your power obviously doesn’t like them.”

  “I guess.”

  “You two lads need to stop looking so bloody shocked,” she said.

  “My thoughts exactly!” That kernel grew again, transforming into real anger, though completely irrational. I knew that, yet I still let it carry me. “I’m not even twenty-four hours into this. Don’t tell me about mind-blowing bollocks. I could easily run for the hills screaming. Maybe I should have. It wasn’t long ago that I pulled a gun on you, Greg. I thought you were the enemy, working for that piece of shit. Your brains could’ve been all over the poxy beach! You have no fucking idea what I’ve been through, no bloody clue at all.” I ran with the anger. “Some bastard kills my husband, fucks with my life, I run down here and discover that I’m some weapon that needs to break a curse—that’s shocking.” It was all coming out. I’d held it together, but it crumbled. The smallest of tremors can spark a tsunami. There was no way to stop. “You can all fuck off! Just fuck off!” I stormed off, punching the wall as I went, charging through the corridors and back up to my room. I slammed the door behind me harder than I’d ever slammed a door in my life.


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