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Spellbound Murder Complete Trilogy (Spellbound Murder Box Set Book 1)

Page 48

by Amanda Booloodian

  "We're being watched." Mira rubbed her forehead and tried to wake her brain up. "Or followed, or something."

  "What makes you say that?" Gabriel asked.

  "I saw something a little while back."

  "And you didn't say anything?" Gabriel asked before she could continue.

  "No." She didn't have the strength to get aggravated with him. "I thought I had imagined it, but then I saw something dart around the building over there."

  Gabriel looked around. "Last time we were here, you thought they were herding us somewhere. Do think that's what they're doing now?"

  "No, but I don't think they need to." Mira tried to get her thoughts lined up. "Does John know where we're going?"

  "How could he? We could be going anywhere."

  Mira thought that over. "There was no magic at Tyler's house. Maybe he assumed we'd be going back to my place for spells. He couldn’t know we’d be going to Lance’s house. Only John couldn't be sure about it. Like you said, we could have gone anywhere, so he'd have someone report back to him."

  "So, you think he's laying a trap?"

  Mira rolled that idea around. "Yeah, I think he is."

  "And Lance's house is only a few blocks away from yours." Gabriel sought out the others. Tyler and Andrea appeared to be asleep. "And I'm not sure what we could face like this. Why is nothing in this place easy?"

  Mira didn't bother with a reply.

  "You have a spell, right?" Gabriel asked.

  "Yeah," Mira said, feeling uncomfortable about the spell, "but this one is strong even in our world. I'm afraid of what it could do here. If we aren't together, it could affect any one of us."

  "It's fire, right?" Gabriel asked.

  "Yeah, it was a stupid idea—"

  "No," Gabriel said. "If John wants you this badly, and he's had the time to plan something, then we’ll need all the strength we can get."

  Mira knew that a strong spell wasn't a great idea when you were worried about it hitting the wrong target. A brief memory of her last spell rose, filling her sleep-deprived mind.

  "Here's what we're going to do," Gabriel said. "We need to try to find out what's in front of us. I'm going to scout ahead and see what we are facing. You all can stay here. Can you make a circle?"

  Mira shook her head. "If we were in my workshop, it would be easy. The circle is permanent there and the magic is so ingrained that I don't need anything but willpower to raise it. But here?" She looked around. "I'm not sure what I would end up with."

  Gabriel ran his fingers through his hair and his wings rustled. Mira tried to kick her sluggish brain into gear, but she couldn't think of anything useful.

  "It's still going to be safer if I scout ahead," Gabriel said. "I want you to take this and look after everyone here."

  Mira blinked in confusion at the sword he tried to hand her. "What am I supposed to do with that?"

  He grinned weakly at her and wrapped her hand around it. "The same thing I do. Stick the pointy end in anything that's trying to kill you."

  She wanted to smile, especially since his hand was wrapped around hers, but she was too tired and worried about the idea. "But it's yours. Will it even stay with me when you're gone?" She’d held the sword once before, but she was once again surprised with the weight of the thing. It was heavy, and she couldn't imagine waving it around the way Gabriel did.

  "It seems to know what I want, so it should stay. If things get bad, don't forget about your spell. Use it if you have to." He dropped her hand and walked away.

  "Wait!" This was happening way too fast for her. She wanted to say something to Gabriel, but couldn't find the words.

  He turned back to her and a lump formed in her throat. They'd never been apart in this world. Not for more than a few minutes. When she was here, Gabriel was with her. He kept her safe and sane in this nightmare.

  Gabriel looked at her questioningly and walked back to her.

  What could she say? She had been taken from her own world and he had crossed between the worlds for her. What do you say to someone who does that? Especially before he went off on his own to face who knew what.

  "I'll be back," Gabriel said. "It shouldn't take long."

  She grabbed his hand before he could turn away. Carefully pointing the sword back and away from him, she pulled him closer and hugged him.

  He was hesitant at first, but after a few moments, he wrapped his arms around her as if it was the most natural thing in the world.

  In this world, Mira told herself, it is natural.

  He breathed deeply, gripped tighter, and then unwound himself from her, keeping her hand. "I'll be back shortly."

  She nodded, afraid her voice would crack if she spoke.

  He squeezed her hand and hurried away.

  Mira watched him, and when he disappeared behind a building, she stared at the last spot she had seen him.

  "Where's he going?"

  Her mind jumped back to where she was. Kevin watched her expectantly, keeping his voice low so he wouldn't disturb his sister.

  "He's going to look ahead," Mira said. "He'll be back."

  Kevin looked at her, deadpan. "Why should he come back?"

  Mira tried to reassure him. "It's what he does."

  "Is he really an angel?" Kevin asked.

  "Yes, but probably not like the ones you've heard about. Kind of like witches. We're not old ladies living in the woods, cursing anyone who comes by. He's not going to be wearing a halo or playing the harp."

  Kevin watched her for a while, until Mira became unnerved by his lack of expression.

  "But he does help people," Mira continued to fill the silence. She started to look around as an excuse to stop watching Kevin. "He doesn't have wings in our world. In fact, very few people in our world even know he's an angel."

  Kevin watched Mira silently scan the streets.

  Mira caught sight of a creature, but it was too far away for her to make out any details. She gripped the sword, holding it down and away, afraid she'd cut her leg, and rammed her other hand in her pocket, grabbing the crystal.

  When the creature disappeared, Mira tried to relax. She rolled her shoulders, which had begun to knot up.

  "My aunt is an old witch," Kevin said.

  When Mira glanced his way, he still watched her. It was as though he’d fixated on her, not bothering to look around.

  "She has a big mole on her face, too," he continued. "And my mother says she curses way too much."

  Mira grinned at him. "To be fair, I've never actually asked Gabriel if he plays the harp."

  For the first time since he'd sat down, Kevin's blank facade cracked.

  His smile was weak, but it was there. Mira's heart panged when it didn't last. Kevin sniffed and looked away, only glancing back when his face was blank and distant once again.

  He’s trying to cope, Mira thought. She figured there wasn't enough money in the world to cover the psychiatry bill these kids would have over the next few years.

  "You should get some rest while you can," Mira told him. "Once we leave this spot, I don't think we'll stop again until we're back home."

  He glanced down at his little sister, sleeping against him. Then he looked at Tyler. "One of us needs to be awake," Kevin said.

  "I'll keep watch," Mira said.

  Kevin's face turned into a scowl. "One of us needs to stay awake."

  He spoke in such a vitriolic way that it took Mira aback. Then she really took in the three of them. They'd gone through a sort of hell that she probably couldn't cope with.

  "Thank you for looking after Tyler," Mira said sincerely. "That means a lot to me."

  That seemed to mollify Kevin a little and they both lapsed into silence.

  Mira started to pace, but soon began to totter. Only the twist in her stomach about the thought of what might be happening to Gabriel kept her moving. Mira saw movement, so she jerked the sword up in that direction. A creature moved down the street, only a block behind them.

  It am
bled towards them, seeming to be in no real hurry.

  Kevin got to his feet and stared at the beast. It had a reddish-brown color and three legs, though whether this was by design or by an accident, Mira couldn't say.

  Mira's heart thudded in her chest. She felt an urgent need to turn around, but was afraid to look away from the known threat.

  "Kevin, I need you to help me." She worked to keep her voice calm and level. "I need you to be on the lookout for anything else. I see this thing, but I need you to start keeping an eye out for anything else." When he didn't say anything, she went on, "Can you do that for me? For us?" she added, knowing that he'd be more apt to help if it meant protecting his sister and Tyler.

  "I'll look," he said, his voice betraying his trepidation.

  "Let me know if you see anything," Mira said.

  "The angel! I see Gabriel," Kevin's voice raised to a yell, the relief obvious.

  Mira had no idea where he was, but knowing he was nearby made her feel stronger. The creature stopped. Pounding feet could be heard behind her. Gabriel, running.

  He must have seen the thing in front of her.

  Another scream tore out of the city. Mira flinched at the sound.

  The monster in front of her lunged forward and Mira flung the sword up. The thing bounded forward twice and then leapt. She screamed, but the noise from the city swallowed it. She saw claws coming towards her and realized that it didn't matter if she stabbed it—it would still tear her to shreds.

  Her sword was thrust aside and the creature disappeared behind Gabriel's shield. When it hit, Gabriel stumbled into Mira from the impact. His wings shot out, steadying himself.

  A wing caught Mira in the chest, and she was flung back and landed hard on the asphalt. She saw the sword fall to the ground beside her, but the clatter was lost to the sound that pierced through her.

  She laid there, stunned. The sword disappeared, and she shut her eyes and tried to block out the sound.



  Her first thought was that Gabriel sounded frustrated. Then she realized she could actually hear his voice. She struggled to open her eyes. Once they were shut, she wanted to do nothing but sleep.

  In fear that she'd be tempted to do just that, she opened her eyes wide and tried not to blink. Gabriel's face hovered above hers and she smiled.

  "Dammit, don't scare me like that," Gabriel said.

  She grinned wider. "When I can see the wings, hearing you curse takes on a whole new level of amusement," she said.

  He looked puzzled. "Did you hit your head?"

  Mira frowned, her mind a jumble of mixed-up emotions and memories.

  "Maybe," she muttered.

  Gabriel began running his hands over her head.

  It took a few moments for her to remember where she was and what was happening. She wanted to close her eyes again and go back to that dazed feeling.

  "Is she okay?" The voice was as indistinguishable as Tyler's that she had to look around to see who spoke. It sounded as though he were sixty years older.

  She winced when Gabriel hit a sore spot. "I'm okay."

  "I can't handle a lie right now," Gabriel said in a voice only for her ears.

  She sighed and felt even more tired. "I'll be okay after I get home and get some sleep."

  "You're sure?" Gabriel asked, standing back up.

  "Yes," she said, reminding herself that it was true, since she didn't say how much sleep it would take before she started to feel like a normal person again.

  She grabbed his hand and let him help her to her feet. When her head spun, she gripped his arm for a moment and closed her eyes until the vertigo passed.

  Gabriel started to say something, but Mira spoke over him to avoid further questioning. "What are we looking at?"

  "We're going to have to go out of our way a few blocks, but I think we can get to Lance's," Gabriel said. "I'm going to need my hands free, though."

  "I can help Tyler," Kevin spoke up.

  "I've got a special job for you," Gabriel said. "Mira, get Tyler ready and I'll chat with Kevin."

  She raised an eyebrow, suspicious about what the task might be, but she knew Gabriel wouldn't ask Kevin to do anything that would lead to more peril.

  Andrea stood next to Tyler, looking like she could curl up and go right back to sleep. Mira envied Andrea's short nap.

  "Come on," Mira said to Tyler. She leaned down and put his arm over her shoulder, ready to pull him up.

  "Leave me," Tyler said, still sounding much older. "Get them out if you can."

  "Not a chance."

  Tyler looked her straight in the eye, despite his visual deterioration. "I can't do this anymore."

  Mira met his gaze. "You're coming with us or I'm staying with you. Take your pick."

  He closed his eyes and leaned his back against the wall. When he opened them again, Mira felt his grip on her increase, and she helped pull him to his feet.

  Was it possible for him to be lighter? Mira thought. Her friend was wasting away, but help was around the corner. Or near enough, anyway.

  "This way," Gabriel said, waving them on. "Until we get to Lance's house, don't talk unless you have to. We're going pretty close to some of these things, but it can't be helped."

  Gabriel's shield and sword never left his hands as he led the way through the streets. Kevin gripped his sister's hand, and Mira walked with Tyler as fast as she dared push him.

  Every now and again, they would hear a noise that would make them freeze. It was always in the distance, though.

  How much power does John have here to keep a bunch of these monsters that quiet? Each time the thought rose, Mira squashed it back down.

  She was so exhausted that she could cry, but didn't dare do so. If she started that now, she'd never stop. The terror had built to the point that she felt sick and shaky. When she caught herself slowing down, she refocused her efforts.

  Hope spurred her forward when Lance’s house came into view. Her eyes bore into the gate with each step, as though she were afraid it might disappear. She attempted to gauge the distance. Five hundred steps away. Then down to 200.

  When she mentally hit double digits, a wail rose up from behind the gate. Mira looked nervously at Gabriel, wanting him to tell her what to do, but he was running forward, pushing open the gate.

  Blocks away, screeches rose up. Hundreds, maybe thousands of voices gathered in response to the cry.

  Mira urged Tyler forward. When they reached the gate, Gabriel dispatched the lookout that had called to the others.

  "Let's move!" Gabriel yelled. His knuckles had gone white from the pressure he put on his sword.

  Kevin and Andrea hurried forward while Mira followed as quickly as she could.

  The noise grew louder. Whoops and snarls mingled with growls. For a moment, Mira thought about looking behind her, but she realized it would do her no good. Instead, she focused on the door where Kevin stood waiting.

  "Get inside!" Gabriel hollered near Mira's back.

  Kevin pushed open the door and disappeared inside with his sister.

  They had just reached the steps when the faster, more eager beasts caught up with them. She could hear Gabriel wielding his sword while something banged into the shield.

  Mira gave up getting Tyler to move faster. Instead, she gripped him tighter and dragged him up the stairs and into the house.

  Kevin stood just inside the door.

  "Go down the hall and find the double doors," Mira directed, never stopping. She sucked in lungfuls of air, but it was beginning to feel as though she couldn't breathe. "Open one side and get in there."

  Kevin, still gripping his crying sister, ran to follow her orders. When Mira reached the hallway, he stood outside the door.

  Mira chanced a glance behind her. She could still hear Gabriel fighting, but she couldn't see him yet.

  Getting Tyler to safety had to happen first, and then she could help Gabriel.

  "Go inside," Mira snappe
d at Kevin.

  When he dragged his gaze away from the room, she could see pure terror written across his face. There was no way for her to move faster to help with whatever he faced.

  "What's wrong?" Mira asked, although she reached the door moments later.

  The room was lit, not by the dim, strange light of the rest of this world. Instead, it was a light that was bright and clean where it had already burned away the haze.

  In the center of that bright light was Barney.

  He was talking, but she couldn't hear anything.

  "It's okay," Mira told Kevin. "This is our way back." I hope, she added mentally.

  Barney waved them forward, and then disappeared.

  The glow grew brighter.

  "Take Tyler," Mira told Kevin. "Take him and your sister, and move straight to where you saw that man."

  Where Barney had been, a pulsing yellow began to form.


  "Just go. Everyone on the other side is a friend. Go!" Mira leaned Tyler against Kevin and ran back to the double doors.

  Down the hall, it sounded like the front door slammed shut.

  Mira didn't leave the room until she saw Kevin enter the magic. All three of them began to fade as he moved into the glowing yellow.

  Gabriel ran toward her. Behind him, Mira heard the door being smashed down.

  When she turned back to the room, Kevin, Andrea, and Tyler disappeared completely.

  The glow went with them.

  Chapter 25

  "No!" Mira shrieked without really meaning to.

  Gabriel pushed her into the room and slammed the door shut behind him. Panicked, his eyes darted around the room.

  "We need to put something against the door," Gabriel said.

  The door shuddered and they both backed up.

  "Where'd they go?" Gabriel asked.

  "Gone," Mira said, "back home."

  The door crashed open and there was no time for further discussion. Gabriel hacked and slashed while using his sword to push others away.

  "Go away!" Gabriel yelled.

  Shrieks followed. Some creatures ran out, but retreated straight into more moving inside.

  Gabriel breathed hard. When the retreating creatures had all been replaced, Mira could see her ward at work.


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