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Spellbound Murder Complete Trilogy (Spellbound Murder Box Set Book 1)

Page 63

by Amanda Booloodian

  Mira felt a little better with Gabriel's hand lingering on hers. "Sure. I'll keep them close until then."

  Gabriel turned his attention to the gaping hole she had opened up in her floor. "What's this?"

  To Mira, it appeared as though he grabbed something at random for a distraction. She only had to glance at it to know what he held. "Blood."

  Gabriel's eyebrows rose and he lifted up the bottle for closer inspection. "Whose? Wait, maybe I don't want to know."

  Mira bit her lip. "I think her name was Heidi."

  Gabriel seemed to freeze and concentrated on the bottle, not looking at Mira.

  "She was a heifer," Mira said, trying to let him off the hook.

  "If you're name-calling—"

  "Heifer. As in cow."

  "Sorry," Gabriel said. "I should have known you wouldn't have human blood."

  "I do," Mira said. Seeing the look on Gabriel's face she hurried on. "I have my own." She reached into the hole and grabbed a jar, holding it out to him.

  He didn't take it. "Isn't it dangerous to keep something like that around? From what you said—"

  "It's dried, so it's not as bad, and occasionally I'll make a spell that needs dried blood as opposed to fresh."

  She waited for him to cringe or say something, denouncing the whole thing. Instead, he peered into the hole again and took something else out.

  Mira took Heidi and returned her to the hole in the floor. She rummaged around and took a few other things out before turning to Gabriel. He was carefully pulling back black velvet from an item.

  "Which one do you have?" Mira asked, leaning over for a closer look.

  "You have more stuff wrapped in cloth?"

  "A bunch of stuff. That's—" she saw the glint of gold and slapped the cloth over it quickly, almost knocking Gabriel over in the process.

  "Sorry," he said quickly, handing it back. "I didn't mean to pry."

  "It's not that. There's a reason some things are wrapped up, though. Sometimes it's just to cover it up. In this case, it's kind of to hide it. Take a look." Mira carefully held out the object and lifted up an edge for Gabriel to see.

  "It looks like gold."

  Mira grinned smugly. It was rare that she was able to show off her treasured pieces. "It is. Not just any gold, but leprechaun gold."

  "Leprechauns? You're telling me there are leprechauns?"

  "Well, yes and no. There used to be leprechauns. The coin has been in my family for ages."

  "Why keep it hidden?"

  "If there is anyone around with leprechaun blood in them, they'll be attracted to it like bears to honey. They’ll then steal it and won't even know why."

  Gabriel was quiet for a while as Mira got what she needed and started to close things up.

  "Is something wrong?" she asked.

  "Yeah." He wore a bemused smile. "I just never would have guessed such a thing existed."

  He stood up and backed out of the way until Mira could open the door. She stowed the new items in the box and, after a few moments of hesitation, put the feathers into her pocket. She wanted to keep them close. It wasn't that she didn't trust Reinfield's men, but she didn't know who else they might be working with. They'd been guarding her for a week now, several of them even watching over her while she slept. She cringed at the thought, though she trusted them to an extent.

  "You okay?" Gabriel asked.

  But she didn't trust anyone to keep those feathers safe.

  She smiled at him. "Yeah. You know, I think we've got enough for the night. Let me grab some clothes and we can get out of here."

  Chapter 15

  Ian was already at Della's when Mira and Gabriel arrived.

  Della gave her a quizzical look when she let them in the back door. "Ian's in the kitchen," she gestured to Gabriel, "we'll be right behind you."

  When they heard Gabriel and Ian start talking, Della turned to her best friend. "What's going on?" she asked.

  There was so much happening that Mira had no idea where to even begin. "With what?"

  "You look—I mean, what happened? I haven't seen you in ages and you show up looking... Is everything all right?"

  Light dawned and Mira patted her hair. "Jeeze, do I look that bad?"

  "Not bad, just... disheveled, I guess."

  "I'm fine. I was in a car accident last night, but I'm okay, really. Emmit's car has a thousand airbags." None of which helped the driver. She tried to push that thought away.

  "You were with Emmit? Are you and he—"

  "No," Mira jumped in before she could say anything further. "Definitely not."

  "Good." Della gave her a wicked grin. "I got the idea that someone else was interested. Are you sure you want to go out tonight?"

  "Yeah. I think it's a great idea."

  "Wait," Della said as Mira moved toward the kitchen, "I heard about the trouble with the witches, but I don't know what's going on."

  Mira looked at her friend. So much had happened in the past few weeks that what Della didn't know stood like a mountain between them.

  "Let's not talk about it tonight," Mira said, still unsure if she should Della anything about what was happening. "We can catch up later."

  "If you're positive," Della said.

  "I am."

  Della grinned. "Let's go see what the others are up to, then."

  Mira admired the way her friend could seem to turn away a subject and jump into another as though switching from hot water to cold.

  "I think we're ready to go," Della announced. She went over to Ian and put an arm around his waist. "How about you two?"

  "Yeah," Ian said, all eyes on Della.

  Mira's move toward Gabriel was much more awkward. She had no idea what to do. Should she hold his hand? Stand close?

  Was this a date, a real date, with Gabriel?

  "What are we doing tonight?" Mira asked.

  "We thought dinner and drinks at Kalliopē," Della said.

  Mira raised an eyebrow but said nothing. It was a great place, but maybe not the best for a non-magical evening. The owner was a supernatural, although Mira had never met her, so it was possible there was no actual magic involved.

  Della must have noticed. "It was Ian's idea."

  "I've never been there," Gabriel said.

  "You'll like it," Ian said.


  The warmth of Kalliopē beat away the chill from outside. When Mira and Gabriel arrived moments after their friends, they managed to make small talk while the waiter served drinks and took their order. When they were along, an odd silence overcame them. They all knew each other but had never really been together socially as a group. There was always a case between them that bridged the silence.

  The case was still there, but with a no-magic night, a case full of supernatural occurrences doesn't mix well.

  "Have you started car shopping?" Della asked.

  Mira was grateful to have a topic to talk about. "Not yet. I hate car shopping at the best of times. In the winter, the cold makes it downright miserable. How's work?"

  "I'm taking some time off in a couple of weeks," Della said

  Mira beamed. Della was a workaholic, so it was good to see her take a vacation. "That's great. Do you have any plans?"

  Della smiled at Ian. "Maybe. I'm hoping to get down to the islands. Anywhere warm would work, though."

  Ian grinned as well. This was obviously something they'd been discussing. Mira had the distinct feeling that Della wouldn't be going alone.

  "Getting out of the city sounds great," Mira said. Just the thought made Mira envious. With the hell she'd been through in the past two weeks, she was ready to check out of her life for a while.

  "You could join us," Della said. "There's plenty of room."

  Suspicions verified.

  If Della was talking about the islands, she was thinking about her families villa, where there was plenty of room. There was no way Mira would tie her friend down with a third wheel on her first real vacation in ages. />
  "Thanks, but I'll have to pass. I need to start looking for a job."

  "You're not reopening the store?" Della asked.

  Mira shrugged. "I'm not really sure yet, but it doesn't look like it. I may keep the mail order part."

  "You have a job for now, at least," Ian said.

  Mira's confusion must have been evident.

  "The case," Ian said. "We still need you for that."

  "I'll help," Mira said, "but I need something that pays."

  "We put in for you to be paid as a consultant," Ian said. "Although, we haven't heard back. I'm surprised the other side isn't paying you."

  "The other side?" Mira asked, not wanting to look at Della to see what her friend thought about his comment.

  Ian shrugged. "Seems like you've given up a lot of time for everyone else. I'm surprised they aren't paying you something."

  "It doesn't work like that," Mira said.

  "No," Della interrupted, "he has a point. Well, part of one, anyway."

  "Most people won't even speak to me." Mira carefully avoided the word witches, but still glanced at Ian to see if he thought the conversation was going downhill.

  "Only the witches," Della said. "The community is larger than one group."

  Mira shook her head. "I can't ask for money just for helping. It's almost like asking for money for a spell," Mira said as she winced.

  Della kept going. "But people pay you for what you spend out of pocket. I'd say you're out of pocket big time while working on our behalf."

  Mira put her hands under the table to wipe her suddenly sweaty palms on her jeans. "Maybe. I'll think about it."

  "I'd say you don't have to worry about rent," Della said. "But you're not exactly staying in the apartment right now, so it's a moot point."

  The conversation was making Mira feel like she had her hand out, begging for money.

  "We should hear something in the next few days," Ian said.

  "And staying at Emmit's is convenient while you don't have a car," Della said.

  "I'm not staying with him anymore," Mira said without thinking.

  "Did you move back home?" Della asked, looking happy about the idea.

  Mira could feel a blush creeping into her cheeks. "Not yet."

  "She's staying with me," Gabriel said.

  "When did that happen?" Ian asked.

  "At about three-thirty this morning."

  Looking up, Della caught Mira's eye. Her friend was giving her a look that suggested she was thrilled for Mira, but for all the wrong reasons.

  Thankfully, the food chose that moment to arrive, giving Mira the distraction she desperately wanted. Although, as they ate and started on other small chat, she saw Ian grinning at his partner from time to time.

  Gabriel either didn't notice or didn't care.

  By the time the four reached drinks and dessert, they were starting to talk how they had chosen their particular career paths, and Mira found that she really enjoyed getting to know Gabriel better. She and Della managed to sidestep talking about the magic in their past by focusing on the more mundane adventures, which were usually more fun anyway.

  They talked, laughed, and shared for another hour before deciding keeping the table for any longer might cause someone waiting to be seated to go postal on the place. They bundled up and as soon as they reached the frigid outdoors, Ian wrapped his arm around Della's waist, keeping her close.

  "Is your car this way?" Ian asked.

  "Yeah," Gabriel said, falling in step behind the couple.

  Mira fleetingly wondered if she should take Gabriel's hand, but the after-dinner drinks had her feeling mellow so she linked her arm in his instead. Gabriel didn't shrug her off, which she took as a good sign.

  "This was fun," Della said. "We should do this again."

  Mira's phone chimed, alerting her to a text. Reluctantly she unhooked her arm from Gabriel's to dig out her phone.

  "Yeah," Ian said. "We could meet up after work sometime next week."

  Mira peeled off a glove and fell a few steps behind. As she typed in her pin, she also took a step toward the curb to put some distance between herself and Gabriel. Her mind flitted through people who could be texting.

  Seeing who the message was from, she stopped. Lance of all people was texting her, and the whole thing looked more like a short letter than a text.

  Hello Mira. Levi has asked for me to reach out to you on his behalf. He would like to make an appointment to meet with you at a neutral location. In an effort for you both to feel more comfortable—

  "What's up, Mira?" Della called. They stood by the corner, waiting for her.

  "Sorry, just a sec," Mira said.

  —comfortable, he requests that you bring one of the detectives with you. I have offered my house for your use, but he mentioned that the hospital might also be fitting. Please reach out to me with your decision. Thank you. Lance.

  "Coming," Mira said, stowing the phone in her pocket.

  She took one step and then a truck thundered by. The deluge of ice and water rose high and cascaded over her.

  It felt like a slap across the face. Mira sucked in a shrill breath and froze, almost quite literally, as the water soaked through to meet her skin. More water and icy slush slid down the back of her neck and down the front of her shirt.

  Gabriel grabbed her hand and pulled her away from the road.

  "Aaa," Mira rasped.

  "Oh my god, Mira, are you hurt?" Della asked.

  Mira blinked and tried to think past the way the cold bit into her skin. "I-I-I'm okay." Her teeth chattered, and her muscles clenched up against the cold.

  "Let's get to the car," Gabriel said.

  "I hope your heater is good." Della sounded worried as Gabriel hurried past with Mira. "Let me know if you need anything!"

  Mira gave a wave instead of trying to talk around her chattering teeth.

  In the parking garage, Gabriel rushed to the car, opening the passenger side before running around to the other side. By the time Mira shut her door, Gabriel had the car started. He adjusted the heating vents, but Mira didn't hold out hope that it would get warm quickly.

  Gabriel stripped off his gloves and ran his hands over her arm. "You are completely soaked, aren't you."

  Mira had her arms wrapped tight around her and nodded.

  "Take off your coat," Gabriel said as he shrugged off his own.

  Mira was slow moving, but managed to get her coat off. Gabriel threw it in the back and handed over his. She didn't put it on, but used it like a blanket.

  "Are you all right?" Gabriel asked.

  "Cold," Mira managed.

  Gabriel reached across her and pulled her seatbelt on before his own. Then he popped the car into reverse and hurried toward his house.

  "I'm sorry," he said once they reached the street. "I didn't sense anything. Why didn't I sense anything?"

  Mira shivered under the coat and pulled it tight to her. "I didn't get hurt."

  "At least not until the pneumonia kicks in."

  Mira curled up tighter at the thought, but she was already starting to feel a little better. "I'm all right. It's getting warmer."

  "Yeah, that's what everyone says before frostbite settles in." Gabriel ran his hands over the vents, checking for heat. "I should have been able to stop that."

  She shrugged, feeling miserable—hating to end their first date on such a bad note.

  "We're only a few minutes away. Get out of those clothes as soon as you get inside."

  Mira raised an eyebrow in his direction. That also wasn't what she wanted to hear on her first night at Gabriel's—at least not for the reason he intended.

  "I mean because they're wet," he said quickly.

  Mira chuckled and tried to relax, but the cold seeped into her bones and she could only shiver.

  "You can take a hot shower."

  By the time Gabriel pulled into his driveway, Mira's skin felt as though it were burning in some areas. Mira stiffly pulled on his coa
t, dreading having to open the car door in the garage.

  She wasn't waiting around for the garage door to shut, though. She got out of the car when he did and followed him hurriedly into the house. Alchemy and Oracle perched like statues on the washing machine and watched them breeze by.

  "I'll get the water started," Gabriel said, disappearing down the hall.

  Mira had a momentary pang of guilt when she took off Gabriel's coat and realized it was wet. She didn't take time to dwell on it, however. The coat could wait—getting warm couldn't. She kicked off her shoes, took a moment to leave them in the laundry room, and went in search of heat.

  The hallway bathroom was empty, so she followed the sound of running water. She stopped at the open door of a bedroom and saw light spilling out from around the corner, but she felt unsure about invading Gabriel's private space. He appeared from around the corner, looking flustered.

  "Come on," he said. He took her hand and led her to the rapidly filling bathtub. "Um, towels, soap, everything is here. Let me know if you need anything else." He glanced around the room before he disappeared, closing the door behind him.

  Mira hesitated for a moment, feeling like a stranger. The large, rapidly filling tub called to her. She stripped off her shirt, but her jeans had to be peeled off. When she dipped her foot into the water it felt scalding, but she turned off the water and eased into the tub.

  It didn't take long for her skin to feel warm, but the chill deep inside took time to go away. She leaned back. Telling herself it could have happened to anyone was no good. It was true, but the cloud of bad karma clinging to her made sure she was the one it always happened to.

  The knowledge that things were bad but could still get much worse was hard to dismiss.

  As the heat began to penetrate deeper and chase away the cold, Mira relaxed in the tub, closing her eyes. Who knew a day ago that she would be in Gabriel's house? Probably no one, especially since he had left her at Emmit's, more than hinting that she should stay cooped up inside.

  The thought agitated her, but it was an easy one to thrust aside, especially since she was sitting in his tub and would spend at least a few nights at his house.

  There was a scratching at the door, which made Mira sit up. A sharp meow announced that there was closed door one of her cats was opposed to. Mira should have asked Gabriel about Alchemy and Oracle. They had just gotten swooped up in the move. She knew Gabriel liked them, but she wasn't sure how long that would last if they started clawing up his doors and shedding on his couch.


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