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Spellbound Murder Complete Trilogy (Spellbound Murder Box Set Book 1)

Page 67

by Amanda Booloodian

  When neither man commented, she continued. "What happened after I got out of the house?"

  "We don't know," Reinfield said. "Eric saw Gabriel make it out the window. We heard shots, but no one saw anything else."

  "And Gabriel was gone," Mira said, sitting down again. "The fire?"

  "Took most of the house and part of one next door," Reinfield said. "The firefighters had a hell of a time putting it out."

  "Magic was involved," Mira said. Her mind started to get closer to a subject she was dreading. "Eric got out, though, right?"

  "With passengers," Reinfield said.

  Mira frowned at him.

  "Two black felines," Reinfield said.

  Part of the stress on Mira's chest lifted. "They were found?"

  "They seem to uninjured," Reinfield said. "We took them to a vet, just in case."

  Mira had tried not to imagine them being hurt. Even now that she knew they were safe, she was having a hard time letting it sink in. "What do we do now? How do we track Gabriel?"

  "We don't have to track him," Emmit said. "We know where they took him."

  That sounded like progress to Mira, and she perked up immediately.

  "We had eyes on a few spots," Reinfield said. "Your pal Barney's apartment and your old store are areas where the space between worlds gets a bit thin."

  "Thin?" Mira looked at Emmit. "Does Reinfield know about everything?"

  "As much as any of us know," Emmit said.

  "Anyway, we lost contact with our team watching Barney's apartment. It looks like the creatures slipped through that way," Reinfield said.

  "Slipped through," Mira said, dully. "You mean to the Ether. John and those things took Gabriel to the Ether." She remembered the ward she had started for him. It wasn't done yet, so he had nothing but his voice. They would have stopped him from being able to use that the moment they took him.

  Mira shivered at thoughts of how they may have silenced Gabriel. She closed her eyes, but nightmares had permanently entrenched themselves in the darkness of her mind.

  "When can you get me there?" Mira asked.

  She hadn't noticed they had started talking until she interrupted.

  "We won't," Emmit said.

  "We can't," Reinfield said at the same time.

  Mira glared at Reinfield. "I already know he can.” She waved a hand in Emmit’s direction. “He sent Gabriel there the last time, and he brought us back."

  Reinfield sighed and shook his head at Emmit. "You can't be subtle with anything, can you?

  Emmit's gaze narrowed on Reinfield. "I did what I had to do."

  "It should only take me a few hours to have a few spells ready," Mira said.

  "A couple of spells might help even the odds a bit," Reinfield said to Emmit.

  "What could you make for me?" Emmit asked.

  "I was going to make Fire and Gust. Possibly another Spark, but I planned on creating them for me," Mira said.

  "We're out of options," Emmit said. "I'm the one going over."

  "You said if you went over you can't come back," Mira said.

  Emmit nodded.

  "No way," Mira said. "Send me over—I know the place. I'll get Gabriel and meet you at Lance's house again."

  "Not this time," Emmit said.

  "Going over there isn't going to help if you only have half a ritual," Reinfield said.

  "My ancestors never had a ritual," Emmit said.

  "No," Reinfield snapped. "They had the witches."

  "If you need the help of a witch," Mira said, "you just have to take me with you."

  "I'll go over and send Gabriel back," Emmit said.

  "If you can send Gabriel here, you can come back yourself," Mira said.

  "You won't survive for more than a few minutes, and you know it," Reinfield said.

  "I'll do what I can," Emmit said.

  "If you—"

  "This is happening." Emmit didn't sound angry when he cut Mira off, simply adamant. "I do need assistance on this side, naturally. I would appreciate the assistance of you both, but if I must get it elsewhere, I will."

  "And you won't take me with you?" Mira asked.

  "It is not an option," Emmit said.

  "And you'll find Gabriel?" Mira asked.

  Reinfield made an exasperated noise and shook his head.

  "I'll do what I can," Emmit said, ignoring Reinfield.

  Mira wasn't instilled with confidence. It didn't sound like enough. Not nearly enough.

  Maybe if I stall for time.

  "What do you need us to do?" Mira asked.

  "I would appreciate if Reinfield and his men ensured that your shop is clear and set up," Emmit said. "The world is thin there, which should make it easier to cross over."

  "You're set on this?" Reinfield asked.

  "I am," Emmit said.

  "I'll gather those available and see what we can do."

  "Thank you," Emmit said, shaking the man's hand.

  "And me?" Mira asked as Reinfield left the room.

  "You've had a long night. Are you up for more?" Emmit asked.

  "Of course."

  "When we brought you and Gabriel back, the witches didn't have the spell. Instead, I directed their magic."

  "Mr. Singer mentioned it."

  "As I will be going to the Ether this time, I cannot direct the magic."

  "You’re asking me to send you over there?" Mira asked.

  "You know lives in the Ether. I trust that you wouldn't attempt to use the spell for foolish reasons. You are also strong enough to cast the spell on your own.”

  Mira wasn't sure how she felt about having the spell to enter the Ether. She knew how she felt about actually sending Emmit to that horrible place, and it didn't sit well.

  "There is something else," Emmit said.


  "You mentioned making spells for yourself. Is it possible for you to make them for me instead?"

  She thought about trying to use his query as an excuse to get him to take her with him, but it didn't seem like the right time. "Of course."


  Mira spent the morning poring over Emmit's notes. She'd be the first witch in hundreds of years that would know how to get to the Ether.

  No, she corrected herself, witches started this mess.

  It's true that the witches may have had human encouragement, but witches had gone there when they shouldn't have.

  Someone had been visiting the Ether. Mira shook the thought out of her mind. She still had no idea who went there, so there was no way to get that witch to help.

  Trying not to think about what might be happening to Gabriel was about as effective as a piece of paper surviving an open flame. She wasn't confident that Emmit would bring Gabriel back. Emmit seemed to be on some sort of death march, intent on sacrificing himself.

  Now that Mira had a feel for the Ether, the spell to send Emmit there wouldn't pose much of a challenge. Emmit and Reinfield both suggested they could bring in more witches for support, but Mira declined. There were only a few witches that knew what was happening, and for what she was planning, she'd need them on this side of the Ether.

  Once Reinfield’s team had gathered her ingredients, she began to cast the spells that Emmit intended to take to the Ether. This part would have been tricky as well if other witches had been around. She created the spells, then tore the object holding the spell in half before freezing the spell in place. She pocketed half and gave the other half to Emmit.

  Emmit's spells had to be real and as effective as possible, just in case her plan didn't work. She wanted to give Emmit every chance at returning.

  If things went the way she hoped, however, Mira would be the one making this journey. Since time of day didn't matter in the Ether, they planned on sending Emmit over that evening from the burnt husk of Mira's store. Mira's mind was on her spell, though she couldn't guess where Emmit's mind was.

  Still, she probed where she could.

  After she cast the spells and
held them, she sought out Emmit, finding him exactly where she’d expected, going over his plans in the library.

  "Where's Reinfield?" she asked as she entered.

  "He left early," Emmit said. "He's ensuring we aren't disturbed while you're casting. Are you comfortable with the spell? Is there anything you need?"

  "What’s that?" Mira asked, turning his attention to the paper in front of him. The sheet showed three points with one in the middle. It was one she had seen before, here and on the cover of one of Chris's books.

  "This is frustration personified," Emmit said.

  "I thought that's what I was," she said.

  Emmit rigid look went soft and he smiled at her. "This has you beat."

  "The day's not over yet." Mira grinned in a way she hoped he took as her joking. "What is it?"

  "The remnants of a very old ritual. It takes four people, three around the one in the middle."

  "This was the ritual Reinfield mentioned."

  "Yes. His family and mine tracked it down through the centuries."

  "What does it do?"

  "It kills a god."

  "A god?"

  "Not really a god, of course, but the creature in the Ether. The one that destroyed the balance. This is supposed to kill it."

  "Where did it come from?"

  "No one knows. Not really. The first information we found on the ritual said it was discovered in the Library of Alexandria. There had been an earthquake and the scholars were preserving the scrolls, moving them to a sister library while repairs to the building took place. They copied it before returning the original back to the original library. At least that's the way we understand it. It's been pieced together through hundreds of different stories."

  "I thought Reinfield said you had half the ritual. You only have those two pages, though."

  "He was being kind. The truth is, we have no idea how much more of it there is. We do know, however, that this alone doesn't work."

  "If you had the rest of the ritual, would the ritual work?"

  "That depends on if there is a translator. It took the family around a hundred years to find one for these two pages, but now we have no record of the original language."

  "So, if you had the ritual and the translator, would you be able to stop that thing?"

  Emmit sighed. "If we’d had those things a month ago, we would have stood a chance. Now? I wouldn't wait to find out. That's where Reinfield and I disagree. He wants to hold the line, but I don't want to take the risk."

  "If we stop John, what risk would there be?" Mira asked.

  "The world is too thin here. The creatures that have attacked you needed help getting here. But the monster you describe in the city only needs power to cross over."

  "Which is why John wants me." The thought didn't sit well with Mira.

  "I'm surprised they needed more than Tyler, but the beast must have been diminished all these years with only the smaller creatures to feed on. Now it’s growing in power."

  Mira shivered. She would not feel sorry for those things.

  "It's nearly time. Are you comfortable enough with the spell to send me over?"

  Hold the line, Mira thought. If I get Gabriel and the book, we can fix this.

  "We can review again if you'd like," Emmit said.

  "What?" Mira said. Then she replayed what he had said. "I think I'm good with the spell, though I would like to change it slightly."

  "We can't change the spell. There are too many unknowns," Emmit said.

  "Actually, I think you'll agree with this change. I want to make a double circle."

  Emmit looked thoughtful. "My reaction this time shouldn't be as volatile as it was when you performed the other spell." He seemed to be rolling the idea around. "But we will be close to the Ether."

  Mira mentally crossed her fingers.

  "You're right. It's a good precaution to take. Once I'm through, I'll try to find Gabriel, and I'll do what I can to get return him to you."

  Mira nodded. "But getting us back isn't the same spell? I mean, it didn’t seem the same.

  "No. I'll need you or three other witches on this side to make it work."

  "Why can't you just come with him?"

  "When I cross, my presence will be known to anyone in the vicinity. I can hold them at bay for a short time, but it won't be possible to return."

  Mira dug into her pocket. "Speaking of holding them at bay, I have a few things that will help." She laid the contents out. "Spark is the thin wire. Twist it, and it should break in two fairly easily. Close your eyes when it breaks, and if Gabriel's with you, make sure he's close by or he could get caught up."

  "What will it do?"

  "Shock anything around you. The Ether eats away magic pretty fast, and I won't be there to fuel this, but it should still be powerful enough to kill for the first ten-twelve hours." I hope.

  She pushed the thought away. She'd be the one there, so it would turn out fine. "The thick wire is Fire. It won't be as easy to break as the other, but that's for good reason. Break it and it does what's marked on the label. It's big, strong, and it arcs out. Gust should be about the same. It's the string. Untie it to release the spell. With any of them, make sure Gabriel is close behind you."

  Emmit gestured to the necklace that Mira had pulled out and set aside. "What's this?"

  "I made that for someone else. I should probably ask one of Reinfield’s men to deliver it. It hides the wearer from witches."

  "It makes them invisible?" Emmit looked skeptical.

  "No. It hides what the person is—it hides their essence."

  "That sounds as though it might be useful for someone. May I?"

  "Go ahead. Anyone can touch it or wear it. Witches will just sense the person differently."

  Emmit held it up, inspecting it. "I sense your power in it. It's beautiful work."

  "Thank you," Mira said, blushing slightly.

  He handled it as though it was a delicate heirloom.

  "Would you..." Mira could feel her face grow redder and tried to start again. "Would you like to keep it? Kind of like a, uh, good luck charm."

  Emmit surprised her by pulling her into a hug. "This will make me luckier than you know."

  It hit Mira that if what she planned didn't work, Emmit would essentially be walking straight into his death. She hugged him fiercely, trying to hold back tears.

  It will work. Mira had to repeat it over and over again.

  There was a light rapping on the door as though someone was very worried they might be heard. Emmit pulled away. When he did, all of his emotion disappeared inside as well. "Thank you." Louder, he added, "Come in."

  A man entered, holding a phone out as though it were a peace offering. "Your sister is available, sir." He was young and nowhere near as stoic or battle worn as Reinfield’s other employees.

  Emmit took the phone. "Would you mind going ahead and setting up? I'd like to take a few moments in private." He held up the necklace, looking it over again. "There's a lot I need to discuss with my sister and little time."

  "Of course," Mira said. "I'll see you there."

  In the hall, Mira almost turned to tell Emmit not to tell his sister that he was going into the Ether to die. If he knew what she was planning, though, Emmit would never let her go through with it.

  Chapter 20

  At the store, Mira was tempted to tell Reinfield about her intentions, but the man was too much of an unknown. It would put an end to her plans if he told Emmit what she intended.

  Instead, she set up as instructed, with the addition of the extra circle. Reinfield was in a foul mood anyway, so Mira told herself it was better that she said nothing.

  "My sister will be here in two days," Emmit said as he walked in. "She will pick up where I left off, if needed."

  Reinfield crossed his arms. "You know if she follows the same path you’re taking, that's it, right? No more Harkers."

  "You'll have to find the rest of the ritual." Emmit sounded completely unco
ncerned. "If it eases your mind, I will try to return. If I'm able, I'll at least make the attempt and we can hold the line as we think of another plan."

  "Then send me," Mira tried again. She was starting to get nervous about the idea of altering a spell this old. Emmit was right, there were too many uncertainties.

  "Not an option," Emmit said. "I don't think a lone witch would last long. Let's get started."

  Mira wrung her hands and looked over what she had put together. Emmit walked around the outer circle, inspecting everything.

  "The outer circle doesn't need to match the inner one," Emmit said.

  Mira swallowed. "I thought it might amplify the center." What she didn't say was that it didn't mirror the inner circle, it mirrored it.

  "The bottle?"

  "Put it in your pocket. If I had a bigger bottle I'd use it. Trust me, you're going to want it if you're there for any time."

  Emmit nodded. "Very thoughtful."

  Mira patted her coat, feeling the bottle reassuringly inside.

  Emmit stepped aside, saying a few words to Reinfield before they shook hands and Emmit entered the circle. Mira stepped into the outer circle. She wiped her suddenly sweaty hands on her jeans and looked at Emmit, wondering what was appropriate to say at this point.

  He appeared to be struggling with the same issue but trying to hold it back.

  Once again, she thought of telling him the real changes she made to the spell. The thought of backing out also arose. But no, she knew she needed to do this.

  "If this doesn't work, we'll think of another way," she said. "In twenty-four hours, we’ll start checking for you every hour."

  "For three days," Emmit finished when she didn't add the length of time she should try to look for him.

  Mira wasn't excited about the three days part, but since the plan was about to change, the point was moot. She glanced at Reinfield, who still didn't look happy about the situation. Once again she ran her sweaty palms over her jeans.

  "I'm not sure what to say," Mira said, feeling quite choked up. If her plan didn't work, this would be the last she saw of Emmit.

  "It was an honor to be your friend," Emmit said.

  Mira entered the inner circle and hugged him fiercely. He returned her embrace, but then peeled himself away.


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