Book Read Free

The Renewal

Page 3

by Joseph Ferguson

  Chapter 3

  Splotches of thick white foam floated randomly upon the Dead Sea. The halophile virus was now in full production, multiplying at an incredible rate. The sun's heat was causing the top layer to dry into fine particles saturating the air with just the slightest breeze and driving it high into the atmosphere. The fine particles are undetectable to the naked eye, but carry a lethal dosage of about three deep breaths. Its first victims are just hours away and soon death and chaos will sweep the world leaving but a few in its path.

  Treyson walked in and sat on one of the brown padded bar stools and asked, "Who do I have to see to get a room? I stopped at the reception area, but no one was there."

  The ponytailed bartender picked a remote off the bar glaring at one the older men who had a big grin and aimed it at the jukebox restarting the country music.

  Another of the older gentlemen stood up and stuck out his hand towards Treyson, his voice gushing, "You’re a McAlister, I would know a McAlister when I see one." The other two men both shook their heads in agreement.

  "Well I am a McAlister..., but how did you know," he asked?

  "All McAlister’s are tall, skinny with bleach blond hair and blue eyes," the old man said while looking close at Treyson's face, "yep; you’re a McAlister, alright."

  One of the other men spoke to the bartender, "hey Big John, how about an ale for this McAlister here?"

  "That's ok fellows I don't drink that much, I just need a room for a couple of nights," Treyson said holding his hands up in refusal.

  "What!” the old man shouted, "a McAlister refusing ale. What's the world coming to?"

  John the bartender pulled a paper from under the bar offering it to Treyson, "my name is John, people around here call me Big John, I own the hotel. Fill this out then we can get you a room."

  "Thanks," Treyson replied as he took the registration and started filling it out. "May I get a cup of tea," he asked looking up at Big John.

  "Sure," Big John replied as more stares came from the now silent older patrons. He put a teabag in a cup setting it by Treyson, and then filled it with hot water from a pot.

  "Thanks," was Treyson's response as he continued to fill out the paperwork. Once finished he handed it to Big John who scanned it, then offered for Treyson to follow him. He led him down the hallway and up some stairs leading him to a door. He handed him a key telling him to settle in then come back down later and they would figure out the charges. The room was a small, one bedroom flat with no private bathroom, though it had a sink. He looked out the door and noticed the bathrooms were right across the hall, it would do, he thought but he would prefer his own. His room had a four cup coffee maker on a stand beside the bed which he considered an essential. A small fridge was also on the stand with a tray of cheese and crackers inside. A bottle of Scottish ale accompanied it with a sign reading "compliments of the house". He changed from his slacks and dress shirt into a pair of blue jeans and after he washed up in the sink he threw on a black polo shirt. He lay on the bed and sunk in, "wow that's comfy," he muttered. He thought about taking a quick nap but decided against it when he looked at the time, seven o'clock. He decided to head back down to the bar but before he left he opened the drapes covering the window. The view was breathtaking with the snowcapped mountains in the background of a blue lake. He snapped a picture with his cellphone then sent it to Sara, texting, “out the hotel window.” She text him back, “it’s beautiful.”

  The pub had picked up a few more patrons by the time he had returned and Big John was still tending bar. The jukebox was playing a Johnny Cash song and a couple was dancing near the pool table. The flat screen that hung in the corner was turned off as most everyone was sitting around two tables that had been slid together. They were playing a game of cards that looked like rummy to Treyson. The three older gentlemen were still sitting at the bar talking with Big John and looked at him when he approached. As he sat on the stool John slid him a mug of ale telling him first one is always on the house. He lifted it to his mouth taking a sip; it was strong but smooth and good. "Thanks," Treyson said just before he took a long drink.

  "Now that’s more like it McAlister," one of the old men said just before they all broke up with laughter.

  "What are you planning on doing around here since most of the McAlister's moved off years ago? Most your clan lives farther north now," one of the other men spoke.

  "Well my grandfather grew up around here and used to tell us stories about the caves and the lake. I guess he made it sound so good I wanted to see it for myself. He had also mentioned that he hid a sword in one of the caves, I want to look for it."

  "You need to be careful around them caves some of them are nothing but slick potholes. You'll find yourself in the bottom of one and they are hard to get out of," Big John warned him. “Maybe we could do some fishing, I could show you a nice spot,” he added.

  Treyson smiled, "Fishing I’m sorry isn’t at the top of my list of things to do. And don’t worry I will be careful.” He hesitated then asked, “Hey where is the zoo and wildlife park located?"

  They all stared at him. "There's no wildlife park near here or a zoo either," Big John said.

  "Oh," Treyson said, "My grandfather said they tore down the old castle near the lake and put up a zoo."

  Big John and the three old men laughed, then one of the men spoke, "Yea, about twenty years ago it was a story that was spread around. Never was anything to it. Funny how people believe rumors."

  "You mean the castle stills stands? I will have to see that, too!" Treyson said joyfully.

  Big John smiled and said, "Hate to burst your bubble, but there's not much of it left. I think just part of a wall."

  One of the old men chimed in, "and a little part of a tower." He added, "I was just there last week, went up there with my nephew. He swears he seen the mermaid while we were fishing there. I think he just had too much ale."

  "Mer... maid my grandfather never mentioned a mermaid," Treyson spoke with almost a whisper.

  "Yea legend has it the daughter of some king long ago fell in the water and was never found. They say she was transformed into a mermaid and returns every hundred years looking for her prince. Eerie, isn’t it?" Big John whispered like he was telling a ghost story.

  Treyson quaffed down the rest of his ale, yawned, and then said, "Well I'm off to bed. I want to get an early start. Big John did you ever figure out my bill for my room?

  "How about we figure your bill when you decide to leave, though to give you an idea, it will be forty seven euro per night," Big John said while eyeing new customers coming towards the bar.

  "Fair enough and good night," he said with a wave as he got up and walked to his room. Wishing he would have grabbed something to eat before drinking the ale so fast, he bumped a chair on his way out almost stumbling. He thought he heard one of the older gentlemen say that for a McAlister, he's such a fanny. Once in his room he plopped on the bed barely able to get his shoes off, his head was starting to spin. He put one leg off the side so he could touch the floor with hopes it would help him fall asleep. He would have to remember to eat if he decided to drink again, not liking the buzz it gave him.

  The air surrounding the Dead Sea has now become deadly and by mid-morning it will have spread near the closest towns. A gazelle has wondered to close searching for a spring of water and has succumbed to the effects of the halophile virus, dying between two large rocks. A pack of hungry wild dogs lured by the scent have come to feed on the now dead gazelle and they too are about to suffer the same demise. After feeling the effects one of the dogs try to flee but falls instead to the ground as vomit and watery blood gushes from its mouth.

  Treyson awoke early feeling a chill in the air for he was still in his clothes and on top of the blankets. Glancing out the window he noticed it was dark so he picked up his phone to check the time, "five thirty". The thought of going back to sleep under a pile of blankets brought on a yawn, but he decided on coffee instead. Whi
le it was perking he sat in the chair looking at the map that was given to him. An area of the horseshoe ridge was marked caves and he also noticed a dot, near the lake, with the name Castle Assynt. He would like to go to both today but he wanted to go through the caves first in hopes of maybe finding the sword his grandfather had hid in them. He knew it was a stretch but anything can happen he thought. He poured himself a cup of coffee then moved the chair near the window and sat staring out at the lake. The moon glistened upon the lake bringing enough light to outline the mountain in the background. He took a picture and sent it to his wife with the text, "this is beautiful". She immediately replied, "I wish I was there with you". Her text made him feel sad with a longing to go home, a tear escaped down his cheek as he text back, "I miss you and love you". He propped his feet up on a small table near the window and sipped the coffee thinking about his wife.

  He was startled awake to the sound of the coffee mug hitting the floor and spilling what little contents were still in it. After he noticed that the sun was up he checked the time, "eight thirty". So much for an early start, he thought. He got a towel from off the shelf and retrieved his shower bag from his luggage. He was glad his wife packed his flip flops for the shower, he would have forgotten. He was also glad the bathroom wasn't being used so he took a quick shower. Though it was still early in New York he made his promised morning call to his wife telling her his plans for the day and that he would send her pictures of his adventures.

  He wore his jeans with a green flannel shirt for there was a little nip to the air and hiking boots for traction. He slung his small duffle carrying a flashlight and twenty foot of nylon rope over his shoulder as he headed through the hotel exit. He heard his name yelled and a call for him to wait up. He turned and saw Big John coming his way holding two fishing poles and tackle box wearing a white tee-shirt and a pair of bib overalls. "How about you and I do some fishing up by the castle today, my misses sweet Sally is minding the place. Perfect weather don't you think," Big John asked?

  Treyson had his mind set on going to the caves looking for the sword; it seemed as if he was being drawn to them. "I don't know Big John, how about tomorrow, we can fish all day then," Treyson said hoping Big John would understand.

  "I know your heart is on that sword of your grandfathers"... he hesitated in thought, "I tell you what I will be your cave guide, even though I hate going there, then we can go fishing later. (Points to himself as he puffs out his chest) I have been to the caves and I will give you the grand tour."

  "Ok, I guess, but I want to take my time and search the caves thoroughly, not leaving any stone unturned," Treyson said with a serious tone not wanting to give in. Big John agreed with a smile and a slap on Treyson's back, "let’s be going," he said.

  They jumped in Treyson’s rental throwing the poles in the back then drove to where Big John said there was a parking area near the caves. Treyson's heart was racing a major part of his trip was finally taking place, and he would definitely have to take pictures to show his wife and his co-workers. He might even share them with Ms. Thompson, that woman needs a vacation, he thought.

  From the slab of concrete situated beside a copse of apple trees the caves looked like small holes in the ridge and it would be a steep uphill walk from where they were at, to reach them.


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