Book Read Free

The Renewal

Page 9

by Joseph Ferguson

  Chapter 9

  Treyson walked a couple of miles before seeing a small farm in the distance with smoke billowing from its chimney. Good, he thought maybe someone is cooking. His hunger pushed him to walk faster as he stuck to the paved roads not knowing what might befall him cross country. It took him longer than he thought it would, maybe twenty minutes, before he was at the door. He knocked several times before opening the door, the smell of something burning had permeated to the outside. He rushed into the kitchen following the trail of thick smoke.

  A woman lay on the floor to the right of the stove, spatula still in hand. Her once large body had already started to shrivel up as a large puddle of fluids surrounded her and was being soaked up by the wooden planks she lay on. What he thought were eggs that had been frying in the skillet were long burnt and no longer smoked, but what was in the oven continued to smoke. Smoke and heat jumped out at him when he threw open the oven door finding two fowl presumably chicken lay dressed side by side in a large deep pan aflame and charred. After opening the back door he took a towel, picking up the pan then tossing it and its content into the yard. He opened all the kitchen widows allowing the smoke and hopefully the smell to escape.

  Rifling through the cupboards he found some cans of chili and a few packs of crackers, which he opened one pack and started to consume them immediately. The search through the refrigerator revealed a few bottles of water, two bottles of beer, cheese and a lot of containers of leftovers. He took the lid off of one and found some kind of noodle in a brown sauce which smelled good. Eyeing the microwave on the counter he heated the noodles for three minutes before sitting at the table and eating them with the rest of the pack of crackers and drinking one of the beers. He felt better with his hunger pangs now subsided even though the thought of more walking made him tired. Maybe they have a car, the thought causing him to stand and look out the window. A large wooden building with a sliding door stood parallel to the kitchen, yahoo he thought I might not have to walk after all.

  He ran out to the building, slid open the door and to his surprise found a small stable. A man lay on the floor just past the door with a pitchfork in his hands loaded with hay. Treyson’s heart jumped when a horse whinnied in the last stall expecting all to be dead. The horse brought his head over the wooden gate and shook its head giving Treyson a snort and another whinny. He took the pitchfork from the dead man and tossed the hay to the horse that started eating right away. He leaned over rubbing his hand over its long mane and scratching him gently behind the ears. It was tall with a solid black coat and white socks on its front legs. "How about after you finish eating we go for a little ride," Treyson asked? The horse didn't seem to pay him any attention while it continued to eat. Looking above the stall the name Midnight was etched on a large placard. "Midnight, huh, must be your name," he spoke out loud. The horse looked up at him and gave him another whinny, then continued to eat. He decided to look for a saddle, not wanting to ride bareback and found them in a room marked "tack".

  Treyson went back in the house and packed up some crackers, cheese, the bottles of water and the beer. He also took a couple cans of chili and a can opener he found in a drawer along with a spoon. He found a couple of blankets folded on a rack and a coat hanging on the back of the door. Taking his stash back out to the stables he found Midnight had finished eating and was watching him. Back in the stables he retrieved the horse’s saddle; it was black with two white stirrups. He also found a set of saddle bags to pack his things in and brought them near the stalls. Picking up the saddle he opened the stall gate, Midnight turned as to allow the saddle to be put on. Treyson lifted it and sat it on the horses back, who then shook it back off onto the ground. "What's wrong boy don't you like your saddle?" He picked the saddle up and realized he had forgotten the blanket, "oops sorry Midnight," he said as he went back to the tack room to get one. After putting on the blanket the rest of the process went easy, along with tightening the cinch which caused Midnight to snort a couple of times. Midnight lowered his head to allow the reins to be put on getting a "good boy" out of Treyson. He packed his things into the saddlebags, tossing them on and strapping them to the saddle. He eyed a small bag of oats that was hooked to a nail by the gate, which Treyson took and strapped to the back of the saddle.

  He felt like he was in an old west movie as he ducked when they came through the open stall door, the only thing he lacked was a cowboy hat. He thought about going back and borrowing one from Big John but decided that wouldn't be such a good idea. Patting Midnight on the neck, he said with a smile, "Hope you know how to get to Inverness." Midnight whinnied and shook his head making Treyson laugh out loud. Midnight took off in what Treyson took to be about fifteen miles an hour; he just let him have his rein since he was traveling in the right direction. Midnight kept the pace before coming to a slow walk in a wooded area then stopped completely. Treyson patted him on the neck, "getting tired already boy" he asked before looking up and seeing six armed men standing in the road ahead.

  "Hey fellas, I'm not looking for any trouble,” Treyson called ahead.

  Ignoring him the first man stepped forward, he was short and stocky carrying a metal club with a spike in the end. Tattoos of flames shot up on both sides of his face from his eyes into his shaved head. "Finally a MacAlistair wielding the sword again, I've been anxious for this meeting." He spoke while twirling the club in his hand, "how about you just give us the sword and save yourself some pain."

  "First tell me how you know me,” Treyson said while slipping off the horse then patting him on the side.

  "We were sent to retrieve the sword and oh (he smiled) all MacAlistair's carry the same looks," he stepped forward bringing his club up, "now give us the sword!"

  He heard a swish go past his right ear and watched as an axe buried itself deep in the man’s skull. Turning Treyson saw an even shorter but stockier bearded man running towards him. He watched as the hairy man planted his foot on the fallen guy’s chest then pulled the axe out of his head spilling his brains onto the ground. He turned and yelled at Treyson as the other men came forward clubs raised for battle, "get your sword out man before they club you.

  Just as he pulled the sword out he heard it say "duck", which he did avoiding the blow headed for his head. Bringing the blade up at an angle he severed the attacker’s leg splattering blood everywhere. He moved into the melee when the man that came to his aide took a spike to the shoulder, but in a swift move, his well-worn axe completely removed the head of his foe. Treyson heard the sword say "parry" so he brought it up in time to block the club being swung at him like a ball bat, cutting it completely in two. “Strike,” the sword spoke causing him to bring the blade about, slicing the man across the stomach relieving him of his insides and dropping him to the ground. That left two more attackers which his helper dispatched one with a feint and an axe to the chest busting through his rib cage like they were popsicle sticks. The other club wielding man turned to run, the sword spoke to him loudly “KILL HIM”, without thinking Treyson brought his sword around cutting him completely in half then watched as he dropped to the ground in two pieces.

  "You are going to have to be more on your guard, these men would have killed you if I hadn't been here," the short man said harshly.

  "Who are you and what just went on here," Treyson said, still in a state of wonderment.

  Looking intensely at Treyson the bearded man said, "My name is Morwin Axewill, I was sent to aide you against these men who were sent to kill you and take the sword, therefore dispelling any chance for magic to return to the Earth."

  "What do you mean sent? Who is sending people to stop me," Treyson inquired?

  "Look I am not the one you should talk to about this subject. I'm just telling you to be careful and keep your eyes open," Morwin said as he looked at the damage the spike did to his shoulder. He reached in a small pouch on his side taking out a little bottle, uncorking it and drinking its blue contents. "Ah, now that's better," he said while moving
his arm around.

  Treyson just stared at him, mouth agape, watching as Morwin turned and ran back the way he came disappearing into the distance. He wiped his sword on the shirt of one of the dead men then sheathed it. Midnight was still standing where he got off, "you are a good boy, we are going to have to find you a treat," Treyson said while rubbing him behind the ears. Midnight shook his head and whinnied, almost as if he understood, thought Treyson. "We still have quite a ways to go, so we best be at it," he said to Midnight as he climbed back on the saddle.

  After trotting most of the way they arrived in Inverness a little before sunset. He had seen smoke rising from a distance but he was shocked when he rode into the city. Vehicles of all kinds littered the highway before the bridge in awkward positions, some on their tops, some on their sides and a few involved in what looked like head on collisions. Bodies too lay everywhere scattered amongst the wreckage, once recognizable, but now looked like shriveled up logs. He rode past them, paying them no mind, not allowing the horror get to him. He needed to find his way to America and see his wife before he allowed it to sink in. The sound of the horse’s hoofs echoed loudly as he crossed the bridge that connected both parts of city. A blond-haired young lad sat on the back of a flatbed truck watching as Treyson rode across and stood up as he neared him. A smile brightened up his tear streaked dirty face when Treyson stopped beside the truck. The shriveled forms of a man and a woman presumably his mom and dad occupied the front. "How old are you boy," Treyson asked?

  "I'm eleven," he said, then pointing to his parents, "they died this morning, (he sobs) on our way home."

  "My name is Treyson and this is Midnight. (Patting the horse on the neck) How would you like to take a ride with me on the horse," Treyson asked with his hand out?

  "Wow, I sure would," his eyes lit up as he took Treyson’s hand and climbed on behind him.

  "Hold on tight," Treyson said as he patted Midnight on the neck letting him have some rein. They walked for a while trying to avoid the most popular places and the dead that was sure to be there. Fires were burning in most of the residential areas and seemed odd not to hear the sirens of fire trucks and ambulances coming to the rescue, this new world would take some getting used to. The lad tapped Treyson on the shoulder and asked, "why did God take my parents and let me live?"

  "I am not sure little boy." They rode in silence for a few moments then Treyson added, "I am not sure why God allowed this to happen at all, but there must be a reason."

  After another few minutes of riding the boy tapped him on the shoulder again, "Treyson my name is Kenny and I'm glad you came along, I didn't know what I was going to do."

  "That's Ok, I'm not really sure what I am going to do either, but you can stick with me if you like."

  Kenny smiled. “I would like that,” he said.

  They rode for a little while not saying anything until Treyson screamed "NO" and nudged Midnight with his heel and urged him with his voice. The horse took off in a full run as Treyson kept repeating "No”. He brought Midnight to a stop in front of the hotel his wife had booked for him, which was now just hot ashes and rubble. He slid to the ground, his mind racing, "what am I going to do? I can't believe I left it here, I should have taken it with me." He fell to his knees, "I'm sorry honey, and I know I promised to keep it with me." He thought about searching the rubble to find the stuffed bear, it's a part of his wife he would have like to hold onto, but he would have to wait till for daylight. In his mind he thought if he had it there would be a chance she would still be alive.

  "Kenny" a shout came from behind them, causing Treyson to stand and look. An older man who stood in the doorway of the pub where he ate breakfast his first day here, shouted again, "Kenny, its Uncle Craig!"

  Kenny's eyes lit up as he jumped from Midnight and ran to his uncles arms making Treyson smile. After dismounting he removed the saddle, reins and saddle bags which he threw over his shoulder, then patting Midnight on the side he told him to go and run free. He walked towards the pub tired from the day and the thought of seeing people alive gave him hope.


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