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Only One Bed: A Steamy Romance Anthology Vol 1 (Romancing The Trope)

Page 18

by Lucy Eden

  Ness grimaced and briefly clenched her jaw. She needed to be a voice of responsibility. They had a job to do, dammit, and here her colleague was nude and dripping with water. Jesus Christ, she looked amazing... “What exactly are you doing? I thought you were playing solitaire or something.”

  Bree swiveled around in the water and smirked. “It’s cold inside. I was trying to relax and have a good time. You should try it sometime.” She drifted over, propping her forearms on the tub’s edge. Water dripped down the sides. “That scowl you always seem to have might just dissolve.” She flicked a little water at her.

  Ness rolled her eyes, even if her stomach dropped at the teasing insult. She’d become a hard ass since the breakup with her ex; she knew it. “Or you could try not being so damn carefree for once. A foreign concept, I know.”

  “Oh, she has some bite.” Bree motioned to one of the patio chairs, the look of amusement still on her pretty face.

  Ness wanted to take her by the throat and kiss it off her.

  “Could you hand me that towel?”

  Bree’s request snapped Ness back to reality. She grabbed the towel and flung it over to her coworker. Ness thanked every god in existence that Bree faced away when she stood. But that didn’t stop the heat rising to Ness’s cheeks as she watched the water slither its way down Bree’s spine and over her plump ass. Her own nipples hardened.

  She looked down out of respect. Yeah, respect. That’s it. It wasn’t that she wanted Bree more than anyone or that she had turned down dates with others because she couldn’t get Bree out of her mind. She downed the thickness in her throat. Her mind was the only place she’d get to be with her. She knew that. It was too messy otherwise.

  Bree snickered. “Are you blushing?”

  When Ness looked up, Bree was covered. Thank God. But the corner of her mouth was pulled up. “We should wrap things up here and then head back into town.”

  Bree stepped out of the tub. “I thought we were allowed to stay. It’s why I took a dip.”

  “We are, but it turns out there’s only one bedroom.” Ness sighed, the wind picking up and blowing her hair across her face. Luckily, it blocked the view of Bree’s muscular thighs. “The B&B back in town would be better. I left something there, anyway.”

  “Whatever you say.” She shrugged. “Doesn’t really matter to me where I sleep. I’m not fussy.” She squeezed the water out of her hair. “Let me get dressed and warm back up some, and then we can head out. There’s gotta be a hair dryer somewhere in there.”

  The wind was howling when they stepped back outside an hour later, bags over their shoulders. Ness just blinked. This had to be some sort of cosmic joke, right?

  “Did you not even bother to check the weather?” Bree asked from beside her.

  “You could have.” She snapped her head to her. “I don’t always have to think of everything.”

  Bree let out a laugh. “Well, there is no way in hell we’ll get the car down the mountain in this. Visibility is only going to get shittier.” She shrugged. “We’re stuck for the night—if not longer.”

  Reality sank in for Ness. This cabin only had one bedroom, and that meant … only one bed. And by the sound of it, Bree didn’t seem bothered at all with that scenario. Everything rolled off her with such ease. That had always made her so damn attractive and so irritating. Relaxed was not an emotional state Ness was good at. There was always a mix of envy and appreciation for Bree’s personality prickling at her.

  She looked away from her colleague, her fingers busying themselves on her necklace. Back and forth, she dragged the pendant. No no no no. This couldn’t happen. She couldn’t trust herself in such a romantic setting with Bree. What if she leaned in to kiss her without thinking? What if she accidentally rolled over in the middle of the night, and they woke up … spooning? That would be mortifying. Ugh.

  Her head spun. Her heart raced. This was so not ideal. It was a nightmare. Her palms started to feel clammy despite the cold, dry air. Things were not supposed to turn out this way. She really didn’t want to be placed in a situation that tested her. She wasn’t even sure she had sound judgment in relationships anymore.

  “But aren’t you a survivalist or something, too?” Desperate wasn’t an apt enough word for how much she wanted to leave. “We’ll be fine with you driving.” My God, this woman was going to give her a panic attack.

  “Are you honestly suggesting we risk our lives just to escape a perfectly cozy and free cabin?” Incredulity hung from Bree’s every feature. “Rule one of survivalism: don’t put yourself in unnecessary conditions.”

  Wind kicked up again, pushing Ness toward Bree. Even through the growing blizzard whipping around them like a snow globe, Ness caught something melt in Bree’s cocky expression. Her pulse spiked again. What was it just now that Bree saw that made her soften? Was she looking too longingly at her? Oh God. Did she know? Am I being that obvious? Her thoughts weren’t giving her a moment’s rest, flying from one worry to the next.

  “Let’s get you back inside,” Bree added. “I’ll make a fire.”

  Moments later, Ness sat on a chaise lounge, watching as Bree stacked firewood and stoked the kindling so they’d be more comfy. Warmth unfurled in Ness’s belly at that. When was the last time someone had taken care of her? After Anthony, the only way she’d been able to survive was to bury herself in her work. Achievement became her life’s blood. It had also given her tunnel vision and no room for anything else.

  But, she’d discovered, it all felt empty without someone to share it with. She wanted to come home to someone, to talk about their day, laugh, and make dinner together. To cuddle on the sofa and end up making out like teenagers who couldn’t keep their hands off each other. If she ever let herself relax for long, the yearning for companionship gnawed at her. It’s why she couldn’t trust herself here with Bree. The skin hunger was overwhelming sometimes. Staying busy at least numbed the pain.

  She glanced around the room to distract herself. The couch looked about as comfortable as an episode of Mad Men. Buyers and patrons ate up mid-century modern, but no one truly wanted to sleep on it. Ness thought about her plush sectional, loaded with pillows, back at home and groaned.

  “I’m making the fire as fast as I can, woman,” Bree retorted.

  “No, sorry. That wasn’t about you.” She sighed. “Just thinking about things back home.” Her racing thoughts had become much quieter inside, away from the growing storm. They were still there but without the urgent panic attached. She hoped Bree wouldn’t think less of her for witnessing the façade crack a little.

  Bree shoved some lit kindling under the logs and watched as the fire slowly began to spread before turning her attention to Ness. “Look, I’m sorry about teasing you earlier.” Bree tilted her head to the side, looking every bit the adorable puppy. If adorable puppies were also devastatingly gorgeous and could kill a man with their thighs alone.

  Ness shivered with arousal at the thought of Bree’s thighs. I bet they feel amazing. She’d seen what Bree could do. The way she wrapped those legs around the neck of someone twice her size and twirled his body to the ground like a rag doll. She’d owned him, making him tap out. Ness had to slip between the sheets and handle herself after the first day they’d met at the ring. Bree’s biceps had gleamed with sweat as she’d pushed some fallen hair off her equally drenched brow and beamed at Ness with the most gorgeous smile she’d ever seen.

  The woman was a femme’s wet dream come to life. Hiring her had probably been a mistake since Ness had been unable to think of anyone else since then. She longed to run her nails down those muscular legs, kissing her way back up before her face disappeared between them. Her mouth watered. Bree looked like a woman who should be worshipped, and Ness craved the honor.

  “It just seems like cutting loose would be good for you, ya know,” Bree continued, completely unaware of where Ness’s mind was. “When was the last time you had fun? Really had fun.”

  Bree’s tone was cha
llenging, but soft. It wasn’t a question meant to provoke her but guide her. And yet anxiety bubbled up, nonetheless.

  Ness chewed her lip, her stomach twisting a little. “Why does it matter so much to you?” Was she a fixer? Or was she actually interested in Ness’s well-being? Thoughts swirled as she tried to find some sort of stability among them. And did that mean as a friend or more? Dating women was always so confusing, and she loathed getting her hopes up. What if she made a move and looked like a fool because Bree wasn’t interested? She’d been there before. Been ridiculed when she’d hit on a straight woman by accident and was met with laughter and derision. The woman had made her feel like some sort of creep simply because she’d asked her out.

  Her fingers twitched for something to fidget with, finding rest on her pendant once more. She rubbed the silver circle between her fingers. She bought this necklace to remind herself how strong she was. Touching it felt like the north star realigning her to what she wanted out of life.

  “I hate seeing a beautiful woman waste away with workaholism and sadness. So, sue me.” Bree chuckled, then grabbed a throw and placed it over Ness’s lap. Her expression brightening as something caught her eye. “Ooh, is that a wet bar?”

  Bree was already bounding over to it before Ness could truly raise any objections.

  “We probably sho—”

  “Hey,” Bree cut her off. “I read the client brief. We’re allowed back here. So, relax. Let’s let loose a little, huh? There’s a storm raging outside.” Popping behind the bar, she observed the goods and grabbed a few bottles. “What’s your poison, babe?”

  Ness hated how much she enjoyed hearing that pet name from Bree’s enticing lips. And being told what to do had a surprising effect on her body and soul. A weird sort of peace washed over her, almost as if she’d needed permission to exist outside of work, to let go every now and then. What real harm could it do? If one night of relaxation messed up her plans, then maybe they weren’t so meaningful, anyway.

  Her racing thoughts quelled some. And maybe it felt a little kinky to have a sexy woman order her around. Yeah. She definitely needed a drink now. Her body was buzzing.

  “Um, a Sazerac sounds good.”

  “Aren’t we fancy?” Bree winked then busied herself.

  There was something wholly erotic about watching Bree mix cocktails. The way she commanded the bottles. Confidence oozed from every pore on that woman. Ness sighed softly, wondering what it would be like to be held down and made to come, over and over by her. She squeezed her thighs together and looked away.

  Puppies. Kitten. Office supplies. Come on. Think of something else.

  But her line of vision went straight back to Bree, pulled to her no matter what she tried to do.

  “Here you go.” Bree offered the drink and sat adjacent with her own. “Decided to have the same. Try a little class on for size.”

  “Thanks.” Ness swirled her drink and then sniffed it, ignoring the fact that she was now highly aware of Bree’s perfume, as well. Musk. Maybe now a touch of woodsmoke from the fire, too. It’d kept her throbbing the entire trip up. She sighed inaudibly into her glass.

  Minutes of quiet fell between them as they nursed their cocktails. The snow churned outside the large windows. Nothing about time seemed real. It felt slower, as if they existed outside of it. Ness’s skin grew warmer with every sip.

  “So, what were you thinking about earlier?” asked Bree, breaking the silence.

  “Oh God, nothing of importance.” She chuckled and rubbed the pads of her fingertips against the glass. “Just about how uncomfy the sofa in here looked.”

  Bree raised a brow and smiled. “That’s the sort of thing that runs through your mind? You must be real fun on a date.”

  “Shut up.” She grabbed a cushion and whacked Bree with it, laughing. The teasing was growing on her. It felt a bit like foreplay. Or maybe she just wanted it to be foreplay. So much for putting her mind on something else. Maybe she could just blame the alcohol and her low tolerance?

  “I like it when you’re happy. You light up.” Her hand slipped over Ness’s knee. “You really are beautiful, Vanessa.”

  Their eyes met. The fire cast a suffused, heated glow on Bree’s face. Rational thought left Ness’s mind. Her body suddenly felt awake and buzzed. It felt like a million butterflies had just taken up residence in her chest. The air between them felt electric, charged.

  She leaned in, closing the space between them and grazed her lips against Bree’s. Mouths parted. Bree’s soft, warm tongue slid against Ness’s own, and her body shivered then relaxed. They yielded to one another like past lovers. Nothing in the world soothed Ness as much as kissing did. It was her favorite thing. Intimate, sexy, and connecting all in one. And Bree’s kiss was as sexy as the woman herself.

  But she needed to be closer. Needed Bree’s scent all over her. Needed to feel the full warmth of her body. In that moment, she wanted nothing more than to belong to this woman. To be hers and hers alone.

  Bree left her seat and ended up kneeling between Ness’s thighs, her head raised for now but the delicious promise she could dip down at any moment implicit. Pillowy lips still devoured one another. Noses grazed. Fire rose in Ness’s belly, and she moaned into the other woman. Objections to the fact they worked together were set aflame and destroyed. Bree’s hands squeezed her thighs. Ness wanted them all over her body. Wanted to grind against them. Wanted to feel them inside her body. Goosebumps broke out over her skin. Her nipples beaded.

  Suddenly, the kiss ended.

  The world felt dizzy and jarring. Her pulse threaded in her ears.

  “You coming to bed?” Bree asked as she stood and gazed down with hooded eyes. Her tongue trailed over her lips, taking in the taste of Ness left behind.

  Ness swallowed, her body still humming. Had that really just happened? “I think… I’ll sleep out here.” She disliked how breathy she sounded now the spell was a little broken.

  “You know it’s much easier for me to keep one fire going all night than two. Especially, when they’re on two different floors.”

  Ness chewed the inside of her cheek, not entirely sure that wasn’t a euphemism. “There’s only one bed, though.”

  “Are you serious?” She shook her head. “I don’t bite, Ness.”

  No. Please don’t. Now, I’m thinking of you biting me. Why are you like this? A whine almost escaped her lips. “I just want to make sure you’re comfortable. I tend to hog the covers, and we’re practically strangers.”

  “I want you to be comfortable, too. Now, get your ass in the bed.”

  Ness surprised by how that order made her cunt jolt. She wasn’t entirely sure what Bree was unknowingly—knowingly?—doing to her, but she was beginning to like it. Her shame for wanting her colleague had blossomed into a full-blown and delicious arousal over the course of the evening. She let out a soft, shuddering sigh. Stop being so afraid. Just go upstairs with her.

  “And you think after that kiss we’re still strangers?” Bree held a hand to her own chest. “If I wasn’t so confident, I’d be wounded.” Amusement danced across her face, and she held out her hand. “Come on.”

  Ness slowly reached out, her fingers lacing with Bree’s. She felt like safety. The other woman gently pulled her closer until their bodies were mere inches apart. Ness’s heart thumped. Whoever would’ve imagined they’d be here?

  “And yes.” Bree stroked Ness’s cheek. “Exactly, what you’re thinking is going to happen.” Her breath was hot against Ness’s skin.

  Ness looked into her eyes and swallowed, her position as boss all but forgotten. “But…”

  “Shh. Let me take care of you, baby.” Bree’s pupils were blown wide. She looked needy, hungry, and animalistic. Without a doubt, she knew what she was doing. Everything about her body spoke of assurance and command.

  There was a rasp to Bree’s voice that made Ness ache even more. This was everything she wanted right now. She nodded her consent. Bree led her upstairs
. She turned on a lamp, casting the room in a dim light, then sat on the bed and crossed her legs.

  “Why don’t you take your clothes off for me, sweetie?”

  Ness gave a nervous scoff. Was this woman somehow dialed into how much Ness wanted her to take control? She rubbed her arm, loving and hating the attention.

  “Come on. Don’t be shy.” Bree leaned back on her elbows, ready to watch like some reigning queen. “I want to see you.”

  Working up the courage to meet Bree’s gaze, Ness slowly unbuttoned her blouse. She placed it on the bed. Bree brought it to her nose, inhaling Ness’s scent.

  “Keep going.”

  Socks followed boots, then the scraping sound of her zipper filled the silence between them. Jeans pooled at her feet. This is happening. This is actually happening.

  “Look how beautiful you are.” Bree marveled at her from the bed, then stood.

  Her fingers drifted along Ness’s arms and across her belly. The tender touch made Ness aware of everything. Chills broke out over her skin. Bree leaned in, gliding along her neck and trailing sweet kisses with occasional gentle nips.

  “I said I wanted to see you. That meant all of you.” She unsnapped her lover’s bra and let it drape to the floor.

  Ness shivered, the fabric of Bree’s top scraping against her hardened nipples.

  “Lay back for me.” Bree looked her over like she was prey as soon as she laid down.

  A lovely concoction of embarrassment and arousal washed over Ness. She loved being appraised, funnily enough. Loved being taken in, like something special and beautiful, something valuable. She couldn’t recall the last time someone gazed at her that way. It melted any ounce of remaining resistance. She was in this now, fully. Once she was resting comfortably, Bree rolled Ness’s leggings and panties off. They joined her bra on the floor.

  “For a mouthy brat, I like how easily you obey.” Bree smirked and kissed her way up her lover’s legs.

  A laugh escaped Ness’s throat but quickly turned into a whimper when Bree nipped at her inner thigh. “You’re driving me fucking crazy, you know that?”


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