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Enchanting Sebastian

Page 7

by Kristen Proby

  I thought for sure it would take a while to build back up, especially after two orgasms.

  I was wrong.

  “Good girl.” He begins moving faster, much harder. “You amaze me. I can’t keep my hands off of you.”

  “Good. Don’t keep them off me.” I grip his ass, urging him to go harder. Deeper.

  To my delight, he falls over the edge into his own orgasm, his eyes pinned to mine as he goes.


  It’s been a solid week of being in the palace. And by that, I mean I’ve literally not left the palace grounds since the day Sebastian and I walked in a week ago.

  There hasn’t been time to breathe, much less get out to see London.

  I’ve spent my days with Mary, learning everything from family history to how to behave in public. I’m not allowed to kiss Sebastian. I am allowed to hold his hand. I must sit with my ankles crossed, never my knees.

  The way I speak, the way I must school my face, everything is given as a rule.

  It’s fascinating and disconcerting all at the same time.

  When I’m not training with Mary, I’m with a seamstress who is literally building a wardrobe around my body. I mean, I knew that they wouldn’t buy my clothes off a rack, but I had no idea that the garments would be made especially for me.

  The clothes are beautiful. And for the most part, the staff is kind. I see the side-eye that some of them give me, and I’m sure they talk amongst themselves, but they’re discreet and smart enough to know that they’d better not get caught.

  I’ve barely seen Sebastian this week. We spend breakfast together each morning, but then he’s gone all day. I see him at dinner, and we spend each night together, having the craziest sex of my life.

  It’s not so bad. I just wish I had more time with him during the day. I like Mary very much, but it’s not the same.

  There’s a knock on the door to the apartment, and I answer it to find Nick, my new personal security guard, standing on the other side.

  “Your presence has been requested at afternoon tea with the queen and Princess Eleanor,” he says formally.

  “Oh, thank you. I’ll be ready in a moment.”

  I need to change into a suitable dress for afternoon tea with the royal women. I still can’t help but ponder why on Earth I need a personal bodyguard.

  I haven’t left the palace in a week.

  It’s not like I need to be escorted here and there.

  But I don’t question much. If the royal family wants to pay some poor guy to follow me around with no danger in sight, so be it.

  Once I’ve changed and quickly brushed my hair, I join Nick in the hallway.

  “I’m ready.”

  He nods once and then leads the way to the room I was in when I first met Sebastian’s family. But rather than a whole audience, today it’s just Her Majesty and Eleanor.

  “Hello, Nina,” the queen says. I offer her a curtsy.

  “Your Majesty. Your Highness.”

  “Please, have a seat.” The queen gestures to the chair beside Eleanor. “Thank you for joining us.”

  “Thank you for inviting me.”

  A servant pours my tea, adding sugar and milk just the way I like it. It’s amazing to me how fast the staff has learned my likes and dislikes.

  It’s as if they’re all robots and they’ve been programmed.

  I’ve only spent two dinners with the family since that first introduction. And I’ve quickly learned that just because we all live in the same giant building, it doesn’t mean we see much of each other.

  “How are you settling in?” Eleanor asks, nibbling on a finger sandwich.

  “Nicely, I think.” I sip my tea. “It’s been a busy week.”

  “It’s about to get busier,” the queen says with a kind smile. “We have some wedding plans to make. I’ve already spoken with the event planner, and preparations are underway, but there are many things that, as a bride, you need to be involved with.”

  I stare at her, suddenly terrified. I know that nearly every girl in the world has planned her wedding from the time she was roughly six.

  But not me.

  Because I never thought to get married.

  “You look like you’ve seen a ghost,” Eleanor says with a laugh. “This is the fun part. You get to choose flowers and colors and your dress.”

  “Oh, boy.”

  “I didn’t mean to overwhelm you,” the queen says, narrowing her eyes. “Aren’t you excited about your wedding?”

  Not in the least.

  “Of course,” I assure them both. “Of course, I am. It’s just a lot to take in. Everyone has already been so kind and accommodating. It’s more than I expected.”

  “You’re marrying a prince,” Eleanor reminds me. “It’s definitely a lot to take in. Catherine felt the same way when she married Frederick, and they had a seven-month engagement.”

  “We’re here to help,” the queen says kindly. “We enjoy this sort of thing very much.”

  “Thank you. Truly.”

  I sigh and take another sip of tea.

  “Nina, I don’t mean this to sound unkind, but you look quite exhausted.”

  “I am,” I admit. “It’s been such a busy week that I haven’t even left the palace since I arrived.”

  “You need a break,” Eleanor says with a nod.

  “Why don’t you two go to the spa?” the queen asks. “I’m quite sure the Ritz can take you for a few hours. Have some champagne, get pampered a bit. Relax.”

  “Oh, that sounds lovely,” Eleanor says, turning to me. “Nina?”

  “Yes, please. That does sound lovely.”

  “Wonderful. I’ll arrange it right now.” The queen signals her assistant, who immediately pulls a cell phone out of her bag and starts making calls.

  “They can see you in forty-five minutes,” she says.

  “Lovely,” the queen replies with a smile. “Have a wonderful time, girls.”


  “Good God, I needed that.” I clink my glass to Ellie’s and smile over at her. Now that we’ve been naked together and are a little buzzed, she insisted that we cut the formalities.

  “Me, too. I have to go to Scotland tomorrow on official business, and this is a great way to charge my batteries before the trip.”

  “I have to plan a wedding.” I stare down into my glass. “I don’t know what to choose.”

  “Anything you choose will be lovely,” Ellie says with a smile. “And we have event people to help steer you in the right direction.”

  I glance over as Nick and Philip, Ellie’s bodyguard, talk amongst themselves.

  “Do you ever get used to having security with you all the time?”

  “I don’t know.” She sips her bubbly. “I’ve always had it. And can I just say, that new guy? Nick? He’s so handsome.”

  I look at the man again and shrug. He’s no Sebastian.

  “I’ll give you that. Tall, dark, and handsome with a strong chin is never a horrible combination.”

  “I wouldn’t mind having him guard my body,” she says, making us both giggle.

  “I think this champagne is going to my head.”

  “That and the incredible massage and facials,” she agrees. “But so worth it.”

  I nod. These few hours were nice, but I’m ready to get back to Sebastian, to tell him all about my afternoon.

  We finish our drinks and then walk into the locker room where we change back into our dresses. Soon, we’re whisked back to the palace.

  “Thanks for going with me,” I say to Ellie as I give her a hug just inside the palace doors. “I had a great time.”

  “Me, too. We’ll do it again.” She smiles brightly before stumbling off toward her own living quarters. I walk in the opposite direction, to Sebastian’s apartment. I’m nearly there when my heel catches on the rug, and I pitch forward. Nick catches me just before I fall on my face.

  “Easy there,” he says.

  I laugh and brace my hand on
his chest as I right myself.

  “Thanks. I guess you’re good for something, after all.”

  He smiles, just as the door of the apartment opens and Sebastian walks out of it.

  “What in the hell is going on?”

  Chapter Seven


  I NEVER UNDERSTOOD the term seeing red until this moment.

  Nick has his arms around Nina, and she’s smiling up at him as if they’re sharing an intimate joke between lovers.

  And that is not okay.

  “Sir,” Nick says, clearing his throat. “I just stopped her from falling.”

  “I don’t know why I’m such a klutz. Thanks, Nick.” She walks to me, smiling happily. “Hey there, handsome prince.”

  “That’ll be all,” I say to Nick, dismissing him and leading Nina into my flat, closing the door behind us. When we’re alone, I turn to her, anger and other emotions I’m not comfortable labeling coursing through me. “What the hell was that all about?”

  She sits on the couch and frowns up at me. “What?”

  “That.” I gesture to the hallway. “You and Nick in a bloody embrace.”

  She blinks slowly as if she’s trying to understand what I’m saying.

  “Am I speaking English? Because I can use a different language if you’re more comfortable.”

  “Don’t speak to me like that,” she says softly. “You may be royalty, but you don’t get to belittle me. Today or any day.”

  “I apologize.”

  “I had too much champagne.” She rubs her temple. “And a fabulous massage. So I was clumsy, and Nick caught me before I plowed face-first into that five-hundred-year-old table and took my teeth out.”

  I cross my arms over my chest, watching her quietly. I was going out of my mind not able to find her. I didn’t know where she went.

  Only to find her in the arms of her bodyguard.

  “You look mad.”

  “Frustrated,” I reply. “Where were you?”

  “I went to the spa with Ellie.” I raise a brow at the use of my sister’s nickname. Only those closest to her get to call her that. “And we had a blissful few hours that didn’t include being here in the palace.”

  “Do you hate it here?”

  “No, of course not. But I haven’t left in a week, Sebastian. I just needed a break.”

  Of course. I’m a bloody idiot.

  “And your mother, who I think likes me by the way, suggested that Ellie and I go to the spa. It was really nice.”

  “I’m glad.” I sit across from her and drag my hand down my face. “I’m sorry for behaving like a buffoon.”

  “A buffoon?” She grins. “You say the funniest things.”

  “You are a bit pissed, aren’t you?”

  She nods and bites her lip, then crosses over to me and climbs into my lap.

  I wrap my arms around her and bury my face into her neck. “I couldn’t find you. I came back here to have dinner with you, and you weren’t here.”

  “I’m sorry.” She brushes her fingers through my hair, and I’m immediately calmer.

  “Why didn’t you answer your mobile?”

  “I turned it off three days ago.”

  “What? Why?”

  She sighs and lays her head on my shoulder. “Because I used to be Christian’s publicist. Which means most media outlets have my number.”

  “Fuck.” I kiss her head. “You’re being bombarded.”

  “Pretty much. So, I check it once a day to message Christian and make sure my mom’s okay, and then I turn it off again. Christian has Mary’s number if there’s an emergency.”

  “I’m so sorry, darling. We can change your number.”

  “I know, and I will. But I’ve had enough going on. It’s really not that big of a deal.”

  She burrows deeper against me. She insists that she doesn’t like to be touched, but we’ve touched constantly this past week when we’re together.

  I don’t want to point it out. I’m afraid she’ll stop.

  I enjoy her.

  “I have a surprise for you tomorrow.”

  Her head comes up with that announcement. “Really? What?”

  “If I tell you, it’s not a surprise.”

  “I hate surprises.” She kisses my chin. “Please, tell me.”

  “We’re going away for a couple of days. You need a change of scenery, and I need to catch my breath. I’ve been buried in work this past week.”

  “Is everything okay?” She cups my face, and I turn my head to kiss her palm.

  “It is. Let’s just get away together for a little while.”

  “That sounds nice.”


  “This is your idea of a cottage?”

  We’re standing beside the car, looking at our country home. It’s a tall, stone building that’s stood through many wars.

  It’s my favorite place.

  “This is actually Craigowan Lodge,” I reply with a smile. “It’s much smaller than a castle.”

  “Yes. It’s tiny.” Her voice is as dry as the Sahara Desert, which only makes me laugh.

  “Trust me, compared to the castle about a mile away, this is small. It only has seven bedrooms.”

  “How ever shall we survive?” she asks, batting her eyelashes.

  We spend the morning getting settled. The building may be five hundred years old, but it’s been updated to be modern, with all of the comforts a royal family could want.

  “Let’s go ride the horses,” I suggest, leaning my shoulder on the doorjamb as I watch her brush her hair. She whisks it up into a ponytail and turns to me with pleading eyes.

  “Please tell me I can wear pants for this. I will not get on a horse in a skirt.”

  “Of course, you can.” I kiss her nose and then pat her bottom. “Hurry and change. I’m anxious to get outside.”

  “Right behind you,” she assures me as I leave the room and head down to the kitchen, where the cook is putting together a basket that smells delicious.

  “I’ve made you plenty to keep your bellies full,” he assures me. “It’s good to see you, sir.”

  “And you.” I shake his hand and thank him for the food. “We’ll be back in time for dinner.”

  “Excellent. I’m making lamb.”

  “I can’t wait.”

  Nina hurries down to join me, and we walk out to the stable where Charles and Nick are already preparing the horses.

  “You’re ready,” Charles says. “Nick and I will be behind you, should anything happen.”

  “Nothing’s going to happen,” I reply. “We’re in the country, and no one knows we’re here.”

  “We’ll be with you all the same, sir,” Charles replies. He’s still angry about Montana and won’t let me out of his sight.

  It’s bloody annoying.

  I help Nina up into her saddle, and then I mount my own horse. We set off, trotting through the trees and pastures.

  “This area is beautiful,” Nina says. “How old is Craigowan Lodge?”

  “Are you sure you want this history lesson?”

  “Absolutely. Show me how smart you are.” She winks at me, and I make a mental note to spank her perky arse later.

  “That particular building has been in existence since approximately sixteen-fifty.”

  Her eyes round as she looks over to me. “Wow.”

  “Darling, we have castles more than nine hundred years old.”

  “Wow again.”

  “We’ll ride past some ruins today that go back to the thirteen-hundreds. Monarchs such as King Robert II of Scotland used this area as a hunting lodge.”

  “That’s incredible. We don’t have anything this old in the States. Not really. Our history just doesn’t go back that far.”

  “I could bore you for weeks with the history I know about this area. It always fascinated me. I loved coming here in the summer with my family. We ran around these woods like wild children, getting dirty and truly playing. We had to be much more c
ivilized at the palace in London.”

  “At least you got to play,” she says. “And what a beautiful area to spend time in.”

  “It’s still used as a vacation house, and guests stay here, as well. Some of the Russian monarchy spend time here.”


  “They’re all related,” I say with a shrug.

  “Even the Russians?”

  “A hundred years ago, the Russian czar married a German princess. And he was a cousin of King George.”

  “I had no idea,” she breathes. “You can give me history lessons anytime you want. It’s fascinating.”

  “Be careful what you wish for.” I lead us to a clearing with a massive and ancient tree that offers some shade. “Let’s stop here, let the horses rest, and eat a bite, shall we?”

  “We shall.” She grins and slides off her horse.

  “You know how to ride.”

  “I do,” she agrees. “My mom set Christian and me up with lessons outside of L.A. when we were kids. I think it was her way of getting rid of us for a week in the summer.”

  “Do you like to ride?”

  “I could take it or leave it. Tomorrow, when my ass and thighs are sore, I’ll want to leave it. But I do like seeing places like these that I wouldn’t be able to get to otherwise, so I’m happy to be doing this with you today. The fresh air is nice.”

  “I’m sorry you’ve been so cooped up at the palace this past week.” I spread the blanket out and set the basket of food in the middle of it. Charles and Nick are eating their own lunch, far enough away that we can’t hear what they’re talking about.

  I’m glad. I want this time with Nina, away from my family and security. It’s like we’re back in our bubble again.

  “I really can’t complain, Sebastian. It’s not like I’m being held in a dungeon. I have a beautiful apartment, in the most luxurious private home in the world.”

  “Still, I know you’re used to doing as you please, and this is an adjustment.”

  “For both of us. This hasn’t been easy on you, either.”

  I want to pull her to me and kiss the hell out of her. I love that she sees this, knows me well enough in such a short time to know that I haven’t had a great week either.

  But I pass her the lunch the cook prepared, and we eat in companionable silence, listening to the birds.


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