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Enchanting Sebastian

Page 12

by Kristen Proby

  “Your father has a romantic side,” I say as Sebastian pulls me to him and sways to the music. “And he loves you very much.”

  “Everyone is sentimental today,” he replies softly. “Weddings do that to us, don’t they?”

  “I suppose.”

  “How do you feel, wife?”

  “Hmm…my feet hurt.”

  “You’ve been dancing quite a lot. With everyone but me.”

  “Don’t be sad. You can dance with me whenever you want.”

  He grins and leans in to whisper into my ear, “I plan to do more than just dance with you very soon.”

  “Really? What sort of things do you have in mind?”

  “Well, I’ll peel this gorgeous dress off your delectable little body, and then—”

  “We’re heading out,” Grace says as she throws her arms around us both. “We’re tired, and we have to go back to the baby tomorrow morning. But it was the best wedding I’ve ever been to in my life.”

  Our sexy talk over for now, Sebastian and I make our rounds through the room, saying goodbye to our guests.

  Everyone from Cunningham Falls is headed home tomorrow.

  And we are going on our honeymoon.

  I can’t freaking wait.


  “I finally have you all to myself,” Sebastian growls as he closes the door of our apartment and follows me into the bedroom.

  I kick off my shoes and sigh when I see my first wedding dress hanging beautifully in the bedroom.

  “I don’t know what I’ll do with this.”

  “It’ll most likely be donated to a museum,” Sebastian says, reaching for the pins holding my hair in place. He plucks them out one by one. “Don’t worry about it, someone will take care of it.”

  “That’s crazy to me. It’s all crazy.”

  I turn and find him unbuttoning his shirt, then sliding it down his arms.

  “You look like a normal man to me. You’re sexy and handsome. Your smile could stop a heart at a hundred paces.”

  “Darling, have you been drinking?”

  I laugh and step to him, dragging my fingertips over the rigid muscles of his abs.

  “Not a drop. I can’t stomach it yet.” I lean in and kiss him, right over his heart. “I’m just saying, I’m glad you look normal, that you act normal with me.”

  “There’s no other way to be.”

  He reaches behind me, and slowly—so slowly it makes me hold my breath—lowers the zipper on the back of my dress. When the spaghetti straps slide down my arms and the dress pools at my feet, Sebastian’s eyes rake up and down my body.

  I’m not wearing a bra. There wasn’t any way to wear it without it showing through the fabric. I am wearing the tiniest flesh-colored thong, though.

  “Jesus, Mary, and Joseph,” he mutters, scooping me up, his arm under my ass as he holds me level with his face. “Blimey. We may miss our flight in the morning. I won’t be able to let you get out of our bed.”

  “I’m going to Aruba. Even if I have to go naked.”

  He grins and carries me to the bathroom, rather than the bed.

  “Uh, Your Royal Highness, the bed is that way.”

  “I want you in the bath,” he says simply, nipping at my lower lip. “And then the bed.”

  “I guess I’m dirty.”

  “Filthy.” His grin is naughty as he sets me on my feet. “Let’s get you cleaned up.”

  “Yes, let’s do that.”


  “I didn’t realize we had to take care of this before we could catch our flight,” I say the next morning over breakfast in the courtyard. “Do you have to be here for it?”

  “Absolutely,” Sebastian says grimly. “The people will want to hear from me, and it’s important that they know I haven’t deserted them, that I’ve just decided to take a different role.”

  “When do we go?”

  He checks the time. “Less than an hour.”

  He takes a deep breath and blows it out slowly. I’ve never seen him nervous before. Not even yesterday at the wedding.

  “You know, I’ve wanted this to happen for as long as I can remember. When I was young, I remember watching Frederick and thinking he would be an excellent king. I didn’t understand why it was up to me to fill those shoes. I love my country, but I don’t want to reign as king.”

  “But now?” I ask, leaning in to listen. I reach over to take his hand and squeeze it in support.

  “It’s bittersweet. It’s a relief, and maybe a little sad at the same time. Does that make sense?”

  “You sound human to me,” I reply and cross to him, straddling his lap. I cup his face with my hands and kiss him soundly. “You’ve got this, babe. I’ll be right there with you. Your family supports you. The people will feel that, and it’ll all be okay.”

  His arms tighten around me, and he buries his face in my neck.

  “Did you just call me babe?”

  “It felt like the right moment for a term of endearment. But if I did it wrong, feel free to say so.”

  “It was quite nice, actually.” He kisses my jaw.

  Don’t look now, Nina, but you might be falling in love with your husband.

  That thought scares me more than anything. More than standing in front of all of those people yesterday to exchange vows.

  Even more than spiders, and trust me when I say, they scare the bejeezus out of me.

  But he needs me today, and I did take vows to be by his side, supporting him through anything that may come our way.

  Looks like that starts today.

  “I’d better go get dressed.”

  I move to slip off of his lap, but his hands tighten on my hips, keeping me exactly where I am.

  “Not so fast.”

  He boosts me onto the table, spreads my robe open, and leans over to tug my nipple between his lips.

  “I’m quite naked here on the table, Sebastian.”

  “I see.” He kisses down my stomach. “I do enjoy it when you’re naked, you know.”

  “Hmm.” I lean back on my elbows as he licks me, just over my clit. “It’s convenient for moments like this.”

  He surprises me by standing, pushing his lounge pants down his hips, and slipping into me. His motions are quick, jerky.


  Without words, he makes love to me on the table. It’s not comfortable, but it’s hotter than hell.

  He slides a hand under my ass to tilt my pelvis up just a bit, changing the angle, and I lose my ever-loving mind.

  “Oh, my God.”

  “That’s it, love.” He bites my neck, then soothes the spot with his tongue. “Go over, Nina. Let go.”

  I can’t resist him. I couldn’t if I wanted to.

  And I don’t.

  As I shiver, my pussy contracts around him, and he moans with his own climax.

  When my mind clears, I realize that I’m sitting on his breakfast plate.

  “I hope you were done eating.”

  He laughs, breathing hard, and kisses me loudly on the mouth. “Let’s get ready for this news conference so we can leave on our honeymoon. What do you say?”

  “I say ‘hell, yes.’”

  He helps me off the table and peels the plate from my backside.

  “I might need another shower,” I say. “Do I have time for that?”

  “If you shower, I shower, and we definitely don’t have time for that.”

  I laugh. “I’m not allowed to shower alone?”

  “We’re newlyweds.” He frowns as if I’ve just hurt his feelings and bruised his ego. “It’s a law that we have sex in every place possible.”

  “I want to see the law in writing.”

  He smiles now. “Come on. We’ll make time for a shower.”

  “Oh, no. You’re not going to be late because of me.”

  “They can’t start without me.” He shrugs and drags me into the bathroom. “So a shower it is.”

  “I shouldn’t have said anything.” />
  “Come on, dirty lady,” he says with a smile. “You can wash my back.”

  Chapter Fourteen


  “HIS MAJESTY WILL begin,” Sarah, the chief media executive for the palace says to Sebastian as he’s fitted for a microphone. “He’ll briefly introduce you, then will step back, and you’ll take the podium. We’ll have your entire family standing behind you, including your new wife so the people can see that you’re all together in this decision.”

  “Understood,” Sebastian replies. He hasn’t let go of my hand since we walked into the briefing room of the palace, where the rest of the family is already gathered.

  Despite no media, the room is still full of security and staff.

  The king and queen are talking with Frederick and Catherine. Ellie and Callum are eating pastries and laughing about something. No one looks sad or upset.

  “We didn’t invite the press,” she continues. “This is a televised announcement, nothing more. So you won’t have to take questions.”

  “There’s nothing to question,” Callum says as he joins us. “The decision’s been made, and that’s that. And if I might say, it’s the right one.”

  “Thank you,” Sebastian says and sighs when Sarah walks away. “We’re interrupting morning tele. That’ll piss some people off.”

  “It wouldn’t be a Monday morning if the royal family wasn’t pissing someone off,” Ellie says with a bright smile. She hugs me close. “How do you feel today?”

  “Fantastic, actually. I didn’t drink anything yesterday, so no hangover for me. I’m a little tired, but nothing I can’t handle. And you?”

  “The same.” She watches Sebastian with concerned blue eyes. “I’m a little worried about my brother.”

  “Don’t be,” Sebastian insists and tugs gently on her ear. “I’m just fine. And in roughly an hour when I’m in the air on the way to Aruba, I’ll be even better.”

  “We’re ready,” Sarah says, signaling to the cameraman. Nick and Charles stand in the corner, out of the range of the cameras. Harrison is talking with them about something.

  I wonder how excited they are to be going to Aruba.

  The king takes his place behind the podium with Sebastian standing just to his right and slightly behind him. The rest of us gather behind them, visible to the cameras. We all have pleasant smiles on our faces. Not too bright, but we also don’t look mournful.

  No one has died.

  “And we’re live in three, two…” She mouths “one” and points at His Majesty.

  “Good morning,” the king begins. I can’t see his handsome face, but his body language is relaxed, and his voice is strong but calm. “We’ve interrupted your morning to make an announcement. As you know, my eldest son, Prince Sebastian, married Princess Nina yesterday. We are delighted to welcome her to the royal family.

  “However, in light of her country of birth, marrying her means that Sebastian is no longer eligible to take his place as king in my absence.

  “Sebastian has made the decision to abdicate his position as the next in line for the throne, passing that role on to my second son, Frederick.”

  The king takes a breath, and I notice Sarah’s phone light up, going crazy, I’m sure, with requests for interviews with the royal family.

  As a publicist, I can just picture the storm this will create.

  “I would like to make it clear,” the king continues, “that my son Sebastian is not being thrown out of England. He will retain all of his titles and his place in the royal family.

  “And now, I believe my son would like to make a formal statement.”

  The king turns to Sebastian and shakes his hand, claps his shoulder, and then they exchange places with Sebastian stepping up to the podium.

  “Good morning,” Sebastian begins. He may be nervous, but he’s hard as stone. There’s no tremor in his voice. No hesitation. “This decision was not an easy one for me. I would like to assure you that I’m not deserting my country or the people here that I love so dearly. There will be no change in my work, my duties, or my dedication to serving Great Britain to the best of my abilities.

  “I’m certain that my brother Frederick will make a wonderful king when it’s time for him to do so. I have every confidence that both my father and my brother’s reigns will be ones our people will be proud of for many years to come.

  “Thank you for all of the love and support you showed to my wife and me yesterday.”

  Sebastian turns to me and holds out his hand for mine. I take it and step to him. He smiles at me, then turns back to the camera.

  “We had an absolutely splendid day, and part of the reason for that is because we were able to share it with you. As always, the people of our country make me proud. I’m blessed to be your prince, to be a part of the royal family. I am deeply grateful for your support and love.”

  He nods, Sarah signals for the cameras to stop, and we all sag a little in relief.

  “It’s done,” Sebastian says.

  “Do you have to sign papers or anything?” I ask.

  “We did that last week,” he replies. “We knew we would be busy directly following the wedding.”

  “Have a great honeymoon,” Frederick says, shaking Sebastian’s hand. He leans in to kiss my cheek. “Take care of him. He acts like this was no big deal, but it’s all show.”

  “I will,” I promise. Catherine, Callum, and Ellie each take their turns saying goodbye. Finally, we’re left with just Sebastian’s parents.

  “I’m proud of you,” the king says. From the look on Sebastian’s face, I’d say he’s surprised by his father’s words.

  “You are?”

  “You’re standing up for what you want, for what you believe in. Your speech was eloquent and kind. You would have made an excellent king, but I understand how you feel. Have a good trip. Keep in touch.”

  The king hugs Sebastian—hugs him!—and then leaves, blinking away emotional tears that he tries to hide.

  “Well, that’s a first,” the queen says as she pulls Sebastian in for a hug. “Your father isn’t one for emotional displays.”

  “I know.”

  “He loves you.” She pats Sebastian’s cheek. “As do I. Have a lovely time on your trip.”

  After all of the goodbyes, Sebastian and I slowly walk back to our apartment, Nick and Charles following a discreet distance behind us.

  “If you’re not ready to go, we can wait a day or two,” I offer.

  “I’m ready,” he says. “We’ve been through the stress, now let’s go enjoy some relaxation, shall we?”

  “Yes.” It sounds like heaven. “We shall.”


  I was wrong. It hasn’t been heaven.

  It’s heaven times a million. It’s like if heaven married chocolate and wine and they had spa babies.

  It’s the best ever.

  And as far as wondering how Nick and Charles feel about spending time in Aruba? I wouldn’t know. Because in the twelve days we’ve been here, I haven’t seen them once, not since we got off the plane. Whatever they’re doing, they’re being incredibly discreet, giving Sebastian and me our privacy.

  It’s like we’re normal people. I didn’t realize until this trip how badly I needed that.

  “You look relaxed, darling.”

  I’m lying on the net thing that hangs over the water on the deck of our cottage. The whole building is built over the water. We can see fish in the bedroom. Fish in the living room. And out here, I can just lie right over the water.

  I never want to leave.

  “I’m just thinking.”

  “What are you thinking about?”

  “That we’re normal.”

  He cocks a brow as he climbs the ropes to lie next to me. “As opposed to abnormal?”

  “As opposed to royal people,” I clarify and close my eyes. On day two, Sebastian had the resort put a big umbrella over this spot so I could lie here as long as I want without being burned to a crisp.

>   My husband is thoughtful.

  “I hate to break it to you, but we are royal people.”

  “Not today,” I remind him. “And not since we’ve been here. I can be lazy. There’s no schedule. And I don’t have Nick following me like a stalker.”

  “It’s his job to follow you.”

  I turn my head to look at him and grin when I see his lips twitching.

  “It’s been nice, just being here with you and no one else.”

  “It’s a relief to hear you’d rather spend time with me rather than with Nick.”

  I frown. “Why would I want to spend time with Nick?”

  “I was convinced you two had a little thing going on when we first arrived at the palace.”

  His voice is calm and cool, as if we’re discussing the weather.

  “What?” I sit up and stare down at him. “Why in the hell would you think that?”

  “He was handsy,” he says simply as if that explains everything.

  “The man has touched me like three times.”

  “Exactly. He shouldn’t be touching you at all. I tried to get him reassigned, but Charles didn’t have enough men for it.”

  My mouth gapes. I can feel it. I just don’t know what to say.

  “You’re jealous.”

  “Oh, I was. Yes. Absolutely.”

  I lie back down. “Well, you didn’t need to be. Nick’s handsome and nice and has a good sense of humor—”

  Sebastian rolls over me, pinning me to the nets.

  “Don’t make me kill the man, darling.”

  I smile. “I wasn’t done. He’s all of those things, and he’ll be a good catch for someone, but I already caught a man. I’m off the market. I thought you heard.”

  “You’re clever, aren’t you?” He nips at my lips and settles between my legs.

  “This is a net, not a bed. You’re squishing me.”

  “If I were squishing you, you wouldn’t be able to talk.” He kisses my cheek and down to my neck. “I realized that Nick is also an asset to our security team. I trust that you’re safe in his care, and he stopped touching you.”


  He laughs now, an all-out guffaw that’s contagious. I laugh with him, not minding in the least that he really is smushing me down into the net.


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