Chasing Elizabeth
Page 28
Elizabeth’s heart was so full, she thought she would cry. “Why wait when we can go now? I would love to see my new home, to have you show me all the places you have described to me and others I have read about. And, please, let us bring Georgiana if she wishes to come. Do you not think she would love to hear why you have been away so long? You could reassure her that you intend to be more constant in her life.”
Fitzwilliam leaned forward, his forehead touching hers. “Every day I wake, I cannot imagine happiness greater than I feel at that moment. And yet, you always surprise me by proving it possible.”
“I am only returning the favor,” she teased.
Richard stood and bowed. “I believe I have my reply. Shall I tell my mother to prepare Georgiana for travel?”
“Please do. We will leave within the hour,” Fitzwilliam proclaimed.
While Elizabeth would have preferred not to share her husband with her new sister, if she could do it over again, she would have made the same suggestion. On the first day, Fitzwilliam and Georgiana’s conversation had been a trifle forced and awkward. So accustomed were they to communicating by letter or with the company of their aunt Matlock, they struggled on their own. But by the final day, their conversation flowed without any help from Elizabeth. They teased and laughed and cried, and by the time they reached Derbyshire, they were as close as any brother and sister who had never spent a day apart could be.
Today was their last day of travel, and their shortest. Fitzwilliam had insisted they stay at an inn a short distance from Pemberley the night before.
Georgiana gazed out of the window on her side of the carriage. “Switch sides with me,” she said to Elizabeth. “I do not want you to miss the prospect from the top of the hill.”
“Are we nearly there?” Elizabeth asked, clambering over Georgiana. Three days inside the enclosed conveyance, listening to stories that took place at Pemberley, had heightened her anticipation.
Georgiana smiled impishly but said no more.
Fitzwilliam merely smiled, but with the way his gaze fixed on the view through the window, Elizabeth suspected they were very near indeed.
The forest of trees cleared, and as beautiful and parklike as Pemberley was to see nestled in a valley surrounded by forests, gardens, and lakes, the happiness on her husband’s face was perfection.
The servants lined up to welcome their master and meet his bride. It would take Elizabeth a while to remember their names.
“I have your rooms ready and water heating for baths,” Mrs. Reynolds, the housekeeper, said.
A bath sounded divine!
Elizabeth went to follow her up the stairs, lured by the promise of a luxurious bath and the tour she planned Fitzwilliam would give her.
He caught her hand, and she looked back at him.
“We will join you in a minute,” he said.
With a sly smile at her brother, Georgiana headed up the stairs with Mrs. Reynolds.
“I have something to show you — something for you to remember Hertfordshire by.” Fitzwilliam tugged on her hand.
“We already plan to receive my family shortly. What more could I want that is not already here?” Elizabeth asked, her pulse racing in excitement.
Pemberley’s stables were nearly as large as Longbourn and every bit as stately. Had the aroma of hay and manure not identified the building, Elizabeth might have thought it the dowager house.
“Lady Darcy!” exclaimed a young voice from the side of the building.
Dropping his wheelbarrow to wave enthusiastically, Jim ran over to them. “Can you believe that Sir Fitzwilliam hired me on? Mr. Bingley took on another one of me brothers, and Joe is busier than ever at Lucas Lodge. Your mare didn’t like the bumpy roads one bit, but she settled in nicely when she saw her open stall. It’s much larger than the one at Netherfield Park.”
Elizabeth’s breath caught in her throat. Her mare. She looked at Fitzwilliam.
He held out his hand. “Come. I want to show you your wedding present.”
She had so much, she was speechless at the thought of more.
Jim pranced like a playful foal in front of them, stopping at the largest stall at the back of the stable. Plucking an apple from his pocket, he handed it to Elizabeth.
Tempest raised her head, objecting when Elizabeth wrapped her arms around Fitzwilliam rather than feeding her the sweet treat in her hand.
“She is perfect! Thank you! Oh, thank you!”
“I could saddle her for you in a jiffy, Lady Darcy,” Jim offered.
Elizabeth pulled away to look at Fitzwilliam. Arching an eyebrow, she asked, “What do you say, my love?”
The corner of his lip curled up and mischief glinted in his eyes. “I have envisioned many happy days chasing you all over the grounds of Pemberley.”
“A race? I accept,” she exclaimed, adding with an arched brow, “Do try to keep up.”
Fitzwilliam’s laugh echoed through the stables. “Pray tell me what my reward is to be if I catch you?”
“A well-deserved kiss, I should think,” Elizabeth said, rising to the tips of her toes to give him a taste of his prize.
Her husband’s hands circled around her waist, his sweet breath brushing over her skin, his soft lips teasing hers until her legs felt as wobbly as they had at the Derby.
The beloved mare, impatiently seeking her treat, nudged Elizabeth. Jim had already saddled her.
“I checked the girth just like you said to back at Netherfield Park, Lady Darcy,” he said with a toothy grin.
Holding the apple out on her palm, Elizabeth moved Tempest’s forelock over to rub the star underneath. “Thank you, Jim.”
Oakley joined them, leading the gorgeous gray thoroughbred.
Already, Elizabeth had a treasure trove of memories with Fitzwilliam — enough to cherish for a lifetime. But today … she would remember today forever. Marriage had not bridled or bound her at all. Fitzwilliam had caught her heart, but his love was so complete — so generous, honest, and accepting — he had given her a gift greater than her wildest imagining. He had given her freedom.
For that, she would give him a good chase. And then, at least for today, she would allow herself to be caught.
Can't get enough of Darcy and Elizabeth? Read on to find your next book!
Can curiosity and crimes lead a young lady to the altar? Join Elizabeth Bennet as she finds out!
Read all the standalone books in the Mysteries & Matrimony series here!
Follow Fitzwilliam Darcy as he overcomes various challenging roles on his path to love.
Read all the standalone books in the Dimensions of Darcy series here!
Darcy and Elizabeth form a formidable investigative team as they work together to bring enemies to justice and forge unbreakable bonds with their newfound family.
One-click the complete Meryton Mystery series here!
A hidden letter that rocks the Darcy cousins' world. Will it ultimately lead them to their own happily-ever-afters?
One-click the complete Darcy Cousins series here!
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About the Author
When Jennifer isn't busy dreaming up new adventures for her favorite characters, she is learning Sign language, reading, baking (Cake is her one weakness!), or chasing her twins around the park (because … cake).
She believes in happy endings, sweet romance, and plenty of mystery. She also believes there's enough angst on the news, so she keeps her stories light-hearted and full of hope.
; While she claims Oregon as her home, she currently lives high in the Andes Mountains of Ecuador with her husband and two kids.
Other Books by Jennifer Joy
Single Titles
Earning Darcy’s Trust
Love Never Fails
Win, Lose, or Darcy
Sweet Contemporary Romance
Written in the Stars: Starlight Terrace Proposals #1