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Skies of Fyir Box Set

Page 16

by Gabriela Voelske

  "Yes?" Nathaniel queried, seeing the dubious intent in Kaiser's eyes. Kaiser stood up, making the King put his hands on the hilts of his blades. They stood staring at one another, waiting for the other to strike.

  The air remained tense, until Kaiser seized the opportunity, swinging one of his massive arms at Nathaniel. Nathaniel leapt out of the way, well aware that a single hit could prove fatal. Kaiser threw several successive attacks, all falling short of the faster, smaller demon. He swapped to a hunched shape, leaning his weight on his arms to reduce the distance between him and the ground.

  Nathaniel used the opportunity to shred Kaiser's tough skin, creating splits along the smooth, purple surface. He was having issues creating anything greater than superficial wounds, scowling at the great demon.

  Kaiser rocketed forward, sending Nathaniel diving to the floor to dodge his crushing grasp. The second arm flew in to grab its prey, launching earth high into the air as the King barely got away. He growled at the agile King, swinging himself around to once again attempt an attack. The massive arms flew over Nathaniel's head as he rapidly ducked, emitting an aggressive crack as his hands collided with one another. Nathaniel decided to push his advantage while Kaiser recovered his balance from that last attack, aiming his blades at the softer skin near the demon's groin. The blades bit deep, and blood started to flow freely, dripping onto the ground below.

  "Bastard," Kaiser spat, trying to force Nathaniel out from under his legs. The King slipped out behind his back, keeping out of the range of his hands. He jumped up and lacerated Kaiser's legs once more, allowing himself to grin as the blood dripped down.

  Kaiser feigned a hit to his right, causing Nathaniel to go left. Seeing him take his bait, he spun around with all the speed he could muster and swung left, catching Nathaniel by surprise. The King tried desperately to get clear of the blow, but he failed. His body launched through the air and collided with the ground, but his sturdier constitution stopped the strike being immediately fatal.

  Nathaniel vomited blood, turning his head towards the north. He heaved himself up and went to run, intending to get back to Shadekeep. The demon collided with something as he tried though, although he couldn't immediately see what.

  "Well, this is convenient," Gabriel chuckled, having seen Kaiser's successful blow. The angel cocked his head and leapt up into the air with his mighty wings, driving his blade through Nathaniel's heart. Nathaniel staggered backwards, before falling over, his life extinguished. Kaiser warily eyed Gabriel, but the angel merely wiped the blood off his blade before stashing it. "I'm not here for you, don't worry. You had someone desperate to ensure your race was saved from your tyrant King, desperate enough to beg us for help."

  "And you were willing to help?"

  "Nathaniel was a problem for all of us," Gabriel reasoned with a shrug, placing his hand inside a pouch and throwing Kaiser a small object. He caught it and suddenly found light racing around his body, causing him to scowl at the betrayal. "It's a healing spell, relax."

  Kaiser saw the magic seal up the wounds, although the healing wasn't perfect due to the sheer size of his body. It did hide the wounds enough, however. "What are we going to do with the body?"

  "Leave that to me, I'd advise you to return and keep quiet; don't be the first one to mention Nathaniel's disappearance."

  Kaiser nodded, offering the angel a bow before departing back towards the keep, throwing one last glance.

  "Damn bastard's heavy," Gabriel murmured, seeing if he could manage to move him any. He decided to just grip onto the body, using a teleport talisman to take him back to Eriden.

  The massive demon strolled back to his room in the keep, trying to process what just happened. Nathaniel was finally dead, their problems were over. He felt like informing Dumon, but Gabriel's words rung true. Telling anyone would put them in danger, too. He let out a sigh of relief, deciding that sleep was the better option for now.

  Chapter 18: Hope

  Morning dawned, and Kaiser was woken by a frantic Sebastian, who was cradling a rather upset Ciel.

  "Rin's gone missing," he gasped, trying to soothe the dismayed child.

  "Are you sure she hasn't just walked off somewhere?" Kaiser queried, but Sebastian shook his head.

  "Ciel woke me up, crying about his hunger. Rin always feeds him before going anywhere, if she wasn't taking him with her."

  "Have you seen your father this morning?" Kaiser interjected.

  "No, no I haven't."

  "Is it possible they're together? For whatever reason." As Kaiser said that, it suddenly dawned on him what Nathaniel had been doing yesterday. Whether she was alive or not, he had no idea, but the situation had turned dire. "Why don't you use your position to launch a search? Let me look after Ciel for the day."

  "That's a good idea, thanks," Sebastian replied, allowing Kaiser to right himself before handing him Ciel. Kaiser cradled the tiny child in one of his hands, allowing Sebastian to leave the room first before following him out. He went in the direction of the dining hall, aiming to get the fussy child some food. The kitchen staff already had food prepared for him, intending to give it to the absent Rin. Kaiser passed it up to the hungry child, who cheerily accepted it. From there, he went down the corridor and on seeing he was alone, slipped into the healing chamber.

  Dumon nervously stared as the door opened, letting out a sigh of relief as he saw Kaiser enter. Kaiser placed Ciel down on a nearby bed, allowing him to continue eating his food while he talked to Dumon.

  "How is he?" Kaiser asked, gesturing to Amnur. The healer was confused how he knew that Amnur had been injured at all, but he found out somehow.

  "He'll live, but he's barely conscious right now," Dumon replied, staring at Kaiser. Something was off, but exactly what was vague. His skin just appeared wrong in a few places...

  "Nathaniel's dead," the giant demon spoke up in response to his examination. Dumon opened his mouth and pointed at him, to which Kaiser smiled.

  "That's the best news I've heard in many years; thank you, friend."

  "Just, keep it quiet. It's not public knowledge yet."

  "My lips are sealed," Dumon reassured him.

  "I better be heading off, I volunteered to watch Ciel for the day, and I'm still not sure what Sebastian thinks of Amnur after his father's little stunt."

  "Fair enough; keep him safe."

  Kaiser scooped the eager child back up, now that he had finished his breakfast. Dumon gestured for him to leave the bowl behind, he would clean that up later. He left the healing chamber and went to the botanical garden, sighing at the empty room. "What did he do to you, Rin?"


  A few days passed, but there was still no sign of Rin. Sebastian found himself juggling between caring for Ciel and his duties as a stand in King while Nathaniel's fate was unknown. Scouts had found blood outside and disturbed earth, but further digging found no evidence of a body to Kaiser's relief, considering it was his blood they were looking at. The apparent fate of Rin was taking an enormous toll on Sebastian. He tried to remain strong, but after the first day, he knew something was seriously wrong.

  Nathaniel's sudden disappearance this time spread rumours of hope, considering those inside the keep were entirely clueless as to his location. A further week went, and there was still no sign of the King, causing celebration within the villages of the Umbral Forest. The elation was aided by Dumon subtly informing Kyrith of the King's demise, although he refused to say who took him down, which Kyrith respected. They did not need to know who it was, considering the opinion on regicide. Nathaniel was dead, and that's all they cared for, now Sebastian just had to take over the throne for it to be official. A few people were wary about another member of Nathaniel's family taking the throne, but Sebastian appeared to be kind and willing, with the knowledge he needed to rule. An outsider would need teaching, with no promises that they would remain a fair ruler.

  Soon, Sebastian concluded that his father had died or otherwise, but either way he w
asn't coming back. He had enough enemies, it was likely one of those decided that he had done enough damage, or so he thought. Sebastian sat on the ornate throne, feeling the carvings lining the seat with his fingers as he sighed. The keep had been surprisingly busy today, with demons that he didn't usually see beginning to frequent it more and more. A knock on the main chamber door grabbed his attention before the doors dragged open. He had an audience, but for what purpose he did not know. Sebastian gestured for them to speak, allowing them to speak their mind before addressing them.

  They glanced between themselves and came to a swift agreement, taking a deep breath. Sebastian soon heard morbid details of his father's reign, enough to turn his stomach. The demons weren't done; they had other information to tell, from imaginary angels to very real angels. Once they were done, Sebastian sat in silence, mulling over all the information he had been told.

  "I never realised he was so cruel," Sebastian replied, staring in shame at the throne he was sat upon. "Is it too late to undo the damage?"

  "Physically, perhaps not. Emotionally, you could salvage something," one of the demons responded. "The scars run deep, but our people will welcome your support."

  "I'll do my best."

  "Your majesty," the demon smiled, offering a bow. He gestured to the others, and they did the same, before exiting the chamber in silence.

  Sebastian debated where to start first; there were many avenues he had been given to follow, far too many to do in a single day. He decided to sort out the interior affairs first, just in case there was anyone who may choose to try and dispose of him now Nathaniel was gone. The first place he started was the barracks, and the mess he found took him by surprise. Demons were squabbling angrily with one another, some with blades drawn.

  "What's going on here?" Sebastian demanded, attracting all of the eyes to focus on him.

  "Is it true that Nathaniel is gone?" one of the crowd spoke up, although he could not see who.

  "Yes, the crown now falls to me."

  Whispers spread around the group, although another sound drew his attention; the sound of blades sliding out of their sheaths. He started to turn when he saw a demon lunge at him, only for their attack to fail as another leapt to protect him. His protector swiftly snapped with his blades, dropping his attacker where he stood. Sebastian stared at the scene, seeing the remaining demon stand up straight and sheath his weapons, taking off his helmet and giving the new King a respectful bow.

  "My apologies Sire, Nathaniel had a few loyal supporters," Iomor explained, gesturing to the body that now lay on the ground. "That was the army captain, former army captain I suppose I should say. He evidently felt his position would be threatened with you at the helm."

  "My thanks; may I ask your name? I'm afraid I don't know it."

  "Iomor, Sire."

  "Is there anyone else I should be wary of?" Sebastian queried; Iomor turned back towards the crowd, and they became nervous, aware that he could condemn any of them to death.

  "Not enough to threaten your life, they're good soldiers that would support you greatly if you allowed them a comfortable living."

  "Very well; why don't you accompany me, Iomor?"

  The soldier respectfully allowed Sebastian to pass him to leave the barracks, turning one last gaze over to the gaggle of troops. They breathed a sigh of relief and quietened right down, now there was no one to agitate them.

  "Tell me Iomor, what are your talents?" Sebastian asked him as they walked around the keep, checking the state of the rooms and defences of the top floor.

  "I'm highly trained in many weapon types, and I've been studying strategy and information gathering, Sire," he replied, showing Sebastian how to evaluate the window shutters for any signs of damage or weakness. The new King was impressed by his knowledge, contemplating a use for him.

  They carried on the top floor until they reached the steps, proceeding down until they reached the ground floor. Iomor began to list the details about each room they passed, aiming to impress.

  "That's Amnur's room," Iomor spoke as they passed by the mage's room.

  "I know that one," Sebastian replied with a hint of anger in his voice. He knocked on the door and got no response, nor could he hear any sounds inside. "Not there, it would appear."

  "I could get someone to look for him if you wished."

  "No, it's fine."

  Sebastian gestured for them to continue so Iomor did, eventually winding up back at the ruling chamber. The new King paused outside, turning around to face Iomor. "Thank you for your time today, I'll be in touch."

  "My liege," Iomor replied with a bow. "A warning if I may. If you're going out into the forest, ensure that you're armed."

  "I will, thanks."

  The soldier left Sebastian to his thoughts, feeling confident that he had left a good impression.

  Sebastian reached down and touched the hilts of his blades, debating where to go next. The forest was a place that he needed to visit, there were the four main settlements along with their offshoots for him to contact and work with. His best bet for achieving anything there would be to contact Shae; perhaps a face to face encounter would prove his intentions best.

  He walked out outside, taking a deep breath as the welcoming expanse spread out in front of him. Shae's location was always an unknown, but he had some inclination as to where he could find her, or make his desire to meet with her known. His destination was set, heading towards Swynfield.

  The demon arrived at the village and proceeded to approach the closest hut, giving the door a short, sharp knock. A few moments had passed before he heard noises inside, resulting in the door being cracked open.

  "Can I help you?" Kyrith queried, not letting on that he already knew the purpose of Sebastian's trip.

  "Right house then, good. May I speak with your sister?"

  Kyrith paused for a second, before welcoming Sebastian inside. The King had to bend down to get through the door due to his tall figure, but he could freely stand up once inside. He was gestured to take a seat which he did, watching as Kyrith disappeared into another room. Shae emerged after a few minutes, her brother whispering a few things to her before leaving her alone with Sebastian.

  "Is what I hear true, about Nathaniel?" She spoke up first.

  "Missing; honestly I'd imagine dead, yes," Sebastian responded, spotting Shae let out a sneaky sigh of relief. "I've heard some things about his misdeeds, and I wish to set things right."

  "That's going to be a lot of work, but the fact you've come straight to me says good things," Shae paused, contemplating something. "Suppose I should be calling you your Majesty, right?"

  "Nah, it's fine. It's already starting to wear thin."

  Shae found herself smiling at his calm nature, although his appearance was unnerving her. He looked too much like his father. She managed to keep herself composed though, taking structured breaths to calm herself.

  "Aside from working with me to change things, there was something I wanted to run past you," Sebastian said, seeing Shae gesture him to continue. "I was considering appointing a second army commander, so I have someone I can work with inside the keep; you'll still be the main commander, I'm not going to take that from you."

  "That's actually ideal for me, your father left me wanting to stay away; I was actually considering asking you if I could retain my role while I lived in the outskirts and bolstered our defences. Thank you for asking first, though."

  "No problem, I'm sorry for everything my father did to you, I hope I can make some of it up," Sebastian apologised to her. Shae wished he knew the full truth, but it was not a fact she wanted the world to know. She just smiled in reply, which satisfied the King.

  "If you need anything, whether it be advice or relaying orders, get in touch. Nathaniel did have a communication orb for contacting me directly, so it's probably there somewhere if you look."

  "I will, thank you."

  Sebastian offered out his hand for a handshake, which Shae happily accepted.
He then took his leave, offering a final courtesy before exiting.


  Over the next few days, Sebastian continued to contact relevant individuals to discuss future matters, earning him the tentative support of the eastern half of the Central Isles. Unfortunately for him, he was not aware of what had befallen the western settlements. When he tried to contact them, they were cold to his effects to reconnect, with a demon called Crono cutting him off entirely. They cared little that Nathaniel had died and the fact that was the reason for the delay, Sebastian could still have acted on the day. He tried repeatedly, but all his efforts came to nought. Ashamed, he had to admit defeat on that front, hoping that one day the West would've recovered from the initial pain enough to recognise Nathaniel's misgivings weren't his fault also.

  To help him with internal affairs, he had offered the young soldier Iomor the position as interior army commander, as he had discussed with Shae. The demon was surprised by the offer but accepted it wholeheartedly. He had been running plans past Sebastian for the last day, suggesting improvements and other things for the King to consider. One thing Iomor had brought up was Amnur's fate, a topic that had yet to be decided. Some deep-rooted compassion had stopped him ordering his death outright, but the details surrounding his time at Shadekeep were too bloody to ignore. Previous experience showed that Amnur feared his father, but Rin never told him the full details, and her sudden disappeared seemed all too convenient for the mage. If Rin was covering for him for whatever reason, he wasn't going to find out why now.

  Sebastian sat on the throne, gazing up at the extensive set of silks, ivory and metal that hung from the ceiling. Nathaniel had lavished the ruling chamber with fineries during his time, fineries that his son cared little for. Iomor silently stood watching him, occasionally fiddling with his armour.

  "What would you suggest?" Sebastian sighed, stretching one arm over the side of the throne.

  "Regarding Amnur? Straight up killing him could illicit a reaction from any support he may have, but at the same time you should make an example out of him to state that you disapprove of those who supported your father's intentions," Iomor responded, keeping his stance neutral. The King signalled him to continue, so he took a sip of breath. "You could exile him; that basically tells him to go home to the South, where he's no longer your responsibility."


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