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Skies of Fyir Box Set

Page 46

by Gabriela Voelske

  Footsteps clapped as they sped towards her, reaching her side in a matter of seconds. The next thing she heard was a growl, followed by a resounding clank of metal. She saw Abel stood over her, panting. Her attacker was sprawled on the floor, blindsided by Abel's strength. Blades were drawn and the tall demon was on the receiving end of them. His growling punctuated the air, making the soldiers uneasy. The sharp tips pressed against his skin, blocking his access to Sakura. He glared at Sebastian, but he was doing nothing to call the guards off. Behind him, he could hear the armoured demon getting up, forcing him to take the only course of action that he could.

  Swords were flung into the sky, clattering to the ground a few feet away. Above Sakura now towered a beast with a black, scaled hide. The sunlight gleamed off his vicious claws. Saliva coated his massive, hooked teeth. Abel had reverted to his draconian form. He dipped his shoulder and urged Sakura to hop on. She didn't need the prompt, however. The demon hopped on and wrapped her legs around his neck, spurring him into action.

  Soldiers dived out the way as the hulk of a dragon charged, his head angled down to act as a battering ram. The chamber doors swung open as he collided with it, causing the demons in the corridor to panic. Their eyes darted between him and the final set of doors, noticing the chains that had been installed above. They took to the air as the dragon clattered over the slippery, stone flooring. Abel slammed into the door, causing Sakura to lurch forward. She regained her grip in time for him to try again, knocking the hefty doors wide.

  The dragon made a bid for freedom, but his front foot snagged. He tumbled forward, twisting the limb under his body. Caught by the sudden change in momentum, Sakura fell off Abel's neck and hooked her fingers into his lip to throw herself free. If he landed on her, he would break any bone he touched. Abel screamed and tried to get his foot free, but the limb would not budge. His claws raked gouges in the ground as he flailed, sending dirt skyward. Sakura tried to help, but Abel's position allowed him to see the approaching soldiers. He opened his mouth wide and grabbed Sakura, storing her between his teeth.

  Inside offered a poor view of the situation, along with the tight fit. His flexible neck pouch afforded her enough space, if she had to keep herself curled up. Abel was keeping his mouth shut, aside from a small air hole to keep her from suffocating. She could feel his tension and his fear as the dragon's tongue pressed against her. He began growling, and the thunderous sound echoed around the dark cavern. Soon, he shrieked, followed by a flinch. Regardless of what was going on outside, Sakura could tell that he had no intention to give her up.

  "Stop this right now!" Kaiser boomed. Abel stopped flinching but maintained the growl. "Get away from him."

  Sakura could tell Abel was still, believing Kaiser to be helping him. After a few moments, she felt that Abel was being hoisted. A chain jangled and then rattled to the floor, freeing his foot. He left out a soft whimper, followed by a whine as he stood up.

  "Why don't we sort this out peacefully? I can keep Sakura safe, and stop them from ganging up on you again," the old blood reasoned.

  "Kaiser's a good guy," Sakura reassured Abel, unsure how much he could hear from her.

  Abel stared at the demon. Seeing the conviction in his eyes, the dragon opened his mouth and plopped Sakura down in his open palm. She shook her head, getting used to the wash of brightness that followed. Down below she could see an irritated crowd of soldiers, with their frustrations growing when Sebastian backed Kaiser's statement. They stormed back into Shadekeep, leaving the King alone with the odd band outside.

  He glanced at Sakura, but his main interest was Abel. Sebastian stared into the dragon's ice white eyes, tilting his head up to maintain the gaze.

  "Iomor shouldn't have done what he did. I am not going to excuse his actions. I'm sorry," he said. Abel let out a chirp to thank him for the apology, making Sebastian bust out a nervous grin. The King lifted up one arm and hovered it in the air, unsure if Abel would permit the touch. He kept eye contact as the dragon turned his head from side to side, albeit with some difficulty.

  "Go on, just follow the pattern so you don't tug on the scales," Sakura remarked. Hearing her consent, Abel leaned forward. The smooth scales glided under Sebastian's fingers and he let out a laugh, thrilled by the sensation. As he continued to stroke the dragon's head, Abel wobbled. Sebastian looked down at his feet, seeing that he was trying to avoid placing weight on the injured one.

  "Let's get that seen to. Come on."

  Lopping one arm under the dragon's chin, Sebastian strolled back towards the castle, Abel in tow. Kaiser followed close behind, although, with Sebastian's enthralment with Abel, he knew him to be in no danger. Demons gawped at the sight as they passed. Dragons were a creature of the North, it wasn't something one expected to see in the Central Isles. His bulk eclipsed their strength, marking him as both a threat and a curiosity. The braver ones would sneak a touch as he passed, while the wary ones would pin themselves against the wall. Abel enjoyed the attention. For years he feared a negative reaction if this truth ever became known.

  Sebastian let go of Abel and pushed the healing chamber doors wide, ushering him inside. Dumon turned his attention from Solomon to the opening doors, and what stepped inside.

  "Whoa. Where'd you find him?" Dumon asked, “Or her. I'm not a dragon expert.”

  "He's my friend," Sakura said, peering out from Kaiser's hand. "I understand you've met him before, if briefly. Tall demon, white eyes, branched horns."

  "Ah yes. Explains his odd appearance."

  Solomon whispered something to Dumon, and the healer nodded. Dumon approached Abel while Solomon went over to Kaiser, intending to gain access to Sakura.

  "How long have you been awake? The last I checked you were still out of it," Kaiser asked as he sat down, placing his hand on the floor.

  "A few hours. Sakura knows a thing or two about magic and managed to wake him," Dumon replied, making a point to drop her name in with a positive light.

  Solomon offered Kaiser a smile, before crouching down to help Sakura. He could tell she had been injured, and now she was covered in slobber. The injury felt muted, so he set to sorting it out before it became angry once more. "Should I be worried about the saliva?"

  "Nah, it's harmless. If anything Dumon would be jealous of it, it both cleans and numbs," Sakura replied.

  "I might have to get me some of that," the healer commented, chuckling.

  Once Solomon was done, he flitted over to Abel. Dumon had coaxed him to roll over, to allow him to examine his foot. As the healer bent the foot forward, Abel began whimpering. It progressed to a whine as Dumon continued, and ended with a puff of air.

  "Abel's mostly noise, he won't hurt you. At least not while you're helping him," Sakura said. Abel stuck his tongue out in reply. "Also slobber, lots of slobber. He’s a giant scaly slobber monster."

  "Aren't dragons supposed to be majestic? Not slobbery," Sebastian said, speaking up for the first time.

  "Oh he's majestic, but he's also disgusting, for many reasons. He loves it though."

  Abel blew a raspberry, flicking spittle on to those who happened to be in front.

  "He can also talk, he's just being lazy."

  "Oi," he replied in a raspy version of the demonic tongue.

  As the conversation went on, Dumon and Solomon had managed to get a good look at Abel's painful foot. It wasn't broken, just sore, swollen and strained. Solomon put his effort into soothing the aching muscle, to allow him to walk without a problem. Once he was done, Dumon set about flexing the muscle. Abel wasn't reacting, so he assumed that the treatment had worked. The young mage then set out investigating as to why he could detect blood on the dragon's body. He came across small cuts, hidden under his scales. A simple hit of magic and they disappeared, leaving Abel in top shape once again.

  Abel noticed the reduction in pain and celebrated by licking the side of Dumon's face. Solomon too, didn't escape a lick. With everyone sorted, Dumon questioned a sheepish Sebastian
what happened. The King had to admit the argument and Iomor's actions.

  "While I can fault you for some things, the escalation wasn't your fault," Dumon told Sebastian. The King sighed. Sakura had noted that his behaviour was a far cry to how he was acting before, even when Dumon made a point to stress her name. Had seeing Abel made him reconsider Amnur's credibility? Or did he accept that perhaps he doesn't know everything? It was something to bring up with the healer. He would know how to approach Sebastian on the matter. She wanted to know how he would act around Abel without her present.

  "Dumon, you have a shower here right? I need to wash all of this off," Sakura asked. Dumon gestured to the door behind them, and she thanked him.

  "I'll get you something to wear, so long as you don't mind the fact you'll be wearing my clothes."

  "Probably the only stuff that fits me anyway."

  With Sakura out of earshot, Sebastian relaxed a tad. He studied Abel's claws and his muscle. The King contemplated something, throwing a glimpse towards Kaiser. "Say, Abel, how strong are you?"

  "Me? I've never fought against anyone to give you a measure," he replied, taking time to enunciate each word to ensure the rasp didn't consume words.

  "Do you think you could take down him?" Sebastian gestured to Kaiser, who chuckled at what was being suggested. The old blood cracked his knuckles and limbered up. Abel let out a quiet whimper.

  "I don't know, I don't want to hurt anyone."

  "No one said it had to be a fight," Kaiser stated, tapping his arm. "Come on, let's see if those sharp bits can pierce my skin."

  "If you insist..."

  Abel squared up to Kaiser, sitting up on his back legs. Face to face, the two behemoths came up about even on size. The dragon wiggled his claws, preparing himself to strike. He lurched forward, slashing the demon's skin. Kaiser examined his arm while Abel rebalanced himself, noticing the pattern of scrapes. A slight stinging pain greeted him, but there was no blood.

  "Not bad," Kaiser remarked, "now, let's see those teeth."

  Abel's lips parted, revealing the collection of hooked teeth that lined his mouth. He latched onto the demon's arm and yanked his head back, using all the strength he could muster. The old blood could feel the tips burrow into his skin, so he lifted his arm up. His immense strength allowed him to lift Abel into the air, but the dragon continued to grip. He shook his arm, but Abel persisted. After a while, he had to let go in order to breathe. This time his action had left a pattern of bruised holes, but Kaiser felt no pain courtesy of the dragon's saliva.

  "You've got some grip, I don't think I would've shifted you without resorting to violence."

  Abel chirped, eager to receive the old blood’s praise and acceptance. He checked his side to ensure it was clear and then rolled over onto his back, showing Kaiser his belly. The giant demon laughed and reached down, giving the scales a soft scratch. Sebastian decided to join in, tickling the dragon. His back leg twitched in reply.

  "He's showing you submission, I can tell you that one," Dumon said, giving Abel a scratch under the chin. A high pitched chirp emanated from his throat as the healer continued, digging his fingers into his smaller scales. "You like that, don't you?"

  Meanwhile, Solomon had sorted out Kaiser's injury. He glanced at the door that leads to Dumon's private chambers and mentioned that Sakura may have finished up. Dumon finished tickling Abel and excused himself, leaving the group alone for a moment. He opened his drawers and selected some lesser worn clothes, plopping them down in a pile on the bed. With a pair of scissors in hand, he singled out the shirt and cut two big slits in the back. Being wingless, he had no need for the standard features of demon attire. Sakura did, though.

  The healer knocked on the door, hearing the silence from the other room. Sakura opened the door, wrapped in a towel. "Sorry for the delay, Abel's been amusing us. Here you go."

  "Mind tightening my bandages? They're awkward to put back on alone."

  She stood still while he examined her handiwork, tugging at a few spots to ensure the wound was covered. Overall, she had done well and Dumon praised her for it. He stood aside to allow her past, noting that Sakura had something to say.

  "How'd it go out there? For Abel to play up for you, he trusts Sebastian to some extent."

  "Sebastian did relax when you left, almost as if he expected you to tell him off."

  "A short, young girl is that frightening?" Sakura queried with a laugh.

  "People don't stand up to him as you do, but your father is the first issue that's required this level of stubbornness, so there's that."

  "He seemed different after seeing Abel, though. Any guesses as to why?"

  "If I had to take a guess, he sees Abel as pure, innocent perhaps. For someone like Abel to trust your father puts your statement about his past to show some truth," Dumon replied, letting out a sigh. "I can get a message to your father to try and stay his nerves, as I would imagine he's freaking out."

  "If you could do that, I'd be forever grateful. Amnur doesn't handle stress well at the best of times. Just one question, would it be a messenger?"

  "Yes, why?"

  "Any chance they could take him some food? That's why I came here, to steal food. The swamps are struggling and he's been starving himself to feed me."

  "I can ask, it's not a huge request."

  Sakura, now fully clothed, hugged Dumon. He returned the gesture and told her that it's good to have Amnur back, hiccups and all. It had been a long twenty-five years of worry. They stepped back into the healing chamber and were greeted by Abel, who had taken up guard outside the door. His tailed swished side to side in excitement.

  "No more slobber for tonight, you," Sakura told him and he whined. The noise was broken up by the loud rumble that echoed out of his stomach, causing her to laugh. "Time for you to change back."

  Abel did as suggested, resuming his well-known demon form. Sebastian decided that this was the optimal time to take his leave, now that his dragon side was gone. Kaiser too took his leave.

  "It might be cute to stroke a dragon, but it's weird to stroke a demon," Sakura remarked as they left, shaking her head. "Let's get you some munchies, I've got some in my bag."

  She strolled over and began to empty the bag, placing the wooden box to one side with care. As she took out the leather wraps for Abel, he picked up the box and gave it a sniff. Sakura passed the dried pieces of meat to him one by one, allowing him to keep some attention on the unknown box. With one hand, he slipped the cover off and lifted out a ring. He recognised the insignia. His eyes darted to Sakura, then to the food, and then back to Sakura.

  "Yeah, I know. I didn't expect it to still exist either," she said, unwrapping a second parcel and handing the pieces over. Dumon gazed at the ring, listening to her words.

  "Is that that what I think it is?" he queried, taking the other ring from the box. Amnur had not given details of what his parents’ jewellery looked like, but he had mentioned rings and necklaces. The fact it had been shoved in a box and discarded told him that these were the items, though. Sakura saw his interest and smiled.

  "That it is. Dad will be happy to see these."

  "So Nathaniel did take them. Ugh, bastard. The loss of his parents scarred him something awful."

  "It's not something he likes to talk about, even now."

  Abel sighed and plopped the ring back in the box. He then leant forward and lifted up Sakura, holding her in a loose embrace. She tapped his arms and reassured him, knowing that the talk had unsettled him.

  "Why don't you settle down for the night? I'll sort everything out," Dumon said. The healer replaced the other ring and shut the box up, placing it back in Sakura's bag. He then slung the bag over his shoulder, before grabbing the pillow and plumping it up. Abel hoisted the blanket up and rolled underneath, pressing Sakura's wings against his chest. His half dragon side made for a good source of heat, so it wasn't an arrangement that she protested. It made her feel safe, something she appreciated.

r 5: A Stranger in the Swamp

  A bizarre commotion lured Amnur to Linlake, having overheard it while out hunting. He had been spending a lot of time outside the last few days, trying to build up his strength, and his nerve. With Abel there, he hoped that Sakura was safe, even if they were unable to return. Still, it tore him apart.

  Raised voices told him of an argument, an aggressive one at that. He knew the loudest voice to be Crono, for him to be so volatile said nothing good. The trees began to thin in front of him, and he saw the one thing he didn't expect: an angel. It was no wonder the demons were so agitated.

  "What's going on here?" Amnur asked in the common tongue, entering the fray. The angel regarded him and let out a sigh of relief.

  "I'm here for you, actually," he replied, "an old friend asked me to send a message."

  Amnur knew who he meant. Dumon. For him to send an angel was dubious, but he trusted his choice. He turned to the gathered crowd, a hint of fire in his eyes.

  "All of you, leave us, this does not regard you," the mage demanded, his voice stern. The majority did not need to hear more and filtered out, trusting Amnur's ability to deal with a threat and knowing his anger if they disobeyed. Crono, however, did not. He squared up to Amnur, cracking his knuckles.

  "Angels are not welcome here, now or ever. Get out before I grind your bones to dust," Crono bellowed, but the angel appeared unfazed. Amnur growled and tensed his hands.

  "This isn't about you and your grudges, this is about Sakura, my daughter. If you dare interfere, then you will pay."

  The air remained static until Crono decided it best to back down. He walked away, leaving Amnur alone with the angel.

  "They don't mess with you then," he commented, staring at Crono. "The name's Sariel."

  "What's your message?"

  "Straight to the point, I can work with that. Dumon wanted you to know that your daughter and her friend are safe, he's making sure of that."


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