Book Read Free

Sin Bin

Page 23

by Maureen Smith

  Meadow could feel her face light up. “You mean you work in the field? You’re not just a hobbyist?”

  His eyes twinkled. “Not that there’s anything wrong with being a hobbyist—”

  “Of course not.”

  “—but, yes, I do this for a living. I teach physics and astronomy at the University of Denver.”

  Meadow just about swooned. “A physics and astronomy professor,” she breathed appreciatively. “That’s so wonderful.”

  He grinned, enjoying her obvious delight. “So you’re an amateur astronomer, huh?”

  “I am,” she said with a beaming smile. “Stargazing has always been a passion of mine. I attended astronomy summer camp as a kid and minored in astronomy in college. But, alas, my passion for helping others overrode my fascination with the solar system.”

  Ephraim grinned. “Smart, beautiful and compassionate?” He whistled softly. “Be still my heart.”

  She smiled and fluttered her lashes, making him laugh. He had a pleasant laugh. She wondered how he felt about adopting.

  “Are you a member of the astronomical society?” she asked him.

  “A proud longtime member.” He hesitated. “When I was talking to Helen, she mentioned that you came here tonight with Logan Brassard.”

  Meadow’s good mood popped like a pricked bubble.

  Ephraim chuckled dryly. “That guy works fast. Didn’t you say you just moved here?”

  “I did. He’s an old friend of mine.” Meadow sighed. “If you want his autograph—”

  “I don’t.” Ephraim smirked. “Contrary to popular belief, not everyone in this town enjoys watching grown men chase a rubber disc around a big sheet of ice.”

  Meadow bristled at the condescending remark. “It takes a lot of talent, skill and athleticism to play hockey. It’s not as easy as you make it sound.”

  Ephraim regarded her with mild amusement. “I seem to have touched a nerve.”

  She just looked at him.

  He shook his head, seemingly disappointed. “Even back in high school, the brainy girls always had a thing for the jocks. They just couldn’t resist a bad boy with muscles.” The words held a trace of bitterness that made her wonder if some douchebag had stolen his secret crush.

  “I assure you,” she said evenly, “I’ve never had a thing for jocks. But I admire and respect how hard they work to compete and excel in their sport. You’d have to be a hater not to give them at least a modicum of credit.”

  “Touché.” Ephraim had the grace to look slightly ashamed. “I didn’t mean to offend you or insult your friend. Let’s start over.” He reached out and shook her hand. “Hi, my name is Ephraim. It’s a biblical name but I’m not a saint. I’ve been called arrogant and elitist, and sometimes I get so flustered in the presence of beautiful women that I insert my foot in my mouth. Things can get even more dicey if I suspect that her IQ is in the same stratosphere as mine. Nothing unravels me more than a woman whose beauty is matched by her brilliance.”

  Meadow giggled, charmed by his endearing honesty. “Well, that was quite an apology.”

  His eyes twinkled. “Do you accept it?”

  “How could I not?”

  He grinned, pulling out his phone. “Now that I’ve gotten back into your good graces, may I have your number?”

  She smiled. “I suppose that would be okay.”

  No sooner had he programmed her number than Logan appeared, eating from a plate of food. “Hey, babe, you gotta try one of these mac and cheese muffins. They’re absolutely delicious.”

  “Not right n—” She was mid-refusal when he stuffed the small appetizer into her mouth.

  He watched her lips as she chewed, the heat of his stare scorching her insides. “Good, right?”

  She nodded and swallowed. “Logan, I’d like you to meet—”

  “You’ve got a little cheese right there.” Lifting her chin with his hand, he used his thumb to wipe the dot of cheese from the corner of her mouth.

  She stared up at him, her breath stuck in her lungs. “Did you get it?”

  “I did.” He licked his thumb slowly, his eyes never leaving hers. “Delicious.”

  Ephraim loudly cleared his throat.

  Logan turned as if he’d just noticed him standing there. “Oh hey, man.” He licked the rest of his fingers and then thrust his hand out. “Nice to meet you.”

  Ephraim stared down at his hand as if it were a biohazardous specimen in a petri dish. Which had clearly been Logan’s intent, judging by his devilishly amused chuckle as he withdrew his hand and cheerfully popped a crab ball into his mouth. He towered over Ephraim by at least seven inches and was sixty-plus pounds heavier, all of it solid muscle.

  Meadow suddenly felt flustered and off balance. “Logan, this is Ephraim Fleming—”

  “Dr. Ephraim Fleming,” he corrected with a smile. “I have a Ph.D.”

  “Right. Of course.” She smiled before continuing the introduction. “Dr. Fleming teaches physics and astronomy at the University of Denver.”

  “Yeah? Cool.” Logan couldn’t have looked more disinterested as he ate another crab ball and grinned at Meadow. “They’re bringing out dessert soon. If they don’t have anything chocolate, I’m rioting.”

  She laughed. “I’ll be right there with you.” When Ephraim raised an eyebrow, she explained to him, “We’re both serious chocoholics.”

  “I see.” Ephraim gave Logan an insinuating smirk. “It’s clear that one of you definitely enjoys chocolate.”

  A slow grin stretched across Logan’s face.

  Meadow bit her lip self-consciously. “Well, um—”

  Logan playfully bumped her with his shoulder. “Speaking of chocolate, where’s the chocolate cake you were supposed to bring me from your going-away party? Did you think I would forget?”

  “I knew you wouldn’t,” she said with a chuckle. “I meant to give it to you yesterday but I totally forgot. It’s in the kitchen. Remind me to grab it for you when you drop me off. Don’t forget.”

  “Oh, I won’t. My mouth’s been watering for some of that chocolate. I bet it’s real sweet and moist,” he added with a suggestive wink.

  Her cheeks flamed. She shot him a reproachful look before her gaze darted back to Ephraim.

  He was frowning, his eyes narrowed with displeasure behind his glasses.

  “Yoo-hoo! Logan!” a tinkling feminine voice called from across the room.

  Logan glanced over his shoulder to see a group of women beaming and waving phones at him.

  “Can we get a picture with you?” they cooed.

  “Uh, sure. Be there in a sec.” He handed off his empty plate to a passing server and grabbed Meadow’s hand. “C’mon, gorgeous. You can get in the picture, too.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous,” she snapped, pulling free of his grasp. “They don’t want me. They want you.”

  He shot her a frustrated look and frowned at Ephraim. He seemed reluctant to leave them alone.

  She shooed him with her fingers. “Don’t keep your adoring fans waiting.”

  He clenched his jaw before turning on his heel and stalking off.

  She turned back to Ephraim with an apologetic smile. “Sorry about that. I don’t know why he’s acting so—”

  “Possessive?” Ephraim looked torn between amusement and suspicion. “Are you sure there’s nothing going on between you two?”

  “Positive,” she assured him. “We’re just friends.”

  Ephraim snorted. “I don’t think he got the memo.”

  She frowned.

  After an awkward pause, Ephraim thankfully changed the subject. “So tell me more about the work you do. Who’s your new employer?”

  She barely had a chance to answer before Logan returned, earning an annoyed look from Ephraim.

  He pretended not to notice. “So what’d I miss?”

  Meadow narrowed her eyes at him. Why was he being such a cock-blocker?

  Ephraim deliberately ignored him and smiled at Mead
ow. “Have you seen—”

  “Got any hand sanitizer?” Logan interrupted, staring at Meadow. “They had some over at the refreshment table but they ran out.”

  She gave him a death glare as she reached into her satin clutch, pulled out a small tube of hand sanitizer and slapped it into his palm.

  He grinned at her. “Gracias.”

  She turned back to Ephraim with a sweetly inquisitive smile. “What were you about to ask me?”

  He was frowning irritably as he watched Logan slather antibacterial sanitizer all over his big hands.

  Meadow tapped his shoulder. “Ephraim?”

  He pulled his glare from Logan to give her a charming smile. “Have you seen the famous telescope?”

  “Not yet,” she said.

  “No time like the present.” He held out his arm to her.

  “Actually,” Logan interjected tersely, “she was gonna see it with me.”

  A hot flush of embarrassment invaded Meadow’s face. As Ephraim’s lips thinned, she shot Logan a look that demanded, What is your problem?

  He scowled and shoved the hand sanitizer back into her clutch. If she didn’t know better, she would think he was jealous. But it couldn’t be that. He was a manwhore, and manwhores didn’t get jealous.

  Ephraim, to his credit, wasn’t backing down. “I’m a longtime member of the astronomical society. I’m perfectly capable of taking Meadow up to see the telescope—”

  “I’m sure you are,” Logan growled. “But she came here with me, not you. So—”

  Meadow had had enough. “You know what? Just forget it!”

  Logan turned his frown on her. “But you wanted to see—”

  “I’ll come back another time.” Without you, her glare told him.

  Ephraim touched her arm. “The next Public Night is in two weeks. We can go together, have ourselves a romantic date under the stars.”

  “I’d like that.” She gave him her best flirty smile. “You have my number. Call me.”

  “I certainly will,” he promised.

  Logan clenched his jaw, looking none too pleased.

  Meadow grabbed him by the upper arm and bit out, “Let’s go.”

  She fumed all the way back to the parking lot. As soon as they were inside the car, she burst out furiously, “What the hell was that?”

  Logan scowled. “What was what?”

  “That…that pissing contest! You totally embarrassed me, Logan!”

  “Aw, who cares? That guy was an asshole.”

  “The only one who behaved like an asshole is you!”

  Logan started the car, the roar of the engine matching his black scowl. Instead of backing out of the space, he sat there with his hands draped over the steering wheel, glaring out the window.

  “So I was right about your type.”

  Meadow narrowed her eyes at him. “What?”

  “Ephraim,” he grumbled darkly. “He’s the type of guy you like.”

  “So what?” she challenged hotly. “There’s nothing wrong with him. He’s nice and smart and attractive. Plus we have a lot in common.” She paused. “If we ever got married—”

  “Married?” Logan gave her a disbelieving look. “You just met the guy!”

  “I know that,” she snapped.

  “So why the hell are you already talking about marriage?”

  “He’s an astronomer,” she said with a forced shrug. “Since I didn’t become an astronomer, marrying one would be the next best thing.”

  Logan snorted harshly. “You really need to get out more.”

  “And you need to get out of my business!” she fired back.

  He scowled thunderously, turned up the volume on the stereo and roared out of the parking lot.

  Fuming, Meadow crossed her arms over her chest and glared out her window.

  They didn’t talk the whole ride back to her aunt’s house. The music was so loud, they probably wouldn’t have heard each other, anyway.

  Logan swerved into the driveway behind her aunt’s car, threw the gearshift into park and killed the engine.

  When Meadow reached out to grab the door handle, he put his hand on her arm to stop her. She hated the way her skin burned and her pulse raced at his touch.

  “Wait. Don’t go.”

  She yanked her arm away. “Goodnight, Logan.”

  “Can we just talk for a minute?”

  She glared at him. “I think we’ve both said enough for tonight.”

  He blew out a frustrated breath, unsnapping his seat belt. “Look, I’m sorry for arguing with you.”

  “Whatever.” Her voice was bitter. “I knew it was a bad idea to let you come with me tonight. But if I had known your real reason for wanting to come—”

  “My real reason?” He stared at her uncomprehendingly. “What the hell are you talking about?”

  “Like you don’t know,” she hissed. “I saw you take that woman’s number!”

  He frowned. “I only took it so she wouldn’t be embarrassed. It’s not like I’m gonna call her.”

  “Yeah, right! We both know the only reason you wanted to go to the reception was to pick up women!”

  His eyebrows slammed together. “What?”

  “You heard me!” Her lips curled into a sneer. “What happened, Logan? Have you finally run through your pool of puck bunnies? Are you on the prowl for fresh meat? A new supply of conquests?”

  “That’s not why I went to the stupid reception,” he snarled.

  “Isn’t it?”

  “No, dammit! I went because of you!”

  “I didn’t ask you to come! You invited yourself, remember?”

  “Damn right I did! Because I wanted to be with you!”

  She froze, staring at him.

  “Why do you look so shocked?” he growled, ripping off his fake eyeglasses. “You don’t think I could have found other things to do on a Saturday night? I could have. But I didn’t want to. It wasn’t even an option.”

  She sat perfectly still, letting his heated words sink in.

  “I was looking forward to having dinner with you. That was all I could think about the whole week you were gone. When you canceled on me, I couldn’t stand the thought of not spending the evening with you. I would have gone anywhere you wanted just as long as I could be in your fucking presence.”

  Meadow stared at him, his impassioned confession crashing through her like thunder and leaving her breathless. “Logan—I—”

  He leaned over and crushed his mouth to hers.

  It was as if someone had thrown a lit match on a puddle of gasoline.

  She kissed him back, submitting to his raw aggression and fierce intensity. Everything that had transpired up to that moment, every angry word spoken, ceased to matter. Nothing mattered but this kiss.

  Logan caught his fingers in her hair, urging her closer as his hungry mouth moved hotly over hers, his teeth sinking into her bottom lip, his tongue greedily stroking hers.

  She shivered with pleasure and whimpered his name, one hand gripping his hard bicep, the other grabbing the back of his head to pull him even closer. Need was clawing at her insides, lust like she’d never experienced before.

  He angled his mouth over hers, kissing her with such raw, single-minded intensity she thought she would explode from the heat raging through her.

  She trembled as he cupped the back of her head in his palm and pinned her against the headrest, not letting her move as his mouth devoured hers, turning her body into pure molten fire. She moaned beneath his lips, curling her fingers into the soft hair at his nape and twining her tongue around his.

  A primitive growl rumbled deep in his throat before he reached down and unsnapped her seat belt so he could get to her better. Her heart was thundering, and she was so hot she burned from the inside out.

  Still kissing her mouth, he ran his hand over her hip and down to her leg. His touch seared through her dress, igniting every inch of her skin and making her quiver.

  He stared into her eyes as
his hand slipped under her dress and moved up her thigh with a slowness that drove her nearly frantic with need. When his thumb grazed her aching clit through her underwear, a jolt of electricity sizzled through her body.

  Sucking her bottom lip, he pushed her lace panties to the side. She had a momentary flash of embarrassment when she remembered that she hadn’t shaved down there in a few months. But then his fingers slid through her damp curls and rasped against her throbbing folds—and she ceased to care about her untamed bush.

  He rubbed her clit with his thumb, circling the wetness over it as she shuddered against her seat. Her thighs fell apart, inviting an even deeper caress.

  He obliged her, easing one long finger inside her slick opening. Her muscles contracted and she moaned into his mouth, her eyes crossing in ecstasy.

  “Look how wet you are.” His finger withdrew and slowly entered her again. “Oh, baby, you’re fucking soaked.”

  Heat rose to her cheeks even as she shamelessly arched into his hand with a tiny whimper.

  “You like this, don’t you?” he whispered against her parted lips, increasing her shudders of pleasure. “I love how your hot little pussy opens up like a flower for me. It’s incredible.”

  When he pressed his thumb against her clit and slid two more fingers inside her, she groaned and arched back in the seat, her heels digging into the leather carpeting.

  “Logan…oh God…”

  His thumb circled her clit while his fingers slowly pumped in and out of her. She moaned loudly, the pleasure so intense it bordered on pain.

  He thrust his fingers deeper, stroking her G-spot as her hips churned against the pressure and her clit sizzled beneath his touch. When her body started spasming, she let out a strangled cry and clamped her thighs together, trapping his hand between them.

  His night-dark eyes were piercing and intent, watching her orgasm unfurl over her face. She called out his name in rasping half sobs as her flesh pulsed around him, her hips bucking against his palm.

  “That’s it, angel. Come for me.” His face was a fierce mask of triumph, his eyes narrowed almost gloatingly. He looked as if he were feeding off her ecstasy, gaining strength and power from it.

  She closed her eyes as the orgasm continued rolling through her in undulating waves. It was so powerful, so relentlessly intense she thought she would never stop climaxing. Logan made a groaning noise deep in his throat as her pussy repeatedly convulsed around him, leaking more juices onto his hand.


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