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Sin Bin

Page 32

by Maureen Smith

  He savored the idea as his gaze wandered across the luxurious bedroom. Bright sunlight was coming through the window, which was framed by sheer curtains and heavy drapes that Jupiter had flung open last night so she could enjoy the view.

  For the first time ever, the familiar Vegas skyline didn’t make his gut tighten with dread. The whole town suddenly seemed more bearable with Jupiter at his side. Literally.

  They’d stayed up half the night laughing and talking, keeping the conversation light and playful. When their eyelids started drooping and their yawns became too frequent to ignore, Logan had convinced her to crash there for the night. He’d told her to take the bed while he slept on the chaise lounge by the window.

  It was the first time he’d ever spent the night with a woman without having sex with her. Though he would have thought such a thing impossible, he’d discovered, much to his surprise, that just holding Jupiter had been enough.

  Not that he wasn’t still dying to get naked and sweaty with her. He’d had to redirect his thoughts several times last night, and now as he lay awake with her warm body curled against his, he could feel more blood rushing to his dick—as if his morning woody wasn’t inflated enough. He couldn’t even try to hide it because the covers were bunched below his waist, and he couldn’t tug them up without rousing Jupiter.

  Her long T-shirt had crept up higher to expose the shapely curve of her thigh. Her skin was gorgeous and ridiculously soft. He wanted to slide his hand up her leg, caressing her bare flesh as he slowly worked his way under her shirt to cup her lusciously round ass.

  He bit his bottom lip, smothering a deep sigh. His morning erection was now at full mast, standing up straighter than a hockey stick. He needed to piss—or jerk off—to relieve the inconvenient swelling.

  But he wasn’t ready to wake Jupiter up. He wasn’t ready to disturb the absolute perfection of this moment. The feel of her in his arms was as close to heaven as he could get. He didn’t want to move. Ever.

  So he just lay there, blissfully content to hold her and listen to the sound of her breathing.

  When she cuddled closer to him with a dreamy little sigh, he smiled and buried his nose in her soft hair. It smelled like a delicious combination of the shampoo and hair products she used. He breathed in deeply, savoring the mix of coconut, honeysuckle and mint. He couldn’t get enough of it. Or her.

  And then the outside world rudely intruded with the buzzing of a phone.

  Jupiter twitched against him but didn’t wake up.

  Relieved, he eyeballed her phone on the nightstand. He was tempted to ignore it, but he didn’t want to let it keep buzzing. So he carefully reached over and picked it up, glowering at Bianca’s name on the screen before he reminded himself that she’d risked Jupiter’s wrath by giving him her PayPal email.

  He thumbed the answer button and brought the phone to his ear. “Hey.”

  There was a surprised pause. “Logan?”

  “Yeah.” He kept his voice a low murmur so he wouldn’t disturb Jupiter. “What’s up, girl?”

  “Heyyy,” Bianca cooed back and giggled. “Is Meadow with you? I assume she is since you’re answering her phone.”

  “Yeah, she’s right here.”

  “Oh?” He could hear the delighted grin in Bianca’s voice. “I hope I’m not interrupting anything?”

  “Nah. She’s asleep.”

  “I bet she is.” The words were loaded with sly insinuation. “Well, I hate to cut into your time together, but Meadow needs to get dressed and meet us downstairs. The girls and I have a spa appointment in forty minutes, and Jenna says we need to be on time so we can be serviced together. She’s got a whole thing planned.”

  “Got it,” Logan murmured, gazing down at Jupiter. She really did sleep like a log.

  “So can you wake our girl up and give her my message?” Bianca asked sweetly.

  “Will do.”

  “Thank you, Logan.” Bianca laughed wickedly. “I promise you can have her back later.”

  “Ah, muchas gracias.” Grinning, he clicked off and returned the phone to the nightstand.

  Jupiter mumbled and stirred against him.

  He held his breath, watching as her dark lashes fluttered and lifted. Then those stunning amber eyes were blinking up at him in bleary confusion.


  He smiled. “Morning, sunshine.”

  “Um…” She looked around the room as if she couldn’t remember how she’d gotten there. “Where…Why…?”

  He stroked a finger down her cheek, then cupped her chin in his hand and turned her face up to his.

  “Nothing happened,” he quietly assured her. “We just hung out and talked, I promise.”

  A look of relief filled her eyes, making him grin.

  “Damn, Jupe,” he teased. “Don’t tell me you’re hung over. You didn’t have that much to drink.”

  She smiled wryly. “I’m a lightweight, remember?”

  He chuckled, stroking her soft bottom lip with his thumb. “Bianca just called to remind you—”

  “Oh shoot! Our massage appointment!” Jupiter pushed herself off him and sat up. When her eyes dropped to his morning wood, she gasped and quickly averted her eyes. “Holy crap, Logan! Does that thing ever deflate?”

  He grinned, folding his arms behind his head. “We’ve already had this discussion,” he reminded her in a lazy drawl. “And don’t call him a ‘thing.’ You’ll give him a complex.”

  “Him? Seriously?”

  “What’s wrong with that?” He raised one eyebrow. “I’m sure you refer to your lady parts as her.”

  She blushed to the roots of her hair. “Keep my lady parts out of your mouth.”

  The moment she saw his dirty grin and realized what she’d just said, a horrified look came over her face.

  He threw back his head and roared with laughter.

  Jupiter bounced off the bed, flashing lacy peach panties that turned his laughter into a tortured groan.

  He watched as she grabbed her leggings off the floor and hurriedly tugged them on, shooting him an accusing glare over her shoulder. “What happened to you sleeping on the chaise lounge?”

  “I started out there, but then you woke me up.”


  “You were mumbling in your sleep.”

  “I was?” She whirled around with a stricken look on her face. “What, um, was I saying?”

  “I couldn’t tell. When I got up to make sure you were okay, you sort of whimpered and burrowed into me. I figured you were having a bad dream and needed to be held. So that’s what I did.” He shrugged. “You slept pretty soundly after that. We both did.”

  “Oh.” Her eyes slid away from him. “I’m sorry for waking you up.”

  He cocked one brow. “Do you hear me complaining?”

  “No.” She bit her bottom lip, looking so shy and pretty his breath jammed in his throat. “Thank you for…holding me.”

  Damn if her words didn’t body-check his poor heart. “You don’t have to thank me,” he said gruffly. “I like holding you. You feel good in my arms.”

  She stared at him, seemingly holding her breath. Or maybe that was just him.

  He sat halfway up and leaned back on his elbows, his erection straining in her direction.

  Her eyes quickly skittered away, her throat rippling with a hard swallow.

  Not today, boy, he told his hopeful boner. Maybe one of these days. But, alas, not today.

  Jupiter scooped up her matching bra and then looked around the room, squinting slightly as she muttered, “Now where are my glasses?”

  “You left them out in the living room. Your sandals too, I think.”

  “Thanks!” She sailed out of the room.

  Sighing, he climbed out of bed and cupped his package, shifting things around. When he’d gotten his situation under better control, he went after Jupiter.

  She was already heading toward the door.

  “Wait, hold up,” he protested.

/>   “I’m running late, Logan.”

  “Were you just gonna leave without saying goodbye?”

  She turned back reluctantly as he prowled toward her. He didn’t miss the way her eyes darted to his crotch before jerking back up to his face.

  “Goodbye, Logan,” she said with exaggerated sweetness. “Have a good practice.”

  One corner of his mouth turned up. “Can I have a kiss before you leave?”

  “No way.” She clamped her hand over her mouth. “No kissing. Morning breath.” She blew into her hand and wrinkled her nose. “Whiskey morning breath. Ew.”

  He chuckled. “I drank more than you, so mine’s probably worse.”

  She backed up as he approached. “I really have to go.”

  “I know.” Logan caged her against the door, planting his hands on either side of her head.

  Her breath hitched visibly as she stared up at him. Primitive sexual energy swirled between them. He felt it. So did she.

  “What’re you doing?” The husky rasp of her voice stroked over his senses. “We’re supposed to be resisting our attraction, remember?”

  He nodded slowly, his gaze on her mouth. He wanted to bite her full bottom lip, watch her eyes go all hot and hungry. He wanted to lift her up against the door, wrap her legs around his hips and fuck her brains out.

  “Logan.” Her voice was almost a whimper. “C’mon. Let me go.”

  He looked into her eyes and saw that she was wrestling with temptation. If he kissed her right now, if he slipped his tongue between her lips and slowly fucked her mouth, would she let him pick her up and carry her back to bed?

  He was sorely tempted to put his experiment to the test, but he didn’t want to rush her. When they finally made love, she would want it just as much as he did. He’d make damn sure of it.

  Without warning she leaned up and gave him a soft peck on the cheek. “There’s your kiss. Satisfied?”

  “Not even close,” he grumbled with a lopsided grin. “But I’ll take what I can get.”

  She giggled, her eyes bright with merriment.

  He stepped back and opened the door, playfully swatting her round backside as she darted out into the hallway. “Enjoy your massage.”

  “Thanks! I’m sure I will!”

  He smiled and stood watching as she headed off down the hall, calling impishly over her shoulder, “See ya later, Lunkhead!”

  The old nickname hit him right between the ribs, piercing his already compromised heart.

  When she was out of sight, he closed the door and sagged back against it, blowing out his cheeks.

  After his mother deserted him at that casino, he’d vowed that he would never open his heart to that kind of hurt again. His mother had been the most important person in his world, and that hadn’t stopped her from leaving him. He couldn’t bear the thought of watching another woman he loved walk out of his life. It would kill him for sure this time.

  He knew he couldn’t afford to lose his heart to Jupiter.

  But something told him he’d lost that battle a long damn time ago.

  * * *

  Shortly after he returned from practice that afternoon, Santino’s ex-wife and daughter stopped by the hotel to see him.

  Prior to their arrival, he’d arranged for the delivery of a fruit platter with a bottle of his adoptive mother’s favorite wine. Five minutes after the concierge left, there was a friendly knock on the door.

  Logan crossed the suite and opened the door, his face breaking into a huge grin. “Hola, Mama.”

  “Hey, baby!” Roxanne Tavárez smooched him on the cheek and gave him a big hug, holding him tightly to her as she rubbed his back. By the time she released him and cupped his face in her hands, he had a thick lump in his throat.

  She beamed up at him, her dark eyes twinkling with affection. “It’s so good to see you, Logan.”

  He grinned broadly. “Good to see you, too. Always.”

  Roxanne was beautiful and voluptuous with smooth mahogany skin and a short curly natural that framed her ageless face.

  “Come on in.” Logan stepped back so she could enter the suite. Before closing the door, he glanced down the hallway and asked, “Where’s the Duchess?”

  “She’s coming. She had to take a call. You know how she is—always attached to that damn phone of hers.” Roxanne grinned and fondly patted his jaw. “You’re looking handsome as ever. I see you’re growing your annual playoff beard. Thank you for keeping it short and well groomed. I shudder every time I see hockey players walking around with those awful shaggy beards, looking like crazy mountain men.”

  Logan laughed, stroking his jaw. “It’s gonna get longer as the playoffs progress.”

  “Just keep it neat, that’s all I ask.” She looked at the top of his head, surprise flickering in her eyes. “Are you growing out your hair?”

  “Um, yeah.” He ran a hand through the black locks, ruffling up the ends. “You like it?”

  Her eyes twinkled. “Do you even have to ask? Haven’t I always adored your wild, beautiful hair?”

  Grinning, Logan caught her hand and kissed the back of it. “Your opinion is the only one that matters.”

  “Oh, go on with you,” she tittered.

  He laughed, following her toward the living room.

  “Oh, how pretty!” she gushed when she saw the colorful fruit platter gracing the coffee table like a work of art. “Is that for me?”

  “Yes, ma’am.” Logan was all smiles. “I know you already had lunch. I thought you might want to cleanse your palate with some refreshing fruit.”

  “Aww! And you got all my favorite fruits, too!” She turned back and affectionately stroked his cheek. “Thank you, baby. You’re always so sweet and thoughtful.”

  Logan grinned, basking in the warmth of her approval. As she continued to the living room, he went to the bar and grabbed the cabernet sauvignon.

  “This suite is gorgeous, Logan.” Roxanne sat on the couch, picked up a plastic skewer and speared a piece of pineapple carved in the shape of a petal. She bit into it and hummed appreciatively. “Mmm. That’s delicious.”

  Logan presented the bottle of wine to her.

  “Ooh! My favorite!” She beamed at him. “You’re just spoiling me rotten, aren’t you?”

  He winked. “You know how I do.”

  “Uh-huh. I know what a charmer you are,” she said with a wry shake of her head. “You definitely learned a thing or two from that scoundrel who raised you.”

  Logan’s reply was interrupted by an impatient knock at the door. He set down the wine bottle and headed across the suite.

  The young woman who stood at the door was a total knockout. She’d inherited her mother’s gorgeous complexion and her father’s gray eyes, though hers were a couple shades darker. Her thick black hair was pulled back off her face, highlighting her sharp cheekbones and the pouty fullness of her lips.

  Logan pretended not to recognize her. “Can I help you?”

  Cynara Tavárez smirked at him. “Very funny.”

  “Whatever you’re selling, we’re not buying.”

  Cynara rolled her eyes. “Stop playing, Logan.”

  He laughed and opened the door wider, motioning for her to come in.

  As she stepped through the doorway, she gave him a quick, impersonal hug that was a stark contrast to the welcoming warmth of her mother’s rib-crushing embrace.

  Not that he expected anything different. He and Cynara had never been close. For the two years that they’d lived under the same roof, he could count on one hand the number of times she’d smiled at him or shared a joke, and hugs had been practically nonexistent. She’d resented having an adopted brother, and she’d made no attempt to hide her feelings. Fortunately she’d spent the past nine years attending school at the University of Cambridge in England, so he hadn’t seen her that often since they were teenagers.

  Turning from the door, he watched as Cynara swept into the suite and looked around with the haughty air that had e
arned her the nickname “the Duchess.”

  “Your team must be making heaps of dosh if they can afford to put you guys up in penthouse suites,” she remarked.

  Logan’s mouth twitched at the British slang. “The team is doing very well, but the suite upgrade was a gift from Hunter.”

  “Who’s Hunter?”

  “My teammate.”

  Cynara raised a perfectly sculpted eyebrow. “You say that as if I should know who he is. You know I don’t follow hockey.”

  Roxanne clucked her tongue. “Hunter is the team captain and Logan’s best friend.”

  “That’s nice,” Cynara said dismissively as she waltzed into the living room, rounded hips swinging in her designer jumper.

  Roxanne gestured excitedly at the fruit platter. “Look what Logan provided for us. Wasn’t that sweet of him?”

  “Lovely.” Cynara speared a chunk of mango and popped it between her red lips, chewing delicately.

  Her mother grinned. “Delicious, right?”

  Cynara shrugged. “Not as delicious as the mangoes I’ve had in Africa and the Caribbean. But, yes, it’s good.”

  Roxanne and Logan rolled their eyes at each other.

  Cynara glared. “I saw that.”

  They laughed.

  Logan picked up the bottle of cabernet sauvignon. “Would you ladies care for some wine?”

  “No, thank you,” Cynara said tartly.

  “I’d love some wine.” Roxanne gave him a conspiratorial grin. “I need a good drink after running around with the Duchess all morning.”

  “I bet,” Logan laughed as he uncorked the wine bottle and poured a glass for himself and Roxanne.

  Cynara snagged another piece of mango. “On second thought, I will have some of that Cab.”

  “As you wish, Your Highness.” Logan poured her a glass and handed it to her with an exaggerated flourish, bowing from the waist.

  She smirked at him. “You’re just full of jokes today, aren’t you?”

  He blinked innocently. “Forgive me, Your Highness. I didn’t mean to cause offense.”


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