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Sin Bin

Page 39

by Maureen Smith

  She felt a surge of feminine power and smiled. “You definitely returned the favor.”

  He rasped his thumb over her nipple, causing her to arch with pleasure. “The things I wanna do to you, querida…”

  A shiver of arousal pulsed through her sex. “I hope you brought enough condoms.”

  “I’ll have to buy some more tomorrow.” He slowly traced her areola. “If we run out of condoms tonight…are you okay with that?”

  She bit her lip, then nodded. “I’m on the pill. Have been for years.”

  He nodded. “I always use protection—”


  “Always,” he assured her. “I don’t take any chances. I just got tested last month. I’m clean. I can email my results to you if you want.”

  “Um, sure. That would be good.”

  She thought he might be offended. But he laughed and kissed her shoulder. “Atta girl. Don’t ever take any guy’s word for it. Always demand proof.” His tongue slicked a path up her neck. “Not that you’ll need to worry about that after tonight.”

  Her pulse thudded in her throat. She casually drank her champagne, murmuring between sips, “What does that mean?”

  “It means my dick game is so strong, I’ve ruined you for all others.”

  She snorted and nearly choked on her champagne.

  Logan laughed as she coughed and pounded her fist against her chest. “You okay?”

  She nodded quickly, burped and giggled. “Dude, you are so full of yourself.”

  He chuckled. “So I haven’t ruined you for all others?”

  Hell yes you have!

  “I’m not answering that.”

  “Why not?”

  “Your ego’s inflated enough as it is.”

  Laughing, Logan downed the rest of his champagne and set the empty flute on the edge of the hot tub.

  She nestled against his chest with a luxuriant sigh. “That was awfully nice of Coach Bohler to give you guys an extra day to enjoy Vegas before you have to fly back home to prepare for the playoffs.”

  “Yup.” Logan made the p pop. “He’s a cool guy.”

  She tilted her head back, drained the flute of champagne and smacked her lips. “Mmm. That was good.” She waved her glass toward the bottle. “One more.”

  “Nah, pretty girl. I think you’ve had enough.” Logan took the glass out of her hand and set it down next to his, making her pout.

  He kissed her ear before tenderly nuzzling her nape. She smiled and closed her eyes, enjoying the plush warmth of his lips against her skin.

  “So damn soft and sweet.” He reached between her thighs, stroking the tender flesh of her sex. She arched into his touch, practically purring at how good it felt.

  “You shaved down there,” he murmured.

  “Got a Brazilian wax at the spa.”

  “Feels nice.” He rubbed her smooth folds. “I loved the bush, too.”

  She choked out a laugh, blushing at the memory of their previous sexual encounter in his car. “You enjoyed my hairy lady parts?”

  “Absolutely. It was sexy as fuck.” He slid his finger inside her, making her moan from the pure pleasure of it.

  His cock thickened and swelled, pressing against the small of her back. Pumping his finger into her while thumbing her clit, he put his lips to her ear and whispered, “Ride me.”

  She sat up eagerly and swiveled around to straddle him, wrapping her arms around his neck and pressing her wet chest to his.

  Their eyes locked as she slowly lowered herself onto his hard shaft.

  “Happy Birthday,” she whispered.

  “It has been,” he whispered back. “The happiest ever.”

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  * * *

  The next morning she woke up tangled in warm bedsheets and an even warmer Logan.

  Her head was nestled against his shoulder, her hand rested intimately over his heart and her bare leg was hooked over his muscular thigh. He was sleeping serenely with his tattooed arm possessively wrapped around her hips, keeping her close. The covers had slipped down to his waist, revealing the sculpted perfection of his chest.

  She watched him sleep, relishing the cozy feeling of waking up with him. His face was peaceful and relaxed, his thick lashes forming sooty crescents against his cheeks. His lips were slightly parted and his mussed hair looked even blacker in the sun.

  She let her eyes soak him up, snapping a mental picture that she would be able to retrieve anytime she wanted.

  Needing to pee, she eventually slipped out from under his arm, slid quietly out of bed and crept to the bathroom. After emptying her bladder, she pulled on her hotel robe, remembering the way Logan had slowly removed it from her body before carrying her back to bed.

  With memories from last night heating her insides, she finger combed her tousled hair, brushed her teeth and put in her contact lenses.

  When she came out of the bathroom, Logan was slowly waking up. As those slumberous dark eyes looked around the room and found her, her heart went pitter-patter.

  “Good morning,” she whispered.

  “Good morning,” he said with sleepy huskiness. His morning voice was as sexy as the rest of him. “You been up long?”

  She shook her head, tying the belt on her robe.

  He pushed himself up to one elbow, looking at her from under heavy lids. “C’mere.”

  She gave him an impish smile. “Uh-uh.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because we’re supposed to be meeting everyone downstairs in an hour and a half. If I come over there, you’re gonna pull me back into bed, and we’ll be super late.”

  His eyes gleamed. “I’m not gonna pull you back into bed.”

  She laughed. “You so are.”

  “Am not.”

  “Are, too.” Giving the bed a wide berth, she padded to the window and lifted her face to the sun, savoring its warmth.

  Logan climbed out of bed and came up behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist and nuzzling her ear. A little sigh of contentment escaped her lips. She could get very used to this. Which was dangerous.

  They were quiet for several moments, watching the fountains soar into the air in elaborately synchronized bursts.

  Logan whispered into her hair, “I was afraid you’d disappeared.”

  “Nope. Still here.”

  His arms tightened around her. “Don’t ever go.”

  Emotion brimmed inside her chest until it ached. She was falling in love with him, and there was nothing she could do about it.

  He brushed her hair back and nuzzled his face against her neck, nibbling the sensitive skin there. When she shivered, she felt his lips curve into a smile.

  “Everyone’s doing breakfast on their own,” he murmured. “Do you want to eat downstairs or order room service?”

  “Hmm. Room service.”

  He nipped her earlobe. “I was hoping you’d say that.”

  She smiled blissfully, leaning her head back against his chest as he slowly rocked her in his arms. “You owe me a dance,” she whispered.

  “I know.” His voice was soft and threaded with regret. “I’ll make it up to you, I promise.”

  “I wasn’t complaining,” she said, tilting her head back to smile up at him. “It’s just that I’ve heard so much about what an amazing dancer you are, and I saw some of your moves before the game. What was that dance you guys were doing, by the way?”

  “Just a little something we made up a while ago.”

  Meadow grinned. “It was so badass. They showed you guys on the JumboTron, and all the ladies went crazy.”

  Logan chuckled, his hand sliding around to the front of her robe and toying with the belt. She could feel his swelling hardness against the small of her back.

  “Uh-uh-uh.” She turned in his arms and wagged her finger at him. “Don’t get any ideas. We’re on a tight schedule.”

  He laugh-groaned. “Spoilsport.”

  “Somebody h
as to be,” she quipped.

  “I suppose.” He leaned down and kissed the tip of her nose, his eyes twinkling. “Be right back.”

  She smiled. “I’ll be right here.”

  “You better be.”

  She admired his perfect ass and powerful thighs as he sauntered to the bathroom. She couldn’t believe she’d had sex with such an unbelievably hot man.

  That was more than just sex, her heart whispered. That was beautiful, earth-shattering lovemaking. The kind of lovemaking that changes you forever.

  While her dream lover was in the bathroom, she went to retrieve his birthday present from her suitcase, which the concierge had brought up last night. Prior to the party, she’d had the foresight to pack a change of clothes just in case she and Logan had another sleepover. She’d hidden his gift inside her suitcase, and he’d been none the wiser when he carried the bag into the bedroom.

  Her pulse quickened when she heard the toilet flush and the tap water run.

  After brushing his teeth, Logan came out of the bathroom in a pair of dark shorts. “What do you want for breakfast? I was thinking—” He broke off, staring at the gift-wrapped box on the bed. “What’s that?”

  Meadow eyed him nervously. “It’s for you.”

  “Obviously.” He looked at her. “You didn’t have to get me a birthday gift. Last night was more than I could have ever asked for.”

  Her heart melted at his words and the way he was gazing at her. “I wanted to get you something else. Something special.”

  “Last night was beyond special. Nothing in that box can compare.”

  “Maybe not.” She smiled shyly. “Just open it, Logan.”

  He regarded her with those hooded eyes, thick lashes blinking slowly.

  “Pretty please?”

  Shaking his head at her, he walked to the bed, carefully unwrapped the box and removed the lid. When he saw what was inside, his jaw dropped.

  “No way,” he breathed, staring down at the autographed boxing gloves.

  She watched him, her heart swelling with affection and joy.

  He looked up at her in shock. “Are these what I think they are?”

  She smiled. “If you think they’re an old pair of your favorite boxer’s gloves, you would be correct.”

  “Oh, baby…” Logan reverently lifted the gloves out of the box and read the inspiring inscription, his face splitting into a huge grin. “How in the world did you get a pair of autographed gloves from Thiago Cervantes?”

  She smiled mysteriously. “I have my ways.”

  Delighted, he laughed and grabbed her in a fierce bear hug, making her laugh as he kissed her hair and then gave her a big smacking kiss on the lips.

  “Thank you, baby,” he breathed excitedly. “Holy shit, this is amazing!”

  She laughed, stroking his cheek. “Why don’t you try them on?”

  Grinning from ear to ear, he put the gloves on and punched his padded fists together, then feinted and jabbed the air, thick muscles flexing. He looked so sexy and strong. But it was his boyish delight that tugged at her heartstrings and made her smile a mile wide.

  “Look at you,” she cooed teasingly. “You’re a natural, Bruiser. Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee.”

  “You know it, baby,” he said with a cocky grin.

  She smiled as he moved in front of her, cupped the back of her head with his gloved hand and kissed her sweetly, then long and deep.

  She was trembling by the time he lifted his head and whispered tenderly, “Thank you so much for the incredible birthday gift.”

  Her heart melted into a puddle. “I’m glad you like it.”

  “I love it. And I’m gonna show you just how much.” He tugged the gloves off and dropped them on the bed, then picked her up in his arms and carried her to the shower.

  * * *

  Since the team had a free day to enjoy the hedonistic delights of Sin City, many players planned to spend the day drinking and gambling in the casinos, trying their luck with the slot machines or at poker tables. Hunter, Dmitri and a few other adrenaline junkies were hanging out at the racetrack.

  When Logan and Meadow came downstairs after breakfast, the other couples were already gathered in the lobby.

  Jess took one look at them and squealed excitedly, “Oh-em-gee! You guys fucked last night, didn’t you?”

  Meadow’s face burned as several heads around the lobby swiveled in their direction. The girls threw exasperated glares at Jess while the guys bit back grins. Even Logan could barely hide his amusement.

  Blushing to the roots of her hair, Meadow walked up to Jess, took her by the arm and steered her away from the group. “I realize that you have no filter. Shocking outbursts are your thing. I get it. But last night was the most beautiful night of my life, and I won’t let you cheapen it with your crass shock jock antics. So give it a rest.” With that, she thrust her nose in the air and walked off, leaving Jess standing there openmouthed.

  The others burst out laughing.

  Ten minutes later, they were standing around mapping out the day’s itinerary when Thiago Cervantes strolled into the lobby. Dressed in a white suit with a black silk shirt, he had shiny dark hair and a crooked nose that had obviously been broken several times.

  Logan glanced over at him and did a double take.

  “Oh shit.” He shot a glance at Meadow, then looked back at the approaching man and whispered incredulously, “No fucking way.”

  The stunned look on his face was priceless, drawing laughter from everyone.

  “What’s up, my man?” Thiago Cervantes walked right up to Logan, pumped his hand and pulled him close for a one-armed hug. “Good to meet you, Bruiser. A nickname after my own heart. And you’ve got a killer left hook to back it up.”

  Logan beamed at him. “It’s a real honor to meet you, Mr. Cervantes. I’ve been a big fan since I was a kid.”

  “So I heard,” Thiago said with a conspiratorial wink at Meadow. “Please call me Thiago. You make me feel old when you call me Mr. Cervantes, and I haven’t been retired that long.”

  Logan’s grin stretched wider. “Thank you so much for the autographed gloves. They’re awesome, and I really appreciate what you wrote.”

  Thiago’s dark eyes twinkled. “I wore those gloves the first time I fought Perez.” He chuckled as Logan’s eyes widened in awe. “As you probably recall, I knocked him out in the fifth round. I hope the gloves bring you good luck. Not that you really need it. I’ve seen you play. You and your teammates are absolute beasts.”

  “Thanks, man.” Grinning from ear to ear, Logan proceeded to introduce everyone to his childhood hero. Thiago went around the circle shaking hands and winking at the girls. Bianca flagged someone down to take a group picture. Nelson, ever the sports reporter, scored a phone interview with Thiago.

  A few hockey fans wandered over and asked the guys for an autograph. Logan obliged them before pulling Thiago aside for a private conversation. The two men lapsed into Spanish, talking and laughing like old friends.

  Bianca and Nadia sidled up to Meadow. “Girl, you pulled off the ultimate surprise. Look how happy you’ve made Logan. He’s like a little boy on Christmas morning.”

  “I know,” Nadia agreed with a warm laugh. “And to think she was worried about him not liking her gift.”

  “Right?” Bianca grinned at Meadow. “Don’t be surprised if that man lures you into a wedding chapel before the end of the day!”

  Meadow laughed softly, warmth flooding her cheeks.

  “I’d better get going before I miss my flight,” Thiago could be heard saying. He gave Logan a backslapping hug and patted him fondly on the cheek, then winked at his teammates. “Good luck in the playoffs, gentlemen. Get that Cup.”

  “Thanks, Thiago,” the guys said warmly. “Great meeting you.”

  Logan and Meadow walked Thiago outside, where a driver stood by the back door of a Rolls-Royce Phantom. Thiago shook hands with Logan and hugged Meadow before climbing into the backseat

  As the Phantom started to move, he buzzed down his window and smiled at them. “You two should come visit me and my family in Buenos Aires. We’ll show you a good time.” He winked. “And I’ll be expecting an invitation to the wedding.”

  They laughed shyly and stood waving at the departing vehicle like an old married couple. Then Logan cupped Meadow’s face and kissed her breathless, smiling into her eyes as he whispered fervently, “You’re absolutely amazing, you know that?”

  She grinned up at him. “You’re just now figuring that out?”

  He laughed, kissed her forehead and gave her a long hug. She was still melting when they went back inside, where Logan endured some good-natured razzing from his teammates before they headed out to enjoy the day.

  The guys had rented some military-looking luxury wagon that could accommodate all five couples. It was huge and rugged, perfect for a cross-country adventure. As soon as it was delivered to the hotel, Reid, Viggo, Logan and Dubinski started jockeying for the right to drive. After some back and forth, Reid pulled rank as the team’s alternate captain. While the others grumbled and groaned, Nadia gave her man a congratulatory kiss.

  After hopping into the supersized SUV, they left the gridlocked Strip and hit the interstate. When the guys started hooting and hollering, Bianca grinned and shook her head at the girls. “Your white boys are crazy.”

  “I know!” Scarlett laughed. “And I love it!”

  They met up with Hunter and Dmitri at the speedway, where they spent the next two hours racing exotic supercars around the track. Strapped into the passenger seat of a turbocharged Ferrari, Meadow screamed with exhilaration as Logan sent them flying around the desert racecourse, expertly weaving in and out of gravity-defying twists and turns.

  Bianca and Jess called it quits after five laps and headed inside the lounge to settle their nerves with alcohol. Meadow and Nadia joined them after braving five more adrenaline-packed laps. Only Scarlett continued racing with the guys.

  “Boys and their toys,” Jess joked, sipping her drink. “I don’t understand why coming here was such a big deal. With the exception of Nelson, all of them have those same sports cars in their garages at home. They can drive a Lamborghini, Ferrari, Porsche or Audi anytime they want.”


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