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Sin Bin

Page 44

by Maureen Smith

  Her body started to tremble.

  He leaned down and kissed the back of her neck, raising more goose bumps and weakening her knees until she was in danger of falling.

  “I love you,” he whispered fervently against her bare skin. “I’ve loved you ever since I was ten years old. I’ve loved you for so long I can’t remember a time when I didn’t.”

  Her heart soared at his words, tears flooding her eyes. “Logan—”

  “As much as I appreciated Santino’s efforts to provide a nurturing environment for us, life at the group home didn’t become bearable until you showed up with your big beautiful eyes and your telescope, captivating me with all your talk about the constellations. None of that stuff ever seemed real to me until you came along and opened my eyes.” His voice thickened, reflecting the depth of his emotions. “I see the shadows in your eyes, the ones you try to hide. I know you’re just as hurt and broken as I am, and I know it was probably easier for you to forget me because I reminded you of a terrible period in your life. I totally get that. But here’s the thing, angel. I don’t see you as a painful reminder of my past. You were like a ray of sun in a raging storm. A bright spot in a sea of endless darkness. That’s what you’ve always represented to me. Light and hope. So, yeah, I need you desperately in my life, and I’m not above fighting dirty to keep you right by my side.”

  “Oh my God,” Meadow whispered helplessly, closing her eyes as she choked on tears. “Logan…I love you so much. I think I always have. And I could never forget you. It wasn’t even possible.”

  He went very still for a long moment, then she felt his lips curve against her skin. “Jupiter loves me,” he crooned in a triumphant singsong.

  A teary laugh escaped her. “Don’t gloat. It’s unbecoming.”

  He brushed his lips across her nape, an exquisitely tender kiss that wrapped tightly around her heart and left her trembling.

  When she finally opened her eyes and turned around, Logan was whistling with satisfaction as he skated off the ice with his jersey slung over his shoulder and his padding tucked under his arm.

  She choked out another laugh and wiped at her streaming eyes. He looked so sexy in his black hockey pants, the muscles in his broad back rippling tantalizingly.

  As she watched him glide off the ice, her appreciation turned to disbelief. “Wait. Are you seriously gonna leave me stranded out here?”

  Without answering, Logan disappeared inside an equipment closet and came back out with a rolled-up black mat. Resuming his whistling, he dramatically rolled out the runner on the ice. It was long, stopping halfway across the center line.

  He picked up his padding, pointed to the mat and crooked his finger at her. “Come get me.”

  It was a dare. A taunt. An invitation.

  As a burst of excitement detonated inside her, he turned and clomped down the tunnel in his skates.

  She went after him, striding down the carpet he’d literally rolled out for her. She pursued him down the tunnel, her heels tapping a staccato tune against the cement floor. He’d slowed his pace, allowing her to catch him just as he reached the locker room door.

  “Hey, Brassard.”

  He turned around, one brow cocked in wicked amusement.

  She reached up on tiptoe, grabbed his face and kissed him with everything she had.

  He let out a low groan, dropped his padding where they stood and kissed her back with the same fierce longing.

  She quivered as he ran his fingers through her hair and down her back, cupping her ass and pulling her closer so that their lower bodies intimately meshed.

  She moaned into his mouth, heat and need making her thighs clench together. He slowed the kiss down, his tongue touching hers so lightly that electric sparks shimmered through her blood.

  Without breaking the kiss, he backed her slowly into the locker room. She barely registered the odor of male sweat and hockey equipment as he steered her across the room to a rectangular cubby where the rest of his gear was neatly stowed. Brassard was printed on a nameplate above the stall.

  He made quick work of removing his hockey pants and jockstrap, his heavy cock swinging free and slapping his stomach. The man’s body was like perfectly honed steel, hard and chiseled everywhere.

  Still wearing his long hockey socks and skates, he sat down on the bench and reached for her. She hiked up her skirt and pulled off her panties, not bothering to remove her heels before she straddled him.

  Her hands were on his shoulders and his were clamped around her thighs as he lowered her onto his rock-hard cock. She gasped his name, her head thrown back and her fingers digging into his shoulders as he filled her to bursting. When her pussy clenched around him, he groaned deep in his throat.

  The sound made her shiver above him, the muscles in her thighs trembling. He felt so good inside her. So thick and so hot she couldn’t see herself lasting very long.

  As she began a slow ride, his hands tunneled into her hair and pulled her head down so he could crush his mouth to hers, stealing her breath with a blisteringly erotic kiss. She panted wildly as raw hunger stormed through her body and pounded between her legs.

  His lips trailed feverish kisses from her mouth to her neck, his teeth sinking into the sensitive skin. She gasped and worked her hips faster, her skirt sliding up around her waist as she grinded on his big cock.

  He groaned with approval. “Damn, you can ride.”

  She gave a breathy laugh as he unbuttoned her suit jacket and shoved it open to reveal her breasts straining against her silky camisole, her nipples hard and ready.

  “Oh fuck, that’s sexy.” He lowered his head and kissed the full curve of her breast, then wrapped his mouth around her throbbing nipple. She cried out, pleasure stabbing into her womb and triggering another rush of juices that saturated his shaft.

  Groaning at the erotic sensation, he squeezed her ass as she rode him harder, increasing her pace. He arched beneath her, his big body rising to meet each roll of her hips, driving his cock even deeper inside her.

  As her breathing became louder and shallower, she bent her head over his shoulder. His scent, the heady musk of sweat and man, was driving her completely insane. She licked her way from his shoulder to his throat, savoring the warm, salty taste of him.

  He shuddered, her name coming out as a husky moan.

  She couldn’t get enough of him. She wanted him with a primal desperation that shook her, made her shameless in her greed. It overrode all sanity and reason, made her forget that they were in a locker room and could be caught at any moment.

  “Shit, baby,” he rasped, his eyes burning into hers with raw intensity. “How do you do this to me? I’m so damn crazy about you.”

  Everything inside her melted into a pool of raging need. She clutched his shoulder with one hand while her other palm slapped against his nameplate above the stall. Faster and faster she moved on him, taking every inch of him deep within her as she circled her hips against his groin.

  “Ah, Jupiter,” he groaned gutturally. “You’re out of this fucking world.”

  His wide hands gripped her bottom, rough fingertips biting into her flesh as she bounced up and down the thick column of his cock. She was close, her moans rising in volume.

  He bent his head and sucked her tight nipple through her camisole, the hot pull of his mouth echoing between her thighs. When he followed up by flicking his thumb over her clit, the pleasure was so sharp she mewled like a kitten.

  “So damn sexy.” Logan stared at her above him, his eyes burning with dark lust. “The way you look right now…the way your body responds. You blow my mind.”

  She rode him hard and frantically until she was screaming his name and coming explosively. Her head fell back as her muscles tightened and spasmed around him, wrenching a primitive growl from his chest.

  With her legs still wrapped around his waist, he surged off the bench. Gripping her ass in his palms while balancing on his skates, he pounded into her, his pelvis slapping furiously ag
ainst hers.

  She gasped and shuddered in ecstasy with each driving thrust. Within seconds she felt her pussy clenching and was shocked to realize she was coming again, a full-body contraction that crashed through her in waves of intense gratification.

  “Dios.” Logan’s eyes glittered fiercely into hers, his biceps bulging as he held her up on his cock and slammed into her over and over again. And then he was shouting his release, his hot sperm jetting inside her.

  She closed her eyes, burying her face in his sweaty neck as she clung to him. Their gasping breaths were loud in the sudden quiet of the locker room.

  Slowly he eased them back down to the bench, his soft lips nuzzling her temple. Little tingles were shooting through her body and her legs felt like rubber.

  “I can’t believe we just had sex in the locker room,” she whispered when she could speak again.

  Logan’s deep, throaty chuckle curled her toes. “You started it.”

  She grinned impishly. She couldn’t help marveling at how much upper body strength it had taken for him to hold her up and screw her brains out while standing on razor-thin blades.

  “You’re so strong,” she murmured in awe, stroking his hard pecs. “So powerful and amazing.”

  He chuckled. “You’re good for my ego.”

  She snickered. “That’s not what you were saying a while ago.”

  “I was pissed off.” His teeth closed on her earlobe and sent lightning streaking along her nerves. Her small shiver made him smile. “You came twice before me. Believe me, angel, that’s one hell of an ego boost.”

  She laughed softly and lifted her head to meet his dark gaze.

  He took her face in his hands, his expression serious. “You need to hear me say this while I’m looking right into your eyes. I love you, Meadow. You mean everything to me, and nothing and no one will ever change that.”

  His words melted her heart and vibrated deep in her soul.

  “So we’re going to be together,” he said in a tone of decisive finality.

  “Yes, Logan.” She wrapped her arms around his neck and stared into his eyes. “We’re going to be together.”

  He smiled a slow smile.

  God help her.

  God help them both.

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  * * *

  Jupiter sat astride logan’s lap at the breakfast table, her eyes twinkling with laughter as she fed him a forkful of omelet.

  “You’re really enjoying this, aren’t you?” she teased.

  He chewed and swallowed. “How can you tell?”

  “You haven’t stopped grinning since we sat down to eat.”

  Technically he’d been grinning since last night when she agreed to be his girlfriend. Now that they were officially a couple, his grin was in serious danger of becoming a permanent fixture on his face. He was so fucking happy he wanted to shout from the rooftops. No other woman had ever had such a powerful effect on him. It was scary and amazing at the same time.

  Jupiter had new employee orientation at ten, so they’d slept in a little later. After taking a steamy shower together, they’d gotten dressed and headed to the kitchen to make breakfast. They’d cooked side by side, kissing and playfully bumping hips between whisking eggs and frying bacon.

  “You have a really awesome place, Logan,” Jupiter marveled. “These views are to die for.”

  He followed her gaze to the surrounding windows that overlooked downtown. He did have amazing views. But for all its expensive furnishings and stunning vistas, the penthouse had never been anything more than a place to lay his head. Since he was on the road half the time, it had never really felt like a home. Until now.

  Jupiter fed him another bite of omelet and he returned the favor, his cock twitching as her plush lips closed around the fork. She was straddling him, her legs dangling on either side of his. She was so short that her feet didn’t touch the floor. Didn’t even come close. Good things definitely came in small packages.

  He leaned forward, his lips nuzzling her jaw. “I could get very used to this.”

  She grinned. “I could get very used to your master bathroom, particularly that huge soaking tub and multi-head spa shower. Ooh, and those heated floors.” She sighed dreamily. “It’s like having your own personal luxury spa.”

  Logan eyed her suspiciously. “Are you just using me for my bathroom?”

  “Um, pretty much.”

  “What!” He playfully munched on her neck, making her squeal with laughter. God, he loved that sound. It fed his broken soul in every way.

  Having her at his place felt so right that he was seriously tempted to ask her to move in with him. But he knew that would be premature. It hadn’t even been a day since she’d agreed to date him. He didn’t want to scare her off by proposing that they shack up together. But that didn’t stop him from fantasizing about it.

  He could already see them having breakfast together when he wasn’t on the road, putting groceries away, curling up on the couch and watching movies. He could see them playing footsie under the dinner table, slow dancing to something bluesy, making love long into the night. He could see them laughing and talking until the wee hours of the morning, and he could see her greeting him at the door with a radiant smile when he came home from an away game. He’d get to experience what Sergei, Reid and Viggo—

  “All gone,” Jupiter announced in a singsong voice.

  “What?” Logan looked down at their empty plates and frowned. “Where’d all the food go?”

  She laughed. “Don’t tell me you’re still hungry, Logan. Not after you inhaled an omelet, a bowl of oatmeal, two slices of wheat toast and bacon.”

  He grinned. “I’m not hungry anymore, but I don’t want breakfast to be over. I was enjoying the whole dining experience, having you sit on my lap while we feed each other.” His grin stretched. “I think we should eat like this all the time.”

  She lifted an eyebrow. “Even at restaurants?”

  “Yup. Even there.”

  “So we can draw even more attention to ourselves? I don’t think so.” There was a slight edge to her voice.

  He knew she still wasn’t comfortable with the idea of dating a high-profile athlete. She hated having people stare at her and take pictures without her consent. She was giving up her privacy to be with him. Her tremendous sacrifice touched him deeply and made him grateful beyond words.

  He watched as she picked up his protein drink, sniffed the glass and took an experimental sip. “Yuck.” Her nose wrinkled. “That’s nasty.”

  He grinned. “If you don’t like it, why are you still drinking it?”

  “Because I’m trying to eat more healthy.” She sipped. “And I wouldn’t mind losing a few pounds.”

  “Don’t you dare. What the fuck?” His brows slammed together. “Why the hell do you think you need to lose weight?”

  She sighed. “Just a few pounds—”

  “Nope. No way.” He ran his hands up her legs, kneading her luscious thighs. “Ever since you got dressed, I’ve been trying to decide which is worse—you wearing these tight jeans or those sexy power suits to work. Either way guys are gonna be drooling over your body, which pisses me the fuck off.” He cupped her round ass with splayed fingers. “You’re perfect just the way you are. Believe me when I tell you that.”

  She bit her lip, her eyes glowing with pleasure. “Well, I guess you set me straight.”

  “Damn right.” He smacked her ass cheeks, then plucked the glass out of her hand and drained the remaining contents.

  When he put the empty glass down, she looped her arms around his neck and nibbled his bottom lip. “Hmm. It doesn’t taste as bad on your mouth.”

  He laughed. “Gee, thanks.”

  She giggled, toying with the short hair at his nape. She was the only woman who could run her fingers through his hair and arouse him instead of repelling him. How could she not be the one?

  “So what’re you doing after practice today?”
  “I’m gonna go visit Davion.”

  “Oh, that’s good,” Jupiter said warmly. “He gets out soon, right?”

  “Yup. Three more weeks.” Logan grinned. “He’s been staying out of trouble. I want to encourage him to keep up the good work as he nears the homestretch.”

  Jupiter grinned. “You’ve been good, too. You haven’t gotten into another fight since you made your pact with him. You kept your word.”

  “I sure did,” Logan bragged, rubbing his nose against hers. “And what do I get for being such a good boy?”

  Her eyes twinkled. “A clear conscience?”

  “Hmm. I had something better in mind.” Waggling his eyebrows, he squeezed her ass.

  “Oh, no, you don’t.” She clumsily scrambled off his lap, giggling as she picked up their dishes and headed for the sink. “We need to get a move on.”

  He rose reluctantly. “You still have time. Cherry Creek is really close by. It won’t take you more than fifteen minutes to get there.”

  “I know, but since I’m new in town, I want to give myself extra time just in case I get lost.” She turned on the water. “You should definitely leave soon. You have to be at the practice arena by ten, and it’s not exactly around the corner.”

  “I won’t be late. I drive fast.” Logan came up behind her at the sink. “Leave the dishes. You already washed the others while we were cooking. Do you not see my dishwasher?”

  She laughed. “Actually, your appliances blend right into the cabinetry, so they’re easy to miss. And I don’t mind washing the breakfast dishes. There aren’t that many so it won’t take long.”

  As she set about her task, Logan smiled and circled his arms around her waist. She’d pulled her hair up into a high ponytail, giving him easy access to the delicate skin of her nape.

  “You’re so soft,” he whispered against her neck. “So soft and sweet. I love the way you smell.”

  He felt her shiver before she warned, “Don’t get any ideas.”

  “What ideas? Can’t I cuddle you without having ulterior motives?”


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