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Sin Bin

Page 72

by Maureen Smith

  Meadow smiled. “I’d like that.”

  Cynara winked at her, then went out the door and started down the porch steps. Hunter followed her, drinking in her traffic-stopping curves. When she reached the bottom step, he put a hand lightly on the small of her back to get her attention.

  Meadow swore she saw a shiver run down Cynara’s spine before she turned to arch a perfectly sculpted eyebrow at Hunter.

  “Can I buy you dinner after the game?” he said huskily.

  Cynara’s throat worked over a hard swallow. He’d obviously caught her off guard. “Look, Mr. Duchene—”

  “Hunter.” His name seemed fitting, given the predatory gleam in his eyes.

  The same thought must have occurred to Cynara because she nervously swiped her tongue across her bottom lip. “Don’t take this the wrong way, but I don’t date hockey players.”

  His mouth twitched. “Hockey players in particular? Or professional athletes?”

  She hesitated. “Hockey players.”

  “Hmm. Damn shame.” He took her rejection in stride, smoothly sliding on a pair of sunglasses and drawling, “If you ever change your mind about hockey players, the offer stands.”

  Cynara stood there watching as he sauntered to his Aston Martin at the curb.

  “Good luck tonight,” Meadow called after him. “Hope you guys win.”

  “Thanks, chère. Hope the adoption fair is a huge success.” With one last look at Cynara, Hunter slid behind the wheel of his car, revved the engine and roared off.

  Cynara unconsciously touched her throat and licked her lips, then looked back at Meadow as if to ask: Am I in trouble here?

  Meadow grinned and answered with a look that confirmed: More than you know!

  Chapter Forty-Eight


  * * *

  Meadow spent a busy week preparing for Gamenetic’s community fair on Saturday.

  She was nervous about appearing on her aunt’s new show to promote the event. She’d done print and radio interviews before, but never television. She was worried about freezing on camera or having a panic attack. Even after being coached by her aunt, she still felt a little anxious.

  On the day of her interview, a limo arrived to take her to where the show was being taped. The location was somewhere outdoors. That was the extent of what she knew.

  The girls rode with her to provide moral support. Along the way they laughed and chattered among themselves, bubbling with excitement. Meadow alternated between reviewing her notes and doing deep breathing exercises. So she wasn’t really paying attention to where they were going.

  When awed exclamations filled the limo, she opened her eyes and looked out the window, then gave a gasp of recognition.

  The driver had turned down a gravel road lined with hundreds of tea lights glowing in the dusky spring evening. Ancient towering cottonwoods framed a small lake. The trees twinkled with fairy lights and white paper lanterns that flickered like fireflies. The lights reflected in the lake water, giving the scenery a magical aura of fantasy and romance.

  A tidal wave of emotions flooded Meadow’s heart as she stared out the window. This was where Logan had brought her the night of their motorcycle ride. This was his secret spot.

  The girls were watching her with smiles. “Recognize this place?”

  She nodded, not trusting her voice.

  When she saw Logan standing at the end of the road, her heart slammed into her chest and tears rushed to her eyes. “Oh my God…”

  The driver followed the path of lights and slowed to a stop, then climbed out and opened the rear door. The girls spilled out first. Meadow followed on shaky legs, tears misting her vision.

  Logan stood waiting with Hunter, Reid, Viggo, Dubinski and Dmitri. He wore a dark suit without a tie, his white shirt open at the neck. The fellas were dressed similarly, standing behind him like his reinforcements. Or groomsmen.

  When he started walking toward Meadow, everyone else faded into obscurity. It had only been two weeks since their breakup, but it felt like an eternity. An excruciating eternity.

  He came to a stop in front of her, his dark eyes roaming over her face. When he spoke, his voice was a quiet rumble. “Do you remember this place?”

  She nodded slowly, staring into his eyes. Every part of her ached for him.

  “This is where we had our first kiss,” he said huskily.

  “I know,” she whispered, flooded with memories of that stolen kiss under the glowing moon. Seemed a hundred lifetimes ago.

  “I wasn’t the same after that night,” Logan confessed. “I couldn’t stop thinking about you. Couldn’t stop wanting you, needing you. And you know what? Nothing’s changed. I still see your face when I wake up and I dream about you when I sleep.” He reached inside his shirt and pulled out a small clay pendant that hung around his neck—the pendant she’d given him when they were children.

  He held it up to her. “I used to wear this every day, nestled against my heart. It made me feel closer to you. And it gave me hope that you were out there somewhere just waiting for me to find you.”

  Her heart swelled to double its size. “Oh God. Logan…”

  “I miss you so fucking much, Jupiter. I’m dying without you. Please tell me what I have to do to get you back in my life.”

  Tears glistened against her eyelashes. “Logan—”

  “I’m sorry for hurting you and betraying your trust,” he said with fervent urgency. “I wasn’t thinking clearly the day of my father’s party. I was blinded by my hatred for him, and I let that hate dictate my behavior starting from the moment we boarded his plane that morning. I lashed out at you and rejected your support. I shut you out even though you’ve always been there for me. I swear to you on my life that nothing happened between me and Chantal. But I was dead wrong for letting her kiss me. I was wrong to think, even for one fucking second, that hurting my father mattered more than keeping my promise to you. You don’t know how many times I’ve wished I could go back and change what happened that night. But I can’t. All I can do is tell you how truly sorry I am and ask your forgiveness.” He gripped her upper arms as his eyes bored fiercely into hers. “Please give me another chance, Jupiter. Let me prove to you that I can be the man you need me to be.”

  She wiped trembling fingertips across her wet cheeks. “I’m scared,” she confessed in a broken whisper. “I’ve been scared for so long, it’s become part of my DNA.”

  “I know, cariño,” Logan said with raw emotion. “We’re both scared and battle-weary, and we have a lot to overcome. But there’s no doubt in my mind that we belong together. If you let me, I’ll spend the rest of my life proving it to you.”

  Meadow stared into his glittering eyes and knew that he meant every word. Lowering her gaze to his chest, she reached out and gently took the pendant in her hand. It felt like it had its own pulse, beating in time with hers.

  “I know we belong together, Logan,” she said in a tear-raspy voice. “I don’t want to be apart from you anymore. So, yes, I forgive you. Wholeheartedly and without reservation.”

  He searched her face wonderingly, as if he were afraid to believe what he’d just heard. “You’ll give me another chance?”

  Throat thick with tears, she nodded. “Yes.”

  He stared another moment and then laughed, throwing back his head and releasing the exultant sound to the dusky sky. Then he hugged her as if he would never let her go, his powerful chest heaving with emotion against hers. She hugged him back and turned her face to his neck, breathing in his scent that she’d missed so damn much.

  He pulled back and slid his fingers between hers, joining their hands as he gazed down at her. “You still love me?”

  “I could never stop loving you, Logan. I’ve loved you more than half my life.” Her lips quirked. “It seems that my poor heart is set on having you, come hell or high water.”

  His face broke into a broad, delighted grin. Then he picked her up and swung her around, making her laugh jo

  He set her down and framed her face with his palms, staring deep into her eyes. “I love you. I don’t know how not to.”

  She smiled. “That’s a good problem to have.”

  He grinned before his lips swooped down to claim hers in a crushing kiss. Their friends burst into cheers and applause.

  At the sound of a throat clearing, they reluctantly broke apart to see Aunt Rosalie standing there with a huge grin.

  “Sorry to interrupt this incredibly romantic reunion, but we need to get Meadow in wardrobe and makeup.”

  They looked around, surprised to see all the activity that had unfolded while they were wrapped up in their own world. A slew of studio vans and other vehicles were parked along the gravel road. There were makeup and wardrobe trailers for Meadow and the other two scheduled guests. The television crew bustled around with lights and camera equipment, getting everything set up.

  “Wow,” Meadow marveled, gazing around. “So this is really happening. I’m so excited for you, Aunt Rosalie. This is such a big night for you.”

  “It’s a big night for all of us.” Rosalie beamed at Meadow and Logan. “I’m so happy you two worked everything out. That’s why I told Logan to make sure his limo driver got you here half an hour before everyone arrived. I wanted you to have some privacy to talk. You can finish kissing and making up later. Right now I’ve got a show to do.” Tapping her watch with a manicured finger, she looked around and muttered to herself, “Now where did my assistant run off to? I told her— Oh, good, Harris is here!”

  “Dad?” Meadow followed her aunt’s gaze and squealed when she saw her father helping Trish out of a black limo. Santino, Roxanne and Cynara emerged next.

  “Oh, no you don’t.” Rosalie caught Meadow’s wrist before she could dash off. “Logan can be the welcome committee. You come with me.”

  Meadow glanced back sheepishly at Logan. “Wish me luck.”

  “You got this, baby.” He smiled tenderly and winked. “See you soon.”

  * * *

  The set of rendezvous with rosalie featured a cozy armchair and couch under the shelter of trees twinkling with lights. In the starry background, the lake glistened against the dramatic backdrop of mountain peaks.

  As the last guest to be interviewed, Meadow sat on the couch with her legs neatly crossed and her hair swept over one shoulder. She was wearing a long-sleeved white bodycon dress with black-and-white stiletto pumps. Despite the bright television lights, she felt relaxed and confident as she answered her aunt’s questions about the community fair and spoke passionately about the purpose of the care bags that would be distributed to local foster children.

  As the interview wound down, Rosalie said warmly, “It’s been such a pleasure having you on the show, Meadow. Before we go, please remind viewers where and what time the fair starts tomorrow.”

  “Absolutely. The fair will be held at—” Meadow broke off with a shocked gasp as Logan came striding onto the set. “Logan, what’re you—”

  He dropped to one knee in front of her, drawing gasps and exclamations from the seated audience.

  When she saw the breathtaking diamond ring he held, she brought a trembling hand to her mouth. “Oh my God.” She stared at him in stunned amazement. “Logan...”

  His eyes were dark and focused, full of hope and yearning. “When we met as children, I nicknamed you Jupiter because you loved astronomy. You taught me everything you knew about the planets and constellations, and the way you made me feel was truly out of this world.” He smiled. “You are the love of my life. The center of my universe. Nothing would make me happier than to have you as my wife. So right here beneath the stars, under this tree where we had our first kiss, I’m asking you to make my dreams come true.” He gazed into her eyes, his voice growing husky. “I want to spend the rest of my life with you, Meadow. Will you marry me?”

  She stared at him through the euphoric tears flooding her eyes. “Yes,” she whispered feelingly. “I love you so much, Logan. Yes, I will absolutely marry you!”

  He grinned ecstatically as the crowd went wild with cheers and cameras flashed like crazy. Still kneeling, he took her hand and tenderly kissed her knuckles, then slipped the ring onto her finger. The brilliance of the round-cut diamond nearly blinded her.

  As more cheers and applause erupted, Logan captured her face in his hands and kissed her as if he would never stop. By the time they pulled apart, they were both breathless and laughing rapturously as Sinatra’s “Fly Me to the Moon” serenaded them.

  “Congratulations, lovebirds!” Rosalie threw her arms around them and hugged them tightly, her eyes shining with tears as she crowed, “My ratings are gonna be phenomenal!”

  They both laughed. “Glad we could help.”

  Everyone rushed forward to engulf them in hugs, kisses and handshakes. The crowd of well-wishers included their family, friends, teammates and colleagues. Cabe Landrieu, Coach Bohler and several more players had showed up. Grinning broadly, they slapped Logan’s back and welcomed Meadow to the Denver Rebels family.

  Gamenetic was represented by Cassidy, Priya, Dirk and the rest of the management team. Beaming with excitement, they offered their congratulations and best wishes to Logan and Meadow. While the men laughed and joked around, Cassidy and Priya swooned over Meadow’s engagement ring and swore the center diamond had to be more than ten carats.

  Before she and Logan moved on, Dirk told her proudly, “Great job on the interview. We’re gonna have an incredible turnout tomorrow.” He winked. “Hiring you was one of the best decisions we’ve ever made.”

  Logan grinned at him. “Told you.”

  Everyone laughed.

  Joy was rushing through Meadow’s heart, radiating from her pores. She was so ecstatic she felt like she was floating on air. She had to look down to see if her feet were still on the ground.

  As she and Logan circled the crowd, they received another round of hugs and kisses from their parents and Trish.

  After pulling Logan into a backslapping hug, Harris folded Meadow into his arms and hugged her fiercely as more tears glazed her eyes. This amazing man had rescued her from a life of abuse and neglect. He’d given her a home, a family, a future filled with possibilities. She owed him everything.

  He released her and kissed her forehead, then gently drew her aside. “Logan came to see me his first night back in Vegas. We had a long man-to-man talk. He explained what happened in Toronto and expressed deep remorse for hurting you. After I gave him a piece of my mind, he told me he planned to propose to you and he asked for my blessing. I wouldn’t have given it if I had any reservations about him. But I don’t.” Harris cradled Meadow’s face in his hands, his expression softening. “The two of you belong together. I’m overjoyed that you found your way back to each other. Somewhere in heaven, Lacey and your parents are smiling.”

  “I know they are.” Meadow’s eyes swam in pools of tears. “I love you, Dad. Thank you for being my hero.”

  “Ah, darling daughter.” Harris pulled her close again and kissed the top of her head. “I can’t wait to walk you down the aisle, sweetheart. Just promise me you guys won’t elope.”

  She let out a teary laugh. “We won’t, Dad. I promise.”

  He grinned and tweaked her nose.

  As they rejoined the group, Roxanne gave Meadow and Logan a twinkling smile. “Is it too soon to discuss wedding venues?”

  Everyone laughed.

  Trish gestured around them. “What about here? It’s such a gorgeous setting with these trees, the lake and the mountains.”

  “It is gorgeous,” Roxanne agreed with an appreciative glance around. “Parking would be a challenge though.”

  “I thought we already settled this,” Santino interjected. “They’re getting married in Santiago. End of discussion.”

  The others laughed and guffawed.

  “I’m not opposed to a wedding in the Dominican Republic,” Harris said, wrapping his arm around Trish’s waist. “It’s a b
eautiful country, and Trish and I could stay an extra week to enjoy some fun in the sun.”

  “Sounds good to me.” Trish and Harris shared an intimate smile. They looked so happy together, Meadow’s heart swelled with gratitude and joy.

  Santino clapped his hands together and grinned. “The father of the bride has spoken. Santiago it is.”

  Roxanne held up a finger. “As the mother of the groom—”

  Laughter swept over the group.

  “You guys can hash this out on your own.” Logan slipped his arm beneath Meadow’s knees and picked her up, grinning into her eyes. “If you folks will excuse us, my gorgeous fiancée and I have some celebrating to do.”

  This drew knowing laughter and a chorus of “Awww.”

  Meadow clung to Logan’s neck as he carried her to his car amid a shower of hearty congratulations and well wishes. When he started the engine, “Wife You Up” by Russ began playing.

  Meadow stared at him, a delighted smile spreading across her lips. “What if I’d said no?” she teased. “Did you have a backup song?”

  He grinned. “If you’d said no, you wouldn’t be coming home with me right now.”

  She giggled. “Good point.”

  He caught her hand and lifted it to his lips, brushing kisses across her knuckles as they listened to the song together.

  He was driving the Koenigsegg, the same car he’d driven to the cocktail reception. She assumed he was taking her to his penthouse. Instead he drove to the estate in Cherry Hills Village. When they arrived, he pressed a button to open the security gate, which automatically closed behind them as they drove through.

  The grounds were lit up and the house rose out of the starry sky like an enchanted beacon, twinkling lights illuminating the path to the front door.

  Meadow stared questioningly at Logan.

  He smiled at her. “I took a leap of faith and bought the house. It’s ours, baby. Yours and mine.”

  Her eyes watered, and she smiled softly. “Thank you for not losing hope.”


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