Pauper's Desire

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Pauper's Desire Page 7

by Kitt Lee

  "No need to thank me," She chuckled. "You are like a son to me and I'll go out of my way just to do anything for you."

  Preston was touched. If only his mother would be as understanding as her, things would have been great in the house. No more arguing but his mother had made the mistake of having William in the house. It was a really big mistake.

  "Juanita and I will deal with the guests," Suzanne chuckled. "You'll only have to invite your business partners."

  Caleb was in paradise. There was nothing he wanted than to be known as Preston' life partner. He wanted it more than anything and now it was about to come true. He was really happy. He just hoped that everything would be smooth since he kinda came into the house without anyone expecting him to.

  He stared at the people all around and they were happy except for William and Janice. They were really mad. Looks like Caleb was winning at whatever game they were playing on him. He was really happy, more than happy. Little Gabriel was playing with his food and it made Caleb happy.

  He could still remember the reaction when Gabriel found out that they had returned. The boy was enthusiastic. He run all around the house and spent his time in Preston' arms. It had such a beautiful scene.

  "By the way," Granny said softly. "I would like to speak to you after dinner. Caleb has told me his own part but I'm waiting for yours."

  Preston smiled. "Of course, granny," He was more than happy to tell her of his wonderful time with Caleb the last three months.

  Preston brought Caleb's hands to his mouth and kissed them in front of his family. Caleb blushed and smiled at Preston. Everyone was busy admiring the scene before them.


  Caleb ran up the stairs on his way to his room. He was going there to wait for Preston who was busy in the living room, narrating the story to his family, well most of them. He had told Caleb to wait in the room and that was where he was going.

  He was really happy and sore at the same time. But that was sweet sore from the pounding he had received from Preston earlier that afternoon. He could still feel the pleasure of love making.

  Caleb passed a few rooms and was later rushing to his room as happy as ever.

  "Hey, you," Caleb heard William's pissed voice. "Wait!"

  Caleb stopped in his tracks and quickly turned to see William rushing towards him. He came forward and folded his arms on his chest looking as pissed as ever. Preston laughed in his heart. He knew what William was there to do but he was ready for him.

  "What?" Caleb said, sounding not to care at all.

  "I just figured I need to clear something up," William said hoarsely. "I need to clear something to a thief and a whore like you."

  Caleb rolled his eyes and sighed. William was really shameless and most importantly he was getting on his nerves. Just what does he want? Can't he go out there and look for another guy? Must it be Caleb's husband? William was rich, handsome, well educated so why was he still clinging to Preston even after marriage?

  Guess it was love. But love also involves sacrifices and if William truly loves Preston who by the way doesn't love him, he has to sacrifice.

  "Where is your bodyguard?" William chuckled teasingly.

  "Oh you mean my husband?" Caleb said sweetly. "He's downstairs and he's not my bodyguard."

  William laughed and moved his hand in the air. "Of course, he's not your husband. He's just your bodyguard. He only belongs to me."

  "No, he isn't," Caleb smiled. "Preston is my husband and I love him a lot. He's all mine."

  "Whatever!" William said rolling his eyes. "Anyway, I just wanna tell you to enjoy him while you can. Preston will always be mine. I love him so much and he loves me a lot. What he feels for you is just a phase that'll pass." William laughed.

  "You might be with him now," William said, pointing his finger angrily at Caleb. "But he'll always be mine. Just a little time and we'll be married. And you..." William said, eyeing Caleb up and down in an irritating way. "...I don't know. He'll dump you. I don't even know how someone as dirty as you got to seduce him. You're so despicable..." He hissed.

  "...You're just an obstacle in our life and very soon, I shall have you removed from this house and from Preston' life. Whatever charms that you've been using on him will not help you. I'll prove that our love is stronger than your charms. That is a promise.

  And one more thing, you better start packing your bags because very soon, you'll be in the streets."

  Caleb listened while William blabbered, blah-blah-blah. Yeah, he got it but he didn't utter any word. He just pretended to be scared so as to see William's reaction.

  "And oh...don't forget to start packing your bags. I'll soon have you thrown out of this house. Goodbye...whore."

  William turned around and began moving away from Caleb. Caleb chuckled a bit. Just who does William think he is? Seriously, that was the height of shamelessness. Caleb still had a lot to say to him. He was not afraid of William anymore.

  "Wait!" Preston hollered.

  William stopped and turned around. Caleb began slowly going to him until he got closer. He folded his arms on his chest confidently and smiled teasingly.

  "Well I have heard what you have to say," Caleb said, literally raising his voice. "How dare you warn me to stay away from my husband? You really are something." Caleb laughed. "Preston is my husband and we are legally married. As for that love you were talking'd have been married if you were in love with each other.

  And you called me dirty, a dirty little boy. Well I think Preston saw something in me that he didn't see in you. I might be dirty like you say but you are filthy. That's why Preston left you for me. As for the bags, don't worry...they'll be packed. I'll make sure of that. Just remember one thing I'm not talking about my bags but..." Caleb unfolded his arms and began moving round William.

  "...your bags. I don't even know what you are doing here. Preston is my husband and I'm ready to fight anybody who tries to separate us."

  Caleb came forward and stared at William whose jaw was shaking so badly. It was probably from anger but Caleb's smile brightened as ever.

  "How dare you?" William hollered as he raised his hand furiously to slap Caleb across the face.

  To his surprise, Caleb caught his hand and painfully twisted. William winced in pain as Caleb let go of it. His hand was really in pain. He held it with his other hand.

  "How dare you?" William shouted. "Who do you think you are?"

  "I'm Caleb Preston Vermont." Caleb hollered, diverting his angry eyes at William. "I'm no longer Caleb Kavanaugh. Preston is my dear husband. What of you, William?" Caleb chuckled teasingly. "Who do you think you are? What is your role in this house? I should have had you locked up in jail."

  William held his hand carefully. It felt like it had been hit on something hard and it hurt like hell.

  "What do you think?" William laughed. "Do you think we're stupid? We had it all covered up even before you left that room. That case would have been dismissed even before it would have started. We have connections...everywhere. So for that threat..."

  "I still don't care." Caleb smiled. "I'm alive, married to Preston and..." He chuckled teasingly. "I'm not the one with a hand that is hurting. Ah ah,"

  "You'll pay for this, Caleb." William said angrily.

  Caleb laughed. "Are you threatening me?"

  "No," William growled. "I'm promising you. I'll deal with you."

  "Oh really," Caleb chuckled. "That is the height of shamelessness. Why would you want to beat me over my husband? And I remember, what was that you said," Caleb chirped, folding his arms and resting his head on his thumb. "Oh!" Caleb gasped. "You said I'm a whore and I stole your husband. Well honey, guess who's the whore, you?" Caleb gave a loud, long laugh.

  "Maybe it might interest you to know that I'm not afraid of you." Caleb said in a serious tone. "When I was living in your house, you bullied me, you kicked me, you practically everything that you wanted..." Caleb paused to rub the tear that ran down his cheek. "...but
I've gotten stronger. Preston' love has given me hope. It has given me strength. What I lacked in that house I find in Preston' love... don't you dare threaten me. You are nothing William. My love for Preston will make me stronger and I'll not let you ruin my marriage."

  William was burning. He wanted to rip Caleb's soul apart. He wanted to teach him a very big lesson but then Caleb had really scared him a lot. He had no choice but to leave.

  "This is not over, Caleb." William warned.

  "It is over, William." Caleb chuckled. "There is nothing going on."

  William stormed out and Caleb chuckled. William was full of himself. Whatever Caleb had said and done served him right. That will teach him not to mess with Caleb Miller.

  All that made Caleb realize just how strong he had become. Back at his uncle's house he had been weak but now he was ready to fight William. He didn't want to get bullied again, never.

  Caleb chuckled and then went in the room. He sat on the bed and waited for Preston but almost twenty minutes passed without any sign of Preston.

  He was getting tired but one thing he didn't want to do was sleep without Preston. He got out of the bed and got Preston' tablet. He knew his password so there was no struggle and he was later in. He went straight to the photos and relieved every memory of the hot honeymoon.

  Every photo in that tablet was absolutely lovely. There were quite a number of them and they were all so romantic. Well, to Caleb they were really romantic. Everything about Preston was really romantic.

  He was really smiling brightly. As he passed his little finger on that screen, bringing his heart closer to moving out of his chest, his mind was playing tricks on him. He remembered how they made love almost every night and how Preston moaned each of those times.

  God, the guy could moan, the way he moved his mouth and tongue and how furious he kissed every part of Caleb's body. It was really wonderful. In a few moments, Caleb found himself drawn into the memories that he stopped checking out the photos.

  "Are you thinking about me?"

  Caleb gasped and touched his chest. He didn't even realize Preston had come into the room. Was he drawn into the memories that much?

  "I knew it." Preston chirped, climbing on the bed.

  "You know what?" Caleb asked as he closed the tablet and put it on the table.

  "I knew you were thinking about me."

  Caleb chuckled. "How did you know?"

  "Who else can you think about...?" Preston paused as he drew near Caleb's mouth. "...except for your husband?"

  Caleb licked his lips and gulped. Preston was dangerously close him. He just wanted to grab him and kiss him but he had no more strength. Not after making intense love twice that very afternoon.

  Preston got closer and kissed Caleb softly on the lips. He wanted to feel those hot lips on his before they slept. He didn't want to tear away from them. They were so hot, so sweet and so dangerously amazing.

  Feeling them moving against his was making his lips vibrate with strands of pleasure. He was enjoying his moment with Caleb. If ever he could stay like that with Caleb, he would willingly do it. Those lips were just too wonderful to let go of.

  "How was your meeting?" Caleb chuckled after they broke the kiss.

  "I didn't have any meeting, my love." Preston laughed, laying his head on Caleb's lap.

  "I mean downstairs." Caleb said as he passed his finger in Preston' soft hair.

  "It was okay," Preston mumbled, feeling vibration in his hair. "I told them we made love every night."

  "You are kidding, right?"

  "No," Preston laughed. "Why would I do that? I didn't lie, did I?"

  Caleb knew Preston was only joking with him. He wouldn't dare say something like that to the family members. It just wasn't possible, right?

  Preston gave out a long, loud laugh which made Caleb laugh too. He was really enjoying being in that position. He knew Preston was probably sleepy from the tone that he was speaking in. Caleb really had something important to tell him before he slept.

  "Honey," Caleb called sweetly.

  "Mm-hmm," Preston answered in a perpetual tired voice.

  "I'm going to my uncle's house tomorrow."

  Preston literally jumped out of the bed when he heard that. He quickly got up and stared at Caleb for a long time without saying anything. He didn't want Caleb to do anything with William and his family.

  "To do what," Preston asked in a hoarse voice.

  "I have to go and..."

  "No," Preston hollered. "I don't want you to go there. Isn't it enough that we have William here? And he's a pain in the ass already. They might not be in jail but I don't want you anywhere near them."

  "I know, my love." Caleb said as he cupped Preston' cheeks with his hands. "I'm not going to see them or anything...I just want to go and get my education certificate."

  "Really," Preston said softly.

  He felt relieved. He didn't want Caleb going back to that house. It was all to protect him from his evil uncle and his crazy family. If they ever, ever did anything to Caleb, Preston would go to jail for murder.

  "Yes," Preston muttered. "It might be painful to go back to that house but...I have no choice. I have to get my school certificate no matter what."

  "Alright," Preston said, getting up. He went behind Caleb and sat with his legs open and held him tighter.

  "How about tomorrow, I go with you to..."

  "No," Caleb hollered after a chuckle.

  "No!" Preston sounded surprised.

  "Don't get me wrong," Caleb chuckled. "You have a lot of work to do. Remember...the party?"

  "Oh," Preston exclaimed. "But...will you be alright, alone?" He sighed deeply. "I'm afraid they'll do something to you and I swear I'll kill them all."

  Caleb smiled brightly. Preston sounding pissed got him emotional. The guy truly loved him more than anything. It was that love which was making him stronger than he had ever been. That love was the reason for his happiness.

  "No need," Caleb chuckled. He moved his hands across Preston' arms and caressed them.

  "I'll take one of the guards," Caleb sighed. "I'll be fine. They can't do anything to me and even if they try to..."

  "The guard will bust their fucking brains out," Preston laughed.

  Caleb laughed together with Preston. His laughs were really funny. It was really loving and beautiful too.

  "By the way," Preston whispered, running his tongue down Caleb's neck. "Thanks for this afternoon. I really had the most amazing time of my life."

  "I did too," Caleb moaned from the pleasure that tongue was giving him.

  "I'm glad you like my..."

  Suddenly, Gabriel came running in the room. Preston pushed his tongue back into his mouth and held Caleb sweetly, loving the feel of his body and heat.

  "Daddy, daddy," Gabriel shouted, running towards the bed.

  "Yes, son," Preston hollered, holding Caleb tighter.

  "I want to sleep here."

  "It's okay." Preston smiled. "You'll sleep with papa and me."

  Caleb smiled and passed his hands through Gabriel's hair. The boy laughed and jumped into Caleb's arms. Caleb hugged him as he felt Preston kissing on his temple. Gabriel was a sweet boy and Caleb loved him like his own son.

  "I think we may be in trouble." Preston whispered.

  Caleb laughed out loud and held Gabriel tighter in his arms. Another great was coming. It was gonna be a night when Gabriel would be between them as Preston holds his waist. Caleb couldn't help but feel happy for being in the position that he was.


  Caleb got out of the car and he sighed. He was really nervous and his body quivered but he soon encouraged himself. It was just his uncle's house and he was not gonna spend any more time. Just his educational certificate and he would be out of there.

  He was putting on a green t-shirt, brown skinny jean and yellow sandals.

  "There is nothing to be afraid of," Caleb whispered. "Breath,"

bsp; Caleb took a deep breath as he slowly moved towards the large door. He couldn't help but be scared for what might come out of the mouths of the people in that house. He had not seen them since...well since his wedding. Caleb was ready to forgive. If only they could ask for forgiveness.

  He would willingly forgive them and they would be one happy family, a really happy one. He would forgive everything they had done to him and his parents.

  He reached the door and took a deep breath. He moved his hand and knocked loudly. He waited for the response but there was none. He knocked again and he heard footsteps coming closer to the door. He felt hot and took a really deep breathe.


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