Pauper's Desire

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Pauper's Desire Page 8

by Kitt Lee

  Then suddenly the door opened widely and cold shivers ran through his body. The person at the door was fuming. Her breaths were violent and her body was trembling from anger. Her eyes, oh my god, those eyes were filled with anger, rage and if he was not mistaken, evil.

  "What the hell are you doing here?"Tiffany bellowed as she stormed out of the house.


  "Don't call me that?"Tiffany yelled, breathing like a predator. "I'm not your aunt you son of a bitch!"

  Caleb felt a wind of pain and anger sweeps him off his feet. He couldn't just stand there as that woman insulted his mother. She was his aunt but he couldn't stand there.

  "Please...Au...Jane," Caleb said softly. "With all due respect my mother is not a bitch. I know that you are probably angry but I'm not here to argue or anything. I just want my school certificate."

  "Get out of here,"Tiffany yelled. "Get out of here before I do something to you."

  "Not without what I came here for." Caleb said confidently. "I'm really, really sorry but I won't leave here without that."

  Jane was fuming. She wanted to kill Caleb right there. She didn't care the implication of it and...why couldn't she? He was in her territory. Maybe he'd kill him right there so that all the pain could go away.

  "Caleb or whatever they call you..."

  Caleb knew she wouldn't allow him in so he went to the second choice that he had. He waved his hand in the air, moving his index finger, calling for the guard he had come with. He somehow knew that would happen.

  The guard came rushing to him and whenTiffany saw the guard...god, her eyes widened and her anger was at maximum. She was shaking as the anger burned in her veins. It was so scary seeing her like that. Had Caleb come alone she'd have definitely killed him without thinking twice about it.

  "Please," Caleb muttered, putting his hands together. "I don't want to use force. Just...just allow me in and I'll be out of there in a blink of an eye."

  After staring at him as if she was killing him with her eyes she stormed in the house leaving the door wide open. Caleb breathed and slowly entered the house. It was just like the way he had left it three months ago. It was the same house, same furniture, same smell and same...everything.

  Caleb slowly walked to the living room looking around everywhere. He got emotional. He had been their maid three months ago and now he was married to a really rich man. What else could he wish for when he had everything, a son, a great family and a loving husband?

  That house brought a lot of sad memories especially when he looked in the direction of the kitchen where a lot of beatings had taken place. He'd never forget those beatings anytime soon. His body shuddered and convulsed when he remembered about those beatings.

  "What are you doing here?" Caleb heard his uncle's angry voice. "What the fuck..."

  Caleb quickly diverted his face and saw his uncle furiously coming down the stairs, straight at him. He was shivering really badly but he gathered his courage and stood still. His eyes never left his fuming uncle.

  "You've got some nerve coming here," Gregory yelled. He was gonna kill the boy now.

  He didn't care whether he'd be locked up in jail which by the way wouldn't happen due to his connections. What matters the most is that the obstacle in his son's happiness would be no more. He was breathings so fast he fucking swore he could feel his hormones rushing in his blood stream. He clenched his fist tightly, convulsing terribly.

  That was the maximum of his anger. Gregory was raging furiously rushing to the boy in front of him. He brought his fists in front and made sure that he stormed straight at Caleb.

  Caleb's body quivered. His brain froze and his heart was beating effusively. He couldn't do anything but stand there and watch his fuming uncle. It was really scary, super scary.

  "I'm going to kill you now," Gregory shouted out in rage. His voice sounded strange and it trembled.

  Gregory was near. One punch and Caleb would be on his way to hell. He fixed it, convulsing terribly.

  "This is it for you boy."

  Gregory was near. He moved his fist up all the way to the back of his head and he swung it in the air, ready to hit the boy, probably remove his head. That would teach him not to mess with Gregory in his next life. He didn't care of the consequences so long as his son was happy with the man he really loves.

  Caleb's heart skipped when he saw the fist rushing to his face. He covered his face and screamed in pain even before that fist hit.

  To his surprise, he didn't feel anything. He could only hear his uncle grumbling.

  Caleb slowly raised his face to see the guard holding Gregory's fist and he was grumbling in pain. The guard let him go and he fell to the floor with a thud. He stared deep into Caleb's eyes with rage. That boy will surely die one of these coming days.

  "How dare you?" Gregory yelled, furiously rising from the ground. "How dare you do this to me in my own house?"

  "I'm sorry...uncle." Caleb apologized to the furious man standing in front of him.

  "Uncle," Gregory shouted throughout the house. "I'm not your uncle. Had I been related to you, you wouldn't have seduced my son's fiancé and marry him in the process. You are just a whore like your mother."

  "Don't you dare bring my mother into this," Caleb snapped, looking at his uncle furiously.

  He was breathing so fast and blood was rushing in his veins with such pressure it made him tremble.

  "Say what you want to me but I won't have you insult my mother," Caleb shouted. "My mother was a great woman. She knew how to care and how to give. We were poor but...never for once did I wish I'd have the life that you have. Please," Caleb brought his hands together and begged. "I didn't come here to cause any fights. I only came here to get my educational. If you still insist on doing this I'll call the police and have you locked up and trust me..."

  "Are you warning me?"

  "No...Gregory," Caleb said it sweetly and slowly so that it could get in his uncle's head. "I'm serious. I'll have you locked up. Just because I'm silent doesn't mean I've forgotten everything you did to me."

  "I wish I could kill you right now,"Tiffany yelled as she came down the stairs. "You stole my son's happiness and yet you were his..."

  "I was nothing but a maid in this house," Caleb said, feeling a tear run down his cheek. "You said it yourself. I don't share any relations with you. My happiness and my husband come first. I don't have to answer to you. If it might make you feel better...I totally didn't want this wedding at first. I loved Preston but I still didn't agree to marry him..." Caleb sighed deeply.

  "...It was your son who pushed him to me. And as for a whore, I'm not one. Remember I'm married with a husband. If there is someone who is trying to act like a whore it is William. He knows that Preston is married yet he's pushing himself..."

  "Don't bring my son into this,"Tiffany yelled. "I raised my son well and..."

  "Of course," Caleb chuckled loudly. "I can your qualities in him."

  To sayTiffany was surprised would be a total understatement. She was scared, scared of Caleb. He had become so fierce after the wedding. This was not the boy they'd been keeping at the house. It was all so clear that the boy was really fierce.

  "I didn't come here to argue," Caleb said softly. "I came to pick..."

  "Get out!" Gregory shouted, angrily pointing to the door. "I burnt all your stuff so there is nothing for you here."

  Caleb laughed out aloud. His uncle's statement made him laugh.

  "Not my certificate," Caleb laughed. "I knew that you'd do something like that so two years ago when I came to this house, I hid them. I'll go get them so that I can leave..." Caleb moved his finger in the air. "...your house,"

  Caleb slowly started moving his legs before his uncle's hand blocked him. He stared at him and he was fuming. His eyes were red and his jaw shook. Caleb tried to move again and his uncle blocked him with his big body.

  Lucky for him, the guard came to his rescue and Gregory moved out of the way. Caleb found his way u
p the stairs and it didn't take him time to reach his former room. He sighed deeply as he entered that room.

  As soon as he entered, Caleb's head was filled with a lot of memories, sad memories mostly. His eyes watered and a tear run down his cheek. He quickly rubbed it and went to the mattress. He ripped it off and there was his certificate, good as new.

  He took one final glance and said goodbye to his room. That room had really helped him in times of trouble, goodbye room.

  Caleb slowly went down the stairs only to meet withHarriet who was coming in, probably from the office. She was looking elegant and bitchy as usual in a short skirt that exposed her thighs for the world to see.

  Once she saw him, her mood changed and she was fuming.

  "What is he doing here?" She yelled, dropping her bag on the couch.

  Caleb smiled to everyone and bowed his head. He really loved seeing them like that. The guard was there with him so there was nothing they could do to him. Had he not come with the guard, his uncle would have killed him for sure. He was not gonna tell him that because he didn't know the maximum of his husband's anger.

  "Thank you so much," Caleb said loudly with a bright smile. "I really thank you for keeping me here and...treating me like your punching bag." He sighed. "Had it not been for you I wouldn't have met my husband. So..." He paused and twisted his mouth. "...thank you so much and...good luck,"

  They rained down curses as he left but he couldn't care. He went straight outside, entered the car and drove off. He also noticed that there was a new guard at the gate. He wondered if they had hired helpers too.

  But he didn't care. He was just happy he had passed that. He held on tightly to his certificate. He was glad he had been able to hide them or they would have been in ashes by now.

  Now what was left was to meets his husband. He had also forgotten that he had a party to prepare for. He had to get ready to meet all the guests. Gosh! He had a lot to do with his hair.

  Alright, party, here he comes.


  "Did you go to my house?" William yelled, stopping Caleb's way to the room.

  "William, why..."

  "Answer my fucking question." William yelled. "Did you go to my..."

  "Yes," Caleb answered, sounding rather angry. "If you already know that I went there why are you asking?"

  "You have some nerve?" William shouted, getting closer to Caleb.

  "I don't have anything," Caleb said angrily. "You're right. I have no business at that house. I only went there to collect my certificate."


  "Don't even think of yelling at me," Caleb said angrily, pointing at William. "This is my husband's house and my in laws all live. And please, William, stop embarrassing yourself. I don't wanna argue. I respect myself too much. I don't have time for the likes of you," Caleb said as he continued his way to the room.

  Caleb had just passed by William before he gripped him and brought him to the front.

  "What's your problem?" Caleb asked. He was now ready to shout at William. "Who do you think you are, William?"

  "I'm Preston'..."

  "Preston' what," Caleb heard Caroline's voice.

  Caleb quickly closed his eyes. He didn't want her to see him as a trouble maker or anything bad. He loved her a lot and didn't want her to think badly of him.

  "Aunt," Caleb muttered his heart racing. "I...well... Am really sorry..."

  Caroline smiled and tapped on his back. Caleb opened his eyes and stared at her. She was wearing a bright smile.

  "It's okay my dear," Caroline chuckled. "You didn't do anything wrong. I heard everything."

  "Aunt, well,"

  Caroline blocked William before he could say anything. She had a serious face and Caleb knew that she was going to say something. She was really sweet to Caleb just a mother.

  "Save it, William," Caroline said in a serious tone. "I heard what you were telling him. Now, Preston is your what? I wanna hear it, come on, and speak up."

  "Well," William stuttered. "What I meant is that..."

  "Preston is his husband." Janice's voice was heard.

  Caleb didn't even dare turn his head. Her voice was enough.

  "Really," Caroline chuckled. "And when did the wedding happen?"

  "It doesn't matter," Janice laughed as she went near William. She wrapped her arm on his shoulder.

  Looking at the scene before him, Caleb's eyes watered. That woman would never accept him no matter what he did. It was so clear to him. What hurt the most was the fact that his mother in law accepted someone else when he was the one who was married to her son. It hurt a lot.

  "You're really impossible," Caroline said angrily. "What kind of mother in law are you?"

  "The best," Janice chuckled teasingly. "I'm the best mother in law in the entire universe. And you, what kind of sister are you?"

  "Where is this going?" Caroline asked. "We're talking about your son in law who was just insulted by..."

  "If I'm really his mother in law then stay out of this," Janice yelled.

  "What you are doing is not right," Caroline said softly. "You're hurting your own son."

  "My son," Janice said slowly. "He's my son and he's still young. That's the reason why he allowed this classless boy here..." Janice pointed at Caleb. "...he allowed him to manipulate him. Only God knows what this boy has done to my poor son."

  "Mother," Caleb muttered, his voice trembling.

  He felt such a pain in his chest. It was indescribable. He had heard worse but those words were painful. And he had been thinking marrying Preston would get all his problems away from him. Why did that always happen to him? Will people keep on hurting him?

  "Oh, please," Janice rolled her eyes in disapproval.

  "I'm really sorry," Caleb mumbled. "I have never done anything to Preston. We love each other and that's all."

  "Whatever!" Janice said hoarsely and left with William who had an evil grin on his face.

  Caleb stood right there with Caroline as more tears run down his cheek. It was painful but he couldn't let Preston see him like that if at all he comes home early. He was really hoping his mother in law would try to understand him and his feelings. Not criticize him and accuse him of something that he didn't even do.

  Caleb slowly rubbed his tears and pulled up a smile when Caroline came in front of him.

  "Don't mind her," Caroline said. Her face was filled with sympathy.

  "It's okay," Caleb smiled brightly. "I wasn't hurt or anything. I understand mother and she'll accept me one day."

  Caroline put up a fake smile and patted on his back.

  "You are really good," Caroline said softly. "Preston is really lucky to have someone like you."

  "Thank you." Caleb chuckled. "But please," Caleb begged. "Don't tell Preston about any of this. I don't want him..."

  "I won't,"

  "Thank you," Caleb smiled and headed for the room.

  He could tell that Caroline had been affected by Janice's behavior. But he had to deal with that. After all, he had been the one who had decided to marry Preston without his mother's permission. He needed to fight it through but not in a situation where Preston would fight with his mother. He couldn't bear to see them fighting because of him and that's why he was quiet.

  Caleb reached the room and dropped on the bed. He was feeling tired but he had to manage. He just has a lot of things to do. He carefully placed the certificate in a drawer and went to the bathroom.


  Preston slowly opened the door to his room. He was wearing a wonderful smile, ready to see the love of his life. He hadn't seen him since morning and the day had been hectic for him. He was just happy that his aunt had organized a beautiful party downstairs.

  His eyes were only searching for one person in the room, Caleb. He didn't have to look long as he saw him seated on chair plating his hair into a wonderful blade. There was something about Caleb's hair that turned him. He couldn't just put his finger on.

  "Hey, se
xy," Preston said sweetly.

  Caleb literally jumped out of his chair. He had not seen Preston since morning and he missed him big time. He ran to him and jumped at him, wrapping his arms around him and literally choking him.

  "I missed you too," Preston said as if he was being choked. Caleb had a tight grip on his neck.

  "Hey, Caleb, honey," Preston said almost choking. "I can't...I can't breathe."


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