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Pauper's Desire

Page 13

by Kitt Lee

  "Mom, you gotta understand." Preston muttered. "I love Caleb and I'm now married to him. He's the one I love. I was so mad that you had hurt him like that."

  "I understand." Janice said softly. "What can I do son? I'm a mother and..."

  "It's okay, mom." Preston smiled. "Caleb told me to apologize too. I'm really sorry I had yelled at you. I was just hurt that's all."

  Victoria hugged her son tightly and patted on his back. She was really happy that he had forgiven her and listened to her. Come to think of it Caleb was making things easier. She needed to lie low for a while and let her son think she had really changed.

  She was really happy her son had forgiven her. That was what really mattered to her. She couldn't be on the bad side of her son. She needed to be on his good side at least so that he could have some trust in her. This was all Caleb's fault and he was gonna pay.

  "Thank you so much." Janice gushed as she pulled away from her son.

  "It's okay, mom." Preston said excitedly. "What matters is that you've apologized."

  Victoria smiled and now moved to Caleb. She still hated him but she needed some drama. She smiled brightly at him. Deep down she was dying to kill him.

  "I know that I don't like you for my son," She smiled brightly. "But I did something that I shouldn't have done. For that, I'm sorry."

  There was just something about that smile that Caleb didn't like. She was probably faking it, yes. She was probably faking it but that didn't matter. What matters was that Preston wouldn't be affected by it.

  "It's okay, mother." Caleb said with a controlled smile.

  Victoria opened her arms wider and wrapped Caleb in those arms. She looked at her son and he seemed happy, looking everywhere.

  Caleb was happy that she had apologized but something was not right. He wrapped his arms around her and responded to the warm hug she gave him.

  "How was that for drama?" She whispered. "I really hope you enjoyed it. It was all for my son. Very soon you'll leave this house. I promise."

  Caleb had known it. She was faking it. She had done that to gain her son's trust again.

  "Thank you so much." Janice chuckled. "I'll see you downstairs."

  Victoria turned and began going away. Caleb's eyes never left her. He kept on watching her every move.

  "Are you happy now?" Preston said as he gripped Caleb and brought him closer. "You were the one who wanted me and my mother to be fine."

  "Yeah," Caleb smiled, putting his hands on Preston' muscular chest. "I feel happy now. At least she has apologized."

  "Yeah," Preston chirped as he kissed Caleb. "Very soon she'll accept you."

  Caleb chuckled nervously. He couldn't shake off the hunch that she was up to no good. She was probably planning something against Caleb but what?

  Preston kissed Caleb sensually, wrapped his arm around his waist and they continued their way down the stairs chuckling. They were really in love.

  What follows next for Caleb? What is Janice planning for the boy?

  Part Six

  Caleb came out of the bathroom toweling his hair. He had just come from having a quick morning shower before hitting the kitchen. He was feeling fresh and cool. He closed the bathroom door, flipping his hair to the side.

  He turned and got caught up in what he saw. He stopped toweling his hair, stood still and smiled brightly. Preston was lying on the bed so sweetly. He was looking so handsome and Caleb couldn't help but admire the handsome hunk sleeping on that wonderful bed.

  It was like he was smiling and sleeping at the same time. If being handsome was a crime then Preston would have been in jail by now. That kind of cuteness always made Caleb's heart to race, his body to heat up and his mind...well he simply got out of his mind.

  Sometimes he even asked himself if he was truly married to the handsome hunk. It was a reality but at times it felt like a dream. Preston was nice. He was really nice for someone his class and level. Caleb was simply the luckiest man on earth.

  Having a husband like Preston was really beautiful especially in the romance section. He was irresistibly sweet, cute, caring and best of all, the best husband in the whole wide world.

  Caleb smiled when Preston slowly moved in his sleep. His face was now in full view. Caleb knew he had to wake the handsome hunk to get ready for the office. He couldn't have him get up late.

  He also knew what would be a romantic way to wake Preston. He had never done it before but it was worth a try.

  He slowly moved to the bed, sat at the edge and stared at Preston with a smile. He took a part of his hair in his hands and then flipped it on Preston' face. He saw his face move as soon as the water fell on him. But to his surprise the guy just moved and slept.

  Caleb flipped his hair again and he saw one of Preston' eyes open followed by a bright smile that warmed his heart. He smiled brightly once Preston' eyes opened. He stared at him for long till he felt a hand wrapping at the back of his head.

  "Morning," Preston said as he smiled brightly.

  "Morning," Caleb chuckled. "How did you sleep?"

  "Fine," Preston smiled with his sleepy eyes. "Especially now that you are here,"

  Preston pulled Caleb down and gave him a hot kiss. It was so sweet and he didn't want to let him go. He wanted to stay in that position for the rest of his life.

  "Mm-hmm," Preston moaned as he tore away from Caleb's mouth. "Sweet and sexy,"

  "What?" Caleb chuckled.

  "Your lips," Preston chuckled. He got up and yawned loudly, stretching his arms.

  Caleb smiled at the scene. The way Preston stretched his wonderful arms was lovely. Caleb found it sexy especially when after stretching he held him tightly.

  "You know," Preston said softly. "I'd really love it if I can stay with you the whole day. Just you and stuff."

  Caleb knew what Preston meant by that. He needed to make love but Caleb was too busy. He couldn't even do anything. Besides, they made love almost every night.

  "I know what you mean," Caleb chuckled. "But you know that both of us can't do it."

  "Why?" Preston said, bringing Caleb closer for a kiss.

  "You have an important meeting today. Many clients are waiting and..." Caleb paused as Preston kissed him softly. "...I have to prepare your breakfast and Gabriel's food."

  "Oh," Preston complained.

  "Hey," Caleb laughed. "Don't try to act sad because it won't work this time."

  "Really," Preston asked.


  "How about tonight,"

  "I'm always yours every night." Caleb chuckled. "You can have me for as long as you want at night. Right now, I've to go and make breakfast."

  Caleb stood up to go out of the room before Preston gripped his hand tightly. He felt Preston' hands slowly rubbing his hand. He smiled brightly, looking away. Then all of a sudden he felt Preston' mouth on his hand. It sent shivers all over his body.

  He felt Preston' lips moving from his hand to his arm and then to his neck. He was having a butterfly effect in his stomach. Preston was too romantic to resist. He knew how to get things his own way and Caleb knew he couldn't resist him no matter what.

  "Preston," Caleb said softly.

  Preston was deaf. He couldn't hear anything that Caleb was saying. He was too concentrated on kissing Caleb's arm and he didn't want to let it go. He buried his face in Caleb's neck and sucked on it, moaning softly.

  "Hey," Caleb chuckled softly. "I've got to go now. We'll do this a bit later. Right now...I'm...."

  "Just a minute," Preston moaned. "I'll be done with you and..."

  "Preston, please," Caleb said as he pulled away from him. "Our son is will be late if I don't hurry it up."

  Our son, Preston thought. Immediately his eyes became glassy with tears. He wanted to cry from all the happiness that he was feeling. He was really happy. Caleb had just called Gabriel his son. There was nothing as sweet as that at that time. He couldn't do anything else but be happy.

  "Do you
know how that makes me feel," Preston said. He felt a strong emotional feeling take control of him. A tear fell down his cheeks and he was really happy.

  "Hey," Caleb muttered. "What's wrong with you? I didn't mean to pull away from you. Please, don't cry."

  Caleb slowly took his hands and rubbed Preston' tears off. He couldn't bear to see him like that. It was hurting him to see Preston cry. The last thing he wanted on this earth was to make his husband cry.

  "I'm sorry," Preston sobbed. "I can't help it. This is your entire fault. You're making me cry."

  Caleb suddenly felt tears building in his eyes. He had no idea Preston would feel bad by what he had done. He couldn't have him stay like that. It was hurting him too.

  "I'm really sorry, my love." Caleb apologized. "I didn't mean to make you feel bad. Alright," Caleb said as he slowly rubbed Preston' tears. "We'll make love. You won't go to the office and I'll stay with you in bed whole day. We'll make love whole day."

  Preston nodded. "It's not that." He said softly. "I just feel good that you called Gabriel your son."

  Caleb smiled brightly once he heard that. It was true he had not called Gabriel his son before but there was a starting point for everything, right? He was just starting and it won't be the last. Besides, it's about time he started calling him that.

  "What's with that?" Caleb laughed. "He's my son, isn't he?"

  "Of course, my love," Preston chirped. "I just felt happy that's all."

  "Well, get used to it." Caleb said confidently, smiling at Preston. "From now on, I'll call him my son. He calls me papa and that's enough for me. I love our son a lot."

  Preston was happy. He was really happy. He didn't know how to express that happiness. He thought of nothing to do so he gripped Caleb tightly and brought him closer. Feeling that hot breath on his face, he just wanted to kiss him.

  "Come here," Preston chirped. He held the back of Caleb's head and planted a hot kiss on his lips.


  Victoria was wandering about from corner to corner thinking. She knew she was running out of time. Three months had passed already and she had been doing nothing but threatening Caleb. Those threats didn't work at all. It was time to take action and deal with the boy just like she had planned with Preston. He needed to leave the house as soon as possible.

  He's been married to her son for close to six months. Every day he drove her crazy. She had lie low for the last two months pretending to smile at Caleb whenever Preston was around and warning him while they were alone. It was now time to act and make a great distance between him and her son.

  It was now or never. William has to take his rightful place beside Preston, Janice thought. She was running out of time.

  "I think now is the best time," Janice said impatiently. "There is no better time than this. What do you think?"

  "Yeah," William said excitedly. "I can't stand that pest any longer. He needs to leave this house."

  "You're right," Janice said, getting closer to William. "He needs to leave this house. We'll never find a perfect time than this. Johnny is not in the house and that's an advantage for us. We better do this fast. I know it's risky but...there is nothing that we can do."

  "Yes, mother." William said with burgeoning excitement. "We need to do this as quickly as we can."

  "Did you do everything that I asked you to do?"

  "Everything," Caleb smiled with an evil grin on his face. "My family took care of everything."

  "Good," Janice smiled. "Let the game begin. It won't be long now. Caleb will be out of this house and my son's life."

  Victoria was ecstatic. She was really happy. She could almost smell her victory. All she has to do is put a little drama and it will be over for Caleb and Preston. Good riddance!


  Caleb hurried in the kitchen. This was all Preston' fault. Had it not been for him he'd have been done with breakfast? Now he was sure he wouldn't be done with it quickly. He took a pan and quickly fried some bacon for the breakfast. He made juice, prepared hot water and set the table.

  Guess he made it after all. Caleb had just put in the last thing when the family arrived in the dining room smiling and sniffing with their noses.

  "Great breakfast, as usual," Caroline chirped as she quickly took a chair.

  "I'm sure it's delicious as usual." Granny smiled. "My grandson in law can never disappoint us. His food is simply the best."

  Caleb smiled at her. She was such a sweet woman. She loved him a lot and he loved her as well. There was nothing he liked than seeing her wonderful smile.

  "You are absolutely right, granny." Preston chirped. "My Caleb is the best of the best. His food is the best I've ever tasted."

  They all laughed at the table. Preston gripped Caleb's hand and squeezed it softly. It was fiery especially with him smiling and all.

  Preston began having the wonderful breakfast. He had his hand on Caleb's, caressing it and kissing it from time to time. He really loved the boy a lot and that love was getting stronger, deeper and intense. There was nothing he wanted more than Caleb's love.

  "By the way," Preston started as he swallowed the food loudly. "I have something to tell you all."

  "What?" George asked as he took a mouthful of the food.

  Preston brought Caleb's hand to his lips and kissed it. He couldn't have been happier. The news he was going to tell them was really a happy one. He didn't even tell Caleb so it was gonna be a big surprise for everyone including Caleb.

  "I have decided to send Caleb to school," he said softly.

  Caleb's mouth opened wide. His eyes widened and they became glassy. His heart was pounding in his chest. The news was too much to bear. It was too much. A myriad of emotions took over his body, happiness, tears and even fear.

  He had always wanted to go to the university and further his education and now his husband had just told him that he was going to send him to school? The news was too much for him. He couldn't control his tears.

  "What?" Preston gasped. "Are you..."

  Preston stared at Caleb and saw the surprised look in his eyes. He loved the boy a lot. He wanted him to finish his education so that they could manage the business together.

  "Yes," Preston smiled, nodding his head. "Yes, honey. I want you to finish your education so that we can manage the business empires together."

  More tears ran down his face. That was the second surprise. His dreams were slowly coming true. He wouldn't have loved Preston anymore than he did. The tears were like a fountain of water. They couldn't stop flowing. They just kept on coming and coming.

  "Are you okay?" Caroline asked. She was concerned for him.

  Caleb nodded softly, more tears flowing down his cheeks.

  "Then why are you crying?" Granny asked.

  "I'm just happy," Caleb sobbed as he tried to rub the tears off. It seemed like they had a mind of their own.

  "Please, don't cry," Preston said as he slowly rubbed Caleb's tears. He hated seeing him in that state because it affected him too.

  "I can't stop," Caleb sobbed. "You don't know how happy I am. These are tears of joy."

  Caleb quickly moved from his chair and wrapped his arms around Preston right in front of the family. He was happy and the tears couldn't stop coming out. He didn't even know if he wanted to pull away from that wonderful body. He just wanted to cry and jump after such great news.

  There was no other news that would have been better than the one he received. He loved Preston and he wanted to hug him till the end of time. He loved him more for deciding to send him to school.

  "It's okay," Preston chuckled, rubbing his hands on Caleb's back.

  He felt him loosen up as his hands held him tighter. Preston looked around the family members and they all seemed happy. He was happy. Caleb deserved more than that. He was such a nice and innocent boy.

  "Thank you so much," Caleb sobbed. "This is a dream come true."

  Preston broke Caleb's grip and cupped his cheeks. His face was wet with tears.
Man, he wanted to lick those wonderful tears of Caleb. Show him how much he loves him and make sweet love to him. He knew he had to behave himself in front of the family.

  "Don't thank me," Preston said, slowly rubbing Caleb's tears. "I'm your husband. Remember my promise to you?" He asked smiling brightly and rubbing Caleb's tear. "What's mine is yours. I knew you wanted to finish school so badly. That's why I am going to enroll you at the best school in the world."

  Caleb's tears flowed more. That was another surprise which had hit him real bad. He couldn't stop crying no matter how much Preston rubbed his tears. They flowed and flowed and flowed.


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