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Dark Mind

Page 7

by Jennifer Chase

  “Crime scene?” Emily tried to sound surprised. She glanced toward the buildings to make sure that Rick didn’t stumble upon them.

  Lani laughed, subtle and genuine, but he seemed to have something else weighing heavy on his mind. “C’mon.” He walked toward to where the body had been removed. Looking back, “You coming or not?”

  Emily felt the gravitational pull toward the crime scene; she probably wouldn’t get another chance to take a close look. She glanced back to one of the buildings and saw a sliver of Rick. She knew that he was staying out of sight until the police officer left. Fewer questions made their visit much easier.

  “Why?” She asked.

  Lani stopped and turned. “I’m not going to ask again.” He continued to walk toward the scene. “Last time.”

  Emily let out a deep breath and jogged to meet up with the sergeant. “What did you want me to see?”

  “I’m not going to waste anymore time with bullshit small talk with you. I know that you’re a cop or used to be, maybe even an FBI agent, so please don’t insult my intelligence.”

  Emily stayed quiet. She knew that the best thing was not to admit or deny anything.

  “What do you see here?”

  Emily could feel the heat of anger welling up inside her; she hated to be put in the hot seat and not on her own terms. She stared at the tall, patiently waiting police officer. The curiosity won out and she looked down to where the body had been.

  After a few moments, she took a chance and trusted him.

  The stakes were still in the ground, Emily surmised that the victim was tied and displayed. Dark earth around the eight-foot area showed the remains of blood. About ten feet away was the impression of something square, she reflected that it must have been something left by the killer.

  Was it a totem or warning of some kind?

  “What do you see?” Lani prodded.

  “I don’t know what you want.” She felt squeezed.

  “Don’t play me.”

  Emily sighed and took a minute before answering. “This was planned, organized, extremely well thought out for quite some time. It’s my guess that this fantasy has evolved and taken many turns. The body wasn’t a display of horror for us; it was a display or offering to someone or something else. It would be my guess that he kept his supplies hidden somewhere nearby.” Emily studied the soil and the area. She pointed down trail. “He made many trips for some reason, barefoot, I can only think he had to build all of this from scratch. This is a local person who knows the area well, the land, beaches, and weather, and probably even knows you and the police department.”

  Lani took everything in and turned to Emily. “Why here? There are so many places on the island.”

  “He wanted the body to be found quickly. It’s a test, not for us, but for him.” Emily stood closer to the cop. “I have a question for you? What was presented over there?” She gestured to the indentation about a foot square, and footprints surrounding it.

  “A totem for the gods, a makeshift temple.” He paused, uncomfortable with the word. “Keolo’ewa.”

  The word made Emily’s flesh prickle. It sounded evil and ominous.

  Lani continued, “There are many who believe these tales and now the community is scared. I can’t say I blame them.”

  Emily took a mental inventory of the scene and every detail she could. “I don’t need to tell you that this is the work of a serial killer.”

  “No, Ms. Stone. We certainly don’t need you or a god to tell us that either.” He reached into his top pocket and retrieved a business card with his personal cell and home number on it. “Please, take this, you might decide you need my help.” He paused again studying her, before he left, and walked back to the patrol car, without even a wave goodbye.

  Emily watched the officer leave the plantation as the car weaved its way to the main road. Dust kicked up and softly settled before she turned to catch up with Rick. He had emerged from the building with some news of his own.

  Rick began, “That was interesting.”

  “No kidding. Can’t figure this guy out or if he’s watching us.”

  “I found some neatly stacked supplies of coconuts, leaves, and bamboo stakes.”

  “I think this is going to be big, the cops can’t handle this, and we’re going to need extra help.”

  Rick sighed, but didn’t argue.

  Emily had some interesting information to tell Rick as well. Their Kauai trip proved to be interesting and no doubt they needed additional help before the next victim was discovered. The police department wasn’t equipped to handle what was coming.

  And it was coming.

  Emily knew that Rick wasn’t going to like their backup covert investigator, who doubled as an extra set of eyes with profiling and FBI expertise.

  Emily accessed her cell phone log, dialed the number, and waited.

  * * * * *

  Chapter Thirteen

  Friday 1000 Hours


  Watching the back of a chair wobble back and forth for four hours wasn’t exactly the most productive use of time. The reclining chair moved back, stayed still for about four or five seconds, and then sprung forward with force. This ritual never tired the seven-year-old boy determined to annoy not only his parents, but also many of the passengers on the 747 bound for Kauai.


  Jordan Smith’s mind kept recounting the last time he saw Emily and what they had been through together – battling assassins and a serial killer. When he closed his eyes, he could see her beautiful face, soft curves, and what her breath felt like against his face.

  He was thrilled she called him to ask for his help. It wasn’t just a low priority covert assignment, but it was big, as big as it gets, another serial killer case. She didn’t say much on the phone, but politely asked if he was busy for the next week.


  It had been a little more than six months since he had seen Emily. After he quit the FBI Behavioral Science Unit, Jordan consulted with several large security firms and made good money. He needed to find out what he really wanted to do with his life. He still met and hung out with Derek McGraw, his buddy from the undercover assignment at GAMECO, but things never seemed quite as exciting as when they met up with Emily and Rick.


  Everything that Jordan was trained to do in order to track serial killers at the FBI was blown apart after meeting Emily. She taught him the knowledge and tenacity to make a difference in any serial or abduction investigation, not just the same cookie cutter approach written about in textbooks and taught over and over at the BSU.


  Everything was under the radar and covert, a perfect cover that proved the best approach. Police departments took the credit from Emily’s insights and forensics evidence without question. It amazed Jordan that these agencies didn’t want to train and study more about serial crime.

  Wobble. Wobble.

  Jordan could only imagine the type of serial killer case that held the island as a hostage. The idea propelled Jordan into the unknown and he like it. His life seemed meaningless without a big case to sink his teeth into.


  Jordan opened his eyes and looked out of the small passenger window and could see the islands with Kauai on the end of the row. They looked like a clear-cut map, isolated out in the ocean with a mirage quality. It had been several years since he had been to Hawaii and he planned on enjoying every moment of it – business and pleasure.

  Flawlessly pressed tan cargo pants and a flowered shirt fitted to his exact physical proportions, Jordan shifted slightly in his seat as the flight attendant stopped and leaned over. “Sir, please buckle up, we will be landing in a few minutes.” She smiled and then moved on, checking for unfastened seat belts or full beverages.


  Jordan quietly slipped his right hand between the seats in front of him and pinched the little boy’s arm.

  “Ouch!” Exclaimed the boy.

sp; The redheaded boy with more freckles than sense popped his head over the top of the chair. He looked at Jordan with a cross look on his face, lips curled, and fists tight.

  Jordan sat expressionless for a moment intent on staring down the youngster. He raised his right hand, used his index and middle finger to point to his own eyes and then to the boys.

  The kid rolled his eyes – not impressed.

  Jordan leaned forward and mouthed the words: I know where you sleep.

  The boy’s eyes widened.

  He continued to mimic the words: I will find you if you hide from me.

  Jordan nodded and smiled with a hint of a maniacal quality.

  The tuft of red hair and freckles slid back down. The chair never moved an inch until the plane came to a complete stop at Terminal 4.

  Passengers disembarked.

  Nothing was more exhilarating than landing in a tropical airport, high expectations, plenty of excitement, and pure wonder awaited most people.

  Jordan grabbed his carry on bag and made his way through the terminal. He was really going to see her again. He absently flattened his already perfect blonde hair as he scanned the waiting area for his friends.

  Winding around passengers, families, and friends, Jordan spotted Emily. She smiled and waved at him. Gorgeous was the only description that Jordan could think of on short notice. She looked stunning to him, even though she wore a simple tee shirt and light denim jeans. She didn’t need much makeup and her short, blonde hair looked freshly tousled and free.

  Jordan’s strong feelings for her felt trapped in his gut.

  “Hey Jordan.” Emily quickly hugged him as Jordan managed a quick peck on her cheek.

  “Jordan.” Rick spoke solemnly.

  “Great to see you guys.” Jordan shook Rick’s hand out of courtesy. There was a twinge of jealously.

  “Flight okay?” Emily said.

  “I made it here alive, that’s always good.” He shifted his bag to his other shoulder. “I want a lei. Where’s my lei?” He looked at a tall man in a red Hawaiian shirt. “Hey, that guy looks just like Magnum PI.”

  “Same ol’ Jordan.” Emily steered him toward a welcoming area where Hawaiian ladies draped beautifully colored leis on tourists. Jordan got in line and relished every second as the bright lei draped over his head and matched his shirt.

  The loudspeaker announced another flight disembarking. A large crowd of people pushed through.

  * * * * *

  The man stood in a corner camouflaged by excited tourists as voices escalated with chatter and laughter. Ignoring the group display, the man in his fifties adjusted his dark colored sunglasses and baseball hat as he watched Jordan meet up with Emily and Rick. He had been tailing Jordan Smith for weeks and he knew it would finally pay off. He was going to finally get his payday and his long awaited kill.

  * * * * *

  Chapter Fourteen

  Friday 1805 Hours

  A soft breeze cooled off the warm, humid day throughout the patio dining room. The lowering sun cast a beautiful glow around the tropical gardens. Softly trickling water cascaded down a small waterfall keeping with the theme of the island as well as the mood of the patrons.

  Seven tables with friendly groups of people recounting their fun filled days and high hopes for the next several days chatted in harmony. Emily sat with Rick and Jordan; she nervously twisted her white cloth napkin in her lap as she watched the tension between her two companions.

  They began their second round of cocktails. They all had been through tense times together.

  Jordan looked around and gave a dramatic sigh. “This is nice, really nice.”

  Emily smiled and felt the same way. Dressed in a pale blue sundress accentuating her tan, she had relaxed somewhat and replied. “I love the island.”

  Turning serious and leaning toward his companions, Jordan stated. “I can hardly believe that there’s a monster stalking this island, probably even as we speak.”

  Emily had brought Jordan up to date on everything they knew so far, including her concerns about Sergeant Lani Candena.

  The tall, brunette waitress with Tess printed on her nametag, dressed in a crisp white blouse and black pants, served their seafood dishes. She gently turned each plate optimally for them to admire their feast. They all decided for the seafood special of the evening. She asked, “Can I get you anything else?”

  Emily and Rick shook their heads as they sampled their food.


  “This is great.”

  Jordan piped up, “Another Mai tai would be nice.”

  “You bet.” The waitress left to put in the order at the bar.

  The conversation ceased as they enjoyed their food. They knew that there was plenty of time to form a plan and begin to shorten the list of suspects. Their dinner together would be one of the few, so they concentrated on each other’s company.

  The garden surrounding the patio was lush and beautiful. A crew of special gardeners took particular attention to pruning the magical wonderland for everyone to enjoy. Winding paths curved around the blooming, fragrant flowers with specifically placed benches to rest and enjoy the area.

  A loud rustling in the garden made Emily turn her head in the direction of the noise. It was a matter of seconds before a young man burst onto the patio with a knife in his hand. A few of the close by guests gasped and jumped up from their table, unable to figure out what to do.

  The young man paid them no attention, but seemed to be fixated on one person and only one person.

  The startled expressions from three waitresses at the bar stood frozen, eyes locked on the knife. Tess gasped loudly, terror stricken, she knew the man. No, her lips mouthed. She was stunned like a victim in a low budget horror movie.

  Half of the dining room had fled through the main part of the restaurant. Voices carried. The short, bald bartender whispered the emergency into a cell phone behind the bar.

  Emily, Rick and Jordan were on their feet, chairs pushed aside, ready for anything. Jordan still chewed his fish as he wiped his mouth with the linen napkin, eyes glued to the scene.

  “You are going to pay!” Screamed the man wielding the hunting knife. “I don’t know who you are anymore!” He turned to a table with a terrified family of four and yelled. “Stay right there! Nobody leaves!”

  The man grabbed Tess by her ponytail and yanked her next to him placing the knife at the middle of her throat.

  Tess pleaded with him. “Please… Timmy… don’t do it.” Her cries wavered in deep emotion between flooding tears. “We can work this out.”

  The knife pressed harder against her throat, tiny droplets of blood began to trickle from the wound. “You’ve betrayed me! And, there’s no other choice, don’t you understand that?”

  Tess’s knees buckled and she was on the verge of passing out. Terror was imprinted on her face, leaving a pale almost transparent reflection of the waitress.

  All eyes were glued to the dramatic scene unveiling, unable to look at anything else, no one saw Rick move quietly into the main dining room and appear just behind the mad man.

  Rick inched closer, he could almost reach out and touch the couple.

  The man hesitated. His deep green eyes changed from their dark color to a lighter and almost sleepy state. It was an eerie transformation that left onlookers holding their breath.

  An opening presented itself, Rick took a huge step forward grabbing hold of the right side of his neck and squeezed. Pinching the muscle with force caused the man to drop the knife, Tess dropped to the floor and began to crawl to safety, and the man spun around to face Rick.

  Eyes dilated and crazed, he had a new victim now. With a crazed wail, the man lunged to Rick and both men tumbled toward the floor. The quick move took Rick by surprise as he spiraled through the air like a pinwheel, landing hard. Even though Rick was ten years his senior, he was able to get the upper hand due to experience and fitness.

  Rick yanked the young man to his feet, but
lost his balance and they crashed onto a nearby table, sending dinner plates flying.

  Jordan jumped in and managed to hold the man’s arms behind his back. He pushed the man face down onto the table tweaking his arms in a painful position. “Stay down! Understand me?”

  Rick joined Jordan. Between both men they kept the crazed man restrained and under control.

  “Oh, man look at what you did to my shirt.” Jordan stated as he looked at the squished vegetables and tarter sauce across the front of his neatly ironed shirt.

  By this time, the remaining patrons had left the restaurant for the safety of the parking lot.

  “Thanks for your help Emily.” Jordan complained. “It might have saved my shirt.”

  Emily laughed. “I thought you two could handle it. Besides, I’m the one wearing a dress. Not the best fighting gear.” For the first time, Emily realized that the knife-wielding assailant was barefooted and took note of his approximate shoe size of ten.

  Police had arrived, the bartender showed the officers out to the dining patio. Three uniformed cops immediately took action and handcuffed the man.

  Followed closely behind the officers was Sergeant Candena. He immediately saw Emily and Rick. “I should have known.” Then to the cops, he said. “Put Timmy in the car, and then take statements from whoever is left.”

  “Sergeant Candena.” Emily managed to say.

  In response, the sergeant said. “It seems trouble finds you.” Lani glanced over to Jordan who tried desperately to wipe his shirt clean.

  Rick asked the police sergeant. “You called that guy Timmy?”

  “Wait a minute.” Jordan interrupted. “Timmy Phan? The pro surfer?”

  “Yes.” Lani answered.

  “I thought I recognized him. What happened to him?”

  “He’s a troubled young man who’s had some boundary difficulties. After the car accident, he suffered a head injury and has been suffering ever since.”

  “I’d say so…” Jordan grumbled, as he rubbed harder to clean his shirt.

  “He could have killed her.” Emily looked to the waitress who was consoled by the bartender and another waitress as they waited for the ambulance to arrive.


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