Falling For Declan (Falling Book 8)

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Falling For Declan (Falling Book 8) Page 22

by Tracy Lorraine

  “Morning,” I sing. It comes out lighter than I was expecting.

  “Morning. It’s going to be a beautiful day by the looks of things,” he replies.

  I smile back before walking through the electric doors and out to the fresh morning air. I instantly feel better with a little space.

  I’ve no idea where I’m going, but it’s not long before I find myself at the sea front. The smell of a bakery entices me with its sweet scent, and I walk along until I find the shop. It’s not open, but when the girl who’s filling the counter with goodies spots me, she comes and opens the door.

  “Everything’s fresh out of the oven, take your pick.” She must have been up all night baking all the pastries and breads laid out in front of me, but her eyes are sparkling with excitement at the idea of me eating one. I recognise the look—it was the same one that used to stare back at me before I’d perform. A look I haven’t seen in so long.

  I manage to choose only two pastries, knowing I’ve got a full breakfast at the hotel in a few hours. I’m hoping eating something now will help settle my nerves a bit. Surely it should be Molly and Ryan who can’t sleep, not their back-up bridesmaid.

  Finding a spot on the sea wall, I pull the first buttery pastry from the bag, moaning in pleasure as it melts on my tongue.

  Watching a man run along the beach with his dog by his side makes me miss Bailey. I know it’s stupid, I’ve only been gone a few hours, but that dog is like a baby to me. Forgetting about the time, I pull my phone from my pocket and pull up Liam’s number. It rings twice and I go to hang up, feeling stupid needing to check up on them, but just as I’m going to end the call, it connects.

  “Morning.” He sounds much more awake than I was expecting.

  “Morning, just checking in to make sure everything’s okay?” I cringe as I hear my own ridiculousness.

  “We’re all good. We’ve just had a slow, short walk, and I’m about to head to work.” The mention of his radio show reminds me why he’s so awake at this time of morning.

  “Did you both sleep okay?”

  “Well…he did stay up a little past his bedtime, but once he went down he was out like a light,” he says with a laugh. “Seriously, Nic, I’ve got this.”

  “I know you have. Thank you.”

  “You’re more than welcome, he’s awesome. So why are you up so early? Molly got you running errands already?”

  “Nah, I just couldn’t sleep, so I went for a walk. I’ll let you get to work. Thanks again, Liam.”

  “Have a good day.”

  I hang up and look down at my phone. A photo of Bailey with his head poking out of a blanket stares back at me. It’s not natural to be this attached to a dog, is it?

  Shaking my crazy thoughts, I start to think about what’s in store for me today. Molly seems to have everything under control, so I know it’s all going to fall into place. I can’t help but think about how much work it all is for a lot of other people. The moment they all looked back at me last night, I think I’d pretty much decided that if I ever get married, I’m not interested in having something so big. If I’m being honest, the thought of actually getting married and not having my mum there almost puts me off the whole thing.

  She always used to talk about my big day, the kind of dress she thought I’d have, the flowers she thought were elegant, and all those kinds of things. She never got a chance to have her own special day, so she wanted mine to be everything I’d ever dreamed of. I feel a lump grow in my throat as all the memories assault me. The moment my dad proposed to her, she started a scrapbook of everything she liked. There wasn’t a detail that was overlooked. It tears me apart that she never got to plan any of it properly. They were going to wait until I was a little older, but they never got the chance.

  My first tear drops and hits the paper bag sitting on my lap. How will I ever be able to plan my own day without her? Go dress shopping without her opinion on the one? How will I be able to walk down the aisle and not have her next to me, sobbing into a tissue because it’s everything she wished for since the day I was born?

  I’m a fucking mess when my phone pings. Wiping my tears with the backs of my hands, I pull it back out and see a message on the wedding group chat I’m now part of.

  Molly: Get up here now!

  I give myself a few minutes to pull myself together before I head back. I stop off in our room to grab my stuff. Dec’s still out cold with the note I wrote for him this morning exactly where I left it on my pillow. I stand and watch him sleep for a few seconds, grateful that he’s here, before I turn and leave once again.

  As I turn towards Molly and Ryan’s suite, I see him heading towards me.

  “Happy wedding day,” I say, trying to sound as excited as I possibly can.

  “Thank you. I’ve been kicked out already!”

  I can’t help but laugh, until I realise I’m about to experience what he’s managed to get away from.

  “Go and chill out while you can. I’m pretty sure drinking’s allowed this early on your wedding day.”

  “I think I’m going to need it. You too,” he adds with a laugh.

  “I’d better get going. I’ll see you later.”

  I feel a little bad that he’s been kicked out and everyone else is still asleep. I hope he goes and wakes someone and doesn’t just sit alone in the bar.

  My thoughts disappear the second I walk into the bridal suite. There are women, dress bags, make up boxes and crap everywhere.

  “Molly, it’s okay, she’s here,” Susan says, looking exhausted when she spots me.

  “Sorry, I’d gone for a walk.”

  “Thank fuck for that. I thought I had a runaway bridesmaid! Anyway…here’s the hair and make up schedule. The ladies are getting set up in the other room. The flowers should be arriving within the hour and the…” she pauses as she pulls the door open. “Yes! Breakfast is here.” She ushers the member of staff in, followed by another pulling a trolley full of alcohol and breakfast.

  The whole morning is crazy. I’ve never experienced anything like it. By the time we’re all squeezing into our dresses, me more than everyone else, I’m just about ready for my bed and the day has barely started.

  “I can’t believe the fucking flowers aren’t fucking here. No one’s fucking answering at reception. Fucking shit.”

  “I’ll go down and see what’s going on,” I offer. I want to help, but I could also do with a breather.

  “Thank you, thank you.”

  I breathe a huge sigh of relief the second I pull the door closed behind me. I didn’t know what today was going to be like, but I wasn’t expecting it to be quite so intense. I hit the button for the lift and listen as it makes its way towards me.

  The journey to the ground floor doesn’t take half as long as I was hoping. Before I know it, the doors are opening before me. When I look up, I have to do a double take because the guy stood waiting to get in takes my breath away.

  My chin drops as my eyes roam around the hard body I know is beneath the sharp navy suit.

  We both stand staring at each other for so long, the doors start to close. Dec moves first, his hand stopping them just before they meet, and he joins me inside the enclosed space. My heart races and the moment his scent fills the lift, my mouth waters. He hits the button, then continues walking towards me until I have no choice but to step back. I hit the wall behind me but it doesn’t stop him.

  His fingers come up to play with a tendril of hair that’s hanging free from my up do before he slowly runs it down my exposed neck, over the bump of my collar bone, then along the fullness of my breasts. They swell under his touch, only making my dress tighter and pushing them higher.

  My breaths come out as pants as his eyes follow the trail of his fingers. All the thoughts that have been filling my head all morning fall away, and the only thing I can think about is Dec fucking me while he’s wearing that suit. A huge rush of heat heads straight between my legs as I picture him pushing me up against the wall ri
ght this minute.

  Unfortunately, reality kicks back in. I don’t hear the ping of the lift or the doors opening, but Pete’s voice rings in my ears loud and clear. “Put her down, son.”

  My head falls back against the wall with a bang as Dec reluctantly takes a step away from me.

  “Dad,” he greets without looking back at him when Pete joins us in the lift. He keeps his eyes on me as we descend once again. The promise in them has my stomach clenching in anticipation.

  “You look gorgeous, Nicole. If you need help keeping this one at arm’s length, you just shout,” Pete says with a laugh before he walks out. Over his shoulder, I see boxes of flowers sitting out on the table in the middle of reception, and I’m reminded of what I’m meant to me doing.

  “Shit, I need to get those flowers.” I smooth my sweaty palms down the front of my dress and take a deep breath as I prepare to use my legs.

  I walk out of that lift with my head held high, trying my hardest not to look like the lust filled mess I feel on the inside.

  “Do you need a hand?” Dec asks from behind me as I reach for a box.

  Turning to look over my shoulder, I’m struck with the same overflow of emotions as when I first saw him in that suit a few seconds ago.

  “Please,” I manage to get out after clearing my throat.

  With a box each, we get back in the lift. The ride is silent once again, the sexual tension like a fog surrounding both of us.

  “Nic,” he says, making me turn back. “You get to keep that dress, right?”

  “Only if you get to keep the suit!”

  “Bloody hell,” I hear him mutter behind me as we walk into the bridal suite. I’m glad it’s not just me who thinks it’s a little chaotic.

  “My flowers!” Molly squeals when she sees the boxes full of ivory and dusky pink roses.

  The box is immediately ripped from Dec’s hands and he stands there shaking his head at Molly as I lower mine to the table.

  “You look dapper, angel,” Susan says, coming over to kiss her son on the cheek.

  “Are you okay, Mum? You look pale.”

  “I’m next in line for make up,” she says with a wink.

  I stand and watch Dec leave after he’s kissed me on the cheek, not wanting to ruin my make up.

  “Scrubs up well, doesn’t he?”

  “I’ll say,” I whisper, but flame red when I look over to Susan.

  “I’m so happy you two have found each other at last. There were times I never thought it would happen. All my babies are happy, settled and successful. There’s nothing more I could ask for. I watch as tears fill her eyes, but she soon shakes her head and goes off to help Molly with something.


  Just like almost every other guy here, I’m not all that interested in weddings. I’ve never imagined myself walking down the aisle or having a wife, but as the music changes and I wait for Nicole to enter, it’s suddenly all I can think about. Making her mine, giving her my name, calling her my wife. I can picture myself in Ryan’s position as he waits for the woman he’s about to dedicate his life to.

  “You ready?” Mum whispers over to me.

  “Yeah, I think I am.” She smiles at me before looking over to the door. I blow out a breath as the question I was really answering settles. Am I really ready to do all this myself? Give up my free and easy lifestyle for a lifetime with one woman…with Nicole? I don’t know why I’m questioning it, because really there’s only one answer.

  My heart pounds as I watch her enter the room, holding hands with little Lois. In that moment, I see my entire future. Swallowing down the unexpected emotion it drags up, I follow her every movement as she walks towards the front of the room. Lois lets go halfway down the aisle and runs towards her dad. Panic fills Nicole’s face for a second before she sees the happiness on Ryan’s face as he lifts his princess into the air.

  Everyone else enters, but I can’t take my eyes off Nicole. She’s too mesmerising for me to focus on anything else. The way her hair’s pulled back from her smooth neck, the swell of her breasts, her tiny waist and the long pair of legs I know that dress is hiding keep me distracted—and hard—throughout the entire ceremony.

  Overall, it’s a pretty good wedding—as far as weddings go. Being part of a big family means I’ve attended a fair few over the years, and I think this one may have been the most emotional. Everywhere I looked, there were women crying. Mum was the worst. She sobbed through the entire thing. Anyone would think she was either the bride or groom’s mother. Even hard-faced Karen showed a little emotion as her son tied the knot.

  Dad played father of the bride for Molly, as he’s the closest thing she has, and he looked as honoured to walk her down the aisle as he did Emma and Lilly. He’s also spent the last few months trying to come up with a speech that will do Molly proud.

  “I’ve had the pleasure of watching this young lady grow into an incredible woman and an amazing mother, so I have no doubt she’ll also be an outstanding wife. It’s no secret that both Molly and Ryan have been through their fair share of struggles over the years, but through it all, they’ve found each other, and I’ve never seen either happier than when they’re together, and now as a family with little Lois.

  “I was so honoured to be able to act as father of the bride today and walk our gorgeous Molly down the aisle. I’m sure you’ll all agree how stunning she looks. Of course, Ryan doesn’t scrub up too badly, either…” Dad continues, but I zone out as I watch Molly and Ryan smile at each other. It’s kind of weird that only a few years ago we were all expecting him to be marrying Hannah, but I’m glad something positive came out of my older sister’s death, because Dad’s right when he says how happy they are together. They’re both glowing and buzzing with excitement about this new chapter of their lives.

  “I’ve had the pleasure of walking all my girls down towards the men who have stupidly—sorry, willingly—taken responsibility for them, and we only have one more wedding left to look forward to.” I feel everyone in the room turn to me. I’ve never been one to care much about being the centre of attention, but at this moment I don’t think I’ve ever been more uncomfortable.

  “Pft, that won’t be happening anytime soon.” I’ve no idea why the words fall from my mouth but the second I see Nicole’s face drop, I know I’ve just made a huge mistake.

  Everyone around me laughs and shakes their heads before Dad continues his speech, but my focus is now solely on Nicole as she stares into space across the room. If I wanted to know where her thoughts are at for where this relationship is going, I just got everything I needed. I have to say I’m more than relived to know she’s in the same place as me, and it only brings my earlier thoughts to the front of my mind.

  Everyone gives Dad a round of applause before Ryan stands. Most of what he says goes over my head; my mind is too distracted by thoughts of asking Nicole to marry me and the when the best time might be. I’m pulled from my musings when the entire room bursts out in cheers and applauds. Looking up, my eyes immediately find an image projected on the far wall. I knew there were photographs being shown, but no one expected the image they’re currently looking at. A scan picture.

  “We’ve got an unexpected surprise to share with you. I’m excited to announce that we’re thirteen weeks pregnant, and are thrilled to be expanding our family.”

  I watch as both Mum and Karen wipe their tears and Ryan bends down to give his bride a kiss.

  The conversations continue on our table as we finish off the meal before they all retire to the bar so the room can be prepared for the evening event. We all go out for photographs.

  Lilly’s friend Taylor is in charge of the photography, and puts up with the piss taking from all of us when he tries to tell us what we should be doing.

  “Are you okay? I ask Nicole when we’re told to stand together for a photograph.

  “Yeah, of course.” I can tell she’s lying from a mile off, but I have no intention of bringing up my comment earlier. I
decided almost as soon as it fell from my mouth that her believing I don’t want to get married will only make my proposal more of a surprise for her. Plus, I’m pretty sure I can turn her mood around pretty easily. She might be pissed off, but the hunger that filled her eyes this morning is still there.

  Everyone’s full of excitement after the pregnancy announcement when Molly and Ryan appear over an hour later, followed by an exhausted Taylor.

  Since the moment we all came back inside, Nicole seems to be making it her sole mission to be the other side of the room to me.

  “You done something wrong, son?” Dad asks when he takes a seat next to me at the bar and orders us a whiskey each.

  “I don’t think my comment about not getting married went down very well. I wasn’t aware it was something she was even thinking about.”

  “It probably wasn’t until you said it wasn’t a possibility. There’s nothing like being told you can’t do something.”

  Dad’s words ring in my ears all night, but it’s still not enough for me to say anything. Nicole gets wasted and I end up carrying her to bed. All my fantasies about fucking her in that dress go straight out the window.

  It’s still early when I wake the next morning, but apparently it’s not early enough, because I’m the only one in the bed. When I sit up and look around, I notice all her stuff is gone.

  “For fuck’s sake,” I mutter angrily into the room before falling back onto the bed.

  I spend all morning batting away questions about where she’s gone. I’m not sure anyone truly believes she had to get back for work when they all know I’m her boss, but that’s all they’re getting. I get soft, sympathetic eyes off Lilly and Emma, but neither of them say anything. I’m not stupid enough to think it’ll stay that way. Lilly loves to torment me by sticking her nose in, especially where Nicole’s concerned.

  Chapter Eighteen


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