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Vegas Secrets

Page 27

by Jenna Kelly

Without thinking anything other than he was outta there, he rose from his seat and glanced around. Jessica was behind him, watching from the rail. He covered the distance between them in a split second. "If I'm not back, would you bag my chips tonight?" he barked.

  The look on his pained face told her his need was urgent. Experience told her not to ask questions. They were only half an hour or so away from the end of the day, but so what? His chip stack was healthier than it had been, even though he couldn't afford to lose a few blinds if he didn't return.

  Whatever the problem was must be critical for him to leave like this.

  "No problem," she rasped back, watching him wheel around and head through the crowd in the direction of the door.


  What the hell was going on?

  Kyle hadn't called him, nor had he responded to any of Big Jack's calls. They were well past the scheduled time for his strike on Samson Smith's. He didn't need his instinct to tell him that something was wrong.

  The silence told him.

  Jack poured himself another bourbon and angrily retraced his steps up and down the living room carpet. The antique furniture, wall paintings and plush shag pile were all signs of the affluence that was now his life. If Kyle had fucked things up, he could be waving goodbye to everything. He wasn't ready for that…

  Kyle was under strict instructions to get some sort of message to him if anything went awry with the plan. His failure to do so, or contact him at all, indicated that something had happened before his number two could issue any sort of warning.

  His brain worked overtime, going through the options. With each thought, he dismissed the possibility. It was inconceivable that he wouldn't have heard something, whatever the situation!

  The bourbon burned the back of his throat as he threw it back. Godammit!!

  In normal circumstances, he'd get in touch with his contact in the local police force. He paid them well enough. But this was too sensitive. If Kyle and Tony had been caught attempting to torch the club, he couldn't allow himself to be implicated. Of course they'd link Kyle to him, but he had his alibi lined up. Any call would confirm suspicions.

  There was no choice other than to wait until someone got a message to him.


  It took no time for David to reach the room, even though he took the stairs rather than the lift. The numbers crowding around the elevator lobby told him it would be much quicker. He wasn't sure what to expect. He just knew the girl who'd been consuming his thoughts was in trouble and every atom in his body was racing to save her.

  He thought of all kinds of scenarios on his way there. What kind of trouble could she be in? It didn't matter, whatever it was; he'd deal with it. But how to get into the room? Pretend to be room service? Break down the door? Leap in from the balcony?

  When he got to the penthouse floor, he was panting hard. He hadn't realized quite how many stairs there were. Good thing he was in shape. After taking a few seconds to return his breathing to normal, he realized that the simplest entry solution was easiest. The door was unlocked when he tried it.

  The living room of the giant suite was bustling with activity, most of it illegal. David was no stranger to pot and this room was filled with it. Guys and girls were lounging, stoned and out of it, on the sofa. A couple blondes were making out furiously in the kitchenette. He recognized more than a few of them from the tournament, early dropouts who hadn't made it through Day One.

  "May I help you?" a smarmy looking man asked, a diminutive brunette dangling on his arm.

  "I'm looking for Reagan?" he asked, deciding to try the obvious way first even as he sized the guy up. David had been working the delivery trucks for Slade long enough to know he could be intimidating if he wanted to. While he'd never taken his shady employer up on any of his "extra" work, these guys didn't know that.

  But the guy seemed to lose interest in David as quickly as he'd found it. "That way," he said, stabbing his thumb in the direction of the bedroom. The crinkly haired Brit's heart fell.

  Crossing the room, he got to the door just in time to hear Reagan's cries of protest. "I said no!"

  That was all it took. Throwing his shoulder hard against the locked double doors, he shattered the lock off the bedroom door, startling the two guys inside.

  Reagan was being pinned against the desk by one guy as the other tried to kiss her. When they saw him standing their, they blinked dumbly as the splinters of the door settled. One even said, "Hey, it's our turn, asshole!"

  David had to laugh at that. Menacingly, he crossed the room. "Come on, Reagan, let's go."

  The redhead took the moment of hesitation to slip out from between them. Even through the rush of his adrenaline, her near nudity didn't go unnoticed to David. Dressed in nothing but a tiny pair of panties that didn't cover much, she was beautiful.

  Pulling off his jacket, he threw it over her shoulders to cover her.

  "Hey!" the guys shouted, suddenly realizing what was going on. One took a step forward. David threw a hard right, connecting with the guy's jaw and stunning him.

  "You stay away from her!" David barked, finding Reagan's sweaty hand and pulling her toward the exit. She retrieved her purse, but the rest of her clothing was nowhere to be seen.

  A smoothly dressed young man with shaggy, bedraggled hair appeared between the couple and the door, just outside the bedroom. The room had stopped to stare and watch at this spectacle. Even the music had been shut off.

  "Excuse me, sir, but I don't think you have an invitation," the guy said with a way that instantly made David hate him. "Leave before I call security."

  "I plan on it," David said, guiding Reagan around him. He stepped between them again.

  Again, that smug smile. "Leave the whore. I paid for the entire night, not for a little dance and a quick fuck—"

  It felt good to lay into this skinny brat. Two punches and he was down with a split lip and a bruise that would turn his eye black in the next day or two. As they stepped over him, he made a feeble attempt to grab Reagan leg. She quickly kicked it away. No one else moved to intervene.

  "My money, you bitch! You filthy hooker! You owe me $2500 plus whatever damage your… boyfriend did to my suite!"

  She couldn't believe she'd found this scumbag attractive. That she'd fucked him—and would have fucked him willingly.

  Despite the whirlwind of the moment, Reagan stopped to smile at the thought that David was her "boyfriend." That was a nice thought. "Here, take your money," she spat, reaching for her purse from where she'd left it on the sideboard. Opening it, she threw the wad of cash at him. It caught in the air, fluttering around him like he'd just won the jackpot on some television game show.

  Big Jack was a bigger bastard than even she'd realized. She had some serious thinking to do.


  It took less than half an hour for Natalie to realise that going back to the RumJungle was a mistake. Her original intention was to take Marissa, but her sister's message that she was heading straight for their suite after a hard day's shoot had ended that thought. It was her desire to see Lysandra again that had led her there on her own.

  Getting in hadn't been a problem, Samson's people had arranged that again. But what she'd realised in that half hour was that Lysandra was nowhere to be found, though her boyfriend Tony was. And it had turned out he was an arrogant little shit. How the hell had he got together with the beautiful woman she'd danced with last night?

  Their place in the dark alcove hid them away from the main partygoers. That gave Tony's pawing hands the idea that they could do whatever he wanted. Had he played it cool, maybe they could have done, but she wasn't going to be treated like a common slut.

  She was Natalie Lane—didn't he realise?

  Maybe she should have left there and then, but the high of her evening's performance was still with her and there were enough 'beautiful people' around her for her to enjoy herself. Besides, she was still horny. She hadn't realised Samson would be at the poker event a
ll day, she was expecting to have her brains fucked out at some stage of the evening.

  Maybe it would still happen?

  The drinks continued to flow and before long, a half smoked joint was handed to her. Then another. All of it mixed with the raw, pounding music infused her with an intense sexual energy, ramping up the arousal she'd entered with. Women were flocking around their group and even though she ignored him, Tony was in his element. Was this how he behaved when hid girlfriend wasn't around.

  Eventually, the lack of attention she paid him began to draw him to her. He began to ignore the other women infiltrating his group. And as he became more respectful, she began to respond. She was drunk and stoned and ready for some fun. His touches and soft kisses sent bolts of excitement right between her legs.

  "Can you dance like that, baby," he asked.

  Her fuzzy eyes turned to look at him as he nodded across to a few girls on the dance floor. They were well the worse for drink and their state of undress seemed to be competitive. Tony's leering eyes were taking in every provocative sexual movement as they flaunted themselves.

  "They're amateurs," Natalie said, dismissing them with a wave of her hand. She was aware that she was beginning to slur her words a little.

  "You can do better?" he leered. He raised his eyebrows as if in a provocative challenge and took a long drag on his roach.

  Natalie ran a fingernail down his bare chest, hooking her finger in his waistband. She took the joint from him and raised it to her lips, defiantly releasing the smoke into his face.

  "Just watch, baby," she drawled. She pulled him by his trousers onto the dance floor.

  Her hips quickly found the beat, matching the deep throbbing of the hip-hop bass. She was the new singing sensation; she'd show him and these drunken dancing girls what she was all about. This was her territory.

  Space opened up around her. Admirers were gathering. They clapped as she swirled and twisted her lithe body. She smiled back as she ground her hips to the music, much as she did on stage.

  Tony attempted to touch her but she smacked him away.

  She'd show them all what provocative looked like. She flicked up her little black dress, flashing her matching black thong. To cheers, she slipped one strap off one shoulder, and then the other. It seemed as if she intended to bare her breasts. The growing audience shouted for more.

  When she turned into Tony, his eyes were wild with lust. She slipped her hands around his neck. His hands found her buttocks as she rubbed herself into his obvious erection.

  "See, baby," Natalie slurred into his ear as she ground herself against him. "What did I tell you?"

  She felt someone press into her from behind. The feel of breasts against her back told her it was female. She freaked back into her own known assailant, her buttocks spooning into the woman's tight body. She revelled in the sheer sexuality of the moment. The woman's hands on her thighs pulled her closer. With every bumping, grinding movement, Natalie became even more aroused.

  The feminine hands slid upwards to cup her breasts. The soft fingers kneaded her through the thin material. Her nipples were alive under the sensual touches. When the woman began to plant soft butterfly kisses along her neck, she wanted more.

  She swung around and stared into Lysandra's aroused eyes.

  "Started without me?" the attractive woman asked, her lips instantly finding Natalie's. She eagerly opened her mouth as the dark skinned beauty pushed her tongue inside, returning the raw, sexual kiss.

  The girl tugged the top of Natalie's dress down her sweat-covered torso, exposing her exposed gleaming breasts. Her fuzzy mind didn't care. She practically growled as Lysandra slipped her head down and sucked each hard nipple in turn. Instantly, Natalie was ready to cum.

  When her beautiful assailant slipped her fingers under her thong, she did. The mouth on her breasts and thumb on her clit took her over the edge.

  "Oh, honey!" Lysandra whispered, holding the trembling body.

  As Natalie recovered sufficiently to stand unaided, Lysandra slid down her body. Her head slipped under the short dress.

  The singer moaned aloud at the feel of the exquisite tongue lapping at her juices. She gripped a handful of the long black hair, pulling the Latina tighter. She was lost in the sensation, oblivious to the cheering crowd.

  Tony's hands wrapped themselves around her naked breasts from behind. She covered them with her own. He thrust himself against her, as if fucking her through his jeans. It forced her body further into Lysandra's mouth.

  A combination of the expert lapping, licking and sucking quickly took her to a second orgasm. She threw her head back against Tony's as she climaxed, relying on his hands to keep her upright.

  She heard the moans of the crowd as Tony's dragged her away. He wanted her back in their alcove. His contorted face wore a triumphant expression as he unzipped himself.

  Natalie eased herself back on the edge of the table as he exposed his dark cock. His need to relieve himself was contagious. The mixture of drink, marijuana and her sex had overcome the brunette. She needed to be fucked, and if Lysandra didn't mind, it might as well be her boyfriend.

  He roughly pushed himself inside her willing body and gripped her buttocks against the table. Natalie raised both legs around his back. She bit his earlobe as she began to urge him on.

  "I knew you couldn't resist, bitch," he snarled.

  Couldn't resist? Bitch? His words killed her arousal. What the fuck was she doing? Where was his dark skinned girlfriend?

  "Big man, are we?" she teased, tightening her thighs against him. She dug her fingers into his scalp, pulling his eyes to hers.

  "Gonna try and fuck all night?" she continued, "Or is Natalie too hot for you?"

  He grunted and slowed his pace. The singer knew what he was doing. She also knew his attempts to control his rising orgasm were doomed. She expertly squeezed her inner walls, massaging his rigid girth with her pussy. She was a singing goddess, she could do anything.

  The young stud had no chance. The effect took him immediately to his climax, his body doubling up over her. As a final indignity, Natalie slipped from underneath him just as he fired his first shot. The white globe landed on the table, immediately followed by others.

  Natalie sneered as she all but fell down onto a chair. The booze and the pot and the sex were hitting her hard, and despite her two recent orgasms, she needed to cum again. She slipped a hand under her skirt and spread her thighs wider, unconcerned as to who might be watching. Just as she began to develop a rhythm, she felt a soft kiss on her lips.

  She opened her eyes to see Lysandra again. "That was so cool," she told her. "Tony can be a prick at times."

  The Latina's long lashes batted sweetly down at her as she brushed a sweep of black bangs from her eye. Her mocha brown body was begging to be touched. Fuck, this woman was hot! Natalie's orgasm could wait a few minutes; she had a sweet debt to repay. She clumsily exchanged places, roughly pushing Lysandra down onto the vacated seat. Gratefully, she slid to her knees.

  "Oh... fuck," the Latina groaned as Natalie began to lick along the inside of the girl's tawny thigh. "That feels so good..."

  Natalie's stroking hands kept Lysandra's legs parted wide as her tongue went to work. She loved the feeling of the smooth shaved sex under her mouth. Her lips honed in on the aroused clit, almost violently sucking it into her wet mouth.

  A flash near her was followed by another. Glancing up, she saw a young woman with a camera. "No—" she started to say, pulling back.

  Lysandra grabbed her hair, pulling her back. "Don't dare fucking go," she growled, lifting her ass off the chair to buck her hips up into the pleasuring face. In an instant, Natalie was back into it, out of control, sucking, licking and lapping in her frantic desire to bring the Latina woman to an orgasm. The continued flashes of the camera around her mattered no more.

  Lysandra's hands tightened on the flowing, brown locks. She lifted both shapely legs up and wrapped them around Natalie's back, locking
her in tighter. The jerking of her body signalled her approaching orgasm. The young singer eagerly sucked up the love juices flowing into her mouth, her fingernails digging into the thrusting hips as she lapped the Latina woman to a sensational orgasm.

  The black haired beauty screamed out as she came, love juices exploding from her like a spring. Natalie sucked in every drop, her lapping tongue prolonging the breathtaking climax.

  Natalie pulled herself to her feet. She wasn't finished. Her hands grabbed Lysandra's hair, pulling her mouth down to her own hot pussy. She began to thrust herself against her face, her need urgent. She was insatiable. She aggressively face-fucked the hot woman, another flash of the camera blinding her eyes even as her orgasm burst from her.

  She howled her approval.


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